[轉錄][外絮] 垃圾話:NBA逐漸消失的藝術

看板Spurs作者 (提拉米蘇)時間13年前 (2011/04/28 22:24), 編輯推噓12(1204)
留言16則, 14人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1DkNBgF1 ] 作者: Invincibleme (慕天顏) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 垃圾話:NBA逐漸消失的藝術 時間: Thu Apr 28 22:00:07 2011 來源 http://www.ebsports.net/bbs/showthread.php?p=1465396 The art of trash-talking April, 20, 2011Apr 203:35PM ETEmailPrintComments32By Player XPlayer X is an anonymous NBA star. This is his fourth column. 某位不具名的巨星級球員, 炮了以下這篇文章 THERE ISN'T ENOUGH trash-talking in this league, and we're the worse for it. Players are just too buddy-buddy; a lot of us grew up together in AAU ball and have remained friends. Because of that, the NBA basically looks like the cool-kid clique in high school. 這個聯盟, 需要更高級的嘴砲 現如今球場垃圾話已經不再那麼流行了 而且這些球員們說垃圾話的能力也比前輩差了十萬八千里 很多球員都情同手足,很多人 是高中或大學校友、要麼一起在AUU聯盟打過球 即使是現在也保持著好友的關係。 也因為這樣,現在的聯盟看起來更像是高中那些乖小子團體一樣。 Christian Peterson/Getty Images "Show me a trash-talker, and I'll show you a winner," says Player X. "Unless his initials are KG."I miss the loud old days. A few decades ago, in the heyday of trash, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and the Knicks couldn't shut up. Those guys all played with emotion, and that fuels the best trash-talk. It's no coincidence that some of the best ball ever seen was played during the top trash-talking era. "垃圾話系咱冠軍a希望" X 球員補充道 除非依ㄟ名叫"KG"(勿戰) 他非常懷念那段吵鬧的時光 在幾十年前, 好多好多的球員都會說垃圾話 Jordan, Bird 還有尼克的那群傢伙 總是講個不停 這些傢伙打球總是帶著激情, 因而激出無限創意的垃圾話 要知道, 在垃圾話橫行年代,一些經典好球的出現絕非偶然 When players hold their tongues, the league is boring. And we've been quiet too long. I blame all the foreign guys. They don't like confrontation. I don't know many who can talk trash, or even try. The refs are at fault too. A lot of the T's you see called are preemptive; refs hear some noise and blow the whistle before it escalates. If you ask me, they're trying to take the "black" out of the game. Besides Bird, all the great trash-talkers have been black. We were born talking trash. They want to silence us, but that's like telling a bunny to stop jumping. The bunny can't help it. 當球員們都閉嘴時,這個聯盟簡直無聊爆了,我們安靜太久了 我在這邊譴責那些外籍球員 他們不喜歡碰撞,我都不知道有幾個垃圾話浮的上檯面的 他們連試都不敢 裁判也是 每次看到稍微有個風吹草動,裁判就先發制人跳出來了 如果你問我的看法, 我會說他們會想把"黑"這個因子給踢出聯盟 除了大鳥之外, 所有的偉大的垃圾話球員都是黑人 我們生來就是講垃圾話的 他們想要我們閉嘴, 但這就像妳要邦妮兔不要跳一樣 甘五科能! The lack of on-court chatter is bad because it's such a good way to get in an opponent's head and rattle him. A player's manhood is always fair game; question that, in language they won't let me use here, and see how he responds. Great trash-talkers also love talking junk about another guy's finances. It doesn't always work, though. Legend has it Gary Payton, who vets say talked an endless stream of trash, once told Jordan that he drove a better car than MJ. "The cars I got are just like yours," Jordan replied. "Except mine were free." That cracks me up. 在場上不能碎碎念的缺點就是 妳沒辦法把妳的對手弄到精...血衝腦 球場上球員永遠能公平地展現他們的男子氣概 但是現在 聯盟卻不准我們再多嘴砲 高等的嘴砲球員有時候也會拿對方的經濟狀況來攻擊 經典的就像Gary Payton 嗆Jordon說他有錢買法拉利了 Jordan 說我也是開法拉利 只是是法拉利公司送我的 "聽到的時候我實在是爽爆了!" X球員說 Trash-talk can go too far fast, though, so there is a code. Off-limit topics: moms, wives, girlfriends, kids. And health. Honestly, I never thought anyone would cross the line to crack on an opponent about a medical condition. But according to Charlie Villanueva, that's what Kevin Garnett supposedly did earlier this season when he called the Pistons forward a "cancer patient." Garnett later claimed otherwise, saying he had called Villanueva -- who's hairless because of a skin condition -- a "cancerous" player. 