Fw: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Factions part5

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※ [本文轉錄自 SLG 看板 #1JI-TvuQ ] 作者: o07608 (無良記者) 看板: SLG 標題: [翻譯] Endless Space Wiki: Factions part5 時間: Mon Apr 14 21:49:41 2014 原本打算要開始翻譯non-playable faction了 後來想想,還是把faction主頁面的12支派系的簡介都翻譯完比較負責任 不過表格我就不貼了,之前在翻譯各派系時都有翻譯過 然後Automaton和Vaulter的簡介都和他們自己的詳細條目裡一模一樣,不知道為啥 ============================== Endless Space Wiki 翻譯 http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki google文件:http://0rz.tw/xgaJj 我把google文件的權限調到只要有連結的人就能修改 如果要修改的板友,請標明修改段落並留下您的ID 這樣以後有機會發佈時,我才知道感謝名單要列上哪些人 感謝 ======================================= 各派系概覽 Amoeba 阿米巴 Home Planet Type: Ocean 母星型態:海洋 Diplomatic Alignment: Good 外交結盟:好 Gameplay: Exploration, Diplomacy 遊戲表現:探險、外交 Main Victory Type: Diplomatic / Military 主要勝利型態:外交/軍事 Description 敘述 "A highly evolved form of a lowly species, these colorful beings come from an ocean world. Evolving slowly over millions of years with plenty of time to philosophize, it is not surprising that the Amoeba are diplomatic, cultural, and intellectual. Wise and urbane, they have an exceptionally high 'emotional intelligence' and are unusually open to other alien and intelligent species. Their goal is to travel, meet, and learn, though their relatively defenseless natural form has bred into them the need to turn all situations to their advantage, and to be in control of their destiny. Though the Amoeba do not feel that their nature is to dominate and conquer, they can be viewed as warriors whose weapons are diplomacy and trade." 「這些來自海洋世界、色彩繽紛的生物是一支高度發展的低等種族。他們用了數百萬年的 時間緩慢發展並理性思考,不難想像阿米巴外交手腕靈活、有修養又很理智。他們既明智 又有禮,還有極高的『感情智慧』並經常對其他外星人和理智物種抱持開放態度。他們的 目標是旅行、相遇並學習,不過他們相對無法防禦的自然型態開始讓他們有必要把所有處 境轉化為對他們有利的局面,並能夠控制他們的命運。雖然阿米巴不認為他們的天性是支 配與征服,但他們可以被視為一群以外交和貿易為武器的戰士。」 Automatons 自動機 Planet Type: Jungle 母星型態:叢林 Diplomatic Alignment: Good 外交結盟:好 Gameplay: Peaceful, Isolationist 遊戲表現:和平、孤立主義 Main Victory Type: Economic / Diplomatic 主要勝利型態:經濟/外交 Description 敘述 "The Automatons were created by a long dead civilization known as the Reyans who perished many millennia ago due to the gradual self-destruction of their world. Decades of uncontrolled industrialization and technologies that relied on a highly toxic underground fuel caused irreversible damage to the ecosystem and atmosphere of their planet. Realizing that they were doomed, the Reyans attempted to build a massive fleet of migration ships to escape their planet, but most of the ships either exploded on launch, or stalled in the atmosphere and fell to the ground. The Reyans despaired… and so they decided to leave a legacy in the form of one of their greatest technological achievements, clockwork beings. Having a very old and proud history of clockwork, the Reyans had achieved the maximum potential of the technology in their creation of massive clockwork men to which they gifted all the traits of a young species. Within a year of the creation of the clockwork men, the Reyans committed mass suicide so as not to suffer through the affects of a dying planet, leaving their greatest creations behind, alone, and lost. 「自動機由一個名為Reyans的文明所創造,這個文明在數千年前因為他們的世界漸漸自我 崩毀而毀滅。依靠高毒性的地底燃料進行的工業化及高科技化毫無節制的進行了幾十年, 對他們星球的生態系統及大氣造成了無法挽回的傷害。在意識到他們的滅亡後,Reyans打 算打造一支龐大的移民艦隊以逃離他們的星球,但大部分的船不是在發射時爆炸,就是在 大氣中失速並墜落。Reyans絕望了……因此他們決定把他們最偉大的科技成就之一.發條 生命體,作為遺產保留下來。