[情報] Neal三分救馬刺 Neal's buzzer 3-point …

看板Spurs作者 (Verginia Wolf)時間13年前 (2011/04/28 14:05), 編輯推噓22(2209)
留言31則, 23人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
SAN ANTONIO (AP)—Gary Neal(notes) caught an inbounds pass with 1.7 seconds left and forced overtime with a 3-point heave as time expired, and the San Antonio Spurs staved off elimination by stunning the Memphis Grizzlies 110-103 on Wednesday night. 馬刺隊Gary Neal於比賽剩餘1.7秒時接到場外發球,並在終場前投進三分,使球隊進入 延長賽,而馬刺也以110比103擊敗灰熊,暫時倖免於被老八傳奇打敗。 Neal’s straightaway 3-pointer was the second of two remarkable San Antonio baskets in the final 2.2 seconds of regulation. Manu Ginobili(notes), who scored 33 points, hit the other with a long corner jumper while falling out of bounds to keep top-seeded San Antonio alive. Neal的這球三分是馬刺隊在最後2.2秒奇蹟性的兩球之一。今晚得了33分的Manu,在失去 平衡快要掉出場邊的同時投進了另一球採線(三分線)的兩分。 The basket was originally ruled a 3 that would have tied the score, but the officials went to video review and ruled Ginobili’s toe was on the line. Manu的這一球原本被認為是三分,且能追平比分,但裁判在看了影片後,認為Manu的腳趾 有踩到線(是真的有踩到啦)。 The eighth-seeded Grizzlies lead the best-of-seven series 3-2 and they will host the Spurs on Friday night. 第八種子的灰熊仍在這場七戰系列賽中保持3比2的領先優勢,且在周五晚上(台灣周六白 天)將以主場之姿應戰馬刺。 But the Grizzlies will likely go home thinking they missed a knockout punch. 但灰熊會抱持著他們錯失將馬刺一口氣擊敗的良機的惋惜回到主場。 “Coach Pop set up a great play, Tim Duncan(notes) set up a great screen,” said Neal, who buried the shot with Grizzlies forward O.J. Mayo(notes) running toward him. "Popo設計了一個良好戰術(有嗎?),TD製造了一個非常好的Screen(還差點擋不住)," 今晚在灰熊前鋒O.J. Mayo前投近三分的Neal說了。 Biggest shot the rookie’s ever hit? “Yeah,” Neal said. “By far.” 這是本季這位新生最強大的一球? (心臟真的很大顆) "是的" Neal回答,"到目前為止。" (這語氣...嘖嘖...我喜歡XD) Only eight teams in NBA history have ever come back from a 3-1 deficit. The Spurs, who were the NBA’s winningest team for most of the season, are desperate to join that list in what may be their last good shot to win a fifth championship in the Tim Duncan era. 在NBA歷史上,只有八支球隊曾經在被3比1的劣勢下挽回劣勢。而在本季走在NBA聯盟頂 端的馬刺,非常渴望能夠加入上述的名單中,以贏得可能是最佳也是最後一次贏得第五 度總冠軍的機會。 (哪八支......???) Zach Randolph(notes) led Memphis with 26 points and 11 rebounds. He scored 18 points in the fourth quarter and overtime, but Tony Parker(notes) of the Spurs scored six of his 24 points in overtime to help ensure there will be a Game 6 in Memphis. Randolph得到灰熊全隊最高的26分及11籃板,並在第四節與延長賽就得到了18分。但馬刺得 了24分的的小跑車Parker在延長賽得到了6分,幫助馬刺前往位於Memphis的第六戰。 It will be a long trip back for the Grizzlies. 對灰熊來說,這將是一趟漫長的旅途。 They were 2.2 seconds from becoming just the fourth No. 8 seed in NBA history to win a playoff series, and finishing off the 61-win Spurs in only five games. But a lot happened in those 2.2 seconds. 他們只差了2.2秒,就能在五場比賽內終結本季有61勝的馬刺並締造NBA歷史的老八傳奇。 不過就在這2.2秒內發生了很多事。 (神奇的2.2秒讓我熱淚盈眶啊) That’s all the time the Spurs needed to make not only two of the biggest shots in this series, but in the NBA playoffs so far this postseason. 而這2.2秒就是馬刺所需要投出不只是本系列,也是本次季後賽中最強大的兩球。 (這讓我臉紅心跳的兩球...) First up was Ginobili who, after snatching the ball following a botched, up-for-grabs inbounds pass, pivoted frantically to the corner in front of the Spurs bench and made a difficult shot while falling toward the baseline that initially looked like a 3-pointer. 第一球是由勉強接到場外發球的Manu Ginobili,跑到底線邊界,就在馬刺板凳區前,困 難度極高且失去平衡要跌出場外的的奮力出手,且被認為是一球三分球。 The Spurs—and a crowd that included signs reading “The Dynasty Lives”— thought Ginobili’s incredible fallaway tied the game. But after a lengthy video review, the officials reversed it. 馬刺和全場的觀眾都認為Manu這神奇的一球追平了比分,讓王朝存活了下來,但在裁判 看過影片重播後,認定這球是兩分球。 That still left San Antonio down one point, and Randolph stretched the lead back to 97-94 with two free throws. So with their season on the line the Spurs turned to Neal, an undrafted rookie, to try and send the game in overtime. 此時馬刺仍落後一分,而Randolph利用了罰球讓比分又形成了97比94(馬刺落後)。此時 馬刺讓Neal上場,企圖利用這個非選秀來的新生,讓比賽進入到延長賽。 Neal caught the inbounds pass with 1.7 seconds left 3 feet behind the 3-point line, squared up with Mayo running toward him, and sent the game into overtime. Neal在剩下1.7秒時在離三分線3呎的地方接到了來自場外的發球,並且在Mayo衝上來的 防守他的狀況下投進三分,將比賽送入了延長賽。 “They’re tough,” Neal said. “The Grizzlies are a good team.” "他們很強," Neal說,"灰熊是一支好隊伍。" Marc Gasol(notes) had 11 points and 17 rebounds for Memphis, while Mike Conley(notes) scored 20 points and Sam Young(notes) added 18. M. Gasol為Memphis得了11分抓了17籃板,而M. Conley得了20分,S Young得了18分。 Duncan began the game in vintage playoff form, looking keenly aware of the stakes. He scored 11 points in the first 9 1/2 minutes, but scored just two the rest of the way. He had 12 rebounds. TD在比賽一開始的時候擁有非常好的季後賽狀態,球感非常敏銳。他在一開始的9.5分鐘 就得了11分,但接下來就得比賽中只得了2分,在此同時他也抓下12個籃板。 ===========以下賽後心得========= 我只看了2~4節,打得好的第一節我沒看到。 TD的禁區宰制力減弱了以後,禁區內就形成了一個大問題。 我覺得到目前為止可能只有放Tiago Splitter上來看看可不可以死馬當活馬醫了。 POPO已經沒招了,所以就把Splitter放上來......,幸好他今天表現不錯。 進攻方面,受到對手的防守壓迫,準度降低之外,連傳球都不太順暢...... 防守方面,這是季後賽,是身體的碰撞,血肉的廝殺,就算體型不如灰熊,也不應該 輕輕鬆鬆就讓他們得分。 反觀灰熊,今天前兩節落後,但也不急不徐慢慢打,趁著馬刺們第三節失誤多,馬上又把 分數追回來,防守上面也是用盡心力在守,不讓馬刺球員輕易得到分數。 今天這場比賽會贏,我覺得靠得是老天垂憐啊,Manu和Neal那兩球真的是神蹟... 拜託這一場把氣勢贏回來以後,下一場打得硬一點啊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 14:11, , 1F
04/28 14:11, 1F

