[情報] Belinelli和Neal的比較

看板Spurs作者 (帥氣帕克風!!!)時間11年前 (2013/08/07 08:04), 編輯推噓14(1405)
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The great Marco Belinelli vs. Gary Neal debate because it’s July by Matthew Tynan 外電網址: http://ppt.cc/pf8e Debating over which backup shooting guard is or would have been a better fit for the team is typical practice during a San Antonio offseason. Maybe it’s not at this position in particular every year, but overanalyzing the impact of a newly acquired role player that will make subtle contributions, rather than exploring the new and exciting possibilities of a hyped-up starting-caliber signee or trade piece, is the norm for those who cover the Spurs. In the coming years there will be big changes, but for now, we discuss the ramifications of San Antonio’s minor transactions and the impact Marco Belinelli will have on the roster. 找到一個更好或是更適合球隊的替補得分後衛是馬刺休賽期間的功課。也許馬刺並不是每 年都需要補強這個位子,但是對於媒體來說,與其把重點擺在炒作不確定的簽約或是交易 ,不如分析新加入的球員會有什麼貢獻比較有建設性吧! 接下來的幾年裡聖城必然會有大 動作,但就現在來說我們還是多討論球隊透過小交易帶來的結果,以及Belinelli對球隊 的作用。 The three C’s that have become tenets of the San Antonio mindset —culture, continuity and corporate knowledge — continue to drive the front-office vehicle as the final seasons of the Spurs’ Big 3 loom closer and closer on the horizon. They’ve developed a program over the years that has allowed them to seamlessly integrate young, intelligent players into a fluid system which has ebbed and flowed with the evolution of Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili. Soon enough, the franchise will belong to these younger players and whatever pieces hop on board in the future, for better or for worse. Though, as R.C. Buford told Art Garcia last week in Las Vegas, the Spurs aren’t exactly planning on separating from their cornerstones just yet. 馬刺的球隊理念可以用3C來表示——文化(culture)、延續性(continuity)以及合作 意識(corporate knowledge),這三條準則驅使球隊在三巨頭的後期仍能繼續前進。多 年以來球隊所打造的這個體制使得他們能夠將年輕的聰明球員與三巨頭無縫接軌。再過不 久,球隊就屬於這些年輕球員們了,無論未來成績是好還是壞。雖然如Buford在拉斯維加 斯說的:馬刺暫時還沒有Duncan退休後的計劃。 “People have been trying to put a finish line on the Big Three era for a long time,” Buford told Garcia. “After watching Tim play this year, I don’ t think any of us are trying to predict when these guys will stop being effective players. We’re not looking for a finish line.” “人們已經想為三巨頭時代畫上句號很久了。但看了Duncan今年的表現,我看不出我們之 中會有誰去想這些傢伙什麼時候會失去效率。我們還沒到終點呢。” Perhaps the Spurs aren’t looking for the end of an era — none of us are, really — but it would be irresponsible to be unprepared for one. Still, the overarching idea here is that San Antonio doesn’t feel the need to overreact. It believes that the rapid development of the team’s role players will effectively balance out the decline of its stars. Though they may not be stars (or not yet, in Kawhi Leonard’s case), Leonard, Danny Green and the newly inked Tiago Splitter are contributors who had major impacts on both a top-3 defense and top-7 offense. Given the fact you’d be straining to call any of them true NBA veterans (Green and Splitter are on the plus side of 26 years old, though neither has more than a couple of seasons of consistent NBA playing time), there’s still room for individual growth, with Leonard being the future borderline All-Star of the group. 也許馬刺不想為這個時代畫上句號,誰都不想。但是不做好準備是對未來不負責任的,即 便大部分的意見是馬刺並不需要對此過度反應。人們相信角色球員的迅速崛起在一定程度 上可以平衡掉明星球員的衰退。儘管他們成不了明星(或者暫時不是,對於Kawhi來說) ,Leonard、Green和剛續約的Splitter是馬刺排名全聯盟防守第三,進攻第七的重要因素 。考慮到他們都還不算老鳥(Green和Splitter都已超過26歲,但是他們在NBA打的時間不 長),他們還有進步的空間;而Leonard將會是未來的全明星。 *George Karl said before a game in San Antonio last season that he believed Leonard will be the Spurs’ best player in 2013-14. That seems like a bit of a stretch with Parker still at the back end of his prime, but it’s worth taking heed to that kind of unsolicited praise coming from a basketball mind like Karl’s. 金塊總教練George Karl在上賽季一場和馬刺的比賽前說,他相信Kawhi會在2013-2014賽 季成為馬刺最好的球員。在Parker仍在巔峰的時候說這話好像有點太早了,但是對於像 Karl這樣的籃球名人來說,這種毫不吝嗇的誇讚的確值得當作一回事。 Enter the bit parts that surround the Spurs’ core 6-man rotation. Boris Diaw and Patty Mills opted in to their final-year player options, Matt Bonner avoided any threat of the amnesty clause, Nando De Colo and Cory Joseph are back to battle in a still convoluted backup point guard situation, and Aron Baynes returns with his six fouls a night for less than $800,000 next season. (After watching Baynes give Jonas Valanciunasa run for his money in Las Vegas, the big Australian has a chance to be worth much more than my snarky previous comment.) 下面來談談馬刺的核心6人輪替。