Reyans對於發條工藝擁有古老及輝煌的歷史,他們把這門科 技的潛力發展到極致而創造了大量的發條人,並給予他們一個年輕種族該有的所有特性。 在發條人被創造出來的之後一年中,Reyans大規模的自殺以不用因死亡中的星球帶來的影 響而繼續受苦。他們把最偉大的創造物獨自留在身後,並任其在歷史洪流之中失蹤。 Over time the clockwork creations of the Reyans developed a simple society of their own and began exploiting the technologies left behind by their creators. All was well for the young civilization of machines until one day a large Endless ship crashed into the planet spreading the dust it was transporting all over the surface. The dust modified the machines, gave them enhanced abilities and over time even sentience. The deadly and toxic fuel that used to power the machines was also replaced, but strangely the new fuel became dust. In only a few weeks, the clockwork machines had evolved, become truly sentient, and gained new purpose in existence which was unheard of in even the most advanced AI’s created by the Endless. They came to call themselves, the Automatons and with the newly gained freedom of dust they began learning…and advancing. 隨著時間過去,Reyans的發條創造物自行發展出一個簡單的社會,並開始利用他們創造者 遺留下來的科技。對於這個年輕的文明來說,一切都很好,直到有一天一艘巨大的 Endless船艦在這顆星球上墜毀,而它載運的星塵因此散佈到整個星球表面上。星塵改變 了這些機器,增強了他們的能力,一段時間過後甚至使他們開始有了知覺。用來當做這些 機器動力的劇毒燃料也被替換掉,奇怪的是新的燃料變成了星塵。僅僅幾個禮拜之中,發 條機械們發展、變成真正有感情的物種,並有了存活下去的目標,這種事就算是由 Endless創造出最先進的人工智慧之中也是前所未聞的。他們開始稱呼自己為自動機,隨 著藉由星塵而得到的自由,他們開始學習……並進化。 The Automaton Civilization stayed on their planet, learning to live in a symbiotic relationship with nature as the planet healed over time. They used the knowledge of their creators and their new dust engines to produce massive floating ships on which they lived in order to protect the healing ecosystem on the planet from their involvement. Over the course of centuries the planet healed and the Automatons learned to live with and love nature while still developing immense industrial capacity and production within the hulls of their floating ships --which had also grown over time. But eventually the Automatons calculated that their dust supply would run out and their civilization would die, so they uncovered the old ruins of the crashed endless ship and began developing their own vehicles for space flight.." 在他們的星球康復的期間,自動機文明待在上面,學習與大自然共存的關係。他們使用他 們創造者的知識以及他們新的星塵引擎以創造大量的浮空船並居住其中,以保護正在康復 中的生態系統遠離他們的干擾。幾個世紀後,這個星球康復了,而自動機們學到與大自然 共同生活並愛護大自然,同時還能在日漸增大的浮空船中持續發展工業。但最後,自動機 們計算得知他們的星塵補給即將見底,而他們的文明會隨之死亡,因此他們找到了那艘墜 毀的Endless船艦殘骸並開始發展他們自己的太空飛行器。」 Cravers 蟲族 Planet Type: Arid 母星型態:乾燥 Diplomatic Alignment: Evil 外交結盟:糟糕 Gameplay: Consume Worlds 遊戲表現:吃乾抹淨 Main Victory Type: Military 主要勝利型態:軍事 Description 形容 "Created by the Endless from an insectoid life form, the Cravers are in the purest sense hunter-gatherers and would never have evolved on their own the processes necessary to raise crops or domesticate animals. Their life cycle is based on consumption, and as such they are capable of digesting any form of plant or animal matter. Once their home world was consumed, they left to seek further nourishment. If they do not continue to expand, discover, and exploit new worlds, their society could literally eat itself to death. Feeding the hive is their all-consuming purpose; the notions of 'treaty', 'trade', and 'peace' do not exist." 「蟲族是被Endless創造的類蟲種族,他們永有最純粹的獵人與收集者的知覺,永遠不會 發展出農作或畜牧的必要能力。他們的生命循環建立在吞噬,因此他們能夠消化任何型態 的動植物。一旦他們的家園被吞噬,他們會離開尋找較遠的食物。如果他們不持續擴張、 發現和剝削新世界,他們的社會毫無疑問會毀滅自己。他們為了餵養族群而吞噬一切,『 條約』、『貿易』和『和平』的概念從沒存在過。」 