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Each San Antonio Spurs Player's Best Basketball Skill BY JARED JOHNSON (CORRESPONDENT) ON AUGUST 16, 2013 外電網址: http://PPT.CC/TJRW The San Antonio Spurs are a team of many talents. Every single player has his role, as well as the appropriate basketball skills to bring to that role. The front office often likes to sign players who fit with the team's system and culture, rather than just the most talented players. However, every player, from stars like Tim Duncan all the way down to role players like Nando De Colo, has one particular area where they really make their money on the basketball court. So let's look at the best basketball skill for each player currently under contract with the Spurs. Players will be listed alphabetically by last name. 馬刺隊是一隻多才多藝的球隊,每個球員都能用他所長發揮功用。制服組往往會簽下適合 球隊陣容和文化的球員,而不見得是最有天份的。 然而,每位球員,無論是如Duncan的球星還是如DeColo的功能球員他們都有在球場上專精 的部份(他吃飯的地方)。 所以我們來看看目前馬刺名單中各個球員的長處,以下會按照姓氏的字母排序。 Aron Baynes: Physicality http://youtu.be/7U-27YSspNM
Check out the very first play in this video to catch a glimpse of Baynes' physicality. Ironically, we lead off the article here with the player who has the least NBAexperience on the Spurs. Aron Baynes played just 16 games for the Spurs last year, but it's not too soon to pick out what his best skill is. Baynes is strong and he isn't afraid to be physical. The above YouTube video captures this, with Baynes' powerful dunk on the Bobcats that was actually the first basket of his NBA career. On the next play in the video, he blocks Ramon Sessions' drive with a powerful swing of the arm. Another example of Baynes' physicality is his guarding of Dwight Howard (video from YouTube) in the Spurs' first-round series against the Lakers. Even though he is guarding the league's best center, he doesn't give an inch and even causes some frustration fouls from the All-Star big man. In the future, though, he will have to learn to curb his aggressive a little bit. Last season, he averaged 5.9 fouls per 36 minutes. 1.Aaron Baynes:肉體 http://youtu.be/7U-27YSspNM
(用這短片來看阿榮的身體素質多麼讚) 結果我們用這個在NBA資歷最淺的球員當開頭有點奇怪XD 阿榮上一季只為馬刺出賽了16場,但我們還沒看到他真正的實力,他很強壯而且勇於展現 他的體能。 上面的影片也證明了這點,對決山貓的那個爆扣是他加入NBA的第一個進球,蓋掉Ramon Session的那個火鍋也顯現出他那手臂是多麼有力。 接下來這個影片也充分證實了他的身體素質: http://youtu.be/JlieN3cvQyg
(季後賽第 一輪硬扛Dwight Howard) 儘管是要面對聯盟的頂尖中鋒,他毫不退縮,甚至還逼這個明 星中鋒賠了一堆惱人的犯規。 未來他必須要克制一下他的侵略性,因為他上季平均每36分鐘的犯規次數高達5.9次。 Marco Belinelli: Spot-Up Three-Point Shooting Marco Belinelli had a down year on offense for the Chicago Bulls in 2012-13, yet he still hit 41.5 percent of his spot-up three pointers, according to J. Gomez at Pounding the Rock. With the San Antonio Spurs, I expect that number to increase. In a system where Danny Green, Matt Bonner and Kawhi Leonard all took their three-point games to new heights, Belinelli should also thrive. During his time with the Bulls, Belinelli was getting set up from point guards Kirk Hinrich and Nate Robinson. Neither player is a bad passer, but they certainly aren't known for it. Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili will help Belinelli reach his sharpshooting potential with their pinpoint passes for open three-pointers. Unlike Gary Neal, the player he is replacing, however, Belinelli is somewhat capable finishing at the rim and defending his position. Make no mistake, though—this guy is a sniper. 2.Marco Belinelli: 定點三分射手 Marco上一季在公牛的進攻端表現不算好,但三分球命中率仍然有41.5%,來到馬刺後,我 們期待他可以表現更好。 在馬刺的系統中,射手總是可以獲益,像Green, Bonner和Leonard的三分球投射往往能夠 屢創新高,Marco勢必也會加入他們。在公牛時,負責餵球的是Hinrich和N.Robinson,他 們的傳球是不算差,但也不算太好。 透過Parker和Ginobili絕佳的傳球,可以幫助Marco發揮三分投射的最大潛能。 Marco不只取代了Neal的投籃功能,他還能切入籃下和做好防守。 沒有意外的話,我們新球季將會看到一個狙擊手。 