[情報] Hill 專訪--Small kindneses, big returns

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http://tinyurl.com/yjbxmgd 內有一張Hill帥照! 這一篇是Hill就讀的大學IUPUI在校園雜誌所作的Hill介紹與訪問 雖然是去年的文章,裡面卻有許多有趣的內容 蠻長的一篇文章 翻得有誤、不通順之處請指教~ Small kindneses, big returns For George Hill, one such small act of kindness — more than a decade ago, on a school playground, when he tied the laces of Jeremiah Chlumsky, a boy he barely knew — was significant. Hill's family built a friendship with Joseph and Rebecca Chlumsky, Jeremiah's parents. Hill found an additional strong adult role model to help him find his way in life. 一個小小的動作,例如幫忙綁上別人的鞋帶,可能會造成生命的大轉彎 對Hill而言,十多年前在學校的操場上, 他為一個素不相識的男孩Jeremiah Chlumsky綁上鞋帶 這樣的一個善意的舉動意義重大。 Hill的家庭就此與Chlumsky家庭搭上友誼的橋樑, 他也視Joseph 和 Rebecca Chlumsky夫婦為讓他找到人生方向的重要楷模 And eventually, the relationship blossomed into a dream trip for Hill, when the budding13-year-old basketball player got a chance to attend a summer camp run by his idol, Michael Jordan, at the University of California Santa Barbara. The Chlumskys paid his way to the camp and Joe drove him there, a three-day pilgrimage. And for young George, a die-hard Jordan fan, it was a magical moment. He'd brought his Jordan shoes, shirts and more with him, but when he got to the room he would share with two others, he found them wearing far more MJ gear than he had ever seen. 最終,他與Chlumsky家庭的友誼促成了13歲的Hill的夢想之旅-- 參加由Michael Jordan辦的夏令營 Chlumsky家庭替Hill出了夏令營的費用, Joseph Chlumsky則載他到了這趟三天的朝聖之旅所在,加州Santa Barbara 至於年輕的Hill,他身為一個死忠的MJ迷,則買了Jordan的球鞋,球衣等等, 當他進到他的寢室發現他的兩個室友有著一堆他沒看過的Jordan相關產品 "I remember thinking, 'who are these guys?'" he chuckles. The three quickly found themselves having fun, playing games well past lights-out. Then Hill recalls "someone knocking on the door." His roommates were closer to the door, checked out the visitor through a peephole, then fled the room. When Hill checked for himself, all he could see was the back of a very tall man, who turned out to be his roommates' father: a guy named Jordan. "我問自己'這兩個傢伙是誰阿'"Hill笑著說 他們三個很快就混熟了,一起玩鬧著過了宵禁的時間。 "有人敲了敲門"Hill回憶道 他的室友在門前,透過窺視孔看看訪客是誰,然後往後溜到床上, 當Hill親自檢查時,他只能看到一個很高的背影 他是他兩個室友們的父親,一個叫做Michael Jordan的男人 "It kinda explained why Michael and Jeffrey had so much Michael Jordan stuff," Hill laughs. After that, he admits, when lights out was called, "my head was on the pillow!" "這某種程度解釋了為什麼我的室友有那麼多MJ系列的東西"Hill大笑 之後,當MJ宣佈該熄燈上床時,"我的頭確確實實的在枕頭上!"他說 Biggest thrill That night wasn't Hill's only brush with the world's most famous pro athlete. He was named the camp's most valuable player, an achievement he still treasures. But his biggest thrill? That came when "Michael promised a new pair of Air Jordans to the first one who could hit two straight free throws." 那晚並不是Hill唯一與MJ的接觸 他獲選為那次夏令營的MVP,一個他至今都很珍惜的成就。 至於最令他興奮的是什麼呢? 那就是當Michael Jordan宣佈, 第一個能連續射進兩球罰球的人能獲得一雙全新的Air Jordan What Jordan didn't tell the potential contestants was that they'd have to hit the shots "with him jumping up and down, all in your face," Hill laughs. The future Broad Ripple and IUPUI standout was the only player to turn the trick, but he had to "wait five months for the shoes to show up" because Jordan's new shoe line hadn't yet been released to the marketplace. "Jordan漏講的是, 參賽者必須在"MJ在面前跳上跳下"的前提下射進兩球" Hill笑著說 Hill是唯一一個達成挑戰的小孩,但他必須等五個月才能拿到球鞋, 因為那時Jordan的鞋子尚未上市 "It was worth the wait, though," Hill says with a sly smile, if only because — as with many of life's most worthwhile prizes — it was earned in trial by fire, in the heat of competition. And competition is something the 6-foot-2, 180-pound Hill knows well. Such challenges are "in my blood." "那十分值得等待"Hill說,帶著一個奸詐的笑容 因為就像生命中意義十足的獎勵一樣,這雙球鞋是在競爭的火焰下粹煉而得到的 而"競爭"是Hill所熟知的,他的血液中流著樂於接受挑戰的因子 And late on the night of June 26, Hill's biggest challenge yet emerged, when he was the 26th pick in the first round of the 2008 NBA Draft, selected by the San Antonio Spurs. Hearing his name called by NBA commissioner David Stern "felt good ... that I finally made it." Hill told The Indianapolis Star on draft night. "It was always my childhood dream." 