[情報] Chip Engelland: 與眾不同的教練

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Long shot to go: Coach not like the rest By Buck Harvey June 21, 2014 http://goo.gl/TuqiQi 馬刺隊的制服組有個慣性:「六月工作,七月打包。」 從助理教練到制服組,每一年都有很多人才離開聖城,追求更高的職位 或更好的薪資。Pop和Buford鼓勵他們這麼做,也為他們感到開心,因為就 Sam Presti(雷霆總管)、Coach Bud(老鷹教練)等人來說,他們不只是馬刺的 雇員,更是好朋友,他們值得追求這些升遷與加薪的機會。 現在也有一位教練面臨挖角,但狀況卻與眾不同,因為他,Chip Engelland, 是一位與眾不同的教練。 SAN ANTONIO — The Spurs' staff has had a routine. Work in June, pack in July. Assistants in the front office and coaching staff have annually left San Antonio for a better title and a better salary elsewhere. Gregg Popovich and R.C. Buford have encouraged them and been happy for them, because people such as Sam Presti and Mike Budenholzer were not employees. They were friends who deserved to move up and get an opportunity with another franchise. But the situation involving the latest is unique. Because Chip Engelland is unique. 套句Doc Rivers常說的話,NBA是個零和遊戲,最基本的籃球動作決定了結果: 投籃,投進者贏球,投失者輸球。雖然如此,值得注意的是多數球團並未特別鑽研 "進球"的機制。確實各隊教練們都有一套投籃練習,然而球員學到的多半只是小技巧 --而且並非由投籃專家所教導。在NBA的生態中,「投籃」並未如高爾夫鑽研「揮竿」 動作般仔細。 甚至有像Mark Jackson(前勇士教練)一樣的教練,對於"投籃教練"根本不需 要存在。一年前的馬刺/勇士系列戰時,他曾經這麼表示過,這樣較為傳統的思想 其實並不罕見,只有少數幾隻NBA球隊有過投籃教練Doc Rivers has often called the NBA a make/miss league, meaning the most basic play in basketball usually determines the outcome. Make, you win. Miss, you lose. Given that, it's remarkable more franchises don't study the mechanics of the “makes.” While coaches run shooting drills and try to correct what they see, the lessons are often the tips of a generalist. The kind of detail that golfers get from swing coaches is rarely part of the process. Some, such as Mark Jackson, don't even like the idea of a shooting coach. He said that a year ago during the Warriors-Spurs playoff series, and his old-school view is not unusual. Few NBA teams have ever had a shooting coach. 然而接下Mark Jackson勇士兵符的Steve Kerr卻知曉投籃教練的價值,這是有 原因的,因為Steve Kerr的成功有一部分要歸功於Chip Engelland。 說Kerr之前,先提Shane Battier吧。總冠軍賽中Battier曾經提及,他能夠在 NBA生存下去的原因,就是Chip。由於兩人是Duke大學的學長/學弟,因此當巴爺的 大一年繳出17%的慘淡三分球命中率時,Chip告訴他需要調整的動作,調教後的三年 大學籃球生涯,巴爺三分球命中率從未低於41%。 當然多年以後的某場G7,馬刺切身體會到了他的三分準度。 Chip的代表作還有TP、Kawhi、Tiago等人,曾經有某位NBA教練這麼形容 他的貢獻: "這麼說吧,沒有Chip Engelland,馬刺不可能奪冠。" But the one who replaced Jackson in Golden State sees the value, and for good reason. Steve Kerr succeeded, in part, because of Engelland. Kerr isn't the only one. While Shane Battier's career ended a week ago in San Antonio, he said earlier in the Finals that the only reason he had an NBA career at all was because of Engelland. Battier played at Duke, so it made sense that an older Dookie such as Engelland would care enough to watch what he was doing. After Battier shot 17 percent from 3-point range as a freshman, Engelland told him he needed to change a few things. After working with Engelland, Battier was never lower than 41 percent in college. Years later, the Spurs felt that. In Game 7 last June, Battier tossed in six 3-pointers. Engelland's impact on Tony Parker, Kawhi Leonard and Tiago Splitter has been as dramatic. Asked what Engelland has meant to the Spurs, one NBA coach paused last week. “Let me put it this way,” he said. “They wouldn't have won the title without him.” 作為Chip最初的幾個門生之一,Steve Kerr了解Chip所帶來的一切。他最早是 在Pacific Palisade高中被Chip指導,多年後又在NBA裡連繫上: 2002年時,Kerr在拓荒者裡陷入了手感低潮,他沒有辦法在板凳上維持手感。 Chip認為Kerr的麻煩來自於心理因素,而非生理動作。Chip開的藥方如下:他會 和Kerr一起坐在體育館裡泡茶閒話家常,然後Chip出其不意的大喊,這時候兩人 就要跑到定點,準備練習三分球。 Chip為Kerr的訓練當然也幫助了馬刺,隔年Kerr扮演掃地僧的角色,協助馬刺 在西冠淘汰了小牛隊。 