[情報] Duncan primed to lead all-in Spurs

看板Spurs作者 (亨利)時間14年前 (2009/10/05 02:14), 編輯推噓13(1304)
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http://0rz.tw/xRNLN Duncan已準備好要領導孤注一擲的馬刺 - SAN ANTONIO -- After four championships and a dozen grueling seasons and the first tangible first-round exit of his life, Tim Duncan has done all the calculations in his head. 在四個冠軍戒指,一籮筐吃力的賽季以及第一次自己參與到被淘汰的第一輪季後賽後, Duncan已經在腦中完成所有的計算。 There's a reason he changed his diet and shed 15 pounds even though no one suggested he should. 雖然沒有人告訴他,但他改變自己的飲食習慣以及減重15磅是有原因的。 It's the same reason Duncan voiced no resistance when the San Antonio Spurs did ask him to surrender his preferred summertime hobbies of flinging heavy tires and running up steep hills and to instead delay offseason workouts of any sort for an extra month. 這個原因就如同為什麼當馬刺要求Duncan放棄自己一貫的暑期嗜好,諸如投擲沉重的輪胎 ,在斜坡上跑步以及延後自己任何的訓練一個月他沒有反抗一樣。 The Big Fundamental is "just trying to do something better for my body" because he has a very full and realistic grasp of what all the math means. Just as you would imagine. 咱們的石佛只是"為了自己身體好而著想",因為他打從心裡明白那些數字是什麼意思。 就跟你想像的一樣。 "I've only got a couple years left in me," Duncan said the other day, stopping for a brief chat after the Spurs' opening practice of the season. "The history of basketball says that more than anything else. "我的生涯只剩下沒幾年了",Duncan前些天在馬刺的訓練時說道。"籃球的歷史比什麼都 能說明這一切"。 "The window for me is closing," Duncan continued. "It's towards the end of my career, I have slowed down, all that stuff is true." "對我而言窗戶正在關閉中",Duncan繼續說道。"我已經邁入生涯的末期,我變慢了,這 方面的一切都是真的"。 Duncan, at 33, will concur on every level as long as you give him this, too. 33歲的Duncan只要是針對這類的問題都會予以同意。 "In the same respect," Duncan quickly adds, "I still think I can play pretty well. "不過針對同一件事來說",Dunca馬上補道,"我認為我還是可以打得很好"。 "I still think I can help a team win." "我認為我還是可以幫助一個球隊取得勝利" Duncan's bosses in San Antonio wholeheartedly agree, as confirmed by owner Peter Holt's willingness to sanction a roster makeover that has taken the payroll of the home team in the nation's 37th-largest TV market all the way to $81.7 million at present. That figure will come down slightly by opening night when the roster is pared to 14 or 15, but even so the Spurs will still sit more than $10 million above the NBA's $69.9 million luxury-tax threshold. Duncan在聖安東尼奧的老闆們都全心贊同,這就是為什麼馬刺隊的所有人Holt會願意刷新 球隊的隊員名單,讓全國第37大的電視市場要負擔8千多萬的薪資總額。這個數據在開季 時會些許的下降,當球員總數來到14或15的時候,但即便如此馬刺還是需要負擔超過一千 萬的豪華稅。 The organization's unspoken fantasy used to be stockpiling as much salary-cap space as possible for the ballyhooed summer of 2010 to chase Toronto Raptors big man Chris Bosh. As a Texan -- and a lefty like David Robinson -- Bosh seemed an ideal target to pair with Duncan in his twilight years, theoretically reprising the old twin towers effect in San Antonio, with Duncan cast in the Robinson role this time. 馬刺團隊不為人知的"憧憬"曾經是窮盡努力累積薪資空間,好在2010年的暑假時可以追逐 暴龍隊的Chrish Bosh。身為一位德州人,而且像海軍上將一樣是左撇子,Bosh看起來會 是Duncan生涯末期的好助手,在理論上重現昔日的馬刺雙塔,而Duncan這次扮演海軍上將 之前的角色。 Yet waiting for July 2010 -- and waiting on a total free-agent maybe with no guarantee of actually landing Bosh -- likely meant grinding through one more excruciating season like last season. That's when Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker appeared in only 41 games together and when the Dallas Mavericks drubbed the Manu-less Spurs in Round 1 in five games. San Antonio's only other first-round loss in the Duncan era carries a Texas-sized asterisk because Duncan didn't play at all in that series against the Phoenix Suns in 2000, forced into street clothes by a knee injury. 不過等待2010年的暑假,而且是等待一名完全自由身且不保證一定會來馬刺的Bosh,就等 於要重履去年痛苦的覆轍。當Duncan,Ginobili跟Parker三人一起只打了41場球,而且在 季後賽被小牛隊用五場擊退。Duncan唯一另外一次在第一輪被擊敗背負著一個如同德州般 大小的星號,當Duncan因膝傷而穿著便衣看著馬刺在2000年被太陽隊打敗。 