First shooting tip — Spurs get a lesson

看板Spurs作者 (go O out)時間15年前 (2009/01/12 17:21), 編輯推噓18(18019)
留言37則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1 lesson.html Maybe you've seen the TV ad. All of the Orlando players have. 也許你曾看過那個電視廣告。所有魔術隊員都看過。 A company called “Better Basketball” sells training aids. And for $29.95, you can get “the only instructional video released by J.J. Redick, perhaps the best shooter in basketball history.” 一家叫做「Better Basketball」的公司在賣訓練教學帶。只要美金29.95,你就可以得到 「唯一由J.J. Redick-也許是籃球史上最佳射手-所發行的指導影片。」 Perhaps the best shooter in basketball history? 也許是籃球史上最佳射手? Hedo Turkoglu, Redick's teammate, playfully shook his head over that claim. “ He misses shots!” Turkoglu said, as if astonished. Hedo Turkoglu,Redick的隊友,開玩笑地對著這句說詞搖頭。「他沒投進那些球!」 Turkoglu說道,彷彿很震驚似的。 Redick missed a few Sunday night. But he also made four 3-pointers, including the tie-breaker, and his Magic teammates added 10 more. Redick在週日晚錯失了一些投籃。但是他也投進了四顆三分球,包括了一顆追平三分,而 且他像會變魔術的隊友們又追加了十分上去。 Maybe there's something to Redick and his video. And if he were to give a few tips to the Spurs, he should start with Roger Mason Jr., who has merely made more 3-pointers than anyone on his team. 也許Redick與他的影片真的有點料。假如他要告訴馬刺隊一些秘訣,他可以從Mason開始 ,Mason比隊上的任何人投進更多的三分球。 Lesson No. 1? 第一課? Get the ball. 拿到球。 The Magic tried to limit that, and Stan Van Gundy said he'd thought about this strategy. He said he'd studied the Spurs for years, because he respects them so much. 魔術隊試著去限制這件事,Stan Van Gundy說他曾思考過這個策略。Stan Van Gundy說他 研究馬刺隊多年,因為他非常敬佩這支球隊。 So he instructed his guys to play soft on Tony Parker, which is a reason he went for 31 points. And he assigned Dwight Howard to Tim Duncan without much help, and Duncan ended with 18. 因此他只是他的球員們對Parker放鬆點,這是Parker得了31分的原因。接著他指派Howard 獨立對抗Duncan,最後Duncan以18分作收。 But without Parker driving and kicking, and without Duncan swinging the ball out of double teams, the Spurs took only 10 3-pointers until the final seconds. Then they tossed up some when they had no other choice. 但是因為少了Parker的切傳以及Duncan以inside-out傳球來破解包夾,馬刺隊到比賽終了 幾分鐘前在三分線上緊緊嘗試出手十次*。有幾球甚至是因為他們別無選擇只好扔出去。 (*翻譯有誤已作更改) In contrast, as the Spurs tried to double Howard and then speed back to the perimeter, the Magic got 42 points from behind the 3-point line. 相對的,當馬刺試著包夾Howard然後再快速輪轉防守時,魔術在三分線上得了42分。 “We were pretty even across the board,” Van Gundy said afterward, “and the 3s decided it.” 「我們幾乎在各方面都扯平,」大范賽後說,「最後三分球決定了勝負。」 But it was more than merely “how” the Spurs were defended. It was “who” was forgotten along the way, and Turkoglu knows all about this. When he was in San Antonio, he, too, played a supporting role behind Parker, Duncan and Manu Ginobili. 但是勝負關鍵不僅僅只是馬刺「如何」防守。關鍵在於「誰」在場上被遺忘了,而 Turkoglu完全瞭解這一點。當他在馬刺隊時,同樣地,也是扮演著在三巨頭背後輔助的角 色。 Gregg Popovich talked about that before the game. He always saw great talent in Turkoglu, and the Spurs regretted losing him. They weighed the money he would cost and let him go. Pop在賽前談到這一點。