[外電] Manu: 我的小宇宙還在燃燒啊啊啊啊!

看板Spurs作者 (好噁....>o<)時間9年前 (2015/07/07 14:36), 9年前編輯推噓40(40032)
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Manu本來說好要第一時間在論壇發表去留的,結果還是忍不住先在推特自爆。 這篇就是論壇發文全文。手癢翻了一下,手機排版+文筆不好請多見諒。大意相信大家都 知道,就是今年不退休了 原文網址:http://goo.gl/nQ8mm5 -- Manu: The fire is still burning 我的小宇宙還在燃燒啊啊啊啊! Por Manu Ginóbili | canchallena.com 07.07.2015 | 00:00 Out of respect for the franchise, I couldn't delay my decision much longer. Th ey need time to form a new team. If I decided to stop playing, they had to loo k for another option. I could wait and see what happened with Aldridge, if he was coming or not. That was my deadline. Once he said yes, it was my turn to d ecide. 出於對球隊的尊重,我無法再推遲我的決定。他們需要時間組建一個新的隊伍。如果我決 定不玩了,他們就得再找新的替代人選。我決定等到AGG決定來不來之後再作決定。那就 是我的最後期限。他一答應轉隊,接下來就輪到我決定了。 I'm staying in because I don't see myself away from basketball yet. Two months passed, enough time to stop the ball and think. 我留下來是因為我覺得我還沒準備好遠離籃球。兩個月過去了,我已經有足夠時間停下腳 步好好想想。 I believe this is a nice opportunity. I am excited about the new team and I di dn't want to miss the fun. 我相信這是個很好的機會。我對於這個新的馬刺隊感到興奮,我不想錯過這個樂趣。 Knowing that they were so sure about keeping me in the team was definitely a c rucial factor. If they harbored doubts, the decision making process would have been faster. But knowing that they wanted me was nice, it made me feel respec ted, and the decision comes more freely. It must be pretty hard to retire beca use you don't have the choice to continue. Luckily, that was not the case. 得知球隊極力挽留對我而言是決定性的因素。如果球隊對於是否留下我有任何遲 疑,我可能更早就做出決定了。但是知道球隊還需要我,我感覺極好,感覺被尊重,我也 更能自在地作出決定。如果在不得不的情形下被迫退休,那真的是很糟。還好,這次並不 是這樣。 I didn't watch the second round of playoffs, nor the Conference finals. I was still I bit hurt. Then, when I watched the finals. I missed it a little. I fel t that itch telling me I wanted to play again. The fire is still burning. 季後賽第二輪跟第三輪我並沒有觀看,我當時(對於今年的挫敗)還是感到有點受傷。然 後,我看了總決賽,我還是有點想念它(比賽)。我心裡還是有點癢癢的,它告訴我要繼 續打球。我的小宇宙還在燃燒啊啊啊! When it comes to taking such a turning point decision for your life as it is r etiring, there can be no doubts. Some days I woke up saying I was quitting. So me days I would be sure to stay. But for such a relevant decision, I needed to be a 100 % sure. Once I said yes, all my doubts vanished. I talked about it w ith Pop. "I'm excited, I want to do it." 生涯來到決定是否退休這個轉捩點時,我不能有任何遲疑。有些天醒來,我告訴自己該是 時候退了;有些天我又確信自己該繼續打球。但是對於如此重大的決定,我必須是百分之 百確定。我一下定決心繼續打球,我的所有疑慮都煙消雲散了。我先跟教練波波談了:「教 練!我還想打籃球!我好興奮啊!」 For Many, there never seems to be a problem. Many always wants me to do what I want. My kids are still kids, so for them, the situation remains the same. Hi s father plays basketball for a living, and that's the most normal thing in th e world. That's all they want to know. 對老婆大人來說,這似乎從來不是甚麼問題。她希望我能做自己想做的事。 我的孩子們還小,對他們來說一切還是維持原樣。他們的老爸就是打球維生,這對他們來說再正常不過 他們也就只想知道這麼多。 I am very excited about what's coming. The addition of a player like LaMarcus Aldrigde, one of the best in the NBA nowadays, is very important. That's quite a change for our image. 我對於接下來的事感到非常興奮!有了AGG這樣的球員加入是非常重要的,他是現今聯盟 最好的球員之一。這讓球隊的形象耳目一新。 