Matt Bonner: Spot-Up Three-Point Shooting Despite being 6'10" and playing power forward, Matt Bonner shoots a lot of threes. In fact, in 2012-2013, more than 52 percent of his field-goal attempts were three-pointers. And that was an even a low year for him—the previous year, that figure was 71 percent. Thankfully, Bonner is very good at spotting up for three-pointers, or else he wouldn't be worth much as a player. He isn't strong, he doesn't have a post game and he doesn't have much athleticism (although this dunk on YouTube might suggest otherwise). According to Vorped, Bonner shot 46.3 percent on three-pointers from the top of the key or from the wings last year. He prefers those spots to the corners, unlike some of his teammates. His shooting motion is slow and quite unorthodox, which prevents him from being an effective pull-up shooter, but the Spurs don't need him to do that. Catch, shoot, score. That's Bonner's role. 3.Matt Bonner:定點三分射手 儘管是6’10”的大前鋒,Bonner常常在三分線外出手。 其實上個球季Bonner有超過52%的出手是在三分線外,而且這對他來說算低了,再上個球季 可是高達71%。 幸好Bonner是很好的定點三分射手,要不然他其他方面都不及格,他不夠強壯,沒辦法在 禁區討生活,體能條件也不好。(好啦!我知道有人要說他也會爆扣 http://youtu.be/gwcNEXni0QM
) 這位紅曼巴上季在弧頂及側翼的三分球命中率有46.3%,這是他喜歡出手的位置,跟幾個 專精底線的隊友們不太一樣。 他的投籃節奏很慢,而且姿勢是非正統的,所以他沒辦法做到旱地拔蔥的投籃,但馬刺也 不需要他這麼做。 接球→投籃→得分: 這就是Bonner的腳色。 Nando De Colo: Passing http://youtu.be/FoXxnSFy0a4
De Colo can make difficult passes like this one look easy. Unlike Matt Bonner before him, Nando De Colo's best skill isn't quite as obvious. He has a decent shot (37.8 percent from three), quick hands (1.6 steals per 36 minutes) and moves well without the ball. But if I have to pick De Colo's best skill, it would be his passing. His numbers won't wow you (5.4 assists per 36 minutes), but his passes have zip on them and are often of the creative variety, like the above dime to Tiago Splitter. Notice how De Colo keeps his eyes up the whole play and knows where his teammates and opponents are on the floor. If he gets more playing time than the 12.8 minutes per game he got last year, get ready for many more nice passes from De Colo. 4.Nando DeColo: 傳球 http://youtu.be/FoXxnSFy0a4
(DeColo可以輕鬆做出高難度的傳球) DeColo的特色沒有Bonner那麼明顯。 他有不錯的投籃命中率(3-FG:37.8%),和一雙快手(平均36分鐘有1.6次抄截),還有非持 球時良好的空手走位。 但要我挑他一個優點,我還是會選傳球。 他平均36分鐘送出5.4次助攻的數據可能沒什麼說服力,但他的傳球是很有創造力的,像 這球: http://youtu.be/FoXxnSFy0a4
注意到了嗎? DeColo一直在注意場上的動態,隊友 和對手在哪裡他都知道。 如果他能夠獲得更多上場時間(上季平均每場12.8分鐘),我們就有更多精采傳球可以看了 Boris Diaw: Versatility It would be easy to just say Diaw's best skill is his passing. He has averaged 4.7 assists per 36 minutes during his career, which is very impressive for a guy primarily playing power forward. But Diaw's versatility is even more impressive. At the beginning of the 2012-13 season, Jeff McDonald from Spurs Nation brought up a quote from Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich, about Diaw: "He's a very skilled player. He understands the game really well, and he's skilled in all areas—passing, shooting, dribbling. Being able to play some 3 and some 4 has helped us get through." But it's not just his offense. Diaw was very successful guarding LeBron James in Game 5 of the NBA Finals. Kurt Helin of NBC Sports noted that James shot just 1-of-8 with Diaw on him during that game. Very remarkable, considering Diaw predominantly guards post players. 5.Boris Diaw: 全方位 我們可以簡單的說Diaw最強的地方在傳球(生涯平均每36分鐘送出4.7次助攻),這對一個 大前鋒來說是相當難得的。 但Diaw的全方位表現才是令人印象深刻的。 Popovich曾這麼說:”他是個很有技巧的球員,對比賽的狀況很了解,而他能傳球、投籃 、運球,還能在我們的輪替中打3號和4號位。” 但不僅僅是進攻端。 Diaw在總冠軍賽G5對決LBJ時讓他8投僅1中,有這麼卓越的防守表現真的非常不簡單。 