[新聞] 蟲群之心戰役技能預覽

看板StarCraft作者 (FA(バルシェ應援))時間11年前 (2013/01/22 21:05), 編輯推噓28(28018)
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原文 http://tinyurl.com/alkce7v 首先是凱莉根的技能。 Kerrigan』s abilities can be toggled in between missions, but you have to select between one of two abilities per 『row』. Note that the cooldown is in-game seconds. 凱莉根的技能可以在戰役不同關卡間繼承。但你在每一"行"中的兩個技能中只能選擇一個 。請記住以下提到的冷卻時間是遊戲內時間。 Requires Level 5 Skill Subset 1 (choose between the two) 需求等級5。 第一層技能(二者選其一) Crushing Grip Cost: 50 mana Cooldown: 10 seconds Enemies in target area are stunned for 3 seconds and take 30 mdamage over time. (does not stun heroic units). 粉碎之握 消耗50能量 冷卻: 10秒 區域內的敵方單位眩暈3秒,在3秒內收到30點傷害。(眩暈效果對英雄單位無效) Chain Reaction Kerrigan's atack deal normal damage to her target then jump to additional nearby enemies. Deals 10 damage to up to four secondary targets (passive ability). 鏈式反應 凱瑞跟的攻擊對臨近額外的單位造成傷害 對最多4個單位造成10點傷害(被動技能)。 Skill Subset 2 第二層技能 Kinetic Blast Cost: 50 mana. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Kerrigan deals 300 damage to a target unit or structure from long range. 動能衝擊 消耗: 50能量 冷卻: 10秒 凱瑞跟對一個單位或建築造成300點傷害,這個技能的射程較遠。 Heroic Fortitutde Kerrigan gains +200 max life. Life-regeneration rate increased by 100% (passive ability). 英勇堅韌 凱瑞跟獲得額外200點生命值。生命恢復速度提高100%(被動技能)。 ============================================================================== 以下是各種單位的進化 Requires Level 10 需要等級10 Zergling Reconstruction Cooldown: 30 seconds. Killed zerglings respawn form primary hatchery at no cost. Respawns up to 10 zerglings every 30 seconds until al zerglings have returned to life (passive). 異化蟲重構 冷卻: 30秒 被殺掉的異化蟲在起初的孵化所免費重新孵化 每30秒最多免費孵化10隻跳蟲,直到所有的異化蟲復活(被動技能)。 Improved Overlords Overlords morph instantly and provide 50% more supply (passive ability). 王蟲強化 王蟲不需要孵化時間,提供50%的額外人口支持(被動技能)。 Requires Level 20 需求等級20 Wild Mutation Cost: 50 mana. Cooldown: 25 seconds. Friendly Zerg units in the target area gain +200 maximum life and 100% increased attack speed for 10 seconds (does not effect heroic units). 野性突變 消耗: 50能量 冷卻: 25秒 目標區域的友方蟲族單位獲得200點生命上限和100%的攻擊速度,持續10秒(不影響英雄單 位)。 Spawn Banelings Cost: 50 mana. Cooldown: 30 seconds. Kerrigan spawns six banelings with timed life. 孵化毒爆蟲 消耗: 50能量 冷卻: 30秒 凱莉根孵化出6個有時限生命的毒爆蟲。 Requires Level 35 需要等級35. Twin Drones Drones Morph in groups of two at no additional mineral or supply cost (passive ability). 雙子工蜂 每個幼蟲孵化出兩個工蜂,不需要額外的晶礦或人口消耗(被動技能)。 Malignant Creep Your units and structures gain increased life regeneration and 30% increased attack speed on creep. Creep tumors spread creep faster and farther (passive ability). 惡性菌毯 你的單位和建築在菌毯上獲得額外的生命回復和30%額外的攻擊速度。 菌毯瘤擴散更快更遠。 Requires Level 50 需求等級50 Infest Broodlings Enemies damaged by Kerrigan become infested and spawn two broodings with timed life if killed quickly. (Passive ability) 感染巢蟲 被凱瑞跟攻擊的敵方單位受到感染,如果在感染期內被擊殺,該單位的屍體中會產生2隻 小蟲(被動技能)。 Fury Each attack temporarily increases kerrigan』s attack speed by 15%. Can stack up to 75% increased attack speed. (passive ability) 激怒 每次攻擊增加凱瑞跟的攻擊速度15%, 這個增益效果是暫時的。 