雖然那時垃圾話球員砲個樂此不疲 但有些地雷還是不能踩的: 人家的老母啦, 老婆啦, 女友啦,小孩 歐, 還有健康 老實說我還沒有聽過哪個球員攻擊對手的身體健康狀況 但季初的 無眉道人事件 KG 居然嗆無眉道人 是"癌症患者" 這就太超過了 雖然他後來有解釋, 說道人對於隊伍來說是個"癌因子" I don't know who's telling the truth, but I don't care. Garnett is a punk and a coward. I know, I know. Easy for me to say behind this column. Don't worry, I'll tell him to his face, too. And I'm not the only one who thinks that: If you're not on his team, chances are you hate the guy. You can learn a lot about him by watching his eyes. If he's talking to you -- and he's always talking -- he avoids eye contact. My advice to other guys in the league: Stare him down, and he'll retreat. From what I've seen, he'll never mix it up with a player who's bigger than he is. Personally, I think he's scared to fight -- like a playground bully who barks but doesn't bite. "我是不知道誰說的才是實話啦, 但我很潮, 所以 I Don't Care!" (接下來KG迷可以 選擇忽視不看) KG只不過是個痞子和膽小鬼而已 我知道你一定會說"你還不是只敢匿名在人家背後說" 所以別擔心, 下次我遇到他,我一定當面嗆他 而且,我也不是唯一一個這樣想的人 你從他的眼神中可以看出很多事情 如果他在砲你(而且他也總是在那邊垃圾話) 他總是會迴避你的眼神 所以我建議聯盟中的球員, 下次他再砲你不爽 你就直接瞪著他的眼睛 他就會鼻子摸摸 不敢作聲 而且據我的觀察 這傢伙從來不敢嗆比他大隻的人 個人認為他根本就不敢幹架, 說難聽一點, 他就不過是會吠不會咬人的X 而已 But I have to admit, the Celtics are the most talkative guys in the league. And that makes sense, because it's the mark of a championship team. Mouths help you win big games. Ray Allen got mean in Boston, and Paul Pierce will look at you, say, "Stop this," then drop a J on your head. 但是我得承認, 超賽是最會講垃圾話的翹楚 但這也滿有道理的, 因為這就是冠軍隊的象徵 在重要的比賽中, 嘴砲幫助你贏得勝利 Ray Allen 到賽隊後越來越會嘴砲了 而Pierce 則會在進攻時看著你說 "幹不要鬧了" 然後輕鬆在你頭上跳投得分(Drop a J 是 Drop a Jump-Shot的縮寫) The Lakers aren't as good at it, but the defending champs have an edge over most other teams because Kobe can talk with the best of them while he lights you up and Ron Artest is just weird. One reason he's a great defender is he'll get way too close and whisper in your ear. 湖人就沒那麼會嘴砲了 但他們還是能捍衛他們的衛冕者寶座 因為Kobe盯上你的時候,你就準備要被砲了(勿戰) 阿泰基本上不過是個怪咖, 但是他能夠當最佳防守者頭銜是因為他會貼的你很近 而且在你耳邊"絲絲細語" The things that make all of these guys good talkers -- passion, a mean streak -- are what also make them great basketball players. Not surprisingly, some of the quietest guys happen to be ringless. Chris Bosh, for one, never says a word. LeBron? Even when he does talk, he's terrible at it. 讓這家傢伙變成嘴砲達人的原因: 激情 更深一層的來說, 這也是他們成為偉大球員的原因 所以, 有些安靜的傢伙一個戒指都拿不到也不是沒有道理 Bosh: 永遠都馬安安靜靜的 Lebron? 就算他會嘴砲, 這種事情還是很講求天分低~ Want to get to "The King" and some other prime-time players? Here's one man's go-to material: Drop a "you're riding coattails" on LeBron or remind him he bailed on the Cavs to buy a ring. Mention Dwight Howard's J -- or lack of one; it never fails to piss him off. Call Kobe a fake Jordan. (Just beware you may get posterized for the rest of the game.) Don't bother with Tim Duncan; dude can't hear a thing and never gets rattled. But feel free to remind Tony Parker that "Eva is fine"; wives are over the line, but not exes. Tell Pierce his one ring was all luck. Then have one of your bigger guys step to KG. 你想要成為嘴砲王或是黃金檔球員?? 簡單~ 這裡有一個真男人的教戰手則: 下次碰到Lebron 的時候 就跟他說 "不要再靠別人了啦" (這句話酸得滿高明的,coattails 本身還有"裙帶關係"的意思" 或者是說"嘿, 背叛克利夫蘭有沒有為你贏得一枚戒指啊" 碰到魔獸就要跟他說 "靠都幾年了還不會跳投喔" 而且每次他都會生氣, 超有效 碰到Kobe 就說 "你這個偽喬丹" 只是你要小心接下來的比賽會被凌虐的很慘 碰到石佛...... 算了 他什麼也聽不進去 碰到 Parker 就說 "Eva過得不錯喔" (老婆是不能提, 但前妻沒關係) 碰到 PP 就跟他說 "還不是靠運氣啦!" 然後派一隻大隻一點的隊友往KG去.....(KG 怕事論) I love trash talk. 我愛垃圾話 ----------------------------------------------- Duncan: 我只用微笑就能搞火裁判喔^.< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Invincibleme 來自: (04/28 22:01)