Tim Duncan: Interior Defense High block totals can often be misleading for NBA big men. These big men can be mistaken as elite defenders, when, in fact, they are just good at swatting away the shots of perimeter players that drive the lane. Tim Duncan is not one of those guys. Yes, Duncan was No. 3 in the NBA in blocks (2.7 per game) last year, but don't mistake him for one of those overzealous, undisciplined shot-blockers. Duncan really is a top-notch individual defender, as evidenced by his league-leading 95.0 defensive rating in 2012-13. And, unlike some of those other guys (*cough* Larry Sanders *cough*), Duncan avoids fouls, an often-overlooked statistic for shot-blockers. Duncan dominated the rest of the NBA in blocks per foul ratio last year, with 1.56 blocks per foul, according to ESPN. Lagging way behind at No. 2 was Serge Ibaka, at 1.14 blocks per foul. Tim Duncan is good at a lot of things, but he is the best at defending the paint. In fact, no one in the NBA is better at it than Duncan. 6.Tim Duncan: 內線防守 “阻攻多就是好的防守者” 這是常見的錯誤觀念,很多大個子只是在外線球員切入時把 球搧出去而已,稱不上頂尖的防守者。 Duncan跟他們不一樣。 儘管Duncan上季的阻攻數據也很漂亮(平均每場2.7個 全聯盟第3),但他的火鍋可不是亂 搧的,這可以用上季領先全聯盟的Defensive rating(95)佐證。 而且Duncan蓋那麼多火鍋卻不太會賠上犯規,犯規因素沒有考慮進去往往會高估了這些阻 攻手,像是咳咳..Larry Sanders 咳咳咳…。 Duncan的火鍋犯規比是領先全聯盟的1.56,遙遙領先第二名的Ibaka(1.14)。 Duncan擅長的東西太多了,但現在來說最有威力的是禁區防守,全聯盟應該沒人可以跟他 比。 Manu Ginobili: "Manuverability" http://youtu.be/0heWJusqsyw
Manu Ginobili's tricky moves with the ball and his body make him a tough cover. When I think of Manu Ginobili, the first thing I think of is body control. But considering Ginobili's first name worked so well with a synonym of body control, I just had to use the synonymous word instead. Other candidates for Ginobili could be his improving passing skills and basketball IQ, but Manu's "manuverability" is too great to ignore. In the above video, Ginobili showcases his maneuvering ways with a couple of nice fakes in the plays starting at the 0:23 and 1:03 marks of the video. Ginobili has a way of making his body look exactly like he is going to shoot a three, but he doesn't. In the second of these plays, he squeezes his body between two defenders, and gets the and-1 basket. Ginobili is also the master of the "Eurostep," a move where he picks up his dribble, takes one step in one direction and the second step in a different direction to lose a defender. He shows off this ability in this video from YouTube. 7.Manu Ginobili: 無法定義 http://youtu.be/0heWJusqsyw
詭異的運球和身體移動是Manu的招牌 我一想到Ginobili,我就想到身體的控制。 要怎麼敘述Manu的特色呢? 他很會傳球也有很高的籃球IQ,但這些都不足以形容他,於是 我造了一個字”manuverability” 我們可以在上面影片的0:23及1:03處看到他華麗的假動作,Ginobili的假投真切是爐火純 青的,影片的第二個play是他壓縮身體擠在兩名防守者中間完成三分打。 Manu的歐洲步也是教科書,他下球後的動作你猜不到,第一步你也猜不到,第二步你還是 猜不到(打我啊笨蛋XD),他就是這樣甩開防守者。不囉唆!真的是這樣: http://youtu.be/XJR0iThx4w8
Danny Green: Spot-Up Three-Point Shooting http://youtu.be/jXDOf18A5qQ
I realize there are lots of good spot-up shooters in the NBA, but Danny Green made A LOT of threes on the biggest stage. In my opinion, Danny Green established himself as the premier open spot-up three-point shooter in the league with his scintillating performance in the NBA Finals. The above video shows all 23 of Green's record-breaking threes in that series. Stephen Curry is definitely the best overall three-point shooter, I realize. And Ray Allen is better historically and when the shots are contested, but Green is more automatic on open shots than Allen is right now. Before Games 6 and 7 of the Finals, Green was a dazzling 25-of-38 (65.8 percent) from three-point land in the series. After the Heat started making a more concerted effort to give him no room to shoot, Green hit just 2-of-11. Still, that doesn't change the fact that he is still lights-out from anywhere on the court when given some space. Green's strong perimeter defense might have been the choice here if it weren't for his 27 three-pointers in the Finals. 8.Danny Green: 定點三分射手 http://youtu.be/jXDOf18A5qQ