可以最多疊加到75%(被動技能) Requires level 60 需求等級60 Drop Pods Cost: 100 mana Cooldown: 300 seconds (This ability starts on cooldown) Delivers Zerg with timed life to the battlefield. Drop-pods contain 40 Zerglings, 50 Roaches, and 5 Hydralisks 降落蟲莢 耗費: 100能量 冷卻: 300秒。 (這個技能在遊戲開始時進入冷卻) 蟲莢運送一些有生命時限的蟲族單位進入戰場。蟲莢包含40跳蟲、5蟑螂和5刺蛇。 Spawn Leviathan Cost: 100 mana Cooldown: 300 seconds (This ability starts a cooldown.) Summons a mighty flying Leviathan with timed life. Deals massive damage and has energy based abilities. Can attack ground and air units. 孵化利維坦 消耗: 100能量 冷卻: 300秒 (這個技能在遊戲開始時進入冷卻) 召喚強大的飛行單位利維坦,利維坦有生命時限。可以造成大量傷害並且可以使用能量釋 放技能。可以攻擊地面和空中單位。 ============================================================================== Evolution Chamber 進化腔 http://tinyurl.com/auu4tco The Evolution Chamber is where you apply persistent mutations and evolutions to your units. The evolution chamber is similar to the armory in which you can add persistent upgrades to your units that can be used during missions. How your units can evolve are divided into evolution strains (subspecies) and mutations. 進化腔可以讓你的單位變異和進化。 進化腔和自由之翼中的機械庫很相似,在戰役的機械庫中你可以升級你的單位。而在進化 腔中你的單位可以突變,進化成亞種。 http://tinyurl.com/as79fw6 ============================================================================== You can toggle between mutation upgrades in between missions. 你可以在關卡中選擇變異升級. http://tinyurl.com/ap4cn2v Mutations 變異 Mutations are toggled skills and upgrades for your units. You choose one of three mutation options that can be changed at any time in between missions. 變異是對技能的改變和對單位的升級, 你可以在每個關卡中間的時間從3個變異中選擇一 個,並且可以隨時改變。 Select between two baneling subspecies. Choose banelings that leap up cliffs, or banelings that split into more banelings. 在兩個毒爆蟲亞種中選擇。你可以選擇可以在飛躍懸崖的毒爆蟲,或者分裂毒爆蟲。 ============================================================================== Evolution strains 進化亞種(進化珠) Alongside mutations, you can drastically change the look and capabilities of your units through evolution strains that create a subspecies of units. However, you can only choose one of two competing evolution strains. The evolution process has undergone a number of changes since the last preview, including the ability to preview each evolution in game. 除了變異之外,你也可以通過進化株來顯著改變你單位的外觀和能力。然而,你只能在兩 種互相競爭的進化株中選擇一種。進化過程自從上次遊戲展之後改變了許多,包括你可以 看到進化後單位的戰場表現。 Selecting an evolution strain for your unit begins two "mini-missions", which allow you to harvest 'essence' of native critters that will be applied to your units. The missions conclude when you overrun a small opposing force with your newly evolved units, giving you a quick preview of how they will work in game. 選擇你單位的進化株會開啟兩個"迷你任務",你可以從土著物種中獲得"本質"來應用到你 的單位上。這個任務會讓你帶著一小隊進化的單位來對抗敵軍來讓你瞭解這種進化在遊戲 中表現如何。 http://tinyurl.com/9wnf2qx Mini-missions for evolution strains give you the ability to play with your newly upgraded subspecies - raptorlings can leap up and down cliffs. 進化株的迷你任務可以讓你嘗試你的新的亞種 - 迅猛跳蟲可以在懸崖間跳躍。 ============================================================================== 以下是進化亞種的科技 Zergling 異化蟲 Mutations Hardened Carapace: Gain an additional 10 HP. Adrenal Overload: +50% attack speed. Metabolic Boost: +60% movement speed. 變異 硬化甲殼: 獲得額外10點生命. 腎上腺素過量: 增加50%的攻擊速度. 代謝加速: 增加60%移動速度. Evolutions Raptorling: Gains the ability to leap up and down cliffs and over other units. Swarmling: Swarmlings spawn at 3 units per egg, and their spawn speed is drastically decreased (near instant). 進化 迅猛跳蟲: 可以跳躍懸崖 蟲群跳蟲: 每一個幼蟲孵化出3只跳蟲,孵化速度明顯加快(幾乎不需要時間) ============================================================================== Baneling 毒爆蟲 Mutations Hardened Carapace: Gain an additional 10 HP. Adrenal Overload: +50% attack speed. Metabolic Boost: +60% movement speed. 變異 硬化甲殼: 獲得額外10點生命. 腎上腺素過量: 增加50%的攻擊速度. 代謝加速: 增加60%移動速度. (這裡應該是TL的帖子有誤) Evolutions Splitter Baneling: Banelings split into smaller banelings upon detonation, each smaller baneling does 5 damage. Hunter Baneling: Banelings gain the ability to jump up and down cliffs, as well as leap toward opponents. 進化 分裂毒爆蟲: 爆炸時產生兩個小毒爆蟲, 每個小毒爆蟲造成5點傷害. 毒爆獵手: 毒爆蟲可以跳躍山崖. ============================================================================== Roach 蟑螂 Mutations Hydriodic Bile: Gain +8 damage vs. light units. Adaptive Plating: Gain +3 armor when life falls below 50% Tunneling Claws: Move at full speed when burrowed, and gain 100% life regen rate. 變異 碘化膽汁: 對輕甲單位造成額外8點傷害。 自適應性外殼: 在生命值低於50%時獲得額外3點護甲。 隧道挖掘爪: 在埋地時移動速度和非埋地時一樣,獲得額外100%的生命回復速率。 Evolutions None available in preview. 進化 目前沒有相關資料。 ============================================================================== Hydralisk 刺蛇 Mutations Frenzy: Gain 50% attack speed for 15 seconds, with 30 second cooldown. Ancillary Carapace: Gain +20 HP. Grooved Spines: Gain +1 attack range. 變異 狂化: 在15秒內獲得額外50%的攻擊速度,個技能有30秒的冷卻時間。 輔助甲殼: 獲得額外20點生命。 深槽脊刺: 獲得額外1點射程。 Evolutions None available in preview. 進化 目前沒有相關資料。 ============================================================================== Campaign Queen 戰役中的后蟲 The campaign introduces the lore of there being a variety of queen species. In our missions, the traditional multiplayer queen was replaced with a Swarm Queen, which has had its model previewed in previous battle reports. Swarm Queens exhibit a number of variations from their counterparts. Swarm Queens cost 150 minerals and 50 gas. Swarm Queen speed off creep is faster than Wings of Liberty queens, but they are still faster on creep. Swarm Queens do not have larvae inject ability, but Hatcheries can spawn over 3 larvae. 戰役中將出現很多種后蟲,在我們的任務中,傳統的多人對戰中的女王被蟲群之後替代, 戰役后蟲的模型和我們之前3場戰鬥預覽中看到的相同,蟲群之後更具有適應性。 戰役后蟲消耗150晶礦和50瓦斯。 戰役后蟲在菌毯外的移動速度比自由之翼中的蟲後快很多,但她們在菌毯上的速度更快。 戰役后蟲沒有注卵技能,但孵化所可以生產出超過3只的幼蟲。 The Swarm Queen also has unique abilities: 有以下獨特的技能 Rapid Transfuse Cost: 10 Mana. Cooldown: 3 seconds. Heals 25 HP over time (auto cast). 快速灌輸. 消耗: 10能量 冷卻: 3秒 在一段時間內治療25點傷害(自動施法)。 Creep Tumors Cooldown: 3 seconds. Lays down a creep tumor to expand creep. 菌毯瘤 冷卻: 3秒 放下一個菌毯瘤來擴散菌毯. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/22 21:08, , 1F
01/22 21:08, 1F