到了去年七月26日的晚上,Hill至今最大的挑戰出現了, 他成為了2008NBA選秀會第一輪第26順位的新人 聽到他的名字被史騰念出, "這種感覺真好,我終於做到了"當晚他這樣告訴媒體 "這一直都是我從小的夢想" He became the first IUPUI player — indeed, the first Summit League/Mid-Continent Conference player — ever picked by the world's top professional basketball league. And being the first American-born player selected in the first round by the four-time NBA champion Spurs helped ease the frustration of a 2007-08 Jaguar season that fell one game short of an NCAA tournament berth. 他成為第一位IUPUI大學球員, 也是第一位 Summit League(一個大學籃球聯盟)中央區球員在選秀會上被選中。 他更是近十年來馬刺在第一輪選的第一位美國土生土長新秀。 在第一輪被選中的榮耀稍稍彌補了Hill的遺憾: 07-08球季,在 Summit League 裡他的球隊IUPUI Jaguar 以一場勝差與冠軍擦身而過, 也因此失去了到NCAA挑戰的機會。 The loss left Hill with an empty feeling, despite a season that earned him Player of the Year honors in the league, first-team all-league recognition, and nationwide mention for various All-America teams. 儘管那個球季他拿到Summit League裡的年度最佳球員,聯盟第一隊, 以及名字時時出現在各種All-American teams中 未拿到冠軍的失落感仍令他感到遺憾 IUPUI choice a family matter That Hill is at IUPUI at all is a matter of family. The son of a factory worker father and a mother who drives a Pike Township school bus "planned to go to Florida and play for the Gators, but my grandfather was passing away, and I thought during my senior year at Broad Ripple that if I went to IUPUI, he might get to come off life support long enough to see me play college ball." That didn't happen, but the fact that "my family is here, and the city can get behind us" makes up — a bit — for the loss of his grandfather. 家庭因素讓Hill進了IUPUI大學 父親是工廠工人,而母親則是一位校車司機, "我原本打算要讀佛羅里達大學以進入NCAA,但祖父那時已經病危了, 我在高三的時候覺得如果我去離家較近的IUPUI大學,也許能幫助祖父撐到看著我打大學 籃球。"Hill說 他的想法並未實現,但就讀從小生長的Indianapolis的IUPUI大學,熟悉的城裡各個朋友 們的協助,也許能稍稍補償他祖父的去世 Basketball wasn't always his passion. As a kid, Hill played soccer, golf, chess and baseball, even flirted with hockey. "I had to try that," he laughs. "I wasn't much good, but at least I tried. Hill並不是從小就對籃球那麼熱衷, 小時候,他玩足球、高爾夫、西洋棋、棒球、甚至是曲棍球 "我一定要試一試(曲棍球)"他笑說 "我打得不好,但至少我嘗試過" Soccer was his first love — "I played goalie, and I wasn't bad" — and he loved playing baseball at Broad Ripple, too. He did well on the diamond, too; in four years on the varsity, Hill started at shortstop, third base and center field. But when he started playing organized basketball leading up to sixth grade, Hill knew he'd found his path. 足球是他最初的愛, "我當守門員,而且我打得不錯" 高中時期他也喜歡打棒球,他在棒球場上總有不錯的表現 他曾經打過游擊、三壘與中外野手。 但當他六年級時,他開始接觸有組織的籃球,他知道他找到目標了。 "I liked the game, but I didn't really get serious about it until a kid I was playing beat me 21-0," Hill recalls. "Nobody had ever beaten me like that in anything, so I knew I had to work at it." The work paid off, and quickly. "It felt natural right away," he says, and by the time he finished high school, Hill had built an impressive resume. "我喜歡打球,但直到某個小孩跟我單挑時, 他以21-0痛宰我,我才開始認真打球" Hill回憶道 "從來沒有人能在任何項目如此痛宰我,所以我決定我要努力練籃球" 努力的成果很快就顯現了,"我很快就上手了"他說 當他讀完高中,他有著一份很不錯得籃球履歷 As a senior, he led the basketball-mad state of Indiana in scoring, and though his Broad Ripple team struggled in the win-loss column, he provided one of the most dramatic moments in the state that season when he led the Rockets to a stunning state tournament upset of highly regarded Carmel on the Greyhounds' own court, out-dueling future North Carolina star Josh McRoberts, now with the NBA's Portland Trail Blazers. His body of work easily earned him a coveted spot on the Indiana All-Star team in its annual summer series with the Kentucky All-Stars. 