Diaw和Mills都選擇執行他們最後一年的球員選項 (Player Option),Bonner沒有特赦的危險,DeColo和Joseph還在為第一替補控衛激烈競 爭,而Baynes帶著上賽季的80萬薪水和每晚6次的犯規額度重新歸來。 (在看了Baynes和 Jonas Valanciunas在拉斯維加斯的交手後,可以說這位澳洲大個子有機會打出比我剛才 挖苦要好的表現。) But with yesterday’s news that the Spurs have rescinded their qualifying offer to Gary Neal, a void on the San Antonio bench now must be filled. And with the July 4th holiday signing of Belinelli, the front office seemed to be prepared for this scenario weeks ago. Gary Neal blew the doors off the Vegas Summer League in 2010 before surprisingly becoming a Spur on a multiyear deal directly afterward. He was an instant contributor in a new-look, uptempo offense and had many impactful moments in his three years donning the silver and black. 在馬刺收回對Neal的報價後,替補席多出了個位置。而Belineli在7月4號獨立日的簽約好 像是製服組對這一結果的未卜先知。 2010年的夏季聯賽,尼爾技驚四座,接著他便直接 與馬刺簽了幾年合同。新秀賽季他便為馬刺提供了足夠的火力支援,之後三年,他也為銀 黑軍團帶來了很多令人難忘的時刻。 Yet there was a tangible disconnect at times between the guard and Gregg Popovich. His sometimes undisciplined style and below-average defensive acumen drew the ire of the coaching staff and fans alike, especially during last season’s shooting slump. Behind the scenes, Neal was hurt. Most of his nights following a game during the 2012-13 season were spent wrapped in ice, yet he continued to play through most of the injuries. 但是Neal和Popovich的關係有時候並不牢靠。他時而摸不著頭緒的打球方式,和低於水準 以下的防守讓教練團和球迷怒火中燒。尤其是上賽季,他的投籃水平也下降了。幕後的真 相是Neal已經受傷了。 幾乎12-13球季每一場比賽後,Neal都是在冰敷中度過的,他一直 在與這些傷病對抗。 But in a contract year with an already crowded backcourt and capped-out payroll, the percentages he put up — well below what he averaged during his first two seasons — and the tense relationship between the two sides likely meant the Spurs had a financial number in mind for Neal they had no interest in exceeding. For a team with more international players on its roster last season than any other in NBA history, Belinelli was the perfect cultural and systematic fit. Not to mention, he was also an insurance policy in case the price tag on Neal became too expensive. 但是身處合約年,後場人員過多,有限的工資表,相較頭兩個賽季大大退步的命中率,以 及雙方緊張的關係意味著馬刺不會留下Neal。上賽季的馬刺擁有隊史上最多數量的國際球 員,因此Belinelli無論是文化還是體系來看都是完美的選擇,更不用說他還是Neal被抬 價過高時候的保險了。 And when you look at the statistical evidence, the two players are remarkably similar. Both are more commonly described as ‘streaky’ rather than ‘ efficient,’ and each guy depends more on assists than they do 1-on-1 opportunities. While the latter isn’t all that surprising if you’ve watched the two guards play — and in an assist-driven Spurs system it’s not exactly a problem — there’s still a difference in the way they score. And for the metrics folks out there, Belinelli is significantly more stat-friendly in terms of where he shoots the ball. 而當你看看數據,你會發現他們兩人非常相似。他們的標籤都是“不穩定”而不是“有效 率”,他們都更依靠助攻而不是一對一單打。如果你看過他倆打球,你不會對第二點感到 太過驚訝,在強調多助攻的馬刺體系裡這也不是問題,但他倆的得分方式還是有區別。對 於數據執著者來說,Belinelli的投籃選擇在數據上來說要好太多了。 Neal had a built-in neon green light when it came to offense. While he certainly had his moments, he also depended far too much on his streaky jumper — both from deep and mid-range — instead of getting in the paint. Of his 597 field-goal attempts during the season, 432 of them came from mid-range or above the break. Less than 19 percent of Neal’s points came from inside the paint, and as a result, only 9.9 percent of his scoring came from the free-throw line. Belinelli is no world-beater, but his shot locations give him a higher chance for success in San Antonio than Neal’s did for him. 就進攻而言,Neal是屬於自走砲。雖然他的確有很多耀眼的時刻,但他太過依賴他不穩定 的跳投了,包括遠距離和中距離。在他上賽季共597次出手中,432次來自中遠距離。Neal 的內線得分僅佔總得分的19%,這也導致只有9.9%的得分來自罰球線。Belinelli雖然也不 是超級球星,但他的投籃選擇使得他能在聖城獲得比Neal更多的成功機會。 *It should be stated, you’d be hard-pressed to find a bigger supporter of Neal than me over the last several seasons. His scorer’s mentality was a necessity within a second unit that lacked this type of player otherwise, especially with an aging Ginobili. Not to mention, the production they got out of him was worth far more than the money they were paying him. And Pop did give him the freedom to operate offensively; the problem was he took it to extremes at times. I will continue to argue his impact was more beneficial than detrimental during his time in San Antonio, but you can’t ignore the inefficiencies in his game. He was like a controlled science experiment. When things were going well, Pop let Neal continue to do his thing in long stretches. When things went badly BECAUSE Pop let Neal do his thing, the coach had a quick hook. So I’d argue his positive impact was more substantial when he played well than his negative impact was when he played poorly. Pop had the guy on a leash. A leash with a lot of slack, but a leash nonetheless. *聲明一點,過去幾個賽季你很難找到一個比我更加支持Neal的人了。