他一直都在Turkoglu身上看到極佳天分,而且馬刺隊對於失去他 感到後悔。馬刺評估了留下Turkoglu所需花費後,放他走掉。 Then he became what they would have paid for; Turkoglu plays with the confidence that comes with being a No. 1 or No. 2 option. “My role changed totally,” he said Sunday night. 然而現在Turkoglu成為了他們會願意付出那個價格的球員,他帶著身為隊上第一或第二選 擇的自信打球。「我的角色完全改變了,」他在週日晚上說道。 Shooters have struggled with this for years with the Spurs, from Steve Kerr to Brent Barry. And Sunday night it was Mason's turn. With Parker and Ginobili driving, and the Magic defenders staying on the perimeter, Mason had time to sit and watch a “Better Basketball” video. 馬刺這些年來的射手從Kerr到Barry都為此而掙扎過。週日晚的時候則是輪到了Mason。當 Parker與Manu切入時,魔術的防守者選擇不協防,這讓Mason有大把時間坐下來觀賞「 Better Basketball」出版的影片。 The Spurs have leaned on Mason this season more than they usually do a newcomer. The game-winner in Phoenix, with Parker driving and finding Mason in the corner, is Exhibit A. 馬刺本季對於Mason的倚賴遠超出他們以往對於新同學的倚賴。對上太陽隊的那個三分球 足以說明一切。 Still, he's proven he deserves this, and more, over these first few months. He's ranked fourth in the league in 3-pointers, and no one among the leaders, including Matt Bonner, has come close to making as many. 經歷過這幾個月的表現,Mason完全值得這一切,甚至值得更受重用。他在聯盟的三分排 行榜上名列第四,但是在前面的領先者,包括了隊友Bonner,都遠不及他所做的一切。 Given this, shouldn't the Spurs have run an occasional play for Mason on Sunday night? Shouldn't he have taken more than four shots? 在這樣的前提下,難道馬刺在週日晚不應該替Mason跑一些戰術play?難道Mason不值得獲 得比四次出手更多的出手機會? Not on this team, not now. He's what Turkoglu was before, a role player. He has to wait for the Spurs to come to him, and that happened midway in the fourth quarter. Then, in early offense, Michael Finley gave up his own open look and swung the ball, and Mason threw in his only 3-pointer of the game. 不是在這支球隊,不是現在。他就像是過去的Turkoglu,只是個功能性球員。他必須等待 馬刺隊主動來找他,就像第四節中段發生的一樣。當時,在一次早攻中,Finley放棄他的 空檔並且將球轉移給Mason,Mason馬上投進他全場唯一的三分球。 That was for the lead. And less than a minute later, coincidentally defending Redick, Mason put a hand in Redick's face and caused a turnover. 那球帶來了領先。就在不到一分鐘後,他恰好守到了Redick,Mason將手遮住Redick的臉 並造成了他的失誤。 This is the Redick who doesn't do passing, dribbling or rebounding videos. An 11th overall draft pick three years ago, he's only now becoming part of the rotation. 這就是那個不會出版傳球、運球或是搶籃板影片的Redick。這位三年前以第十一順位入選 的球員,現在只是rotation的一部分。 Still, from that moment on, Mason never took another shot. And with just over two minutes left, in a tie game, Redick squeezed off a 3-pointer that should work well on the next television commercial. 從那一刻開始,Mason仍然沒有得到另一次的出手機會。而就在比賽剩下兩分鐘時,當時 平手,Redick噴了一記足以作為另一次電視廣告的三分球。 On a night when shooting was the difference, Redick was the instructor. And he showed Mason Lesson No. 1. 在那個投籃是關鍵差異的夜晚,Redick是Mason的老師。他替Mason上了第一課。 ------------------ 我沒跟到比賽不清楚狀況, 但是Mason只有四次出手機會的確少了點, 畢竟馬刺最佳狀態還是遍地開花而非集中在一兩個人身上。 最近勝率蠻高的,贏球比較容易疏忽自身缺點, 反倒是輸球當作對手幫我們發現不足我倒是覺得挺好的:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/12 17:23, , 1F
馬刺隊整場下來僅僅投進十個三分球 ...
01/12 17:23, 1F