04/28 22:02,
垃圾話本來就籃球的一部分 可惜在本版也要逐漸消失了
04/28 22:02

04/28 22:02,
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04/28 22:02,
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04/28 22:02,
本版的這些不是垃圾話 是謾罵跟人身攻擊吧
04/28 22:02

04/28 22:03,
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04/28 22:03,
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04/28 22:03,
他什麼都聽不進去XD TD:恩..你剛有說話?
04/28 22:03

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04/28 22:04,
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04/28 22:04,
太屌了這篇 石佛什麼都聽不進去啊!!!xXDDDDDDDD
04/28 22:04

04/28 22:04,
湖賽熱都被錶了 該不會是皮本吧XD
04/28 22:04

04/28 22:04,
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04/28 22:05,
JG應該是打錯吧 在無眉道人那邊
04/28 22:05

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04/28 22:07,
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04/28 22:07,
推 有藝術的垃圾話少了 當初郵差假日不送信是經典
04/28 22:07

04/28 22:07,
嘴砲的巨星90年代有名的Jordan Miller 老巴 手套 真
04/28 22:07

04/28 22:07,
推 零容忍真是爛政策 場外球迷都沒有嘴泡話題了
04/28 22:07

04/28 22:07,
的很多阿 哈哈
04/28 22:07

04/28 22:08,
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04/28 22:08,
哈哈! 有笑有推~~~
04/28 22:08

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04/28 22:12,
Scott P
04/28 22:12

04/28 22:12,
作者是球員 第一行就寫了
04/28 22:12

04/28 22:12,
04/28 22:12

04/28 22:13,
竟然沒有人猜是shaq呀 嘴砲文不提他就很怪了對超賽提
04/28 22:13

04/28 22:13,
了也不算少事 而且他也不怕砲自己人
04/28 22:13
還有 24 則推文
04/28 22:18,
TD那邊我笑了 XD
04/28 22:18

04/28 22:19,
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04/28 22:19,
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04/28 22:19,
Eva is fine 是這樣翻嗎 XD
04/28 22:19

04/28 22:20,
有笑有推 真的超好笑XDDD
04/28 22:20

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04/28 22:20,
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04/28 22:21,
Carter?? TMAC?? Hill??
04/28 22:21

04/28 22:21,
應該不是大歐 他不會嗆魔獸不會跳投 他自己也不會阿.
04/28 22:21

04/28 22:21,
會不會是老漁啊 XD
04/28 22:21

04/28 22:21,
超好笑 怎麼會這麼trash
04/28 22:21

04/28 22:21,
04/28 22:21

04/28 22:21,
Paul Pierce 有說「幹」嗎?哈哈~
04/28 22:21

04/28 22:21,
大歐現在跟KG.PP.Ray gun同隊..會這樣說嗎?
04/28 22:21

04/28 22:22,
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04/28 22:22,
因為他有提到找大隻點的隊友去擋KG 而不是自己去擋
04/28 22:22

04/28 22:22,
04/28 22:22

04/28 22:24,
應該是Pip沒錯 老巴跟歐肥不可能匿名XDDDD
04/28 22:24

04/28 22:24,
巴克利可能性比較大 巴克利曾嗆過外籍人 不然就皮朋
04/28 22:24

04/28 22:24,
04/28 22:24

04/28 22:24,
可是老皮沒跟LBJ對抗過吧? 他怎麼知道
04/28 22:24
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 22:26, , 1F
04/28 22:26, 1F

04/28 22:26, , 2F
04/28 22:26, 2F

04/28 22:32, , 3F
04/28 22:32, 3F

04/28 22:35, , 4F
Why? 前妻也是妻 一樣不能騎!? 一樣不能欺啊!!!
04/28 22:35, 4F

04/28 22:40, , 5F
Eva is fine.是說Eva長得很正喔!!!
04/28 22:40, 5F

04/28 22:46, , 6F
沒想到居然被轉回來 哈 超久沒再刺版發文了
04/28 22:46, 6F

04/28 22:56, , 7F
04/28 22:56, 7F

04/28 23:10, , 8F
DW那段也超好笑 加個發語詞就好生動
04/28 23:10, 8F

04/28 23:12, , 9F
Eva is fine 帶有我跟eva一夜春宵然後覺得他很棒的意思
04/28 23:12, 9F

04/28 23:12, , 10F
04/28 23:12, 10F

04/28 23:20, , 11F
喔喔 同年代的球迷復出了 好久沒看你出現了
04/28 23:20, 11F

04/28 23:20, , 12F
04/28 23:20, 12F

04/28 23:24, , 13F
04/28 23:24, 13F

04/29 00:15, , 14F
04/29 00:15, 14F

04/29 01:43, , 15F
wow 老板友的文耶 不推嗎?
04/29 01:43, 15F

12/12 20:42, 5年前 , 16F
TD那段超好笑XDDD https://muxiv.com
12/12 20:42, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1DkNYpfh (Spurs)