The Spurs' brain trust of coach Gregg Popovich, front-office chief R.C. Buford and Holt decided it didn't want to burn Duncan's 13th season in that sort of holding pattern/torture chamber, especially with no promise of a payoff with the resulting cap space. Popovich, Buford and Holt likewise still believe that Duncan has enough of his prime left to be the centerpiece of a championship team, with the caveat that Duncan needs a little more help than he used to. 馬刺的高層(Popovich, Buford, Holt)決定不想要讓Duncan第十三個球季就這麼的被浪費 掉,特別是努力省下來的薪資空間還未必能有所回報。馬刺高層的這三位仍然相信Duncan 全盛時期所剩的身手可以當作一支冠軍隊的核心,但前提是Duncan要比以往更需要幫忙。 So they elected not to wait. A few days before scoring DeJuan Blair with the 37th overall pick in what immediately was trumpeted as the steal of the draft, San Antonio traded three expiring contracts to Milwaukee -- Fabricio Oberto, Kurt Thomas and defensive mainstay Bruce Bowen -- for the right to inherit the final two years and nearly $30 million left on Richard Jefferson's contract. The Spurs then extended two guaranteed years at $9.4 million and a partially guaranteed third year to free-agent forward Antonio McDyess, who just turned 35. 因此他們決定不再等待。在馬刺選進眾所認為選秀會最大一偷的首相之前,他們將三張 即將到期的合約交易至公鹿隊:Oberto,Kurt Thomas以及防守支柱Bruce Bowen,以期 能夠換取Richard Jefferson兩年三千萬的合約。 "Guys like me, Timmy and Manu," Parker said on media day, owe Holt a hearty "thank you." "我跟Timmy還有Manu對Holt所欠甚多",Parker告訴媒體,"謝謝"。 The only way the Spurs can be a 2010 player now would be for them to part company with free agent-to-be Ginobili at season's end and for Jefferson to opt out of the final year of his contract worth a tidy $15 million. You can safely expect neither to happen, but San Antonio's elite status could well be restored if -- and we realize this is a pretty healthy-sized if in itself -- Duncan, Ginobili and Parker can stay on the floor. 如今馬刺如果想要在2010的市場放手一搏的話,他們必須跟即將成為自由球員的Ginobili 說再見,而且Jeffersonu也必須選擇跳出他最後一年一千五百萬的合約。你可以放心的期 待兩者都不會發生,但馬刺如果 -- 這個如果很大~ -- 可以讓三巨頭留在場上,他們 就可以回復一流球隊的狀態。 It has to be somewhat disconcerting that both Duncan and Jefferson, when asked on media day to pinpoint their goals for the season, had the same cautious reply: "Stay healthy." But let's assume, just for fun, that these Spurs do avoid significant injuries. What then? 當Duncan跟Jefferson兩人被記者問到新的球季目標是什麼的時候,他們的答案:"保持 健康"或許會讓你聽起來不太舒服,但往好的方面想,如果他們目標真的達成了,然後呢? In Jefferson, they will have the fourth option offensively that Popovich has coveted for years, enabling Pop to ask that much less of Duncan, Parker and Ginobili in the regular season. 在Jefferson身上馬刺可以得到Popovich長久以來想要的第四個得分點,如此一來就可以 大幅降低三巨頭在賽季中的負擔。 In McDyess, they will have Duncan's most capable frontcourt sidekick since Robinson retired after San Antonio's title in 2003 … with highly touted Brazilian power forward Tiago Splitter perhaps finally ready to leave Europe and join the Spurs for the 2010-11 season. 在McDyess身上馬刺可以得到Duncan從2003年以來最得力的前場助手,而備受期待的 巴西大前鋒Tiago Splitter則可以在2010-11賽季終於準備好離開歐洲效力馬刺。 Factor in Roger Mason, Michael Finley, George Hill, Theo Ratliff, Matt Bonner, Keith Bogans, and maybe even Blair, and you're looking at what might be the most useful supporting cast Duncan has ever had. 算進Mason,Finley,Hill,Ratliff,Bonner,Bogans跟Blair,你眼前所見的可能是 Duncan生涯以來最有用的助手群。 Which is why New York Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni, well acquainted with Duncan's Spurs at their best from his days in Phoenix, proclaimed to the San Antonio Express-News that the Spurs are "right back where they were a couple years ago" after the team's busy summer. 這就是為什麼尼克隊教練D'Antoni,在過去執教於太陽而跟馬刺隊友深交時,告訴媒體 說馬刺隊在這個忙碌的暑假"回到了他們幾年前所處的狀態"。 "I feel great about it," Duncan said of what he describes as "basically a total overhaul." "我覺得很不錯",Duncan針對這個"基本上是重新換血"說道。 