[外絮] Nerchio&MarineLorD談KeSPA Cup @TL

看板StarCraft作者 (人˙非)時間7年前 (2016/09/20 20:53), 編輯推噓3(300)
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Nerchio篇 來源:https://goo.gl/SOIcTw 翻譯:hc Olli: How long did you play for yesterday? Q:你昨天比了多久? Nerchio: I started practicing at 9am in the morning because I played a little bit less in the past 2 weeks, so I needed to catch up. I finished at 2:30am, so it's about 17 hours, with some breaks in between of course. A:因為我前兩周輸得多一點,所以我必須要趕上。從早上9點就開始練習,最後比到凌晨 2點半,大概是17小時吧,當然中間有些休息。 What was your hardest match in the qualifier? Q:你在資格賽中最艱難的是哪一場? It's hard to say actually because I didn't have a very good start, losing a map to both Tomikus and Lambo. ZvZ is hard and scary to play but I managed to pull through. I guess my hardest match would be against MarineLorD since I lost that one, but I was already quite tired and sleepy at that point, so it was far from my best performance. A:很難說,因為我並沒有好的開始,對Tomikus跟Lambo都輸了個小分。ZvZ真的很難打, 我試著要度過這個難關。我想我最艱難的一場是對MarineLorD,就是我輸的那一場, 我那時真的很累很想睡,所以那場遠遠不是我的最佳實力。 What is it that makes ZvZ so difficult? Q:為什麼ZvZ很難打? It starts in the early game where you need to be on top of your build order, micro and scouting to avoid losing to quick all-ins. There are a lot of different timings that require you to play a different response at all stages in the game and pretty much the whole Zerg arsenal is being used in different ways, so it's really hard to play a standard game. A:你在一開始時就要很注意開局、微操、偵查等,避免被快速一波。整場比賽有很多不同 的TIMING、蟲族有各種部隊跟不同的進攻手段,你需要有不同的應對,(ZvZ)你很難比 一個標準的比賽。 Speaking of ZvZ, the new SSL champion, Solar, is attending Kespa Cup too. Did you see his series against Dark? Did anything stand out to you? Q:說到ZvZ,新科SSL冠軍Solar也會參加Kespa Cup,你有看他跟Dark的冠軍賽嗎?你覺得 有沒有什麼特別的? First of all, it's really hard to learn from watching ZvZ at all because there are too many things happening at the same time and it's hard to know what is going on in someone's head when he is playing. Solar played a little bit unusually I think, with some macro hatches which we don't really see in ZvZ, but besides that it was a very standard match. Some all-ins, some roach vs roach, some mutas, some ravager/ling timings. It's very typical ZvZ, that's why it's hard to play. I noticed that Dark was afraid of playing the lategame and tried ending games with midgame timings. A:首先,看ZvZ的比賽很難學到什麼,因為有太多事情同時發生,你很難知道選手比賽時 到底在想什麼。Solar打得比較有變化,有些運營是我們在ZvZ看不到的,但除此之外沒 什麼不同的,有大招、有蟑螂對陣、有飛螳、有火蟑螂跟狗的一波。這些都是典型的ZvZ 當中會出現的,這就是為什麼我覺得很難打的原因。我有注意到Dark在中盤時就會試著 進攻來結束比賽,好像害怕比賽進到後期。 Since we're talking about Korean players now: you're always in LR threads on TeamLiquid, commenting on Korean games, and you always seem very confident against them. Why is that? Q:既然我們談到韓國選手,你常常在TL論壇上評論韓國比賽,而且你似乎對上他們還是很 有自信,為什麼? I don't seem confident against them, I was only saying Zergs in KR seemed really poor for 6 months and they didn't have a clue how to play ZvT especially. They were basically playing the same builds and died to the most standard build in ZvT, which is the double medivac timing. Later they figured it out a little bit, but Europe was playing those builds 2 months earlier. Also we need to counterbalance TL Forums' bias towards Koreans. A:不是這樣,我只是在說KR區的蟲族在過去6個月實在是太弱了,特別是他們對人族沒有 什麼辦法。