I'm really going to miss Tiago, a good friend inside as well as outside the co urt. I will also miss Marco, Baynes and Cory Joseph. Loosing playing mates is always sad, but we all know of the changes that were taking place this year. A nd within those changes, the arrival of Aldridge is a good thing. It will be i nteresting to see how a player of his characteristics integrates with a winnin g team as ours. I feel really optimistic. 我會非常想念Tiago,他在場上及場下都是很棒的朋友。我也會想念Marco、Baynes及Cory Joseph。失去打球的快樂夥伴總是令人傷心,但對於今年的種種改變我們都心裡有數。 經歷這些改變後,有AGG加入是好事。能夠見證有這樣特質的球員融入我們這個常勝之師 將會非常有趣。我感到前途一片光明啊! We also added David West, a hard and experienced player. He gives us depth and a variety of new options. He dismissed an excellent economic proposal to join our team. 同時David West也加入我們了,他是一位堅忍的老將。他會帶給我們的陣容更多深度及新的選項 。他為了加入我們拒絕了相當大的經濟利益。 The older you get, the more you know about the time you have left. I know I wa nt to have fun, to treasure those moments, and at the same time, I want to win . If you win, you have more fun. That's my mind. Soon I will be 38, and I know every new season can be my last one. I know I don't have much longer, but I d on't think about that when I play. Who knows? Maybe by June of next year I sti ll feel I can keep helping my team. I don't know. Time will tell. 年紀越大,你對於自己所剩之日有更清楚的概念。我知道我想要享受比賽,想要珍惜那些 時光,但同時我也想要贏球。贏了你會有更多樂趣。這就是我的想法。我即將38歲了,我 很清楚接下來任何一季都可能是我的最後一季。我知道我的籃球生涯所剩無幾,但當我在 打球的時候我不會去想它。誰知道呢?或許明年六月我又覺得我還能繼續幫助球隊。我並 不知道。時間會證明一切。 I enjoy living every day of my life. Now, with the confirmation in mind, thing s change. I've been training, weightlifting to keep in shape. But now that's a ll set, that I said I am back and everything is in place, my goals are others. I have to be physically prepared. I have to adjust my strength and my diet. T here is no rush with my game, but during my visit to Argentina I ate too much and I'm going to take care of that little by little. 我很享受我的人生。現在我心意已決,很多事不一樣了。為了維持身段,我還不斷在訓練 、舉重。現在一切塵埃落定,我已準備就緒。我體能上必須準備好。我必須調整我的強度 並改善我的飲食。我並不求快。之前造訪阿根廷實我不小心吃多了,我會一點一點解決。 I feel flattered that people is happy to know that I will continue playing. It makes me feel well, it helps me find new challenges. You don't want to disapp oint anyone. Because all that also implies a responsibility, even if it's not your priority. I want to do things right. 對於大家樂於見到我回歸我感到受寵若驚。這讓我感覺良好,也給了我新的挑戰。我不想 讓任何人失望。這對我來說也許不是第一要務,但仍然是一個重擔。我想要做對的事。 During the last months, when I came across one of those clips they post on Twi tter or some video, I watched it and said to myself: "I want to be there, in t he court; I want to feel that again, to be part of a team that contagious enth usiasm that we have transmitted during the last few seasons. I am part of some thing very special for the NBA's present and for its history. The fire is stil l burning. I want to enjoy it. I want to live it. That's all we have in life. I don't want to miss it. Now, with all those new talents that we incorporated, these players that can change the game while keeping our traditions at the sa me time, I know we can still achieve a lot.. 在過去幾個月裡,我在推特上看到許多網友張貼的影片剪輯,我告訴自己:「我想要在現場 ,在球場上,我想要再次感受一切,我想要當團隊的一份子,過去幾個球季我們的熱情感 染了無數人。我是屬於聯盟過去與現在非常特別事物的其中一份子。我的小宇宙還在燃燒 。我想盡情享受它。我想生在其中。這就是人蔘啊!我可不想錯過」現在有了這麼多新的 天賦加入,我們可以改變球賽,但同時也可以維持優良傳統。我知道我 們將會成就不凡! -- Sent from my iPhone 6 (iPTT Color)  -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1436250995.A.150.html

