Re: [翻譯] 另一個LotV Impression(人蟲、總結篇)

看板StarCraft作者 ([αλφα])時間9年前 (2015/04/11 15:53), 編輯推噓39(39016)
留言55則, 29人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《A1pha ([αλφα])》之銘言: : ※ 引述《ahli (ahli)》之銘言: : : 求神人翻譯... : : : : 這次是Team Accer的 beta impression, : : protoss的部分好像有提到新的躍傳機制對戰局的影響。 : : 話說除了傷害變兩倍以外,躍傳的時間是不是有變長啊? : : 好想玩啊....抽不到beta key只好到處亂翻文章。 Terran It feels like there is always the least to say about Terran, because it's still the 'most balanced' race. Even Blizzard is struggling to find ways to introduce new units or rebalance existing Terran ones, because things are so well-rounded - which, frankly, is a compliment to the original design they had in Wings of Liberty, much less where things are now in HotS. There are still a few conversation pieces based on how the beta has gone so far, though... 人類感覺總是讓人無法置喙, 因為他們一直是最平衡的種族。 甚至暴雪都覺得難以安插新的單位或是重新調整平衡, 因為所有的東西都很完善, 這從自由之翼就是如此,蟲群之心沒有改變多少。 但是BETA測試到現在還是有一些討論。
Those little homing beacon lines will be the last thing you see. 這些傾巢而出的瞄準線將會是你死前看到的景象。 Cyclones are ridiculous. Granted, they're fairly expensive at 150/150, so they should be competitive with Siege Tanks and other comparably-costed units, but playing with them feels hilarious, and playing against them feels awful. Their speed is sufficient to keep most anything in range of Lock On for long enough to kill it, and they're durable enough to withstand punishment from most units (they die to overwhelming quantities of small units, like bio or Zerglings). They see a lot more play in TvP than other matchups, since Protoss units are all more expensive and there are less of them, and since they can also target air units. 這些飛彈車真的太跨張了。 跟你保證, 這飛彈車造價150/150,還挺貴的, 所以他們應該威力跟攻城坦克或是其他差不多造價的單位相比, 但是他們玩起來的手感真的太荒唐了, 而對付他們真的是感覺太糟了。 他們的速度足夠快到可以鎖定任何目標之後一直黏住直到殺掉目標, 而他的血量可以撐過大多單位對他的攻擊。 (飛彈車會被大量的小單位殺死,像是大量槍兵或是小狗。) 飛彈車最常出現的對抗就是TVP, 因為P大多都是精貴的單位,數量不多, 而且飛彈車還可以鎖定空中單位。 As much as the unit is very cool and adds a hypothetically unique micro dynamic and some depth of play to Terran/Mech, it needs a balance pass in a bad way. The damage output is absurd, and watching non-pro players on the beta try to play against them is maddeningly painful. The most successful plays I've seen to counter Cyclones have been to ignore them and try to pull the Terran player apart with harassment play to punish Mech's immobility, which is exactly how people try to play around Mech in HotS - the ability to take straight-up engagements has arguably gotten worse with the Cyclone's introduction. Lock On having lower damage and/or a lower targeting range would help bring their power level in line with what the role they're designed to fill. 雖然這單位真的滿酷的, 在理論上也有獨特的微操技巧, 而且也增加了人類機械化戰術的一些深度, 但是他的平衡還需要再弱化。 他的輸出能力真的太跨張了, 看那些非職業玩家與之對抗的畫面真的讓我不忍直視。 目前我看過最成功的反制方法就是不要與之正面對抗, 利用騷擾以及機械化機動力不足的特點將人類選手擊倒, 也就是HOTS裡大家用來對付機械化的基本招式。 