Fw: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Heros part9

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※ [本文轉錄自 SLG 看板 #1JqlAzoE ] 作者: o07608 (無良記者) 看板: SLG 標題: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Heros part9 時間: Sat Jul 26 08:13:45 2014 終於回來了,把Heros最後一段貼上來 最後一段是Endless Space中的唯二有頭有臉的大人物 一個是UE現任皇帝.Maximilian Zelevas 另一個是Echpoes of the Endless事件的主角.Jana Kryv ==================================== Endless Space Wiki 翻譯 http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki google文件:http://0rz.tw/zeool 我把google文件的權限調到只要有連結的人就能評論 如果要修改的板友,請標明修改段落並留下您的ID 這樣以後有機會發佈時,我才知道感謝名單要列上哪些人 感謝 ==================================== 五、Characters 重要角色 Jana Kryv 詹娜.科愛芙 Jana Kryv is a hero from the Pilgrims faction and a critical character to the game's storyline. Her actions triggered the events featured in Echoes of the Endless. 詹娜.科愛芙是朝聖者英雄,也是遊戲劇情中的一位重要角色。她的行動觸發了Echoes of the Endless中的事件。 Background 背景 Jana Kryv was the born into what is now called the Lost Generation of Pilgrims. Conceived at a time of scarce resources, idealistic life cycle experimentation, and constant fleeing from the United Empire, she, like her peers, was raised in what amounted to a nursery or foster home, with caretakers in place of her parents. 詹娜.科愛芙正好是朝聖者稱之為「失落的世代」的其中一個嬰兒,想像一個時期,資源 缺乏、一絲不苟的生命循環系統、還要常常和聯合帝國玩捉迷藏,她和她的同輩一樣都在 這個等同育幼院或領養家庭的環境下成長,保母取代了父母的地位。 Without true parental bonding, though, the members of this generation became characterized by introversion and low self esteem. This was particularly true for Jana. As the granddaughter of Deona Kryv, one of the founders of the Pilgrims, she also grew up in her ancestor's shadow, despite her own brilliance. 雖然沒有真正的父母親,這個世代的成員卻普遍內向及缺乏自信。詹娜尤其如此,因為她 的祖母是狄歐娜.科愛芙,朝聖者的建立者之一。儘管她自己天資聰穎,仍得在祖先的陰 影中長大。 Kryv tried to make up for her terrible self-image through achievements and accomplishments, driving herself to earn the equivalent of 3 PhD's. Still, she was unable to fill her inner void, causing her to go to even greater extremes. 科愛芙試著從獲得成就以彌補她對自己糟糕的評價,結果就是拿下了三個博士學位。儘管 如此,她仍無法填補內心的空虛,因此她決定要做些更極端的事情。 Echoes of the Endless 永恆的回音 At the age of 27, Kryv was tasked with examining a group of already-known artifacts from the Endless . This was a routine, mundane mission, but it is where she found her destiny. After decoding one of the artifacts, Kryv abruptly departed known space for an unexplored star cluster. Efforts to find her failed, and she was presumed dead. 27歲時,科愛芙當時正在進行一項工作,要檢查一批已經研究過的永恆族工藝品。這是項 例行性的平凡任務,但她在此扭轉了她的命運。在解譯了其中一個工藝品後,科愛芙突然 離開該處前往一個尚未探索過的星團。沒人能找的到她,普遍都認為她已經死了。 Roughly a year after her disappearance, though, something within the cluster began transmitting a series of quantum-tunneled signals. Scientists were unable to decipher the signal, but the end result was unmistakable: Throughout the galaxy, machinery and artifacts from the Endless reawakened. Hidden asteroid bases revealed themselves, long-abandoned ships uncloaked, and ancient war machines reactivated. 