[問題] Check existence of paths in SAS

看板Statistics作者 (luen)時間2年前 (2021/09/17 13:33), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dear SAS users, 請先進們是如何在SAS裡檢查資料夾的路徑是否正確? 我download了別人的SAS macro , 在以下程式例子稱為 check_existence_single_directory, 一次只可以檢查1個資料夾 ,程式沒有問題,我用這個macro檢查了3個已經存在的folders, 全部都 有找到。接著我試著把macro改成可以檢查多個資料夾,在以下程式例子稱為check_existence_directory ,我再把那3個路徑放進去檢查,前2個okay,第3個路徑被SAS在句點的地方斷掉。請教該如何 改進我的macro? 照理說如果路徑內的special characters是問題所在,那第一個macro應 該也會有問題。 我在SAS community上的發文,有syntax highlighting, 程式較容易看。 https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Check-existence-of-multiple-directories-and-mask-special/td-p/768211 我再把程式貼如下: 以下是3個資料夾路徑 /*Set up local directory*/ %let drive_E= E:\Lab_MarkS\lunC_work ; %let folder_path_SAS_macro= &drive_E.\library_genetics_epidemiology\SAS_macros_chang ; %let folder_path_Exp108= &drive_E.\Immunohistochemistry_images\data_output\AP_Exp108.1_PeterMac-lungCancer-CD8-PD1\analysis-results ; 以下是一次檢查1個路徑的SAS macro (working) /*SAS macro to check existence of a single directory (working)*/ %macro check_existence_single_directory(dir=) ; *options noxwait; %local rc fileref ; %let rc = %sysfunc(filename(fileref,&dir)) ; %if %sysfunc(fexist(&fileref)) %then %put NOTE: The directory "&dir" exists ; %else %do ; %sysexec md &dir ; %put %sysfunc(sysmsg()) The directory has been created. ; %end ; %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fileref)) ; %mend check_existence_single_directory ; 用以上macro檢查路徑 (working) /*Check existence of folders*/ %check_existence_single_directory(dir=&drive_E.); %check_existence_single_directory(dir=&folder_path_SAS_macro.); %check_existence_single_directory(dir=&folder_path_Exp108.); 修改以上的macro (not working on paths containing special characters) /*SAS macro to check existence of multiple directories (working?)*/ %macro check_existence_directory(paths=) ; *options noxwait; %local rc fileref ; /*Loop thru each macro parameter value using do loop*/ %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&paths.)); /*Assign current directory to a macro variable path*/ %let path=%scan(&paths.,&i.); /*Assign the external path to a file reference then to a new macro variable rc(?)*/ %let rc = %sysfunc(filename(fileref,&path.)) ; %if %sysfunc(fexist(&fileref)) %then %put NOTE: The directory "&path." exists ; %else %do ; /*If the path is not found, create that directory*/ %sysexec md &path. ; %put %sysfunc(sysmsg()) The directory has been created. ; %end; %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fileref)) ; %end; /*Close the do loop*/ %mend check_existence_directory ; 用以上macro檢查多個路徑 %check_existence_directory(paths=&drive_E. &folder_path_SAS_macro. &folder_path_Exp108.) ; %check_existence_directory(paths=%str(&drive_E. &folder_path_SAS_macro. &folder_path_Exp108.)) ; 因為第3個路徑沒有正確被解讀,Windows cmd.exe跳了出來,並且新增了資料夾 SAS log裡也出現了些warning. 不知為何SAS在C:\Users\lunC底下做事,這並不是我 所指定的路徑 NOTE: The directory "E:\Lab_MarkS\lunC_work" exists NOTE: The directory "E:\Lab_MarkS\lunC_work\library_genetics_epidemiology\SAS_macros_chang" exists WARNING: Physical file does not exist, E:\Lab_MarkS\lunC_work\Immunohistochemistry_images\data_output\AP_Exp108. The directory has been created. WARNING: Physical file does not exist, C:\Users\lunC\1_PeterMac. The directory has been created. WARNING: Physical file does not exist, C:\Users\lunC\lungCancer. The directory has been created. WARNING: Physical file does not exist, C:\Users\lunC\CD8. The directory has been created. WARNING: Physical file does not exist, C:\Users\lunC\PD1\analysis. The directory has been created. WARNING: Physical file does not exist, C:\Users\lunC\results. The directory has been created. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (澳大利亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Statistics/M.1631856838.A.0FC.html
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