[情報] Spurs' start ranks as NBA stunners

看板Spurs作者 (硯)時間12年前 (2012/02/24 18:07), 編輯推噓15(1504)
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http://tinyurl.com/6ngk5xm Five quick takes: Spurs' start ranks as one of NBA's biggest early stunners Posted on February 23, 2012 at 11:29 pm by Tim Griffin A quick show of hands, please, from anybody who thought the Spurs would be 24-10 at the All-Star break at the start of the season. 球季開始時,有誰想過馬刺會在明星賽前打出24勝10敗的成績? Really? 你在耍我嗎? Considering that Manu Ginobili has been missing for 25 of those games and T.J. Ford for 24, the Spurs' first-half start is even more remarkable. They have been the biggest surprise in the Western Conference, even if the rest of the country doesn't seem to have noticed. 在 Manu Ginobili 缺陣25場、T.J. Ford 缺陣24場的情況下,馬刺出色的上半季戰績 儼然成了西區最大的驚奇,儘管全世界有一半的人根本沒注意到。 One who does is TNT analyst Charles Barkley who boldly proclaimed Thursday night that he considered the Spurs as the best team in the Western Conference. Charles Barkley 宣稱馬刺是西區目前最好的球隊。 The Rodeo Road Trip only built on that start. The Spurs matched the best RRT record in franchise history, capping their run Thursday with a strong 114-99 victory at Denver to wrap up the trip. 騎術大賽客場長征只是在幫馬刺累積勝場而已。馬刺今天以114-99大破金塊,替連續 9場的客場之旅畫下句點,8勝1敗追平了隊史RRT的最佳成績。 All five San Antonio starters scored at least 16 points Thursday night as the Spurs jumped to a 28-point lead in the first half and toyed with the tired Nuggets. It was the most balanced performance of the season for the Spurs. It might have been their most complete first-half effort as they immediately rebounded from their worst loss of the season Tuesday night with a complete and stunning role reversal. 面對疲憊的金塊,馬刺打出本季火力最均衡的一場比賽,五個先發球員都拿下至少16分, 並在上半場就取得28分的巨幅領先。這同時也是他們打過最認真的上半場,迅速從星期三 對拓荒者的慘敗中反彈。 Maybe there was something in that night of rest that Tony Parker and Tim Duncan received Tuesday in Portland? 也許是 Tony Parker 和 Tim Duncan 在星期三的休息中得到了些什麼? Here are a few other takes from a strong finish that promises much heading into the second half of the season next week. 在進入到下半季之前,還有幾點我們來看看: ‧Denver was late in arriving back in town early Thursday morning after a game with the Los Angeles Clippers. The Spurs were resting in Denver. I'm not going to say that was the overriding factor in the game, but it sure helped. The Spurs hit 10 of their first 14 shots and the lethargic Nuggets started 1 of 6. Just sayin'. ‧前一天在洛杉磯大戰快艇之後,金塊回來的班機延誤了,而馬刺早就到達丹佛休息。 當然並不是說這決定了比賽的結果,但一定對馬刺是有利的。這場比賽馬刺前14次 出手命中10顆,而金塊只有投6中1。 ‧Even after their best 30 minutes of the season to start the game, the Spurs made enough mistakes over the final 18 minutes to keep Gregg Popovich's head buzzing over the break. It might have been my imagination, but Popovich looked as animated as I've seen him in the last several weeks when his team frittered their big lead and allowed Denver to climb back in the game in the fourth quarter. ‧打出賽季中最好的前30分鐘之後,馬刺在最後18分鐘內犯下了各式各樣的錯誤, 逼得 Gregg Popovich 叫出暫停。不知道是不是我的想像,但 Popovich 都很認真地 在激勵球員,就跟過去幾個禮拜馬刺在浪費大幅領先的時候一樣。 ‧Want an indication how well that Parker played on the Rodeo Road Trip? At the start of the trip, most observers didn't think he would make the All-Star Game. At the end, he was getting some serious run as a potential Most Valuable Player candidate. What a difference nine games can make. ‧想知道 Parker 在騎術長征中表現得有多好嗎?在客場之旅開始之前,很多人都不認為 他會進明星賽,然而在結束之後,他已經是年度MVP的候選人之一了。九場比賽可以 改變很多事情呢。 ‧Duncan is going to undergoing a new experience for the first time in many years for the next few days as he spends the All-Star break with his family back home in San Antonio. But if I know anything about the Spurs' captain, he will probably love every minute of it. ‧Duncan 將要度過第一個和家人一塊待在家裡的明星週末,但我猜他應該會很享受那 每一分鐘。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/24 18:11, , 1F
但還是希望T.J跟Tiago趕快回來 Manu倒是可以多休養
02/24 18:11, 1F

02/24 18:12, , 2F
Tiago受傷太傷啦 = = 他正需要練功的時候
02/24 18:12, 2F

02/24 19:12, , 3F
儘管全世界有一半的人根本沒注意到 <=有這麼誇張嗎XD
02/24 19:12, 3F

02/24 19:16, , 4F
以全球網路/電視普及率來看 有可能啊...
02/24 19:16, 4F

02/24 19:20, , 5F
是全國(Country) 不是全世界(World)啦www
02/24 19:20, 5F

02/24 19:54, , 6F
02/24 19:54, 6F

02/24 19:56, , 7F
問隔壁的同事的話應該只知道尼克隊吧 XD
02/24 19:56, 7F

02/24 20:02, , 8F
我爸只知道Jordan 今天看到Lin的新聞還問我 那個麥可什
02/24 20:02, 8F

02/24 20:02, , 9F
麼的怎麼現在都沒他的新聞 我聽了還挺無言的....
02/24 20:02, 9F

02/24 20:28, , 10F
02/24 20:28, 10F

02/24 20:33, , 11F
Rodeo Road Trip
02/24 20:33, 11F

02/24 21:35, , 12F
02/24 21:35, 12F

02/24 21:40, , 13F
02/24 21:40, 13F

02/24 22:49, , 14F
02/24 22:49, 14F

02/24 22:58, , 15F
02/24 22:58, 15F

02/25 00:52, , 16F
02/25 00:52, 16F

02/25 01:05, , 17F
02/25 01:05, 17F

02/25 03:32, , 18F
這種文好像上季也有 季賽打得好已經不稀奇了...
02/25 03:32, 18F

12/12 20:48, 5年前 , 19F
問隔壁的同事的話應該只 https://daxiv.com
12/12 20:48, 19F
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