[新聞] Preliminary ESF reaction in fomos arti

看板StarCraft作者 (乳乳)時間11年前 (2012/10/18 17:06), 編輯推噓61(61037)
留言98則, 59人參與, 最新討論串1/1
A Fomos article has what appears to be a preliminary statement from eSF chair Mr. Won (also Startale head coach). It seems unlikely that this is all the eSF has to say, and more will probably follow. But for now, here are the statements from the Fomos article 協面方會也有話想要說 "We have things to say as well... ...we admit to a degree that there was friction with SlayerS, but it's not something over a couple of days, so if one side comes out emotionally, the problem can't help but expand. It's unfortunate that this situation occurred." "If we really wanted to ostracize SlayerS, we could have excluded them very thoroughly, but that's not the case at all. Instead, we did a lot together, and worked to treat them the same as other teams even though they were not part of the federation... ...there was a time where [players were] ordered not to practice [with SlayerS players], but it was only for a short period. There is no ban now. At the time, SlayerS kept acting selfishly, so the teams had no choice but to cooperate and penalize them." "嗯我們也想出來澄清一些事情...." "我們承認之前真的跟Slayers有些可愛的小摩擦,但那只持續幾天而已" "只要有一方開始情緒化的話這事情就會鬧得更大,很遺憾他真的發生了。" 協會會長,同時也是ST教練的Won表示 "如果我們真的想要抵制Slayers,我們根本可以直接讓他們被排除在外。" "但我們根本不想這麼做。" "實際上我們一起努力了很多,即使他們不是協會的成員之一我們還是像對其他 的隊伍一樣對他們。" "對,之前真的有一段時間是禁止選手跟它們練習的。但只有短短一下子的時間而已" "現在早已經沒有任何的限制。" "但那之後Slayers繼續表現的很自私,所以其他隊也決定要聯合起來對它們有所懲罰。" 以上是協會的會長同時也是ST教練的Won的發言 接下來讓我們看看包嫂的發言 It was temporary? The NASL Season 3 Finals were in July. [Note: She may mean Season 1 or Season 2, given the other dates in the post] The penalty on our team started after the preliminaries [Note: she may mean regular season] were over, so it must have began at latest by June? Maybe even before then, but I forget the exact date when the preliminaries ended. NASL第三季的決賽是在七月,(他應該是說season 1 or season 2)而抵制我們的行為 是在NASL的季賽之前就發生了,所以至少是在六月就開始了。 I knew that it was refusal to practice, but I didn't think it would be so severe. I decided that I couldn't just let it be, and went to talk to coach Won about the serious ostracizing problem in December of last year (we moved the team house on Dec 28th, and I met him in Yeo-ui-Do where our team house was then). There, I first informed him of our team's stance. You told me without shame, that it's cheap of you to do so, but you would resort to it to sanction SlayerS. I couldn't get you to remove the ban, and I continued to appeal it after we moved our team house. 我之前就知道你們有要這麼做,但我不知道會這麼嚴重。 後來我決定不能坐以待斃,所以去年12月的時候我去找Coach Won談抵制Slayers的事。 你很機車的跟我說你要抵制我們太容易了,但你會考慮讓我們加入協會。 我沒辦法讓你停止抵銷,一直到我們戰隊搬家後我也一直在嘗試。 In February, Ryung needed to prepare for a TvT, but I heard that he couldn't find any Terrans. (At the time, Genius had practiced with MMA for the semi-finals, but when Ryung asked MVP players for practice in TvT, he couldn't get help). Our team's Terrans had a lot of different things on the schedule, so I told him to practice with his friends on other teams, but I learned that we were still being ostracized and banned from practice. I gave final notice to Mr. Won who as at tournament in the USA at that time, and I finally received an email on March 7th that it had been lifted. 二月的時候,Ryung需要準備TVT的比賽,但我聽說他找不到任何一個T玩家。(那時 Genius有幫MMA準備半決賽,但Ryung問MVP戰隊的T選手有沒有人要幫他練習卻一個 都沒有。) 剛好我們隊上的T都很忙,每個人的schedule都很滿,所以我叫他去找別的戰隊 的朋友練習,但最後我發現我們還是被抵制中! 我去跟Coach Won下了最後通牒,那時他人在美國的比賽。 他終於寄了email給我跟我說3/7抵制會解除。 Temporary? That's at least 10 months by rudimentary calculation. 這叫做很短的時間?? 這樣算下來至少有十個月!! Do you want me to reveal the truth? Head Coach Won. I told you clearly, it was something that a Startale player told one of our players very recently. For whatever reason, acting like a bully can't be forgiven. 你希望我揭發真相嗎? 親愛的COach Won,我說了,這是某個ST的隊員最近才跟我 說的。 不管怎樣,你這種吃像真的讓人非常不爽。 http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=376041 這篇沒OP吧? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/18 17:07, , 1F
FA 怎麼還是25PPPPP
10/18 17:07, 1F