Harmony 調和者 Home Planet Type: Tundra 母星型態:凍土 Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral 外交結盟:中立 Gameplay: Exploration and Isolationist 遊戲表現:探索、孤立主義 Main Victory Type: Wonder/Population 主要勝利型態:奇觀/人口 Description 形容 "The Harmony has been sentient since the dawn of time in the known universe. A fundamental creature born of the energies of the Big Bang, the living rocks of the Harmony are capable of manipulating quantum energies and gravitation. Their mineral nature means that they are closely attuned to planets and rocks across the galaxy; they have an unparalleled ability to identify and exploit natural resources and anomalies. Factions that ally with them share in this unique ability, and those that choose to fight them will find them difficult to dislodge once they have settled in." 「調和者從宇宙的黎明就已經有知覺了。這些名為調和者的活體石頭是誕生自大霹靂之中 的原生生物,並能操縱量子能和重力。他們的礦石天性意味著他們和行星以及橫跨銀河的 岩石相性極佳,他們在辨識和開採自然資源及奇異物質上擁有舉世無雙的能力。與他們同 盟的派系能享有這獨特的能力,而那些選擇與他們戰鬥的派系則會發現他們一旦牽涉進來 就很難脫身。」 Hissho 赫斯歐 Home Planet Type: Jungle 母星型態:叢林 Diplomatic Alignment: Evil 外交結盟:糟糕 Gameplay: Conquest & Glory 遊戲表現:征服、榮耀 Main Victory Type: Military / Population 主要勝利型態:軍事/人口 Description 形容 "The Hissho are a modern and civilized people descended from avian DNA. However, they are avian in the way that many species of dinosaur had avian characteristics; in fact, they are not unlike feathered pterodactyls. A race of highly competitive tribal warriors, their history is one of bloodshed, conquest, vengeance and domination. While this has created a very hardy, aggressive, and dangerous people, it has also slowed their advancement and limited their numbers. When they did reach the stars to find other peoples waiting for them, their reaction was to conquer and dominate. Their innate and learned sense of flight makes them superior pilots." 「赫斯歐是一支擁有鳥類血統、現代化且有文明的種族。然而,他們與鳥類的關係就像是 恐龍與鳥類的關係那樣,事實上他們像是有羽毛的翼手龍。他們是一個高度競爭性的部落 戰士種族,他們的歷史由流血、征服、復仇和支配交織。雖然這創造了一個非常堅強、侵 略且危險的種族,但也讓他們發展緩慢且限制了他們的數量。當他們抵達群星找到其他等 待著他們的種族,他們的反應是征服並支配。他們與生俱來的飛行技巧使他們成為優秀的 飛行員。」 Horatio 何瑞修 Home Planet Type: Arid 母星型態:乾燥 Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral 外交結盟:中立 Gameplay: Expand 遊戲表現:擴張 Main Victory Type: Population / Wonder 主要勝利型態:人口/奇觀 Description 形容 "Incredibly wealthy and only slightly less deranged, Horatio was an Imperial trillionaire who left to discover his own star cluster. Finding a planet sprinkled with labs of ancient cloning technology left by the Endless, the boredom soon drove Horatio to create a race of allies, servants, and slaves who were every bit as gorgeous as the most beautiful person in the universe -- Horatio. Once the planet was repopulated, Horatio the First had only to look up, regard the stars and realize how much more beautiful they, too, would be if they were filled with... Horatios. The rest, as they say, is history." 「何瑞修是一個帝國的兆萬富翁,他擁有難以置信的財富及輕微的瘋狂。他離開帝國去尋 找屬於自己的星星,並在一個行星上發現Endless留下來的大量古代複製科技實驗室。無 聊感很快的驅使何瑞修創造了一個同時是盟友、僕人和奴隸的種族,而這種族每個部分都 和這宇宙最美麗的人─何瑞修一樣美麗。在把這顆星球塞滿之後,最早的何瑞修仰視並注 視著群星,意識到如果它們也充滿了……何瑞修的話,那它們會多麼美麗。接下來,以它 們來說,就是歷史了。」 