現在機械化在加入了飛彈車之後,更加難以與之正面對抗。 鎖定之後的傷害減少或是鎖定距離的減少, 或者兩者並行, 應該會是一個平衡這個單位的有效方法, 讓他們更符合他們原本設計出來的目的。 Sieged Tank drops seem very cool, but aren't seeing much play due to their risk/expense. Banshees are substantially more useful, which is a welcome change. Most Terran players seem to be sticking to the more tried-and-true biomine (with added Cyclone hilarity) style. 攻城坦克的空投感覺還滿酷的, 但是由於風險以及成本的關係目前看到的不多。 女妖現在變得更有用了。 現在大多的人類玩家由於飛彈車的強勢都在玩飛彈車。 The quest continues for a second new Terran unit, and nothing obvious has been brought out for evaluation or testing yet. I maintain that it would be nice to see Terran get something that has some physical zoning potential, since they have plenty of tools for harass, lots of ways to survive on low-gas compositions, etc., but a way to control movement and protect Siege Tanks and Thors could be a tremendous improvement and give Mech (and, really, slower-moving, more map control oriented play of any kind) a huge boost. 人類的第二個新單位仍然是一個課題, 而且目前也沒有看到任何有革命性的概念或是有什麼被拿出來測試。 我認為人類應該要再增加一個區域控制型的單位, 因為現在的人類的騷擾工具已經夠多了, 而且有足夠的能力在低瓦斯收入的情況下存活。 而限制對方的進攻路線來保護坦克或是雷神會是一個很好的方法來增加機械化 或是任何移動速度慢、以控圖為核心的戰術更強。 The jury is honestly still out on Battlecruisers' Tactical Jump, because it's not being seen much yet. I maintain that it's out of line with the otherwise micro-intensive design philosophy of LotV to be able to just fire-and-forget drop a Battlecruiser anywhere on the map, and countering a large number of them could prove incredibly challenging because of it, but further testing is definitely needed to make that determination. 而目前最值得探討的還是在於戰巡的跳躍技能, 因為目前看到的還不多。 我認為戰巡的跳躍技能是逾越了LOTV以微操為主的設計概念, 因為戰巡可以跳躍到地圖上的任何位置無須微操, 而當這些跳來跳去的戰巡數量一多的時候, 對付這些跳躍的戰巡的玩家會需要消耗大量的手速來對付他們。 但是我們還需要更多的測試才能確認這一點。 No other significant things changed for Terran, so it is rightly the race that plays the most similarly on beta to how it is played on the live HotS ladder! 人類的變動並不多, 因此目前也是玩起來感覺最像是HOTS的種族。 Zerg That brings us to the Zerg, who are receiving some major love in LotV. With knowledge of more of the specifics, we can evaluate the unit changes in a lot more detail. 最後來到了蟲族, 也是目前LOTV最受到歡迎的一族。 由於玩得人多,我們也可以因此作更仔細的分析。
Oh, Lurkers, we had missed you so. 噢!遁地獸,我們好想念你啊~ Lurker siege range feels okay, especially in the void that altering the old Swarm Host left. They're better defensively, interesting for zoning/map control (albeit perhaps not as openly in SC2, given Banelings), and have to be carefully positioned to take advantage of their siege capability. Having the upgrade come in on tier 2 is barely noticeable, since the speed of tech for all races is much quicker with earlier gas incomes. The size (width, specifically) of the Lurker attack feels narrow, relative to what you'd expect, but given its fairly high damage (especially in a situation where 3-4 Lurkers control a choke point), it's unlikely to be changed much, if at all. Smarter targeting priority in SC2 also means that the new Lurker won't be as micro-dependent to avoid overkill attacks on a single target. Microing to avoid the attack is very possible, still, which is also encouraging. 