10/18 17:07, , 2F
10/18 17:07, 2F

10/18 17:08, , 3F
幹 你這樣害我想去買飯來配著看 可是太早了還不餓
10/18 17:08, 3F

10/18 17:08, , 4F
10/18 17:08, 4F

10/18 17:08, , 5F
10/18 17:08, 5F

10/18 17:08, , 6F
可愛的小摩擦是沙小 情侶喔
10/18 17:08, 6F

10/18 17:09, , 7F
10/18 17:09, 7F

10/18 17:10, , 8F
只要是新聞都是25P 建議趕快看破XD
10/18 17:10, 8F

10/18 17:10, , 9F
10/18 17:10, 9F

10/18 17:10, , 10F
看到現在協會方跟選手方根本慘敗 不知道有沒有逆轉的
10/18 17:10, 10F

10/18 17:10, , 11F
10/18 17:10, 11F

10/18 17:10, , 12F
要爆發出來了 要配雞排惹QQ 下一篇是誰要說話了呢
10/18 17:10, 12F
剛剛漏看一段 ※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (10/18 17:12)

10/18 17:11, , 13F
10/18 17:11, 13F

10/18 17:11, , 14F
今日GSL比賽暫停 改上演星海人生
10/18 17:11, 14F

10/18 17:12, , 15F
包嫂根本豁出去了吧 XD
10/18 17:12, 15F

10/18 17:12, , 16F
也太精采 可以考慮拍電影
10/18 17:12, 16F

10/18 17:14, , 17F
某個ST隊員說的 ST_ACE? 哈
10/18 17:14, 17F

10/18 17:14, , 18F
10/18 17:14, 18F

10/18 17:14, , 19F
10/18 17:14, 19F

10/18 17:15, , 20F
Slayers是做了甚麼讓其他隊伍想抵制啊? 有人知道嗎?
10/18 17:15, 20F

10/18 17:15, , 21F
包嫂真神坦目前群坦坦很穩 不知道是先倒坦 還是BOSS先陣亡
10/18 17:15, 21F

10/18 17:15, , 22F
戰隊都GG了 乾脆豁出去阿 科科
10/18 17:15, 22F

10/18 17:15, , 23F
10/18 17:15, 23F

10/18 17:16, , 24F
反正包哥已經入主SKT1 在GSL已經開無敵了
10/18 17:16, 24F

10/18 17:16, , 25F
10/18 17:16, 25F

10/18 17:16, , 26F
st教練好**喔 包嫂應該把每次都對話都錄音起來 很可惜沒有
10/18 17:16, 26F

10/18 17:16, , 27F
10/18 17:16, 27F

10/18 17:17, , 28F
10/18 17:17, 28F

10/18 17:17, , 29F
"某個ST的成員跟我說的" 該不會又是ACE XD
10/18 17:17, 29F

10/18 17:17, , 30F
10/18 17:17, 30F

10/18 17:17, , 31F
真‧星海人生續  快一面倒了 到底會不會峰迴路轉呢
10/18 17:17, 31F

10/18 17:17, , 32F
10/18 17:17, 32F

10/18 17:18, , 33F
10/18 17:18, 33F

10/18 17:18, , 34F
包哥動態: 幫太子想戰術中
10/18 17:18, 34F

10/18 17:19, , 35F
反正到時候就是咖斯趴 VS GSL的戰爭了
10/18 17:19, 35F

10/18 17:21, , 36F
10/18 17:21, 36F

10/18 17:21, , 37F
10/18 17:21, 37F

10/18 17:22, , 38F
10個月很短啊 牙一咬就過了 ^.<
10/18 17:22, 38F

10/18 17:22, , 39F
Slayers是死了啊 然後包嫂爆發了
10/18 17:22, 39F

10/18 17:22, , 40F
星海人生太精采了 teamliquid 我現在進不去了 > <
10/18 17:22, 40F

10/18 17:23, , 41F
10/18 17:23, 41F

10/18 17:24, , 42F
10/18 17:24, 42F

10/18 17:25, , 43F
看看這些協會的嘴臉阿 嘖嘖 包哥包嫂加油
10/18 17:25, 43F

10/18 17:25, , 44F
有種直覺 就是squirtle
10/18 17:25, 44F

10/18 17:26, , 45F
10/18 17:26, 45F

10/18 17:26, , 46F
10/18 17:26, 46F

10/18 17:27, , 48F
10/18 17:27, 48F

10/18 17:27, , 49F
臥底的人腐哥自己現身了! 所以包嫂不用再保護證人了~
10/18 17:27, 49F

10/18 17:28, , 50F
明眼人如我看就知道 是包哥戰隊本身的問題吧
10/18 17:28, 50F

10/18 17:28, , 51F