(我知道NBA有很多定點射手,但能夠在總冠軍賽投進那麼 多顆的有幾個?) 就我看來,Green在冠軍賽的空檔定點三分閃耀的表現已經為自己立下一個里程碑了。 上面的影片是他在冠軍賽破紀錄投進的23顆。 我認為Stephen Curry是現在全聯盟最強的射手,而Ray Allen的歷史地位更強,但是現在 來說Green在空檔的把握度會比Allen還高。 在打完冠軍賽前5場,Green的三分球38投25中(命中率:65.8%),但後兩戰被嚴防就只有11 投2中,但這不影響他是個穩定射手的事實,球場上任何一處有空檔他就有威脅性。 如果他不想拿三分射手當他的定位的話,那我也可以說他是個很好的外圍防守者。 Cory Joseph: Defensive Activity Cory Joseph is not a starting-caliber point guard yet, but he has some skills that are ready for starting duty. The biggest one? His defensive activity. According to NBADraft.net, University of Texas head basketball coach Rick Barnes called Joseph the best defensive guard he's ever coached. Fortunately for the Spurs, Joseph has transferred this skill to the NBA. In this YouTube video of a game against the Pistons, Joseph is all over the place on defense and seems to have great awareness of what is going on around him. Notice, in particular, the first play of the video as well as the plays starting at 1:28 and 2:16. Joseph is both fundamentally sound and athletic Eenough to shut down talented offensive guards like Brandon Knight. In 2013-14, look for Joseph to establish himself as the Spurs' primary backup point guard and show off his defensive ability for longer periods of time. 9.Cory Joseph: 防守活力 Joseph的球技還不夠格,但他某些方面已經有先發水準了。 是什麼呢?防守活力。 德州大學的總教練Rick Barnes曾誇獎過Joseph是他執教以來遇過防守最好的後衛。 對馬刺來說很幸運,Joseph也把這個本領帶進了NBA。 http://youtu.be/ssu3HlBijPY
這場對活塞隊的比賽中,Joseph充分展現了他的防守,而 且對他周圍的動線似乎都很有警覺。注意到第一個Play以及1:28和2:16處,看起來他的進 攻能力也不錯,就像Brandon Knight。 我們將會在新球季看到Joseph證明自己第一替補控衛的價值,並且長時間展現他的防守能 力。 Kawhi Leonard: Defensive Playmaking http://youtu.be/wYj2N8wVwJ8
Kawhi Leonard loves to stick his long arms and huge hands in passing and dribbling lanes. Kawhi Leonard has a very diverse skill set, which makes it tough to pick out one particular area where he excels the most. In the end, it comes down to his rebounding or his defensive playmaking. Although Leonard averaged double-digit rebounds in the NBA Finals, he only averaged 6.0 boards a game during the regular season. Defensive playmaking it is! According to a video by ESPN Sports Science on YouTube, Leonard has an insane 7'3.75" wingspan and 11.5" hand width. These physical qualities make it extremely tough on opposing small forwards to get around or shoot over him. But Leonard complements his astounding attributes with great defensive fundamentals, which he uses to frustrate even the top players in the game. Even the best player in the world showed some disappointment when he saw Leonard checking back into Game 5 of the NBA Finals. If Leonard makes an All-Defensive Team in 2013-14, don't be surprised. 10.Kawhi Leonard: 防守組織 http://youtu.be/wYj2N8wVwJ8
口愛很喜歡用他的長臂和大手干擾對手的傳球路徑。 Leonard的能力也很全面,所以要選出一個專精的地方有點難,但我覺得他的籃板能力和 防守組織最為突出。 儘管Leonard在總冠軍系列賽有平均雙位數的籃板,但他例行賽卻只有6個。 所以我選了防守組織 哈哈 http://youtu.be/K8FKTYuKUuI
根據這個運動科學影片,Leonard有嚇死人的7’3.75”臂 展,還有11.5”的手掌寬。這天賦讓擔任小前鋒的他在走位和投籃時會有點干擾。 但口愛卻利用這個優勢在防守端面對聯盟頂尖的得分好手。 http://youtu.be/TkUxrM2m31s
就算是宇宙最強的球員在總冠軍賽G5看到口愛回到場上時 都感到很不爽(PW:我笑了怎麼看比賽時沒注意到XDDDDD) 如果新的球季Leonard入選防守第一隊也別感到太意外。 Patty Mills: Shooting http://youtu.be/NzpXr4JnA8E
If towel-waving counted as a basketball skill, that would surely be the pick here. Mills has the technique down and he is very consistent, displaying his abilities on every big play by the Spurs. Unfortunately, it doesn't count here. Patty Mills is very quick with the ball, but his ability to get hot off the bench is his best on-court attribute. Unlike some of his teammates, Mills is a versatile shooter. Off the dribble or spotting up, it doesn't matter. Neither does distance, as he likes shooting mid-range jumpers as well as three-pointers. This skill was especially evident at the end of the 2011-12 season when Mills joined the Spurs. He averaged 10.3 points in just 16.3 minutes per game to end that season, to go along with 48.5 percent shooting from the field. Here is a YouTube video from Mills' best game from that season, in which he scored 34 points and dished out 12 assists. If Mills gets more than the 11.2 minutes per game he got last season in 2013-14, keep an eye out for his scoring numbers. 11.Patty Mills:投籃 http://youtu.be/NzpXr4JnA8E