As one of Engelland's original pupils, Kerr gets all of this. He followed Engelland at Pacific Palisades High School in California, and they reconnected years later when Kerr was in the NBA. Engelland helped him out of a slump with a few basic tweaks, and this continued for a decade. An anecdote on ESPN.com in April told of how far they went. Kerr was having trouble in 2002 in Portland coming off the bench and shooting in sudden, one-attempt moments. Engelland thought Kerr's issue was more mental than physical. His solution was to sit in a gym with Kerr, maybe talking about family, until he would shout. The two would run to a spot to set up a 3-pointer. The Spurs felt this, too. They would reacquire Kerr the next season — and he would come off the bench to help eliminate Dallas in the Western Conference finals. 因為這一段淵源,所以Steve Kerr信賴Chip教練,在2008他身為太陽總管時, 就試圖將Chip挖角至太陽。而在今年總冠軍賽期間傳出的消息顯示,作為新任勇士 教頭的Kerr挖角Chip的力道更強了--他希望Chip能坐在他的教練席旁邊。 我們不知道Kerr是否有與Chip談過挖角的事宜,但至今還沒有一支球隊曾經 正式與馬刺球團談過這件事。Chip現在還在合約年限中,但合約並非制服組與教練們 跳槽的真正阻礙,真正讓Chip留在馬刺的原因,就是他自己的意願。 其他的球隊可以提供Chip Engelland更高的職位,像Presti或Coach Bud一樣,但 Chip與眾不同,他想要繼續做他的職責,而馬刺是他最好的選擇。由其是他和另外一位 助教Chad Forcier建構了一套發展球員投籃能力的系統,這套系統成為了馬刺在聯盟中 競爭的重要元素。 再加上自從Coach Bud與Brett Brown相繼離開馬刺之後,Chip的角色更為重要, 尤其在與Pop合作這一面向上。 So Kerr believes in Engelland, and he did in 2008. The general manager of the Suns then, Kerr tried to hire away Engelland from the Spurs. Little wonder they were linked again during the Finals. ESPN reported Kerr wanted to add Engelland to his new staff, and the pull would have been different than it was in Phoenix. As the coach, Kerr would have Engelland at his side on the bench. It's unclear if Kerr ever got a sense from Engelland if this move was possible. But no one — including Golden State — has gone so far as to contact the Spurs for permission to talk. Engelland is under contract, but that never stopped other Spurs assistants from moving on. What stopped this migration is Engelland himself. While another team could offer him a better title, for example, there's a hitch: Engelland doesn't want one. He's not Presti or Budenholzer. He wants to do what he has been doing. Why go elsewhere to do that? With another assistant, Chad Forcier, Engelland has created a player developmental program that has become the strongest element of the Spurs' coaching staff. This past season, with Budenholzer and Brett Brown gone, Engelland's role also grew. Maybe no other assistant was better at managing Popovich. 所以也許在未來幾年,Kerr會持續試著挖角Chip Engelland,而也許再Pop退休 後,Chip也會踏上「七月打包」這條路離開馬刺。屆時,馬刺球團也會試著留住他, 或許給他加薪,或許創造一個舒適的工作環境,一如馬刺對待他們的球員一般。 畢竟NBA是一個投進/投失的零和遊戲,而若Chip離開了,馬刺會想念他的。 So maybe Kerr comes after Engelland in a few years. Maybe, when Popovich retires, Engelland will also pack in July. Until then, the Spurs will treat their shooting coach as they do their players. They will pay him well, and they will try to create an environment that encourages him to re-sign. It's a make/miss league, after all. And the Spurs would miss Engelland. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1404029302.A.B79.html

06/29 16:12, , 1F
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06/29 17:14, , 4F
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06/29 17:45, , 5F
推翻譯 推Engelland
06/29 17:45, 5F

06/29 17:48, , 6F
06/29 17:48, 6F

06/29 18:04, , 7F
好的工作團隊不容易打造啊 留在馬刺吧~~~
06/29 18:04, 7F

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06/29 22:06, , 14F
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06/29 22:28, , 15F
Few NBA teams have ever had那句話是:
06/29 22:28, 15F

06/29 22:28, , 16F
06/29 22:28, 16F
恩翻太快了orz 感謝糾正 ※ 編輯: alex40214 (, 06/29/2014 23:31:35

06/30 22:32, , 17F
06/30 22:32, 17F

07/01 20:56, , 18F
07/01 20:56, 18F

07/01 21:27, , 19F
2005來的 還不到十年啦
07/01 21:27, 19F

07/02 12:28, , 20F
07/02 12:28, 20F

07/05 22:35, , 21F
推 Chip~ 印象蠻深的
07/05 22:35, 21F
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