他們總是死在兩船兵的那個戰術。他們後來有點頭緒,但我們歐洲早了他 們兩個月。另外我也是想平衡TL論壇上一面倒向韓國的偏見。 I found one of your posts yesterday, saying it would be easy to beat Maru. Would it be? Q:我發現你昨天說打敗Maru很容易,真的嗎? (譯注:https://goo.gl/oqvpgO) Probably not, but it's more fun if you give some strong opinions from time to time. A:也許不是,但不時地給出強烈的觀點比較有趣。 (譯註Nerchio在咆嘯杯真的打敗Maru) You're not the first to say that foreigners are figuring the game out a bit faster. Solar said it recently as well, Dear used one of Harstem's builds in GSL. Do you think the foreign 'metagame' is ahead now as well in some cases? And if so, which? Q:你不是第一個說非韓選手對比賽的理解比較快的人,Solar最近也這麼說,Dear在GSL 上用了Harstem的戰術,你認為非韓選手在運營的理解,某些方面是不是比韓國選手好 ?如果是的話,是哪些? I can speak only for myself here, but I am playing much more than I did in Heart of the Swarm. Similarly to Wings of Liberty I believe I can compete with Koreans and be confident with my own way of playing the game instead of copying their builds. I don't know if we are figuring the game out faster than Koreans, but I am pretty sure that they are not the only ones that know how to play Starcraft 2, as some people on the TL forums suggest. In terms of Zergs, I think we are slowly moving towards the same metagame, but we can see that the Zerg match-ups still play out differently. A:我只能代表我自己,我可以說我比蟲心進步的多。像自由之翼(那時)一樣,我相信我 可以跟韓國選手競爭,我有自信用自己的戰術來比賽而不是複製他們的方式。我不知 道我們是不是比韓國選手有更快地理解,但我很確定他們不是像論壇上某些人說的那 樣,是唯一了解要如何玩SC2的人。以蟲族來說,我想我們慢慢的有在趨向同一個套路 ,但蟲族的比賽還是有很多變化的。 Kespa Cup is the first Global Event of the year. Should there be more of them? Q:Kespa Cup是今年第一個所有選手都能參加的比賽,這種比賽應該要多一些嗎? I wouldn't mind if there were more of them of course, but I was always saying that foreigners need more room to improve which is now provided through the WCS system. I think the most important step was giving us 3 big WCS tournaments that give quite a bit of money, and if the rest of Dreamhacks and IEMs were Global Events instead, it would be fine too. I would probably be continuing my studies instead if there wasn't any support for the foreign scene. A:如果有更多這樣的比賽,我當然不會介意,但我總是說,在現存的WCS系統下,非韓選手 需要更多的發揮空間。讓我們比的3場WCS大賽有更多的錢,是我認為最重要的發展,如 果其他的比賽像是Dreamhacks或是IEM是全球性的賽事,那也沒有關係。如果沒有任何支 援,我可能就會繼續我的學業(而不是像現在這樣)。 Looking at the final player list for Kespa Cup, it includes 3 of the Korean champions, as well as other high profile players. Is there anyone you would like to play against, or anyone you'd like to avoid? Q:參加Kespa Cup的名單中,有(今年)三個韓國比賽冠軍(譯註:Zest、Byun、Solar),也 有其他好手,有沒有哪位你想遇到或想避開的? I would probably like to avoid playing against Neeb because he is amazing. I don't really mind the rest. I think all my match-ups are similar in skill level at the moment, so it's hard to say who I would like to play against. A:因為Neeb很驚人,我不想對上他,其他的我不太在乎,我想我現在(對三族)的對抗實 力都差不多,很難說我想要對上誰。 Who wins the event? Q:誰會奪冠? Hopefully it's me, but I don't have that many expectations. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Protoss player like Zest or Stats. To be honest I can't see TRUE or any other Zerg except me winning this tournament. A:最好是我,但我不會有這樣多餘的期待。