Pilgrims 朝聖者 Home Planet Type: Jungle 母星型態:叢林 Diplomatic Alignment: Good 外交結盟:好 Gameplay: Exploration, Diplomacy 遊戲表現:探索、外交 Main Victory Type: Diplomatic / Military 主要勝利型態:外交/軍事 Description 形容 "A group of scientists and explorers, unhappy with the United Empire, hijacked a mission to an outer planet and set up an independent government. They refused the heavy corporate hand of the Empire, preferring to eke out their living on the edge of known space. Aided by the Sophons, this splinter group grew to become the Pilgrims. Accustomed to orbital living and constant movement, during the early years of their development they had a proportionally greater contact and familiarity with artifacts and remnants left by the Endless. They have come to view the Endless in a religious light, and a goal of their society is to one day discover the planet from which the Endless originated." 「一群對聯合帝國不爽的科學家和探險家,搶了一架飛機飛往系外行星並設立一個獨立政 府。他們拒絕帝國的經濟控制,偏好在已知的太空邊緣補充生活上的不足。在受到梭芬的 幫助後,這個分裂出來的小團體變成了朝聖者。他們習慣在行星軌道上生活以及經常性的 移動,在早期的發展後,他們對於Endless遺留下來的工藝品集遺跡的接觸及熟悉成比例 增加。他們以一種宗教的眼光看待Endless,而他們社會的目標是要發現Endless起源的星 球。」 Sheredyn 薩拉丁軍團 Planet Type: Terran 母星型態:類地球 Diplomatic Alignment: Evil 外交結盟:糟糕 Gameplay: Colonialist 遊戲表現:殖民主義 Main Victory Type: Economic / Military 主要勝利型態:經濟/軍事 Description 形容 "It would require several centuries of time travel to find the origins of the military organization now known as the Sheredyn Fleet. Originally a bodyguard at the time of the first emperors, over time the Fleet grew to become commandos, special forces operatives, and finally a powerful clandestine force within the military of the United Empire. Almost a caste within the Imperial Navy, admission to the service of the Sheredyn Fleet remains impossible to all but the most qualified candidates. In a society where money means everything, the Fleet retains its image of professionalism. With several lucrative contracts from appreciative emperors, it has grown to have an economic power almost equal to its military reputation." 「要尋找現在以薩拉丁艦隊聞名的軍事組織的起源,得追溯到數世紀以前。當時他們原本 是第一任皇帝的保鏢,隨著時間過去他們變成了突擊隊、特戰部隊,最後成為聯合帝國軍 隊中一支強大的祕密部隊。薩拉丁艦隊在帝國艦隊中幾乎成為一種社會地位,非最精銳的 候選人不得其門而入。在一個錢就是一切的社會中,該艦隊仍保持著他們的專業形象。在 和感激他們辛勞的皇帝們訂了幾條有利可圖的條約後,他們的經濟力量已經成長到幾乎與 他們的軍事名聲相等。」 Sophons 梭芬 Home Planet Type: Terran 母星型態:類地球 Diplomatic Alignment: Good 外交結盟:好 Gameplay: Amazing Scientists 遊戲表現:驚人的科學家 Main Victory Type: Scientific 主要勝利型態:科學 Description 敘述 "Curious, analytical and inquisitive, the Sophons are a people who pride knowledge over all. No theory -- or machine -- is so perfect that it can resist a bit of tinkering: advances come both in great leaps and tiny increments. The Sophons travel the galaxy driven by a thirst to discover and understand. As such, they view war as nothing more than a distraction from the serious things in life. However, with their advanced technologies, they can become a surprisingly dangerous foe." 「梭芬是個充滿好奇心、擅於解析、求知慾旺盛又是知識至上的種族。沒有任何理論─或 機械─能夠完美到能忍受一點笨拙的修補:無論是跳躍式進展或是微小的改善都能帶來進 步。梭分渴望發現與了解,為此旅行於銀河之間。確切上來說,他們把戰爭僅僅視為會從 生命上的重要事物上分走心思的東西,但以他們進步的科技,他們能成為危險的令人訝異 的軍隊。」 Sowers 播種者 Planet Type: Tundra 母星型態:凍土 Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral 外交結盟:中立 Gameplay: Construction 遊戲表現:建築 Main Victory Type: Wonder / Military 主要勝利型態:奇觀/軍事 Description 敘述 “The Sowers are a machine race created by the Virtual faction of the Endless. They took from their creators the mission to traverse the universe and make worlds livable and habitable for the arrival – or return – of the Endless. The Sowers come, establish industries, create the basic infrastructure needed to make a wild planet habitable, and move on to the next one. The Sowers are neither hostile nor friendly; they are simply continuing their programming. Any world they arrive on will be harvested and advanced materials will be developed. Any local populations or other peoples will be ignored -- unless they get in the way or oppose the Sowers' holy mission." 