MC一人戰隊都不怕沒人練習了 也沒人會去抵制MC ..
10/18 17:28, 51F

10/18 17:28, , 52F
10/18 17:28, 52F

10/18 17:30, , 53F
10/18 17:30, 53F

10/18 17:30, , 54F
MC前幾天才在說他在找人練習上很困擾耶 唉唉加油好嗎
10/18 17:30, 54F

10/18 17:31, , 55F
MC不怕沒人練習? 他前幾篇才說找人練習很困難
10/18 17:31, 55F

10/18 17:31, , 56F
ACE:我最愛的電影是無間道 偶像是梁朝偉
10/18 17:31, 56F

10/18 17:32, , 57F
10/18 17:32, 57F

10/18 17:32, , 58F
MC那篇又不是說啥被抵制 就關鍵時刻找人困難而已
10/18 17:32, 58F

10/18 17:32, , 59F
10/18 17:32, 59F

10/18 17:32, , 60F
10/18 17:32, 60F

10/18 17:32, , 61F
mc自己不找台灣選手跟她練習的 台灣選手都很樂意跟mc私下練
10/18 17:32, 61F

10/18 17:32, , 62F
10/18 17:32, 62F

10/18 17:33, , 63F
APM看來是不想被人生系列搶去風采 趕緊出來賣萌搶點版面
10/18 17:33, 63F

10/18 17:33, , 64F
有精彩的電競人生誰想看諧星反串 XD
10/18 17:33, 64F

10/18 17:34, , 65F
10/18 17:34, 65F

10/18 17:40, , 66F
感覺包嫂回應的很奇怪 NASL3是今年的事怎麼去年12月就知道
10/18 17:40, 66F

10/18 17:42, , 67F
如果加上預賽時間是12月底或年初 到現在是10個月差不多
10/18 17:42, 67F

10/18 17:42, , 68F
10/18 17:42, 68F

10/18 17:43, , 69F
結果每個韓國選手開始找TESL各種練習, 從此我們開始提升(略
10/18 17:43, 69F

10/18 17:45, , 70F
只能找Z 找P練他們會覺得天下無敵然後上去被放個4BG就掛了
10/18 17:45, 70F

10/18 17:45, , 71F
10/18 17:45, 71F

10/18 17:46, , 72F
好爽 Won被Ace釣起來了
10/18 17:46, 72F

10/18 17:48, , 73F
如果其他戰隊不找slayers對練 那不陪slayers練有差嗎?
10/18 17:48, 73F

10/18 17:51, , 74F
10/18 17:51, 74F

10/18 17:54, , 75F
包嫂根本超會戰 韓國八卦版出來的嗎?
10/18 17:54, 75F

10/18 17:55, , 76F
10/18 17:55, 76F

10/18 17:56, , 77F
10/18 17:56, 77F

10/18 17:56, , 78F
10/18 17:56, 78F

10/18 18:04, , 79F
10/18 18:04, 79F

10/18 18:05, , 80F
10/18 18:05, 80F

10/18 18:05, , 81F
包嫂很會戰阿 當初還差點要告某些激進粉絲不是嗎
10/18 18:05, 81F

10/18 18:05, , 82F
包嫂不是常常跟粉絲戰嗎 天天磨練很強的XD
10/18 18:05, 82F

10/18 18:06, , 83F
10/18 18:06, 83F

10/18 18:06, , 84F
只好拜託KESPA跟GSL全面開戰了 不然非韓怎麼玩啊 @@
10/18 18:06, 84F

10/18 18:06, , 85F
10/18 18:06, 85F

10/18 18:06, , 86F
10/18 18:06, 86F

10/18 18:06, , 87F
10/18 18:06, 87F

10/18 18:08, , 88F
10/18 18:08, 88F

10/18 18:09, , 89F
10/18 18:09, 89F

10/18 18:10, , 90F
既然都有mail了...拿出來就一招斃命了吧? XD
10/18 18:10, 90F

10/18 18:12, , 91F
至少我們知道Alicia這點沒有唬爛 包嫂戰力果然一流
10/18 18:12, 91F

10/18 18:16, , 92F
10/18 18:16, 92F

10/18 18:31, , 93F
包嫂目前能量滿滿 就看EMP有沒有打準了
10/18 18:31, 93F

10/18 18:59, , 94F
10/18 18:59, 94F

10/18 19:10, , 95F
真是兇悍 XD
10/18 19:10, 95F

10/18 19:34, , 96F
MC朋友很多 不缺人
10/18 19:34, 96F

10/18 20:01, , 97F
10/18 20:01, 97F

10/19 08:25, , 98F
惹神惹鬼惹到包嫂 要滅團了
10/19 08:25, 98F
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