遁地獸的攻擊距離感覺OK, 特別是在LOTV裡取代了百生的位置。 相較之下,遁地獸比較適合防守, 他們在控圖上也感覺滿有趣的, 縱使控圖作用不像是其他單位那麼有彈性,例如毒爆, 而且他們的布置需要非常小心才能發揮出他們的攻擊效果。 雖然是在二本科技, 但是幾乎沒有感覺,因為現在資源收入發展得很快, 瓦斯取得很早導致科技速度很快的關係。 遁地獸的攻擊寬度感覺有點窄, 跟我們預期的會有點落差, 但是傷害輸出非常可觀,特別是在三四個遁地獸控制一個窄口的情況下。 我相信遁地獸的改動將會很少,甚至不會有改動。 現在二代的智慧瞄準機制也讓遁地獸不會過度擊殺目標, 這讓操作遁地獸輕鬆不少。 但是操作單位來躲避遁地獸的攻擊還是可能的, 這也是鼓勵操作的地方。 Concerns about Ravager damage have been floated, and I'm inclined to say they're worth addressing. It hasn't been seen in a pro-level sense yet, because it's still the Wild West out there with respect to timings, but the raw damage output that Ravagers are capable of (and the low cooldown on Corrosive Bile) makes them incredibly scary in any numbers and during the early game as part of timing pushes. Again, the cost (at a combined total of 100/100 and the additional morph time) means they can't be tremendously weak, but the rate of fire/DPS in the current build feels high. It also feels like the need for Corrosive Bile to destroy Force Fields is something of a moot point when the Roaches can burrow-move past them (since Tunneling Claws is baked in to the Roach now). Regardless, Zerg aggression is in a very, very good place with this unit. 關於劫毀蟲的評斷眾說紛紜, 而我認為也沒有必要在這邊拿出來說, 因為所有的評論目前還沒有到達職業的等級, 因為目前所有的TIMING仍然還沒有建構起來。 但是光看劫毀蟲數據上的輸出, 以及他們技能的短CD, 這讓該單位在早期的TIMING進攻上會是很可怕的。 總之,從造價100/100以及包含變身的生產時間來看, 這單位肯定不會太弱, 而且目前帳面上的DPS是滿高的。 另外就是劫毀蟲的技能「腐蝕膽汁」可以破壞立場這一點感覺有點雞肋, 因為蟑螂現在可以研發遁地之後就鑽過立場了。 (現在蟑螂內建掘地爪) 總之, 蟲族早期的壓制加入這單位之後會非常有利。 Infestors still don't have a replacement for Neural Parasite (since the Aggressive Mutation removal). It's unclear what direction this will end up going, but Infestors are almost unplayable right now (Fungal into Corrosive Bile is nice, but rarely worth the investment). The Swarm Host changes feel great, and it will be awesome to see those go live in HotS ahead of the eventual live release of LotV. (Still pulling for Blizzard to decide to bring the scan range change forward into HotS as well, but we'll see.) 感染蟲目前還沒有一個新的技能來取代被移除的神經寄生技能。 而且目前的定位也相當不明確, 現在幾乎沒有讓他出場的機會, 或許真菌加上腐蝕膽汁會是一個不錯的連續技, 但是那個花費根本就不值得。 百生的改動感覺相當不錯, 我很樂見他的改動出現在HOTS裡。 (我還很希望看見掃描的範圍的改動也提前加到HOTS裡面,拭目以待吧) Surprisingly, not a lot of people have been taking advantage of the new untargetable Nydus Worm. This may be due to easier aggression using Burrowed Roaches, or it may simply be an unnecessary tech choice to harass or move units between bases efficiently. 讓我驚訝的是目前很少看到玩家利用地下蠕蟲開後門時無敵這項新改動, 或許是因為現在蟑螂內建掘地爪的關係讓早期的進攻更加容易, 或許也只是單純因為地下蠕蟲並非騷擾或是部隊移動的必要手段。 Other than the removal of Tunneling Claws as an upgrade, Zerg hasn't gotten much in the way of a balance pass in the current beta, but some of that can be attributed to work already done on Swarm Hosts for HotS. 除了移除掘地爪科技的研發, 蟲族並沒有太多的更動, 這也可以說是因為許多更動已經在HOTS完成的原因。
