[新聞] Prison Architect Alpha 25 更新

看板Steam作者 (影紫‧歐人)時間9年前 (2014/09/26 17:26), 9年前編輯推噓27(2706)
留言33則, 27人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來到了Prison Architect每月更新! 本月份有重大更新 包含多項系統新功能、平衡修正與模組系統改進 這次更新讓監獄更多變化更有趣 新功能也更方便管理不同類型囚犯 == http://steamcommunity.com/games/233450/announcements/detail/237886737799811166 Alpha 25 launched 25 SEPTEMBER - SPRAY Alpha 25 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features: Alpha 25 釋出啦!以下是本次更新重點影片展示: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z2W05vvIKU
Big changes this month! This is one of the biggest updates we've ever done. Alpha 25 was motivated by seeing prisons that just run themselves - and can even be left running overnight, without anything bad happening. This doesn't sit right with us, and running a prison shouldn't ever be something that can be done fully automatically. This month we've introduced a whole series of new systems and balance changes that bring unpredictability back to your prisoners. 這個月是大更新!是我們有史以來最大的更新。Alpha 25更新動機主要是因為我們看到 很多犯人到最後都是到處跑來跑去而已 - 甚至被放置play好幾個晚上也沒什麼事情發生 ,這種情形感覺就很不對,管理一個監獄不可能是放著讓他自動跑這樣平淡,所以這個 月我們將帶來一連串全新的系統和平衡修改,讓你家的犯人行為更難以預期! = Reputation = 名聲系統 New prisoners sometimes have a reputation, shown when highlighing them or in their rap sheet. 新的犯人有時候會有特別的聲望,這些資訊會在你選定他們的時候顯示,或是在你的手冊 頁面上會寫。 Nb. Existing prisoners (in alpha 24 save games) will not have any reputation - only new arrivals 註: 現有的犯人(Alpha 24的存檔)不會有任何聲望 - 只有新收入的犯人會有。 The reputation specifies unusual abilities or traits they may possess, which affect their behaviour. 聲望是犯人特殊能力或狀態的一種標記,這些聲望會影響他們的行為。 - 50% of reputations are known when the prisoner arrives. The other 50% can be revealed through your informants. - All prisoners have a new "Character" tab in their rapsheet, which gives details on their reputation. - 有50%的犯人在入監的時候就會知道他們的聲望,另外50%需要透過內線情報取得。 -所有犯人現在有一個新的「個性」標籤在他們的手冊頁面上,這頁會詳述他的聲望效果。 STRONG hits harder with each punch during fights STRONG 在戰鬥狀態每一拳會打的比較用力 TOUGH can withstand a lot more punishment in a fight. He can also sometimes withstand being hit by a Tazer TOUGH 在戰鬥中有較強的耐力,有時候可以抵抗電擊槍 VOLATILE liable to kick off without warning and for no reason VOLATILE 沒事會毫無理由就暴動 STOICAL will not become suppressed when locked in Solitary STOICAL 被關禁閉的時候狀態不會有壓抑這個效果 SNITCH a known informant, and as such his life may be in danger. Don't leave him alone with other prisoners for too long SNITCH 是一個已曝光的線人,他的生命可能有危險,不要讓他和其他犯人獨處太久 DEADLY a master in lethal combat moves, and can sometimes kill with a single hit DEADLY 的犯人身懷絕技,在戰鬥中有時可以使出一擊必殺 EX LAW was once a Police Officer, or some other law enforcement profession. His life may be in danger EX LAW 的犯人曾經是警察,或是一些執法相關人員,他的生命可能有危險 COP KILLER guilty of murdering a Police Officer. Your prison guards may be unable to restrain themselves when subduing him COP KILLER 因為謀殺警官而入獄,你的獄警在護送過程可能無法壓制他 FEARLESS not intimidated by the sight of Armed Guards, and is less likely to surrender during a fight FEARLESS 的犯人不怕武裝警衛的壓制效果,且在戰鬥中更不容易投降 QUICK an unusually fast runner QUICK 通常跑的很快 INSTIGATOR sows seeds of discontent in all those nearby. When he causes trouble, nearby prisoners will feel compelled to do the same INSTIGATOR 會煽動附近的囚犯,當他鬧事的時候附近的囚犯也會跟著一起鬧 - In some cases, the prisoner will have a high degree of a reputation, eg "Extremely Strong" or "Extremely Volatile". - 某些情況下犯人會有強化版的聲望,例如「超級強壯」或「超級暴躁」。 - In a very small number of cases, you will receive a LEGENDARY PRISONER. These guys have a potent mix of the above list that makes them very dangerous. - 非常小的機率下你會碰到「傳奇囚犯」,這些囚犯會一次包含上述多種聲望讓他變得 極端危險。 = New Prisoner Categories = 新囚犯分類 To help deal with the new troublesome prisoners, two new categories of prisoner have been created. 為了幫助處理新的問題囚犯,新增兩種囚犯類型。 Prisoners must be manually assigned to these categories. 這兩種新類型必須要手動指定。 These new categories have a corrisponding new Zone in the Deployment screen, and a new Regime column. 在「部屬」和「日程表」介面也同步新增新的分類 - Protective Custody - 保護管束 Useful for hiding your snitches, ex law enforcement etc in a safe zone where they cannot be attacked 特別適用於你的線人、前執法人員等,將他們放在這個安全區域以防被攻擊 Nb. Informants sent to protective custody lose coverage quickly (out of the loop) 註: 線人若被送至保護管束區域,會快速的縮減他的情報網範圍 Nb. During riot conditions, some of your most dangerous prisoners may attempt to attack the protective custody wing 註: 發生暴動時,某些高危險囚犯會優先跑去攻擊保護管束的囚犯 - SuperMax - 超危險 If you simply cannot control a particular prisoner, move him to supermax. 如果你發現某些囚犯難以管控,把他們送去超危險分類。 Allows you to segregate them away and instigate strong lockdown and security measures 讓你方便將這些高危險囚犯隔離並監禁 = Escape Tunnels Overhall = 逃獄地道大修改 Escape Tunnels have been rebalanced, and are now viable once again 逃獄地道重新設計,現在變得更加實際 Prisoners in neighbouring cells will team up to try to dig a combined escape tunnel. 牢房鄰近的獄友會聯合起來一起挖地道。 They can share any tools they have during the operation 他們會一起共用彼此偷來的工具幫忙挖 Many weapons can now also be used as digging tools, eg Knifes, Forks etc 現在有更多的工具可以用來挖地道,例如刀子、叉子等 Guard dogs are now more reliable at discovering tunnels, and will mark the suspected spot with a small flag. 警犬探勘地道能力上升,並且會在可疑的地點插個小旗子。 Searching a cell now has only a low chance to discover an escape tunnel, UNLESS the prisoner is digging it when the guard enters! 搜索牢房現在只有一小點機率發現逃獄地道,「除非」犯人挖到一半的時候警衛衝進去! To discover a tunnel for certain, dismantle the toilets in the cells you suspect. 把可以牢房內的馬桶拆掉,可以揭露整個逃獄地道 = Confidential Informants (continued) = 內線情報網 (續) - Any single informant now has a maximum coverage of 50% at the time he is hired - 現在任何線人被收買時頂多只有50%情報網 - An informants coverage will slowly increase over time (beyond 50%), so long as his suspicion is low and he is not 'active' - 只要可疑度低且沒有「執勤」,任何線人的情報網都會慢慢的增加(超過50%) - The Informants overlay now shows the highest level of suspicion ever reached by an informant, as a black line. - 情報介面現在會用黑線標示每個線人曾經最高的可疑度。 - You can now highlight and select prisoners and staff etc in the Informants window - 情報介面現在可以直接點選犯人或員工等 - Informants now reveal Assassination Targets - ie prisoners who will be attacked if left alone for too long - 情報網現在會標記「暗殺目標」 - 也就是和其他犯人獨處太久會被攻擊的囚犯 This is shown as a red crosshair over the prisoner. 