01/22 21:10, , 2F
看起來很有趣呀 但是凱莉根孵化毒爆蟲 這畫面...
01/22 21:10, 2F

01/22 21:11, , 3F
母的會產卵 很正常啊!
01/22 21:11, 3F

01/22 21:13, , 4F
01/22 21:13, 4F
※ 編輯: FAlin 來自: (01/22 21:14)

01/22 21:15, , 5F
凱利根:身為刀鋒女皇 會通靈之術也是很合邏輯的
01/22 21:15, 5F

01/22 21:17, , 6F
分裂 分裂 再分裂
01/22 21:17, 6F

01/22 21:17, , 7F
01/22 21:17, 7F

01/22 21:21, , 8F
01/22 21:21, 8F

01/22 21:29, , 9F
01/22 21:29, 9F

01/22 21:37, , 10F
Chain Reaction就是高中化學教的"連鎖反應"或"鏈鎖反應"
01/22 21:37, 10F

01/22 21:38, , 11F
01/22 21:38, 11F

01/22 21:39, , 12F
01/22 21:39, 12F

01/22 21:40, , 13F
01/22 21:40, 13F

01/22 21:41, , 14F
01/22 21:41, 14F

01/22 21:42, , 15F
01/22 21:42, 15F

01/22 21:43, , 16F
01/22 21:43, 16F

01/22 21:43, , 17F
01/22 21:43, 17F

01/22 21:44, , 18F
01/22 21:44, 18F

01/22 21:44, , 19F
01/22 21:44, 19F

01/22 21:44, , 20F
劇情真的很棒耶 但天梯對戰....
01/22 21:44, 20F

01/22 21:46, , 21F
01/22 21:46, 21F

01/22 21:47, , 22F
戰役不用考慮太複雜的平衡因素 可以做得很COOOOOOOOOOL
01/22 21:47, 22F

01/22 21:48, , 23F
01/22 21:48, 23F

01/22 21:49, , 24F
真的耶 要多酷有多酷 變得很豐富很好玩XD
01/22 21:49, 24F

01/22 21:49, , 25F
01/22 21:49, 25F

01/22 21:50, , 26F
是說如果把戰役的所有科技全部投入做多人 感覺也很有趣
01/22 21:50, 26F

01/22 21:51, , 27F
01/22 21:51, 27F

01/22 21:51, , 28F
很虐吧 攻城坦克配特殊彈頭打主要目標多40溜......
01/22 21:51, 28F

01/22 21:56, , 29F
01/22 21:56, 29F

01/22 22:01, , 30F
別的不說 自動瓦斯廠很明顯就是不可能用在多人模式的
01/22 22:01, 30F

01/22 22:04, , 31F
消防設施 心控塔 科技實驗室+反應爐
01/22 22:04, 31F

01/22 22:13, , 32F
蚌殼 死神 維京 這些都太強~.~
01/22 22:13, 32F

01/22 22:55, , 33F
01/22 22:55, 33F

01/22 22:57, , 34F
WOL戰役胖子的震撼彈帶小範圍效果 如果可以打針就超強了
01/22 22:57, 34F

01/22 23:00, , 35F
01/22 23:00, 35F

01/22 23:00, , 36F
01/22 23:00, 36F

01/22 23:01, , 37F
01/22 23:01, 37F

01/22 23:02, , 38F
01/22 23:02, 38F

01/22 23:06, , 39F
01/22 23:06, 39F

01/22 23:09, , 40F
01/22 23:09, 40F

01/22 23:24, , 41F
01/22 23:24, 41F

01/22 23:26, , 42F
01/22 23:26, 42F

01/22 23:27, , 43F
選科技線 很多RTS都有阿 英雄聯隊 最高指揮官2等等
01/22 23:27, 43F

01/22 23:59, , 44F
OO部族加成:飛螳成本 一本-10% 二本-20% 三本-30%
01/22 23:59, 44F

01/22 23:59, , 45F
01/22 23:59, 45F

01/23 07:24, , 46F
大膽預測 蟲心上了之後 台T又要減少了 lol
01/23 07:24, 46F
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