大約在她失蹤的一年後,星團中有個東西突然開始傳送一系列的量子穿隧訊號,科學家們 無法破解這個訊號,但訊號造成了無庸置疑的結果:遍佈整個銀河系的永恆族機器及工藝 品全部都被喚醒了。隱藏起來的小行星基地自己顯露了出來、廢棄以久的船隻解除隱形、 遠古的戰爭機器重新開始運作。 Shortly thereafter, Kryv's ship emerged from the cluster. She was alive and well after all, and the transmission was pronounced "Kryv's Signal." 科愛芙的船在那之後接著從星團中出現。她仍然活著,身體也好好的。之後這次訊號傳遞 事件以「科愛芙的訊號」廣為人知。 Whether her actions will be comemorated or condemned, only time will tell… 目前還不知道她的這個行動會受到讚揚還是譴責,只有時間能告訴大家…… --------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximilian Zelevas 馬克西米利安.杰勒瓦斯 Maximilian Zelevas is the current Emperor of the United Empire as of the beginning of the game. Having seized power through a bloodless coup, the rise heralded a dramatic shift in the Imperial political balance. 馬克西米利安.杰勒瓦斯是遊戲中聯合帝國的現任皇帝。他在一場不流血政變中獲得了至 高的權力,他的登基宣告帝國權力平衡的戲劇性變化。 Early Life 早年生活 Business Career 商人生涯 At some point in time, Zelevas became the CEO of the powerful conglomerate XenoMine Corp. Quite successful, he became renowned as a highly intelligent, natural-born leader. 杰勒瓦斯在某個時候,成為了龐大的財閥異礦集團的總裁。他幹的非常成功,大家都把他 視為一個絕頂聰明的天生領導者。 Seizure of Power 獲取至高權力 Some time before the start of the game, Zelevas led a bloodless coup d'etat, deposing the then emperor Willema Szinda from the throne. Once a competent man, Szinda had grown increasingly unstable and erratic, making him an unpopular figure. 在遊戲開始前的某個時間點,杰勒瓦斯發動了一場不流血政變,把當時的皇帝威勒瑪.辛 達罷免下台。辛達曾經是個稱職的皇帝,但他逐漸變得越來越不穩定及古怪,使他越來越 不得人望。 Crucial to Zelevas's success was the tacit support from the elite Sheredyn force. Although sworn to protect reigning emperor regardless of the situation, the Sheredyn allowed the coup to proceed and, ultimately, succeed. All of this came as an startling but pleasant surprise to many of the United Empire's elite. 杰勒瓦斯之所以能成功,一個重要因素是菁英軍隊薩拉丁軍團的默許。儘管薩拉丁軍團曾 宣誓在任何情勢下都會保護時任皇帝,他們卻讓這場政變能夠進行並最後成功。整件事件 對於大多數的聯合帝國菁英們來說,是件令人震驚卻欣喜的驚喜。 Current Status 目前狀況 Emperor Zelevas touring a newly conquered world. 杰勒瓦斯皇帝正在一個新佔據的世界旅行中。 Zeleva's reign has so far been characterized by the true emergence of the United Empire - and its corporations - as an interstellar power. Interstellar exploration and colonization is now beginning in earnest. 杰勒瓦斯統治的疆域實在太大,使的聯合帝國開始與國家內的企業們聯合統治這些地方。 現在星際探索及殖民很熱門。 Either out of gratitude, fear, or possibly a combination of both, the Sheredyn now enjoy even greater powers. Regardless, this organization is now a powerful sub-faction within the greater Empire. 不管出自於感激、畏懼、或可能兩者皆有,薩拉丁軍團現在擁有更大的權力。這隻軍隊現 在毫無疑問的成為這個不斷擴張的帝國中的一支強大勢力。 ================================ Heros至此告一段落,接下來將開始真正進入遊戲系統部分 請大家多多指正,感謝 -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在清淨農場挖牛糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在立法院議場和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」 ~《太陽花全書》 第一章第二節 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SLG/M.1406333629.A.C8E.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: o07608 (, 07/26/2014 08:14:12

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文章代碼(AID): #1JqlBLFm (Steam)