01/12 17:24, , 2F
今天是投13中3的三分球 翻成這樣很奇怪 但是原文也很怪
01/12 17:24, 2F
我看原文看到那邊的時候也覺得很怪, 因為一般來講投進十顆三分球並不算差, 但是我也只能照原文翻譯...Orz

01/12 17:30, , 3F
01/12 17:30, 3F

01/12 17:30, , 4F
01/12 17:30, 4F

01/12 17:34, , 5F
我同意魔術教練說的 三分球決定了勝負 我們籃板沒輸
01/12 17:34, 5F

01/12 17:35, , 6F
整體命中率也沒輸 但三分球輸的一打烏冬...XD
01/12 17:35, 6F
※ 編輯: iIvan 來自: (01/12 17:37)

01/12 17:41, , 7F
01/12 17:41, 7F

01/12 17:42, , 8F
01/12 17:42, 8F

01/12 17:42, , 9F
「took only 10 3-pointers」是"嘗試"出手10顆三分球
01/12 17:42, 9F

01/12 17:42, , 10F
01/12 17:42, 10F

01/12 17:42, , 11F
01/12 17:42, 11F

01/12 17:42, , 12F
分球" 推翻譯!
01/12 17:42, 12F

01/12 17:44, , 13F
火槍兵留在馬刺的話發揮的空間就小很多了 魔術隊比較適
01/12 17:44, 13F

01/12 17:44, , 14F
01/12 17:44, 14F

01/12 17:45, , 15F
01/12 17:45, 15F

01/12 17:46, , 16F
以一個加入的新同學 mason做的比之前的udoka甚至還要更好
01/12 17:46, 16F

01/12 19:19, , 17F
火槍兵如果還在的話 barry也許會進不來
01/12 19:19, 17F

01/12 19:46, , 18F
01/12 19:46, 18F
※ 編輯: iIvan 來自: (01/12 20:07)

01/12 20:20, , 19F
就算知道這些 我們也不可能去改變戰術重心
01/12 20:20, 19F

01/12 20:20, , 20F
01/12 20:20, 20F

01/12 20:22, , 21F
不可能為了每個人去設計一套戰術 又不是電玩遊戲
01/12 20:22, 21F

01/12 20:23, , 22F
01/12 20:23, 22F

01/12 20:23, , 23F
他的tools還是沒有變多樣 馬刺既然只用得上他的三分
01/12 20:23, 23F

01/12 20:24, , 24F
01/12 20:24, 24F

01/12 20:25, , 25F
我沒看今天比賽 不知道問題是防守還是人家手感爆走
01/12 20:25, 25F

01/12 20:25, , 26F
但是假如在一個七戰的series裡 馬刺絕對不可能場場
01/12 20:25, 26F

01/12 20:25, , 27F
被人家射爆 不然我們就不會有那麼多總冠軍了
01/12 20:25, 27F

01/12 20:27, , 28F
我比較想知道去年的playoff 火槍兵的表現是否有成長很大幅度
01/12 20:27, 28F

01/12 20:27, , 29F
籃球絕對不是一個你放人家主將爆 鎖住其他人就能贏的
01/12 20:27, 29F

01/12 20:28, , 30F
運動 當年我們贏太陽也不只是因為放Amare玩
01/12 20:28, 30F

01/12 20:29, , 31F
分數盒作完了 拍謝 我下午有考試 所以沒做Q_Q
01/12 20:29, 31F

01/12 20:29, , 32F
01/12 20:29, 32F

01/13 00:25, , 33F
每場都能看到分數盒就很好了~~~偶爾休息沒關係 謝C爸
01/13 00:25, 33F

01/13 09:36, , 34F
01/13 09:36, 34F

01/14 13:12, , 35F
and his Magic teammates added 10 more 應該是說他的
01/14 13:12, 35F

01/14 13:12, , 36F
隊友又添加了十顆三分吧 所以總共14顆
01/14 13:12, 36F

01/14 13:39, , 37F
好文耶 可以借轉魔術版 謝謝
01/14 13:39, 37F
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