04/28 14:14, , 2F
04/28 14:14, 2F

04/28 14:16, , 3F
突然懷念起整天被說髒的馬刺 現在實在有點軟
04/28 14:16, 3F

04/28 14:21, , 4F
04/28 14:21, 4F

04/28 14:25, , 5F
04/28 14:25, 5F

04/28 14:26, , 6F
04/28 14:26, 6F
這場系列賽下來,我覺得馬刺就像是羞怯怯的小媳婦一樣,被惡婆婆打罵好玩的, 也不敢反抗!!! 麻煩馬刺們拿出氣勢來,當一下剃度以後大翻身的武則天!!! ※ 編輯: tinarose 來自: (04/28 14:28)

04/28 14:27, , 7F
04/28 14:27, 7F

04/28 14:28, , 8F
04/28 14:28, 8F

04/28 14:28, , 9F
04/28 14:28, 9F

04/28 14:29, , 10F
04/28 14:29, 10F

04/28 14:33, , 11F
04/28 14:33, 11F

04/28 14:37, , 12F
TD大概就這數據了 變動不大 重點是其他點要跳出來
04/28 14:37, 12F

04/28 14:39, , 13F
04/28 14:39, 13F

04/28 14:41, , 14F
馬刺過去是人人喊打說好髒 現在是人人想打說好軟
04/28 14:41, 14F

04/28 14:50, , 15F
基本上很難硬過灰熊那兩隻 祈禱外線卡到陰變準好了
04/28 14:50, 15F

04/28 14:54, , 16F
04/28 14:54, 16F

04/28 15:00, , 17F
04/28 15:00, 17F

04/28 15:02, , 18F
04/28 15:02, 18F
E大您這句要死不活真是活靈活現的形容啊... 我覺得系列賽裡馬刺打得最像樣的就是這次OT,好幾球都直接犯掉。 我也不求可以把M. Gasol或Z. Randolph打爆,只要好好防守,積極貼近, 不要讓灰熊球員連替補都能輕易得分,我就萬幸了。 ※ 編輯: tinarose 來自: (04/28 15:08)

04/28 15:08, , 19F
剔牙哥不講 另外兩隻後場要衝擊 多少還得看裁判
04/28 15:08, 19F

04/28 15:08, , 20F
其他人唉 空檔比灰熊來得大 命中率卻更鳥
04/28 15:08, 20F

04/28 15:11, , 21F
04/28 15:11, 21F

04/28 15:27, , 22F
Popo不給剔牙哥上可以理解 因為處理球的細膩度有差 但是放
04/28 15:27, 22F

04/28 15:29, , 23F
TD打內線擠也擠不進去 然後被吃乾抹盡 還是多用剔牙哥吧
04/28 15:29, 23F

04/28 15:31, , 24F
04/28 15:31, 24F

04/28 15:44, , 25F
04/28 15:44, 25F

04/28 15:48, , 26F
點出三分與技能 可惜很難點
04/28 15:48, 26F

04/29 00:50, , 27F
04/29 00:50, 27F

04/29 00:50, , 28F
sorry沒看到下一篇= =
04/29 00:50, 28F

04/29 11:39, , 29F
By far好像是指"顯然"的意思.雖然我也希望是So far..XD
04/29 11:39, 29F

04/29 12:00, , 30F
恩 我看成So far了,眼殘...
04/29 12:00, 30F

12/12 20:42, 5年前 , 31F
其他人唉 空檔比灰熊來 https://muxiv.com
12/12 20:42, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1DkGEwaI (Spurs)