他的得分手本能對 缺少像他這類球員的第二陣容是必須的,尤其是在Ginobili日漸衰退的情況下。更不用說 他為球隊帶來的價值遠大於球隊付給他的薪水。Popovich有時候也的確會給他進攻端的自 由,但問題是有時候他做的太過了。我會進一步論證他對球隊的作用是利多於弊的,但仍 不能忽視他在場上的缺陷。他像是受控制的科學實驗品。戰況進展順利時,Popovich會讓 他長時間一直幹他想幹的事;要是因為Popovich讓他一直幹他的事,最終事情進展的不順 利,Popovich就會不爽了。所以我想說他打得好時帶來的積極作用要遠大於他打得不好時 帶來的消極影響。Popovich對他的使用即便有很多寬鬆的地方,但仍是有所限制的。 Where Neal struggled to get to the line while on the court, Belinelli is much more effective. Despite having a higher usage rate (19.6 to 17.9), Neal drew nearly half the number of fouls Belinelli drew on average while he was on the floor. In fact, 20.1 percent of the Italian’s points came from the stripe last season, more than double Neal’s percentage. The newest Spur is the kind of guy stat-heads enjoy when he’s hitting his shots, even though he, too, can be inconsistent. Neal在場上不擅長的地方,Belinelli要有效率得多。儘管持球率更高(19.6%比17.9%) ,Neal製造的犯規要比Belinelli少將近一半。事實上,上賽季義大利人20.1%的得分都來 自罰球線,這也是尼爾的2倍。這位馬刺新兵很享受得分時帶來的快感,即使有時候他也 不太穩定。 Aside from his Neal-like tendency to shoot threes from above the break rather than in the corners — which could change in the Spurs’ offense — Belinelli takes far more shots at the rim. Where only 7.4 percent of Neal’s attempts came from inside the restricted area, Belinelli got to the rim 27.4 percent of the time. When he got there he converted better than 50 percent of the time, but that’s not really all that special in terms of shooting from within the restricted area. But you can live with that when the rest of the fat is trimmed. Belinelli took just 36 percent of his shots from the zone outside the restricted area and inside the 3-point line, where Neal took more than 50 percent of his. *To put some of those percentages in perspective, Neal took only 44 shots at the rim last season. Belinelli took 167 from inside the restricted area. That ’s a major difference. 雖然他和Neal一樣更喜歡在弧頂而不是底角投三分(這一定程度上會改變馬刺的進攻), Belinelli會頻繁地去攻擊籃框。Neal的進攻只有7.4%來自禁區內,而Belinelli這個數值 是27.4%,同時他在禁區的命中率在50%以上,不算太驚人,因為畢竟這是在禁區內。但是 考慮到以下這一點,你會稍稍滿意這個命中率一點:Belinelli在禁區以外的命中率只有 36%,而Neal是高於50%。 *列出數據作比較,Neal上賽季只有44次攻擊籃框,Belinelli則有167次。這是他們最大 的不同。 But there’s another thing that must be considered when comparing these two players: The Spurs had the 7th highest offensive-effienciency rating in the league last season; the Bulls were 24th in the same category. With this in mind, it’s likely Neal had an easier time scoring than Belinelli did. Still, despite dwindling in the league cellar in terms of offensive efficiency, Chicago was 8th in the NBA in assists. San Antonio topped that list, but the difference wasn’t more than a couple of dimes per game. The point being, if the Bulls were a terrible assist team with a poor overall offense, you might be able to extrapolate that Belinelli’s numbers could go up in the Alamo City. And while they still might spike for a player who depends largely on assists, it likely won’t be drastic given the fact his minutes will probably drop with such a deep roster. 比較這兩位球員時還要考慮到一點:上賽季的馬刺有著聯盟第七的進攻效率,公牛僅排在 第24。出於這點,Neal可能會有比Belinelli更輕鬆的得分機會。當然,不考慮進攻效率 ,公牛的總助攻數也排在聯盟的第8位。馬刺排名助攻榜第1,但區別不是幾次助攻的差距 而已。所以如果公牛的整體進攻很糟糕,那我們可以相信Belinelli在馬刺的數據會進一 步提升。同時,儘管球隊會對一名太過於依靠助攻的球員有所限制,但這不會是個大問題 ,因為Belinelli在馬刺隊的上場時間可能會因為厚實的板凳深度而減少。 Still, it’s fair to project Belinelli will be a more efficient player than his off-the-bench predecessor was. And while Synergy numbers point to the newcomer being a slightly better defender than Neal, neither is what you would call a good defender. Hell, average is pushing it. But what the Spurs are banking on is a more consistent performer that will fit a little better into their pass-happy motion scheme. Though many of the statistical differences between the two players last season were negligible, the areas in which there were significant rifts between numbers could be very impactful. After watching this team come within one defensive rebound of winning a fifth ring, hindsight makes it easy to realize the importance of an extra possession or two. 當然,我們可以預期Belinelli會成為一名比Neal更加有效率的板凳暴徒。而即使Synergy 數據顯示他的防守要比Neal好,你也不會把他當防守專家。拜託,平均水平就不錯了好嗎 !但是,馬刺需要的是一名能夠更好融入他們“天天傳球,天天開心”流動體系的球員。 雖然二者的數據在很多方面差別不大,但有差別的地方對馬刺的影響可能會是非常深遠的 在看著球隊距離拿下第五枚戒指只不過一個防守籃板的距離的時候,事後諸葛就會告訴你 多一兩個球權的重要性了。 -- ◢███◣ ◥◥◥ 我們不是搖擺不定 我們只是還在找尋平衡點 ╭╮ ◣ ▽ ╯╰天秤 ψQSWEET  ̄ ̄ ▂▂         Libra <天秤版> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/07 08:13, , 1F
08/07 08:13, 1F

