Review/preview: Barry spaces out and, for S …

看板Spurs作者 (go O out)時間16年前 (2008/05/27 17:21), 編輯推噓104(10409)
留言113則, 34人參與, 最新討論串1/1 Review/preview: Barry spaces out and, for Spurs, that's a good thing Web Posted: 05/26/2008 11:18 PM CDT Mike Monroe Express-News The primary reason the Suns made a hard run at signing Brent Barry when the SuperSonics waived him in February related to his ability to force spacing. 當Barry在二月被超音速釋出時,太陽隊苦苦尋求其加盟的主要原因就在於他擴大防守圈 的能力。 Mike D'Antoni's offense demanded room for Steve Nash on the perimeter so he could find creases in the defense. Spacing gave Amare Stoudemire room to drive. D'Antoni的進攻體系需要給予Nash空間讓他找出防守的破綻。擴大防守圈同樣給予了 Amare切入的空間。 No team can afford to let Barry stand, uncovered, at the 3-point line, so the Lakers' defense was spread out during Game 3. 沒有球隊能夠承受讓Barry站在三分線卻無人防守他,所以湖人的防守圈在第三戰時擴大 了。 Even at age 36, Barry is one of the most accurate long-range shooters in the game. He's a dozen years removed from winning the All-Star Weekend dunk title at the Alamodome, but a 3-point stroke that is a modern version of the old two-handed set shot requires little NBA-caliber athleticism. 即使已經高齡36,Barry仍然是比賽中最準的長距離射手之一。他早已不復當年在 Alamodome勇奪灌籃大賽冠軍的飛人身手,但是他那摩登版傳統派雙手準備式投籃的三分 球準度仍是需要小小NBA等級的體育活動。 Barry didn't make a big impact in the Spurs' elimination of the Suns in the first round because the calf injury that sidelined him for nearly two months allowed limited minutes. Barry在第一輪馬刺淘汰太陽的系列賽中貢獻不大,因為他小腿的傷勢讓他缺席了近兩個 月而只能在有限的時間內上場。 That didn't keep D'Antoni, the former Suns coach recently hired by the Knicks, from admiring Spurs coach Gregg Popovich's decision to give Barry a more prominent role on Sunday. 這一點也不影響D'Antoni,這位剛被尼克隊雇用的前太陽隊教頭,對Pop在週日的比賽中 給予Barry更重要的角色的決定的讚賞。 “Brent's smart,” D'Antoni said, “and he sees the floor, but if he knocks down a couple of threes, all of a sudden that opens up a lot of space for Manu (Ginobili). And you know how I feel about Manu. When he's being Manu, those guys can beat anybody.” ”Brent很聰明,” D'Antoni說,”而且他瞭解場上情勢,一旦他投進幾顆三分球,則局 面一下子開闊了起來並給予了Manu許多空間。然後你知道我對Manu的感覺的。當他打得像 Manu(按:讓我聯想到Manny being Manny XD),那些傢伙就有能力擊敗任何人。” How does D'Antoni feel about Ginobili? Back in March, he told former Express-News writer Johnny Ludden and me that Ginobili is one of the three best players in the world. D'Antoni對Manu的感覺是什麼?回到三月,他告訴前Express-News作家Johnny Ludden還 有我,他認為Manu是世界上最好的三個球員之一。(按:真是令人受寵若驚的評價!) “I think he exemplifies everything you want a player to be,” D'Antoni said. “Great in the clutch, great at getting after a loose ball, great at defense, great at offense, unselfish, takes a contract for less money to make his team better. ”我認為他演繹了你所希望的一位理想球員的典範,” D'Antoni說。”偉大的關鍵一擊 ,偉大的無主球爭搶,偉大的防守,偉大的進攻,不自私,接受一份較小的合約使得他的 球隊變得更好。” “I don't think there is one superlative you can say that is too much about him. Not (in San Antonio), but in the world he is unappreciated. Maybe because he is unorthodox, whatever. I don't know. ”我不認為有任何一個最高級的詞彙用來形容他會是太過火的。