會以紅色準星圖案標示在該囚犯上面 (Known informants / Snitches, ex law enforcement etc) (已曝光的線人、前執法人員等) = Game Balance changes = 遊戲平衡修改 - Prisoners responsible for a serious injury will have their category automatically increased (min-sec to medium, medium to max-sec) - 重度攻擊他人的囚犯的分類現在會自動升級(低升為中、中升為高) - Prisoners responsible for a murder will be charged and given an additional 25 year sentence, and will automatically reclassify as Maximum Security (if they weren't already) - 殺人的囚犯會另外多加25年刑期,並自動被標示為重刑犯(如果原本不是) - The 'temperature' of your prison must now be at least 33% before a riot can start - 監獄混亂程度必須達33%以上才有可能發生暴動 - 10 Prisoners must be rioting before a prison-wide RIOT status can occur. To stop the riot, you must reduce the number of rioting prisoners to 3 or less. - 至少必須有10個囚犯暴動才有可能引發全監獄暴動,要制止暴動必須將暴動人數降到 3人以下。 - Tazer Training Program - 電擊槍訓練課程 All regular guards must now pass the Tazer Certification Program before they are permitted to use a tazer. 所有的一般警衛必須通過電擊槍認證課程才能配戴電擊槍。 This takes place in the classroom and is led by the Chief. 這項課程由警長在教室授課。 The staff window now shows which guards have body armour and tazers. 手冊的員工頁面現在會顯示哪一個警衛有防彈衣和電擊槍。 Nb. When loading an alpha 24 save, all Tazers owned by regular Guards and Dog Handlers will be confiscated, and a refund given. 註: 當載入Alpha 24存檔時,所有一般警衛和警犬的電擊槍會被回收並退費。 Nb. Dog Handlers can no longer carry Tazers. 註: 警犬再也無法攜帶電擊槍。 - Prisoners can now pick up weapons from their current room during fights, escapes, riots etc. (Based on what is available as contraband) - 現在戰鬥、脫逃、暴動時,囚犯會直接從附近房間撿起武器來用(該房間的違禁品) - The Morgue is now a source of Knifes and Scissors - 太平間現在有違禁品刀子和剪刀 - Prisoners can now improvise a Shank in the Workshop - 囚犯現在會在工作坊製造刀柄 - Prisoners can now improvise a Baton in the Cleaning Cupboard (by snapping mops) - 囚犯現在會在掃除間製造棍棒(把拖把折斷) - Prisoners can now improvise a wooden pickaxe in the Workshop (for digging tunnels) - 囚犯現在會在工作坊製造木鎬(用來挖地道) = Mod System Continued = 模組系統持續發展 - Now supports multiple active mods at once, even if those mods all add their own new graphics - 現在支援同時啟用多個模組,就算每個模組都有修改畫面 - New property to set material auto-consumed on job - 新的屬性,可以設定某些工作自動消耗某些材料 - Can now auto-order raw materials - 現在可以自動採購稀有材料 - NEW SCRIPT COMMANDS: - 新的腳本指令 GetNearbyObjects - Get a list of all nearby objects of a certain type GetNearbyObjects - 取得附近指定類型物品的清單 NavigateTo - Instruct an entity to go somewhere NavigateTo - 指定一個物件到某處 ClearRouting - Clear an entity's destination ClearRouting - 清除一個物件的目的地 - Panic Button mod - 緊急按鈕模組 A new 'official' test mod that adds a Panic Button to the game, using the new script commands. 全新的「官方」測試模組,使用新的腳本指令做的緊急按鈕。 Injured staff members will run to it and press it, and guards will be summoned to the area. 受傷的員工會跑去按緊急按鈕,警衛會趕過去處理。 - Fixed : You can no longer place Foundations that you cannot afford - 修正: 現在預算不夠的時候,無法放置地基 - 'Unlimited Funds' option in 'New Prison' screen. Spend as much money as you like while building your prison - a more pure sandbox mode. - 新增「無限金錢」選項在「創新監獄」頁面。 不用再管金費,盡量的建造你的監獄 - 一個真正的沙盒模式。 - Prisoners will now be assigned to Rehab programs more reliably, when addicted/alcoholic/withdrawn - 毒癮/戒酒/自閉囚犯現在會更積極的加入教化課程 == Prison Architect每個月底都會發佈更新 非常穩定 至今發佈了25個更新版本 \開發者讚讚/ -- 「我遊戲庫有三百個遊戲,你願意和我一起組個家庭共享嗎?」 『喔~我願意~』 - 阿宅的美好時代,民明書房 - PTT Steam板 官方群組 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/pttcc - About me? http://about.me/howar31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1411723619.A.623.html