08/07 08:35, , 2F
08/07 08:35, 2F

08/07 08:36, , 3F
不過年齡那邊,on the plus side of 26 應該就是說都超
08/07 08:36, 3F

08/07 08:36, , 4F
08/07 08:36, 4F
感謝 我有修正了

08/07 08:39, , 5F
08/07 08:39, 5F
※ 編輯: ParkerWind 來自: (08/07 08:55)

08/07 09:49, , 6F
08/07 09:49, 6F

08/07 09:50, , 7F
08/07 09:50, 7F

08/07 10:58, , 8F
再見了 親愛的刺迷Q_Q
08/07 10:58, 8F
※ 編輯: ParkerWind 來自: (08/07 11:04)

08/07 11:37, , 9F
08/07 11:37, 9F

08/07 15:26, , 10F
告別斑馬年代 奔跑在一望無際的草原上吧 (咦?哪棚?)
08/07 15:26, 10F

08/07 20:40, , 11F
08/07 20:40, 11F

08/07 23:25, , 12F
08/07 23:25, 12F

08/07 23:27, , 13F
08/07 23:27, 13F

08/08 21:57, , 14F
掰掰了 Neal 真沒想到我還在A_A
08/08 21:57, 14F

08/08 22:20, , 15F
08/08 22:20, 15F

08/08 22:21, , 16F
08/08 22:21, 16F

08/08 22:24, , 17F
08/08 22:24, 17F

08/08 22:47, , 18F
08/08 22:47, 18F

08/09 10:01, , 19F
Rudy因為家人不會再來NBA了 別看到哪個就意淫一下...
08/09 10:01, 19F
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