很可惜甩毛巾不太算是籃球的技術,要不然Mills真的是 一直都很專精在這個技能上。 Mills的速度驚人,但他最強的能力是一上場就能馬上進入狀況。跟隊友們不一樣,Mills 是多才多藝的射手,當自走砲或定點射手都行。距離也不是問題,中距離或三分線都是他 的射程。 最好的證據是在上上季尾聲,Mills在例行賽最後幾場平均16.3分鐘可砍下10.3分,並有 48.5%的高命中率。 http://youtu.be/yxcuFWrPUzw
這場是他的代表作,得了34分12助攻。 如果Mills下季可以獲得更多上場時間的話(上季平均每場只有11.2分鐘),我們將會看到 他上演更多飆分秀。 Tony Parker: Finishing at the Rim Several weeks ago, I wrote an article that ranked Tony Parker's five most dangerous offensive moves. The top three most dangerous moves were all one that Parker uses to finish off drives. So naturally, that's Parker's best skill—finishing. Whether it's a wrong-foot layup (2:27 in this video), a feathery teardrop or a spin move, Parker knows how to get good shots in the paint (all videos from YouTube). Add all this up, and Parker scored 10.1 points per game last season—in the paint. That led all point guards, according to ESPN's Sunny Saini. Pretty good for a 6'2", 180-pound guy without great leaping ability, if you ask me. 12.Tony Parker:切入上籃 幾週前我寫了這篇文章 http://ppt.cc/N8kr (Parker的5個進攻武器),而前3名都是收球 後的空中作業,所以他最強的武器就是上籃。 有著迷蹤步切入拉竿、小拋投、純熟的轉身等技能,Parker總是能夠在禁區拿到分數。 Parker上一季平均每場可在禁區得到10.1分,這當然也是控衛中最高的。 對於一個6’2”,180磅,彈跳力不驚人的球員來說,這真的是很神奇。 Jeff Pendergraph: Mid-Range Shooting http://youtu.be/7Z9YIp8d-G4
Jeff Pendergraph has a soft touch on his mid-range jump shot. Jeff Pendergraph is a great energy guy off the bench. He rebounds (10.1 rebounds per 36 minutes last year), blocks shots (1.2 blocks per 36 minutes) and runs the floor very well for a big man. But his best skill of all is his mid-range shooting. J. Gomez at Pounding the Rock pointed out that Pendergraph shot 43.5 percent on jump shots from 15 to 19 feet last season, a very good rate for a big man. The above video from last season showcases this catch-and-shoot ability, as Pendergraph hits five mid-range jumpers in one game against the Brooklyn Nets. Also worth noting is Pendergraph's excellent free-throw shooting. He only took 23 shots from the line last season, but he made an impressive 21 of them (91.3 percent). 13.Jeff Pendergraph:中距離 http://youtu.be/7Z9YIp8d-G4
Jeff有著手感柔順的中距離能力 Jeff是能夠從板凳提供能量的球員,他上季平均每36分鐘可得10.1分1.2火鍋,並有不錯 的速度。但他最傑出的部份還是中距離。 他上季在15~19呎處有43.5%的命中率,以一個大個子來說算是不錯。上面的影片也可以證 實他有接球後跳投(C&S)的能力,該場比賽投進5球中距離。 值得一提的是Jeff的罰球也蠻準的,上一季高達91.3%,但基數不多,23次出手命中21球 Tiago Splitter: Interior Defense Tiago Splitter is a highly underrated post defender. While he isn't necessarily the strongest or most explosive big man, he is fundamentally sound. His footwork and timing on shot contests are impeccable. This strength of Splitter's showed up in the stats, too—he ranked No. 15 in the NBA in defensive rating, ahead of stalwarts such as Dwight Howard and Mike Conley, both of whom are known for their defense. A perfect example of Splitter's defense comes at the 0:45 mark in this YouTube video.Marc Gasol is forced into an uncomfortable shot, which ends up as an air ball. Splitter has made significant progress in his post defense since coming into the league. As a rookie, he averaged 4.4 fouls per 36 minutes. In 2012-13, his third year, that number was down to 2.9. This allows Gregg Popovich to play Splitter longer minutes. Splitter's pick-and-roll screening and finishing were also considered at this spot. 14.Tiago Splitter:禁區防守 Splitter是個被大大低估的禁區防守專家。 儘管他不是最強壯也不是最有潛力的,但他也很不錯了。他的腳步和出手時機都掌握的很 好,這也反映在數據上,他的defensive rating排全聯盟第15,甚至還在Dwight Howard 和Mike Conley幾個大家公認防守不錯的球員之前。 http://youtu.be/e5cGtR8f4Uk
看看0:45,Marc Gasol在他的防守下被迫要做出困難的出 手而丟了個麵包。 Splitter自從加入NBA到現在,在禁區的防守已有明顯的進步,新人球季平均每36分鐘有 4.4次犯規,而上季下降到了2.9次,因此Popovich會增加他的上場時間。 而剔牙哥執行擋拆時的掩護和接球後得分能力也都很優異。 -- ◢███◣ ◥◥◥ 我們不是搖擺不定 我們只是還在找尋平衡點 ╭╮ ◣ ▽ ╯╰天秤 ψQSWEET  ̄ ̄ ▂▂         Libra <天秤版> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ParkerWind 來自: (08/20 13:11)