All of the new hotness in one epic battle. 全新的激戰 總結 Legacy of the Void beta is in a very, very early state. Multiplayer balance is harder to assess in parallel with the changes to the economy, which eliminate a ton of builds and change the pace of expanding and aggression very substantially. New units are overrepresented as testers rush to enjoy them and showcase them on streams or in small tournaments. A lot of balance conversations are hinged on trying to look at design decisions, counterplay, and unit statistics in something of a vacuum, because there are so few examples of games to lean on thus far. LOTV目前還在開發的階段。 多人對戰由於經濟體系的改變變得更難平衡了, 許多原本既有的體系、戰術都因為新的經濟體系而有大幅的變動, 變得必須要更加積極地去擴張。 新單位目前被大家過度強調了, 由於大家都急於在直播上或是小比賽上炫耀新的單位, 以及急於去享受新的單位帶來的樂趣。 目前平衡的討論都是以設計理念、反制方法、以及單位數據去討論, 挺空泛的, 因為沒有太多的比賽可以觀摩參考。 As balance testing and further patching occurs, we saw Blizzard work very aggressively on moving the needle during the Heart of the Swarm beta. I've no doubt they'll do the same thing here - we could still see units removed outright, added, majorly rebalanced, or whole mechanics changed as players learn the finer windows of timings and build orders begin to coalesce. From what we've seen thus far, it seems as though Blizzard has been very responsive to the SC2 community's suggestions, and the upcoming Swarm Host and Raven (PDD) changes feel like great, immediate examples of that - and in the early stages of the LotV beta, where they can change things haphazardly and without consequence, expect to see very real swings in balance on a month-to-month basis. 從目前的測試到現在, 我們可以看到暴雪非常積極地去做改動,從HOTS的BETA測試時就可以看出來。 我絕不懷疑他們也會在這次的BETA測試中做同樣的事情, 移除、增加或是大幅更動平衡, 或是整個機制的改變讓玩家重新找出新的流程、TIMING、攻擊空窗。 目前看來,暴雪非常注重社群的反饋和建議, 像是百生的改動、渡鴉無人防禦機的在HOTS改動都感覺相當不錯。 讓我們期待暴雪在LOTV BETA毫無後顧地每個月一次的大改動吧。 I expect Legacy of the Void to target a retail release shortly following BlizzCon 2015, allowing the current WCS cycle to come to a complete close before the new expansion takes over. Some third party tournaments will no doubt shift to Legacy of the Void beta as the number of players with access grows, but WCS itself will remain within Heart of the Swarm for the remainder of the year, which means there is a solid 6-7 month period for significant beta testing to occur in the lead up to Legacy's launch. 我預期LOTV將會在2015的BLIZZCON過後開始發行, 這將可以跟WCS的賽程無縫接軌。 一些第三方賽事肯定會轉換到LOTV基於觀賞玩家將會增加。 但是WCS將會維持HOTS大約6~7個月,讓LOTV的BETA繼續擴大測試直到正式發行為止。 翻完了@@ -- ◤ ◥ by ˊ︵ ︵ ╭────────╮ 你 ◤(◥◥ A (⊙)(⊙)│生日快樂啊~九妹 │ 媽 -⊙-⊙— 1 (( ( _●_) ╭────────╯ 的 p   |∪| ミ ◣︶ ◢ h SEn ﹨ˊ ◤◥ a -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/11 15:59, , 1F
04/11 15:59, 1F

