[新聞] GeT_RiGhT即將動手術

看板Steam作者 (艾薩克)時間11年前 (2012/11/10 06:13), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.hltv.org/news/9499-get-right-to-undergo-surgery Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund has explained that the reason Ninjas in Pyjamas will not attend the fourth season of SLTV StarSeries is because he will have to go under the knife in December. NiP將不會參加 SLTV StarSeries第四季的比賽因為GRT在12月要動刀 In his video blog on Youtube, Alesund revealed that he will undergo surgery on December 17th after suffering a ear infection back in May which has never fully healed. 5月時發生耳朵感染但沒有完全治好,所以12/17要動手術 As a result, he experienced around 45 per cent hearing loss in one ear, and if the problem is not treated properly, he may suffer further complications in the future, such as complete loss of hearing in one ear, complete loss of sight in one eye, and loss of smell. 目前一耳聽力受損約45%,而且這個不治好,未來可能一耳會全聾,一眼盲,跟損失嗅覺 (原來耳內感染這麼可怕......) 一旦手術開始後,他有一個月左右不能搭飛機,10天內不得戴耳機,但 GRT仍會持續跟隊伍練習 Despite the fact that NiP will skip SLTV StarSeries, it is still possible that they will be in action at NorthCon, which will take place between December 14th-15th in Germany. 這件事告訴我們小病千萬不要拖......希望他手術順利,聽力能盡快復原 -- 印光大師開示:無論在家出家,必須上敬下和,忍人所不能忍,行人所不能行。代人之勞 ,成人之美。靜坐常思己過,閑談不論人非。行住坐臥、穿衣吃飯,從朝至暮,從暮至朝 ,一句佛號,不令間斷。或小聲念、或默念,除念佛外,不起別念。若或妄念一起,當下 就要教他消滅。常生慚愧之心及懺悔心,縱有修持,總覺我工夫很淺,不自矜夸。只管自 家,不管人家,只看好樣子,不看壞樣子。看一切人都是菩薩,唯我一人實是凡夫。果能 依我所說修行。決定可生西方極樂世界。南無阿彌陀佛!南無阿彌陀佛! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: AsakuRacing 來自: (11/10 07:50)

11/10 09:53, , 1F
聽聲辨位的能力很重要阿QQ GTR加油
11/10 09:53, 1F

11/10 11:13, , 2F
GTR加油啊QQ get well soon!
11/10 11:13, 2F

11/10 20:23, , 3F
11/10 20:23, 3F

11/11 01:25, , 4F
11/11 01:25, 4F
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