不是(在聖安東尼奧), 但是在全世界他是未獲賞識的。也許是因為他是非正統的,管他的,我不能理解。” “But I'll tell you what: You can't get a better player than him. You can debate Kobe or LeBron. Fine. But he is right there in the debate.” ”但是我可以告訴你:你沒辦法擁有一個比他更好的球員了。你可以拿Kobe或是LeBron來 辯論,Fine,但是他就在那,就在這個辯論中。” If Barry becomes Ginobili's liberator, he will be worth every penny the Spurs had to give him when they re-signed him in March. 如果Barry成為Manu的解放者,他將會值得馬刺在三月重簽他所付給他的每一分錢。 ALTERATIONS When the Spurs entered the NBA in 1976 as part of the league's amalgamation of the ABA, they were coached by Doug Moe, who had a one-page playbook. 當馬刺在1976年從ABA合併到NBA成為其中一員時,他們是由Doug Moe所執教,Moe擁有一 頁的戰術本。 Moe believed in fast-break basketball and the motion offense, or what he and Larry Brown called the passing game. You couldn't really scout the Spurs then. There were no play calls to speak of, just general trends. Moe是快攻及motion offense的信徒,或著是被他與Larry Brown所稱的 傳球的比賽。你 沒辦法真的對當時的馬刺做賽前偵察。他們沒有值得一提的戰術指令,有的只是一種整體 的走向。 Moe lives in San Antonio, and he and Gregg Popovich occasionally bump into each other at the gas station in the neighborhood they share. They respect one another, and both count Brown among their friends and mentors. Moe就住在聖安東尼奧,他與Pop有時候會在社區的加油站相遇。他們互相敬重對方,並且 同樣認為Brown爺爺對他們來說亦師亦友。 Popovich took a page — the only page? — from that old Moe-Brown playbook to help the Spurs get a win in Game 3. His motion offense is far more structured than Moe's, but the principles are the same. Pop從老Moe-Brown戰術本拿了那一頁─唯一的一頁?─來幫助馬刺贏得第三戰。他的 motion offense比起Moe的更有系統,但是原則是相同的。 “It's a little more difficult for people to gear up for, stack up, get set; know where to double-team the post from; or what to do in the pick-and-roll,” Popovich explained. ”這對球員在準備、堆積、完成set上有比較難一點點;需要瞭解在哪裡做低位包夾;或 是檔拆配合時應該要怎麼做,” Pop解釋。 “You're fairly stagnant if you just walk down the court and just run a play. Everybody is already set. They know how to react and rotate. ”你如果只是上場然後跑個play,那就會陷入停滯不動。每個人都早已就定位。他們(按 :對手)知道如何回應及輪轉。” “But if the ball has changed sides of the court a couple of times, and everybody has been moved, and all of a sudden there's a pick-and-roll and a post-up, that's a little more difficult to guard,” Popovich said. ”但是如果球在場上強弱邊移轉個幾次,而且每個人都動起來,然後忽然來個檔拆配合或 是低位單打,這將會稍微增加防守的難度。” Pop說。 How do the Lakers adjust their defense to the Spurs' commitment to more motion? 湖人如何調整他們的防守來面對馬刺更多的流動呢? Just like in the Moe days, it's difficult to plan a defense for what amounts to freelance basketball. Could a zone be in Phil Jackson's plans for Game 4? 就像在Moe的時代,要針對開放式籃球來制訂防守計畫是很困難的。在禪師的計畫中有第 四戰計畫的空間嗎? -------- 阿丹對Manu的評價真的很高,可能因為幾年來被他打掛好幾次, 說不定在義大利時就很欣賞Manu~(沒力氣去查Manu在義大利時阿丹在哪:P) 比起一般人在品評球員好壞, 我想我還是比較相信NBA總教練或是50大球星的眼光! 外電連發希望明天外線也繼續連發~ (即使Manu爆發不會是常態,但是我個人傾向比賽期間球迷就是低調不張揚, 保持滿滿信心相信他們就對了!) P.S. 外電把原文也一起放進來會比較不好讀還是其實可以對照比較好? 以前只放譯文而已,忽然想問問看 GO SPURS GO (顏色改成阿根廷藍XD) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/27 17:24, , 1F
05/27 17:24, 1F