07/07 14:40, , 1F
教練!我想打球! 看到簽名檔就想到波妞w
07/07 14:40, 1F

07/07 14:43, , 2F
The fire is still burning.
07/07 14:43, 2F

07/07 14:43, , 3F
07/07 14:43, 3F

07/07 14:44, , 4F
翻完才發現前一篇連結裡已經有翻譯了 ORZ
07/07 14:44, 4F

07/07 14:47, , 5F
推!!! 禁區模範生也翻好了 Orz 你們也太快!!
07/07 14:47, 5F

07/07 14:48, , 6F
The fire is still burning Q︿Q
07/07 14:48, 6F

07/07 14:48, , 7F
07/07 14:48, 7F

07/07 14:48, , 8F
推 翻得很好
07/07 14:48, 8F

07/07 14:49, , 9F
我有時也想說要翻 結果大家都翻好了 只好感謝大家>///<
07/07 14:49, 9F

07/07 14:50, , 10F
07/07 14:50, 10F

07/07 14:50, , 11F
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07/07 14:53, , 12F
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07/07 14:53, , 13F
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07/07 14:55, , 14F
07/07 14:55, 14F

07/07 15:01, , 15F
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07/07 15:05, , 16F
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07/07 15:05, , 17F
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07/07 15:08, , 18F
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07/07 15:15, , 19F
07/07 15:15, 19F

07/07 15:38, , 20F
沒想到 Manu 也是火屬性的 頭髮是練豪火球之術不小心....
07/07 15:38, 20F

07/07 15:47, , 21F
07/07 15:47, 21F

07/07 16:48, , 22F
07/07 16:48, 22F

07/07 17:34, , 23F
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07/07 17:56, , 24F
07/07 17:56, 24F

07/07 17:59, , 25F
07/07 17:59, 25F

07/07 18:59, , 26F
哈哈這代表 他下一季不一定會退休XDDD未來還是馬刺的
07/07 18:59, 26F

07/07 19:02, , 27F
07/07 19:02, 27F

07/07 19:29, , 28F
別燒啊 還沒比賽別燒完XD
07/07 19:29, 28F
※ 編輯: rocahoward (, 07/07/2015 19:51:13

07/07 20:23, , 29F
不自覺想到頭髮梗 XD
07/07 20:23, 29F

07/07 20:24, , 30F
07/07 20:24, 30F

07/07 20:25, , 31F
07/07 20:25, 31F

07/07 20:41, , 32F
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07/07 20:49, , 33F
07/07 20:49, 33F

07/07 20:51, , 34F
07/07 20:51, 34F

07/07 21:06, , 35F
07/07 21:06, 35F

07/07 21:07, , 36F

07/07 21:10, , 37F
飛龍哥 除了有三分 能控球 還有60%的Jude Law!!
07/07 21:10, 37F

07/07 21:10, , 38F
07/07 21:10, 38F

07/07 21:26, , 39F
可Manu TD 三明治部落客簽下去還有錢嗎?
07/07 21:26, 39F

07/07 21:41, , 40F
07/07 21:41, 40F

07/07 21:41, , 41F
07/07 21:41, 41F

07/07 21:41, , 42F
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07/07 21:44, 46F

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07/07 21:46, , 48F
07/07 21:46, 48F

07/07 21:49, , 49F
07/07 21:49, 49F

07/07 21:51, , 50F
第二年PO... 個人猜測 明年如果冠軍 Manu有可能就榮退
07/07 21:51, 50F

07/07 21:51, , 51F
居然是1+1 !? 本來猜一年約
07/07 21:51, 51F

07/07 21:57, , 52F
07/07 21:57, 52F

07/07 21:57, , 53F
07/07 21:57, 53F

07/07 21:58, , 54F
07/07 21:58, 54F

07/07 21:58, , 55F
07/07 21:58, 55F

07/07 21:59, , 56F
07/07 21:59, 56F

07/07 22:01, , 57F
目前外電( http://goo.gl/kr68cI )雖然有稍微推測:
07/07 22:01, 57F

07/07 22:01, , 58F
Manu角色會有小小改變,得分就交給West, Aldridge等
07/07 22:01, 58F

07/07 22:02, , 59F
07/07 22:02, 59F

07/07 22:04, , 60F
07/07 22:04, 60F

07/07 22:05, , 61F
07/07 22:05, 61F

07/07 22:06, , 62F
07/07 22:06, 62F

07/07 22:24, , 63F
我也認為pg 交給tp mills manu3人輪替 manu真的不能再去
07/07 22:24, 63F

07/07 22:24, , 64F
07/07 22:24, 64F

07/07 22:35, , 65F
除了小王子以外 有什麼2.3號搖擺人人選嗎
07/07 22:35, 65F

07/07 22:36, , 66F
07/07 22:36, 66F

07/07 22:36, , 67F
07/07 22:36, 67F

07/07 23:58, , 68F
說實在大家都很緊張後場 但我們現在後場還是比很多隊好
07/07 23:58, 68F

07/08 00:25, , 69F
Many 是 Manu 的老婆吧
07/08 00:25, 69F
感謝指正 ※ 編輯: rocahoward (, 07/08/2015 05:59:55

07/08 08:28, , 70F
G大 是不是忘掉去年傷兵累累 趴跟鬼都要輪休的
07/08 08:28, 70F

07/08 08:29, , 71F
07/08 08:29, 71F

07/08 08:32, , 72F
07/08 08:32, 72F
文章代碼(AID): #1LctDp5G (Spurs)