Asked whether he thinks that overhaul has restored the Spurs to the same ZIP code as the defending champions from Los Angeles, Duncan said: "I hope so, I hope so. It remains to be seen, obviously, how the pieces fit. It's all on paper now. You can put all these pieces together. Unless they fit, it doesn't matter. But if we can put all those things together and we can be healthy at the right time, I see no reason why we shouldn't be excited about it." 當被問到這個刷新是否可以讓馬刺重回衛冕冠軍湖人隊的區域碼時,Duncan說:"我希望 ,我希望。一切都還有待驗證,每一個人如何適應隊伍。現在都是紙上談兵。你可以把 所有人放在一起。但除非他們能組合起來,否則一切都不重要。我不認為我們沒有原因為 此感到興奮"。 The state of Duncan's physique, for starters, has attendees at Spurs camp pretty revved up about what the new season might hold. By changing his diet and returning to the swimming pool with the frequency he did as a kid, Duncan dropped those 15 pounds to get down into the 240-pound ballpark and looks skinnier than anyone can remember. Duncan的身體狀況讓馬刺參加馬刺訓練營的球員對新的球季感到興奮與期待。藉由飲食 習慣的改變,以及如同孩提時代般的回到游泳池,Duncan瘦了15磅之後來到了240磅,讓 他看起來從未如此瘦過。 "Just trying to change my body a little bit, take some stress off my knees," Duncan said. "I've got a lot of miles on me … and I thought losing a little bit of weight would be better for the knees and for the body throughout the year." "只是想要改變一下自己的身體,讓自己膝蓋的壓力不要那麼大,Duncan說,"我的雙腿 已經累積了不少里程,而我想瘦一點對接下來這一年的身體跟膝蓋會好一點"。 Sounds like a wise idea, given how Duncan's knees steadily deteriorated last season after he flashed some early MVP form. But there's even more to it, according to fellow vet Finley. 聽起來是個很好的主意,特別是Duncan的膝蓋在上個球季一度讓人回想起他昔日MVP的身手 後開始退化。但根據同為資深球員的Finley,這背後尚有原因。 "You know how Tim is," Finley told local reporters after practice Wednesday. "Tim is a guy who leads by example. He's not going to broadcast it. He's just going to go in and do his job and come back and you see the results." "It shows me and his teammates that he's taking this seriously. It's not about coasting into retirement. He's still about being one of the best players in the league." "你知道Tim是怎樣的",Finley在練習後告訴記者。"Tim用以身作則的方式領導球隊。他 不會讓全天下人之道。他只會做好自己該做的,然後結束時讓你看到成果。"這告訴我 以及他的隊友他對籃球仍然是報以認真的態度。這跟慢慢的步入退休毫無關係,他仍然是 球聯盟最出色的球員之一"。 Truth is, Duncan was still quite a force against Dallas on his two sore knees, averaging 19.8 points and 8.0 rebounds for the series. It was mostly on defense that you really noticed his hampered mobility, after Duncan's many years as a top-shelf rim protector with the savvy and sufficient speed to harass the likes of Steve Nash on pick-and-rolls, too. 事實上Duncan用一雙酸痛的膝蓋對上小牛時仍具主宰力,平均仍有19.8分以及8個籃板。 是在防守端我們才真的看出來Duncan的移動能力受到影響,特別是這些年來他面對Nash 的擋切一直用聰明以及足夠速度的干擾來保護籃框。 Duncan has two seasons left on his contract after this season and plays a position that should allow him to stay in the game for well beyond the aforementioned "couple years" if he chooses. Duncan的合約還剩下兩年,而他所打的位置可以讓他持續在"剩下的幾年後"有所貢獻,如 果他想要的話。 The louder questions are thus being thrown at Ginobili, after issues with both ankles sidelined the game's most feared sixth man for 38 regular-season games, ruled him out of the playoffs and necessitated offseason surgery. 比較大聲的問題因此都被丟在Ginobili身上,在這位最讓人害怕的第六人雙腳腳踝都出現 問題讓他只出賽38場,缺席整個季後賽以及造就休賽期間的手術後。 The louder dissent is coming from Ginobili, as well. The 32-year-old, entering a critical contract year, rejects the premise that the Spurs' core trio is no longer sturdy enough to benefit from the considerable upgrades to the rest of the roster. 而較大不同意的聲音也是Ginobili。這位32歲邁入合約年的球員反對馬刺三巨頭已經 不若已往的實力可以從升級過後的球員名單得到幫助的說法。 "I think it's a little unfair," Ginobili said. "Tim and I both went through a lot of injuries last year. … If it continues for two more years, then, OK, it's fair to say. But I think we deserve to get another chance." "我認為這有點不公平",Ginobili說,"Tim跟我去年都受了許多傷...如果傷勢接下來 兩年都持續,那OK,這樣說很公平,但我認為我們都應該要再被給一次機會" ----------------- 這篇好長阿~ >_< 很衷心的希望馬刺下季能拿冠軍,不然看文章的一開頭...唉~ 老大終究是會有要退休 的時候啊... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jnov 來自: (10/05 02:15)