08/20 13:12, , 1F
08/20 13:12, 1F

08/20 13:12, , 2F
推推 本來以為是球場外的專長XD
08/20 13:12, 2F

08/20 13:26, , 3F
08/20 13:26, 3F

08/20 13:53, , 4F
08/20 13:53, 4F

08/20 14:17, , 5F
08/20 14:17, 5F

08/20 14:28, , 6F
08/20 14:28, 6F

08/20 14:39, , 7F
推推 Belinelli那邊不是說Neal取代性高啦 XD
08/20 14:39, 7F

08/20 14:39, , 8F
08/20 14:39, 8F

08/20 14:46, , 9F
08/20 14:46, 9F
※ 編輯: ParkerWind 來自: (08/20 15:04)

08/20 16:42, , 10F
08/20 16:42, 10F

08/20 16:59, , 11F
08/20 16:59, 11F

08/20 17:15, , 12F
場外專長 那應該也很好玩 好奇Kawhi會幹麻 XD
08/20 17:15, 12F

08/20 18:04, , 13F
08/20 18:04, 13F

08/20 18:27, , 14F
08/20 18:27, 14F

08/20 18:55, , 15F
08/20 18:55, 15F

08/20 21:52, , 16F
Manu的特質可翻成「機動性」,出自 maneuverability 一字
08/20 21:52, 16F

08/20 22:26, , 17F
哇 真有這種字喔@@
08/20 22:26, 17F

08/20 22:57, , 18F
08/20 22:57, 18F

08/21 00:08, , 19F
08/21 00:08, 19F

08/21 00:15, , 20F
08/21 00:15, 20F

08/21 00:25, , 21F
08/21 00:25, 21F

08/21 09:30, , 22F
其實就只是maneuver+ability而已 XD
08/21 09:30, 22F

08/21 11:21, , 23F
08/21 11:21, 23F

08/21 14:08, , 24F
08/21 14:08, 24F

08/21 18:28, , 25F
08/21 18:28, 25F

08/24 01:44, , 26F
08/24 01:44, 26F

08/26 17:16, , 27F
08/26 17:16, 27F
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