05/27 17:25, , 2F
我是覺得原文一起放進來比較好 剛好可以順便練英文 XD
05/27 17:25, 2F

05/27 17:27, , 3F
外電連發魂!!!!!!!!!! 奇怪521跟531的連線哩?
05/27 17:27, 3F

05/27 17:30, , 4F
貝瑞爺:Manu 我來解放你了........
05/27 17:30, 4F

05/27 17:32, , 5F
05/27 17:32, 5F

05/27 18:09, , 6F
05/27 18:09, 6F

05/27 18:14, , 7F
一起放進來比較好+1~感謝翻譯! (咦?前面怪怪的XD)
05/27 18:14, 7F

05/27 19:02, , 8F
Mike D在1999年時任馬刺歐洲球探 當時的Manu還沒在義大利
05/27 19:02, 8F

05/27 19:05, , 9F
打球(應該還在阿根廷) 可能是他有注意到這球員所以推薦
05/27 19:05, 9F

05/27 19:07, , 10F
所以我們要感謝Mike D囉?
05/27 19:07, 10F

05/27 19:08, , 11F
好在查了一下 果然記錯了 XD Manu是1998進入義大利職籃
05/27 19:08, 11F

05/27 19:15, , 12F
D'Antoni曾待過義大利職籃 當球探自然會比較注意這個聯盟
05/27 19:15, 12F

05/27 19:15, , 13F
05/27 19:15, 13F

05/27 19:16, , 14F
因此馬刺能選到Manu D'Antoni的確功勞不小
05/27 19:16, 14F
※ 編輯: iIvan 來自: (05/27 19:33)

05/27 20:01, , 15F
05/27 20:01, 15F

05/27 20:11, , 16F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 20:11, 16F

05/27 20:13, , 17F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 20:15, , 18F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 20:19, , 20F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 20:19, , 21F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 20:25, , 22F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 20:35, , 23F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖
05/27 20:35, 23F

05/27 20:37, , 24F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 20:43, , 25F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 20:43, 25F

05/27 20:51, , 26F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!
05/27 20:51, 26F

05/27 21:00, , 27F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!
05/27 21:00, 27F

05/27 21:07, , 28F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 21:07, 28F

05/27 21:13, , 29F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 21:16, , 30F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 21:20, , 31F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/27 21:29, , 32F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 21:29, 32F

05/27 21:31, , 33F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 21:31, 33F

05/27 21:37, , 34F
希望外線們命中率們不要只是曇花一現 啊
05/27 21:37, 34F

05/27 21:38, , 35F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 21:38, 35F

05/27 21:40, , 36F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 21:40, 36F

05/27 21:42, , 37F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 21:42, 37F

05/27 21:45, , 38F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/27 21:45, 38F
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05/28 02:05, , 90F
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05/28 02:09, , 91F
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05/28 02:11, , 92F
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05/28 02:29, , 97F
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05/28 02:33, , 98F
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05/28 02:35, , 99F
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05/28 02:37, , 100F
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05/28 02:40, , 101F
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05/28 02:42, , 102F
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05/28 02:45, , 103F
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05/28 02:48, , 104F
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05/28 02:50, , 105F
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05/28 02:57, , 106F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
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05/28 02:57, , 107F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!!
05/28 02:57, 107F

05/28 02:57, , 108F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!
05/28 02:57, 108F

05/28 02:57, , 109F
爆了爆了 <( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!
05/28 02:57, 109F

05/28 02:59, , 110F
One Team, One Goal, One Win, Go Spurs Go.
05/28 02:59, 110F

05/28 03:03, , 111F
One Team, One Goal, One Win, Go Spurs Go.
05/28 03:03, 111F

05/28 11:31, , 112F
爆要 One Team, One Goal, One Win, Go Spurs Go. 贏球啊
05/28 11:31, 112F

05/28 11:38, , 113F
<( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 逆轉殺爆湖人!!
05/28 11:38, 113F
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