高三時,他是印地安納州高中球員的得分王, 儘管他的球隊戰績不佳, 一場比賽中,Hill卻帶領著球隊爆冷擊敗強悍的對手-- 由Josh McRoberts(現拓荒者的球員)領軍的Greyhound高中 他的表現讓他輕鬆成為印地安納州的高中all star的一員 Hill was an early success at IUPUI, earning All-Newcomer team honors in the Mid-Continent Conference as a freshman and first-team all-league status as a sophomore. But his dreams took a jolt early in his junior season. 在IUPUI大學前兩年時,他就拿到不少成就: 大一時的菜鳥第一隊 大二則是聯盟第一隊 然而大三時,他的籃球之路出現了轉折 Rough patch In the second game of a November tournament at Ohio State, he broke his foot. He worked hard at rehabilitation throughout November and December, and came back for the Jaguars' first three games after Christmas. But ongoing pain — and the potential for longterm injury — convinced both Hill and head coach Ron Hunter to take a medical redshirt season, giving Hill two more years of college eligibility. 艱辛的歲月 在十一月的某次錦標賽中,他的腳受傷了 整個十一、十二月,他努力進行復健,也在聖誕節後的第三場比賽回到場上 然而球場上的痛楚卻未間段 Hill與教練為避免傷勢惡化,決定休賽一年 (原文中的" medical red shirt"指的是在美國大學聯盟中,因傷報銷一季的球員可以選 擇在延長大學四年,多待一個球季,但Hill在第四年打完就進入NBA) "It was a long, rough season," Hill sighs. "I have no words to describe it. I've never been through anything like that — it was so frustrating! I wanted to go out there so badly; whenever things would start to go a little wrong for the team, I'd see something that I could do to help. But I couldn't." The layoff "humbled me a lot," he admits. "But things happen for a reason. I need to be more mature out there, to be more vocal and more of a leader, instead of doing my own thing." "那是一段難熬的球季"Hill嘆息著說 "難以以言語形容。我從未經歷那麼挫折的時刻!每次看到球隊在場上打得不好, 我亟欲上場幫忙卻做不到" 他的傷勢讓他更為謙卑,他承認 "事情(指受傷)總有原因的,我需要打得更成熟、與隊友溝通更多、 更注重於領導球隊而不是在場上黏著球獨幹" He worked hard in the weight room, trying to get bigger, faster and stronger. "And I spent a lot of time watching, trying to learn how to break down other players," he says. "I started to look for the differences between me and the other guy; how can I do my job better." The improved mental aspect of his game helped IUPUI roll out the best season in school history, winning a record 26 games and compiling a 26-6 mark that earned the Jaguars the No. 19 spot in the Mid-Major Top 25, sponsored by The CollegeInsider.com. 他在健身房中努力重訓,意欲變得更壯、更快、更強 "我也花了不少時間觀察其他球員,試著學習如何擊倒他"他說, "我開始比較我與其他球員,試著變得比他們更好" 隨著比賽解讀能力的進步,他帶領著IUPUI Jaguar隊打出隊史最佳戰績 26勝6負 Academic challenges The general studies major may have easily handled the pressures of NCAA Division I athletics, but Hill admits that the academic demands of college were an eye opener. "It was a big adjustment," he says. "I had maybe one paper to write in my whole high school career. Here, I had one due the first day of classes. It's just a different level." Still, despite the academic rigors, he liked college life. "You're more on your own," he says. "At high school, at 4 p.m., things were over. At IUPUI , things like studying are just starting by that time." (這一段跟IUPUI大學比較有關,簡略翻翻) Hill認為他在IUPUI大學中的學習擴展了他的視野 "與高中時候有很多不同,報告多出許多"Hill說 儘管如此,Hill仍然喜愛大學生活 "你有更多自由,在高中,一切學習下午四點就統統結束, 但是在IUPUI就有點像是四點才要開始唸書" It helps that the Broad Ripple grad is, in the words of his head coach, the "king of Facebook," one of the world's leading online social networks and a familiar site to the slender basketball player, whose easy-going smile was a familiar site to fellow IUPUI students across the campus. When basketball is finally behind him — whenever that may happen — Hill wants to own his own sports facility, similar to the IU PUI -based National Institute for Fitness and Sport. "I'd like to come up with my own fitness program," he says. "That would be sweet!" 此外,由於他善於利用臉書與大學好友們聯絡, Hill也被他的大學教練暱稱為"King of Facebook臉書之王" Hill說,當他的籃球生涯結束之際, Hill還是非常樂意回到IUPUI的健身中心維持良好的體能。 "那樣就太棒了!"他說 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (12/25 00:31)

