Fw: [外絮] Why Spurs' reaction was so Spurs-like

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FkHSgap ] 作者: terry255054 (硯) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Why Spurs' reaction was so Spurs-like 時間: Mon May 21 00:09:12 2012 http://tinyurl.com/bqcudqw Game rewind: Why the Spurs' reaction was so Spurs-like Posted on May 19, 2012 at 10:49 pm by Tim Griffin It was kind of memory that will go down as one of the most enduring glimpses of the season and maybe even of the Spurs’ recent history. 這可能會是馬刺本季,甚至隊史上最光輝燦爛的一場比賽。 The Los Angeles Clippers had made the Spurs look slow and tired in the first half, racing to a 24-point lead as Blake Griffin and his “Lob City” teammates played up to their sizable hype and looked unbeatable for a few minutes Saturday. 快艇讓馬刺在上半場顯得又老又慢,Blake Griffin和他空拋之城的隊友們輪番把皮球塞進 籃框,一度建立了多達24分的領先優勢,本場比賽勢在必得。 The Spurs answered with a 15-5 spurt to close the half and still trailed by 10 points at the half. You might have thought a sense of urgency would be seen along the Spurs’ sidelines heading into the second half. 馬刺以一波15-5的攻勢結束上半場,但依然落後10分。你猜想在經過個這麼糟糕的 上半場後,馬刺的板凳區會神色凝重,教練把球員叫過來訓斥你們到底在衝三小... Instead, television images showed Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, Tim Duncan and Tony Parker looking relaxed and confident as they prepared for the rest of the game. It wasn’t exactly like they were talking about the dinner reservations for later Saturday night, but it wasn’t far from it. 結果電視攝影機照到 Popo、Duncan 和 Parker 神色自若地坐在場邊,等著下半場的開始。 他們該不會是在討論晚上要訂哪家餐廳吧?如果不是,那可能也差得不遠了。 Maybe those three knew something that we didn’t at the time. The Spurs answered with a 24-0 run in the third quarter and coasted to a 96-86 victory over the Clippers. It put the Spurs only a game from sweeping the Western Conference semifinals. 也許他們三個知道些我們所不知道的事。馬刺在第三節再打出一波24-0的高潮,最後 以96-86取得比賽勝利。再一場,他們就把快艇掃地出門。 “To start the game, the Clippers played very aggressively, played great D and on top of that they made their shots,” Popovich said. “We didn’t make our shot and basically were in transition D over and over and over. They took advantage and got that big lead on us.” 「一開始快艇打得很有侵略性,防守非常強悍之外,他們還命中了幾個投籃。」Popo 說, 「我們投不進,防守輪轉也很糟糕,他們把握機會建立了領先優勢。」 But Duncan knew the Spurs were capable of climbing back into the game after a Clippers’ start he said made him “feel bad.” 但 Duncan 知道馬刺可以把分數追回來,在經過了一個讓他「感覺有點不好」的開場之後。 “We understood that the energy was going to be high coming in.” Duncan said. “We didn’t plan on being down that much in the first quarter, but we understood that we would make a run early and would have to sustain. 「我們知道是時候加足馬力了。」Duncan 說,「我們沒預期到會在第一節落後這麼多, 我們必須要快點打出一波高潮,然後把比分維持住。」 “We’ve been through enough of them that we understand that’s kind of how it goes. It was great poise by a bunch of people on our entire team. We were just lucky enough in the second half to start making some shots, making stops. And once we got our confidence, we stuck with it and it was good for us.” 「我們很了解他們,我們知道比賽就是這麼進行的。很高興我們整隊的得分點都很平均。 我們運氣不錯,在下半場開始投進幾顆球,擋下對方的進攻,然後我們的信心都回來了。 我們堅持住了比賽,這很棒。」 That confidence has been forged over four championships. So it’s not surprising there wasn’t much worry in the Spurs even after the big Clippers start. 這種自信是經過四次冠軍磨練出來的。 “We didn’t get rattled, but one would have expected that group wouldn’t have, ” Popovich said. “They’ve been playing together a long time. Especially, Timmy and Manu and Tony. They’ve seen a little bit of everything. And they know that anything can happen in an NBA game. 「我們沒有被嚇得牙齒嘎嘎作響。」Popo 說,「他們在一起打球很長一段時間了,特別是 Timmy、Manu 和 Tony。他們看過很多場面,他們知道在NBA的比賽中,一切都是有可能 發生的。」 “But the experience lets them know that you have got to stay in the system and work it. Either it will work out or it won’t.” 「經驗告訴他們你必須相信自己的體系,當然有時候它管用,有時候它不會。」 Popovich knew wholesale changes weren’t needed. Just relax and play in the moment. Popo 知道不需要做出什麼很大的改變,只要稍微放鬆、享受比賽就好了。 “We didn’t make really make any changes in how we were playing defense,” he said. “We called some plays that helped us. It just worked out for us tonight. 「我們在防守上沒啥改變,」他說,「我們只是執行了一些戰術,而它們都成功了。」 -- 記者:What happened to the first quarter? Popo:We played great. 記者:You guys win 17 in a roll, what makes your team so special? Popo:I have no idea. ONE TEAM,ONE GOAL,GO SPURS GO!!!!! ※ 編輯: z175150 來自: (05/21 00:34)

05/21 00:39, , 1F
I have no idea lol
05/21 00:39, 1F

05/21 01:03, , 2F
Spurs system!!!
05/21 01:03, 2F

05/21 01:19, , 3F
I have no idea真的超經典 我聽完大笑XDD
05/21 01:19, 3F

05/21 01:32, , 4F
It just worked out for us tonight.
05/21 01:32, 4F

05/21 06:46, , 5F
你必須相信自己的體系 太讚了~~
05/21 06:46, 5F

05/21 09:26, , 6F
你必須相信自己的體系,你必須相信自己....go spurs
05/21 09:26, 6F

05/21 20:59, , 7F
We played great 這是講笑話嗎?哈哈~
05/21 20:59, 7F
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