「播種者是一支由Virtual Endless創造的機械種族,他們的創造者給予他們一個任務, 使他們橫跨宇宙並改造各世界,使它們成為可居住的地方,這是為了Endless的來臨─或 回歸。播種者到來、建立工廠、創造必須的基礎建設使一個蠻荒星球變得適於居住,然後 移動到下一個星球。播種者既不危險也不友善,他們只是持續著他們程式預設的動作。任 何他們抵達的世界將會變得肥沃,先進的器物也會出現。他們會無視任何當地的居民或其 他種族─除非他們擋住或妨害到播種者的『神聖使命』。」 United Empire 聯合帝國 Home Planet Type: Terran 母星型態:類地球 Diplomatic Alignment: Evil 外交結盟:糟糕 Gameplay: Colonialist 遊戲表現:殖民主義 Main Victory Type: Economic / Military 主要勝利型態:經濟/軍事 Description 敘述 "The Empire is theoretically under the control of a central monarchy. However, the rate of expansion means that the society cannot be ruled that way effectively. In fact, the systems of the colonial diaspora are colonized by the designated Corporations who work hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Investment and Development. The Ministry of Security is involved as well, due to the need for native and/or alien pacification, security forces, defense or surveillance." 「這個帝國理論上是由一個中央集權的君主政體所統治,但大幅度的擴張意味著這種方式 無法有效率的統治這個社會。事實上,外部星系的殖民者由指定的大企業統治,而這些企 業和投資發展部合作。安全部也牽涉其中,因為對當地人和/或外星人的平定、保安、防 禦或監視需要他們。」 Vaulters 飄泊者 Home Planet Type: Terran 母星型態:類地球 Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral 外交結盟:中立 Gameplay: Defense, Science 遊戲表現:防禦、科學 Main Victory Type: Scientific 主要勝利型態:科學 Description 敘述 "An ancient faction, the Vaulters have suffered a number of major setbacks in trying to establish a permanent home for themselves. Though characterized as restless wanderers, they are in fact a proud and adaptable race, seeking a system that they can finally call 'home.' Their centuries of travel and tinkering have made them skilled at both science and warfare, though their greatest military strength is in defense. 「作為一個古老的派系,飄泊者在替他們自己建造一個永久的家時已經遭遇到數次重大挫 折。雖然看起來像是一群永不休息的幻想家,但他們事實上是個驕傲和適應力強的種族, 並不停的尋找一個他們最終能稱之為「家」的星系。數個世紀的旅行和徒勞使他們精通科 學和戰爭,不過他們最強的軍事力量是展現在防禦上。 The Vaulters have an old tradition of appointing female leaders, and their trust in this tradition has been confirmed by the faction's uncanny ability to escape, survive, and live to fight another day. Once based on the planet Auriga, they left the planet when their predictions indicated potentially cataclysmic geo-atmospheric problems. Their attempts to colonize elsewhere have only had brief success, and the notion of a permanent base has gained an almost mythical status." 飄泊者的古老傳統是由女性擔任領導者,而該派系為了日後的戰鬥而逃脫、生還和生存的 可怕能力,堅定了他們對於這個傳統的信任。在阿瑞加行星一度建立基地後,他們離開了 這個行星,因為他們的預測指出此處的大氣有潛在的大洪水危機。他們想殖民他處的目標 只有短暫的成功,而想要一個永久基地的想法已經開始帶有神話般的色彩。」 ====================================== 感謝大家耐心看完,其他派系以及其他遊戲內容的wiki我日後會慢慢補上 希望大家能指正我的翻譯問題,感謝 -- 到那時,在壁爐邊,當孫子坐在某位老人的膝蓋上,問道:「爺爺,你在亡靈天災入侵的 時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說 :「啊……爺爺我當時在清淨農場挖牛糞。」與此相反,他可以直盯著他的眼睛理直氣壯 地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在太陽花學運和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」 ~《太陽花》 第一章第二節 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SLG/M.1397483385.A.E1A.html

04/15 11:20, , 1F
Amoeba = 阿萌芭
04/15 11:20, 1F

05/08 17:06, , 2F
Hissho = 必勝
05/08 17:06, 2F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: o07608 (, 06/05/2014 12:22:47
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