04/11 16:01, , 2F
04/11 16:01, 2F

04/11 16:02, , 3F
04/11 16:02, 3F

04/11 16:08, , 4F
已飛彈車的威力跟我說很貴 你在跟我開玩笑嗎
04/11 16:08, 4F

04/11 16:14, , 5F
04/11 16:14, 5F

04/11 16:14, , 6F
04/11 16:14, 6F

04/11 16:15, , 7F
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04/11 16:18, , 8F
04/11 16:18, 8F

04/11 16:20, , 9F
04/11 16:20, 9F

04/11 16:31, , 10F
話說davidkim有公布人類新單位了 空軍
04/11 16:31, 10F

04/11 16:39, , 11F
04/11 16:39, 11F

04/11 16:50, , 12F
戰巡:我會跳錯了嗎? 追獵:ouo
04/11 16:50, 12F

04/11 16:51, , 13F
人類新單位的連結可以來一下嗎? 感謝
04/11 16:51, 13F

04/11 16:53, , 14F
推 另求新單位連結+1
04/11 16:53, 14F

04/11 16:53, , 15F
04/11 16:53, 15F

04/11 16:55, , 16F
04/11 16:55, 16F

04/11 16:56, , 17F
04/11 16:56, 17F

04/11 17:07, , 18F
推人族 真的從一開始就是很完善的種族
04/11 17:07, 18F

04/11 17:10, , 19F
04/11 17:10, 19F

04/11 17:10, , 20F
04/11 17:10, 20F

04/11 17:11, , 21F
air to air , 有技能可對地,會不會是強化版的女武神勒...
04/11 17:11, 21F

04/11 17:13, , 22F
04/11 17:13, 22F

04/11 17:14, , 23F
04/11 17:14, 23F

04/11 17:14, , 24F
空對空可對地 那乾脆把維京降落模式拿掉 給對地技能就好
04/11 17:14, 24F

04/11 17:15, , 25F
04/11 17:15, 25F

04/11 17:15, , 26F
BZCON的時候很明顯太強 現在這版本已經相當完整了
04/11 17:15, 26F

04/11 17:16, , 27F
空對空高射速低傷害 有對地距離9的技能......
04/11 17:16, 27F

04/11 17:17, , 28F
04/11 17:17, 28F

04/11 17:18, , 29F
把設計物盡其用的話 應該是去BUFF空地模式
04/11 17:18, 29F

04/11 17:19, , 30F
04/11 17:19, 30F

04/11 17:19, , 31F
把雷神設計成跟鋼彈一樣會飛好了 這樣很酷
04/11 17:19, 31F

04/11 17:22, , 32F
04/11 17:22, 32F

04/11 17:22, , 33F
04/11 17:22, 33F

04/11 17:23, , 34F
我也覺得飛彈車很好 問題可能是TVP中的P那一方..
04/11 17:23, 34F

04/11 17:24, , 35F
04/11 17:24, 35F

04/11 17:29, , 36F
突然想到 如果這單位是輔助型的 那可能還不壞
04/11 17:29, 36F

04/11 17:29, , 37F
04/11 17:29, 37F

04/11 17:29, , 38F
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04/11 17:34, , 39F
04/11 17:34, 39F

04/11 17:34, , 40F
04/11 17:34, 40F

04/11 17:35, , 41F
那我睹這新單位就是裝了機槍砲台的科學球 對地技能就是
04/11 17:35, 41F

04/11 17:35, , 42F
04/11 17:35, 42F

04/11 17:36, , 43F
04/11 17:36, 43F

04/11 17:40, , 44F
乾脆給人族個Metal Gear
04/11 17:40, 44F

04/11 18:10, , 45F
04/11 18:10, 45F

04/11 18:14, , 46F
04/11 18:14, 46F

04/11 18:14, , 47F
04/11 18:14, 47F

04/11 18:20, , 48F
04/11 18:20, 48F

04/11 18:30, , 49F
雷神改成飛天魔像 炸裂之後掉出4人口任意單位 coooooooool
04/11 18:30, 49F

04/11 18:36, , 50F
說到限制對面 地雷一人口就解決啦(逃
04/11 18:36, 50F

04/11 20:18, , 51F
總覺得這單位根本坦克+維京合體 有夠醜
04/11 20:18, 51F

04/11 20:47, , 52F
04/11 20:47, 52F

04/11 22:51, , 53F
熔岩濺射加大不知道如何 當AOE用
04/11 22:51, 53F

04/12 00:53, , 54F
04/12 00:53, 54F

04/12 03:28, , 55F
04/12 03:28, 55F
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