12/25 00:33, , 1F
12/25 00:33, 1F

12/25 00:34, , 2F
12/25 00:34, 2F

12/25 00:34, , 3F
12/25 00:34, 3F

12/25 00:36, , 4F
建議字體不要太亮...很刺眼不方便閱讀 ^^b 感謝翻譯 :)
12/25 00:36, 4F

12/25 01:00, , 5F
12/25 01:00, 5F

12/25 01:16, , 6F
12/25 01:16, 6F

12/25 02:01, , 7F
King of Facebook 酷耶!!XD
12/25 02:01, 7F

12/25 02:21, , 8F
十幾歲的小孩子幫忙綁個鞋帶還好吧= =a
12/25 02:21, 8F

12/25 02:31, , 9F
看到祖父那段真催淚 sigh........
12/25 02:31, 9F

12/25 03:32, , 10F
12/25 03:32, 10F

12/25 11:30, , 11F
12/25 11:30, 11F

12/25 13:38, , 12F
在下乃IUPUI武狀元,人稱Facebook之王,希爾王. 閣下是? XD
12/25 13:38, 12F

12/25 19:19, , 13F
King of Facebook XD!
12/25 19:19, 13F

12/26 00:57, , 14F
推翻易~Hill真的是Spurs Type的球員~
12/26 00:57, 14F

12/26 01:22, , 15F
12/26 01:22, 15F

12/26 01:24, , 16F
12/26 01:24, 16F

01/05 13:09, , 17F
01/05 13:09, 17F
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