如果是像Zest或Stats這樣的神族奪冠,我不 意外。老實說,除了我之外的蟲族,就算是TRUE,都沒有可能贏得冠軍。 Is Zerg really that bad? Q:蟲族真的那麼糟? I know Solar just won a tournament but I feel like bracket luck is a big contribution to a lot of championships as well. Overall I don't consider those Zerg players capable of consistent tournament wins. A:我知道Solar剛奪冠,但我覺得那跟好籤也有很大的關係。總而言之,我不認為那些蟲 族有能力持續地在比賽中獲勝。 That’s a good note to end on. Any shoutouts or special mentions you want to give us? Q:這是一個好結尾,還有其他特別想說的嗎? Thanks to my team Euronics Gaming for supporting me this year and thanks to Red Bull for believing in my championship potential. A:謝謝我的隊伍Euronics Gaming今年給我的支持,也謝謝Red Bull相信我有奪冠的潛力。 (譯注:Red Bull有贊助他) ______________________________________________________________________ MarineLorD篇 來源:https://goo.gl/rP3bdp 翻譯:http://bbs.niuyou5.com/thread-2291197-1-2.html TL:恭喜!你有預計過自己會以第一的身份殺出預選賽嗎? MarineLorD:靴靴。老實說我一開始覺得自己機會渺茫。之前我認為我的TvP和TvT都強的 一比,但是對於Snute、Nerchio這幾個歐洲最強的蟲族有點虛。所以說我完全沒有想 過能得到這個成績。 TL:看起來Nerchio是你最難對付的對手了?你認為是什麼讓他顯得難以擊敗? MarineLorD:我又很多難對付的對手,我和SortOf打了一場艱難的比賽。Bunny看起來也 很嚇人,這哥們幾乎一年都沒怎麼聯繫但他把ShoWTimE給幹了,所以我虛的一比。和 PtitDrogo打我很有信心,但實際情況卻並不理想,恩教士imba你懂的。恩,當然, Nerchio確實是一個很強的選手。和他打的遊戲體驗非常糟糕,毫無樂趣。比如說, 在冰凍神殿/銀河天堂路上,人族三兵營死神的概率非常高。大多數蟲族都應當避免 一直裸雙開,尤其是在這兩幅地圖上。但是Nerchio兩次都選擇裸雙,而在銀河天堂 路上他偷成了但是在冰凍神殿上遭中了。我覺得他今年的開局非常的隨性,比之前的 任何時候都要,作為一個職業選手而言這還真令人失望。在常規運營地圖上我覺得我 和Nerchio五五開,如果地圖對蟲族有利那麼他會取得勝利,如果對人族有利那麼就是 我贏下比賽。 TL:你認為遊戲中這些隨機的一面會更好的幫助你對抗韓國選手還是限制你的發揮? MarineLorD:那要看發生在什麼對抗中,而且隨機性總是偏向我所以我毫無疑問是歡迎的 。不過我覺得這些頂級韓國選手並不會給我利用運氣的機會,他們會用一個穩當並且 吃一點虧的開局來**我利用運氣的方法,尤其是在TvZ和TvP中。最好的劇本是我被分 到一個蟲族小組中,我就能使出一些在正式比賽中沒有出現過的招式。韓國選手訓練 量是我的20倍還要多,在一場公平的運營中我不可能有機會,因為我想我確實是實力 不如人。在我看來ZvT這個對抗蟲族比人族要好打很多,所以說你把這兩個結論合到 一起就能發現我在一場正常對抗中對上一個世界頂級蟲族的勝率其實也不高。同時我 也希望能夠回避人族,每次我從歐洲來到韓國,我的TvT練習勝率就會從80%~90%跌到 20~30%。 TL:說到去韓國,通過預選得到去韓國參加線下比賽的資格對你來說有什麼特別嗎?或者 說你會像對待其他任何比賽一樣對待它? MarineLorD:對於同級別的獎金池來說,比賽的層級要高出太多,所以比賽真會很艱難。 我想我會樂於觀看我最喜歡的選手在我旁邊或是對面進行比賽,我也確信那幾天的比 賽會讓我在WESG的比賽中有更好的表現。我今年在競技層面只有一個目標,就是通過 預選參加WESG今年的正賽,考慮到這個比賽會在新的遊戲版本上進行,我想我取得成 績的可能要比平時高上不少,就像在國家杯上發生的那樣。 TL:K杯另外三名人族選手ByuN、Maru、TY,你最希望和誰進行練習? MarineLorD:在現在這個版本,這個問題很難回答。Maru在SPL外表現都很糟糕,但是他 是神,我很難對他評價,我想要更多瞭解他的TvZ。ByuN是三位選手中最強的,不過 他會進行網路直播,參加任何一個可能的線上賽事,所以我想我對他已經有了足夠的 瞭解。TY是個怪傢伙,有時我喜歡也很適合他的打法,有時他會玩一些我根本無法適 應的打法,我想經過周密的思考我還是會選擇Maru。 TL:你對於今年全球賽事的數量有什麼看法,你希望有更多和韓國選手對抗的機會嗎? MarineLorD:和往常一樣,暴雪許諾會給我們一些全球賽事,最終卻只有在韓國的這一 個,當然,我對此一點都不感到驚訝。恩,是的,我很希望能夠看到每年有兩到三 個非韓對抗韓國選手的大賽事。 TL:Nerchio在咆哮杯幹掉了ByuN,你認為他有機會贏下K杯麼?你心目中的奪冠熱門是誰 ? MarineLorD:我想Nerchio打vT確實很有實力,尤其是當你對他的ZvT的強大沒有認識的時 候。他對於常規開局都能占到優勢,但是他不偵查,所以你如果做一些奇葩的事情他 可能很容易就倒了,如果你常規打他就會占到便宜然後平推你,不論你的ID是 MarineLorD還是ByuN都沒有影響。我很難下判斷,我覺得近兩個月來神族都不再像它 過去三年那樣OP,所以我想所有的頂級選手都有機會,我看好herO、Stats、Solar和 ByuN。 TL:對你而言,成為首個贏下韓國比賽的非韓選手的榮耀以及從WESG上拿到200,000美元 ,哪個更加重要? MarineLorD:我去K杯能換一個韓國人是一個,說實話我從沒想過能奪冠。如果WESG確定 是在新版本上進行,我會想準備國家杯一樣準備它,盡我一切努力把獎盃帶會家。 TL:很棒的宣言,我們期待它能成真!感謝你騰出時間和我們聊這些。在我們結束採訪前 ,你有什麼要致謝和讚美的嗎? MarineLorD:謝謝你採訪我。讚美千禧年戰隊以及我贊助商羅技、橘子以及外星人。我會 盡我所能去調戲那些韓國選手,期待他們在比賽結束後都變成玩梗狂魔吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1474376001.A.A0F.html

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