10/05 02:28, , 1F
10/05 02:28, 1F

10/05 02:43, , 2F
好長喔 推
10/05 02:43, 2F
※ 編輯: jnov 來自: (10/05 07:07)

10/05 08:26, , 3F
真是充滿希望的一篇文章 可是最後一句有種淡淡的哀傷
10/05 08:26, 3F

10/05 08:27, , 4F
全隊將士用命 2010奪冠吧!!
10/05 08:27, 4F

10/05 09:49, , 5F
推,提醒一下,RJ那邊應該是第四個進攻選項不是第三個 :)
10/05 09:49, 5F

10/05 10:07, , 6F
10/05 10:07, 6F

10/05 11:14, , 7F
10/05 11:14, 7F

10/05 12:15, , 8F
10/05 12:15, 8F

10/05 12:35, , 9F
要是RJ先發馬妞替補 說RJ是第三得分點也未嘗不可啦
10/05 12:35, 9F

10/05 13:29, , 10F
今年得分分佈我猜 TD:20 TP:22 MG:16 RJ:18
10/05 13:29, 10F

10/05 15:22, , 11F
10/05 15:22, 11F

10/05 15:23, , 12F
10/05 15:23, 12F

10/05 15:24, , 13F
10/05 15:24, 13F

10/05 16:43, , 14F
不想再看到TD+TP得分>50 結果馬刺還輸球那種慘況...
10/05 16:43, 14F

10/05 22:40, , 15F
10/05 22:40, 15F
※ 編輯: jnov 來自: (10/05 22:44)

10/06 10:20, , 16F
翻譯辛苦了, 老大加油, 馬刺加油!
10/06 10:20, 16F

12/12 20:15, 5年前 , 17F
翻譯辛苦了! https://muxiv.com
12/12 20:15, 17F
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