09/26 17:28, , 1F
09/26 17:28, 1F

09/26 17:28, , 2F
09/26 17:28, 2F

09/26 17:40, , 3F
09/26 17:40, 3F

09/26 17:42, , 4F
還在觀望特價 [遠目]
09/26 17:42, 4F

09/26 17:46, , 5F
09/26 17:46, 5F
本篇同步發表於Steam攻略 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=318734627 第一次在Steam攻略上發表翻譯 格式介面用起來感覺挺好的! ※ 編輯: howar31 (, 09/26/2014 17:52:28

09/26 18:19, , 6F
看來之前買 HB 包買對了!
09/26 18:19, 6F

09/26 18:30, , 7F
09/26 18:30, 7F

09/26 18:30, , 8F
09/26 18:30, 8F

09/26 19:10, , 9F
09/26 19:10, 9F
我個人覺得這遊戲的開發者非常用心 每個月底固定釋出新版 而且大多都有大幅新內容和改進 目前已經發行25個Alpha版本 加上開發者會參與討論區與玩家互動並討論遊戲問題與建議 持續改進 這樣的Early Access真的有讓玩家「搶先體驗」和「不斷進步」的感覺 用心的開發者做的產品相信一定會很有發展 讚讚 ※ 編輯: howar31 (, 09/26/2014 19:30:51

09/26 19:36, , 10F
↖(′‧ω‧`) (戳戳
09/26 19:36, 10F

09/26 19:37, , 11F
09/26 19:37, 11F

09/26 19:58, , 12F
Cop Killer是獄警可能會使用過量武力對付他吧...
09/26 19:58, 12F

09/26 20:10, , 13F
喔...仔細看好像是那個意思 但實際遊戲效果不清楚Orz
09/26 20:10, 13F

09/26 20:11, , 14F
09/26 20:11, 14F

09/26 20:11, , 15F
09/26 20:11, 15F

09/26 20:30, , 16F
09/26 20:30, 16F
我上週已經寄信給官方 請他們主程式支援特殊字元 只要他們釋出更新我可以立刻做正體中文MOD

09/26 20:35, , 17F
推PA,每個月固定更新,又有互動,early access的最佳示範
09/26 20:35, 17F
※ 編輯: howar31 (, 09/26/2014 20:51:05

09/26 20:56, , 18F
請受小弟一拜 不愧推坑大神
09/26 20:56, 18F

09/26 20:59, , 19F
太扯... 可以頒獎了 推坑大師
09/26 20:59, 19F

09/26 21:32, , 20F
09/26 21:32, 20F

09/26 21:54, , 21F
推推!!! 希望官方可以釋出 之前就觀望很久 入包入對了
09/26 21:54, 21F

09/26 22:11, , 22F
09/26 22:11, 22F

09/26 22:45, , 23F
09/26 22:45, 23F

09/26 22:50, , 24F
09/26 22:50, 24F
遊戲本身有支援語言MOD 但是卻沒有支援特殊字元 所以像現在Workshop上面的法語德語MOD會有某些字母無法顯示 英文上下帶點的那種 而上面還有一個韓語的MOD 那是作者跑去修改.exe等遊戲檔案結構 除了安裝他Workshop的MOD以外還要額外下載很多檔案覆蓋 我不想用這種方式修改 希望能用官方Workshop改 以免以後更新就失效

09/26 22:55, , 25F
09/26 22:55, 25F
※ 編輯: howar31 (, 09/26/2014 23:24:46

09/26 23:33, , 26F
我在STEAM WORK裡有看到韓文語言MOD包,也有下載回來
09/26 23:33, 26F

09/26 23:35, , 27F
但是內容都像"dialog_new ^517B^85CF^65E6^51FA"
09/26 23:35, 27F

09/26 23:36, , 28F
09/26 23:36, 28F

09/27 01:28, , 29F
09/27 01:28, 29F

09/27 02:36, , 30F
09/27 02:36, 30F

09/27 09:06, , 31F
推 很有趣的遊戲
09/27 09:06, 31F

09/27 12:59, , 32F
09/27 12:59, 32F

09/28 01:31, , 33F
09/28 01:31, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #1K9J5ZOZ (Steam)