[情報] Smart at the end, Spurs' next step i …

看板Spurs作者 (卜妖)時間16年前 (2008/02/10 21:15), 編輯推噓13(1306)
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Buck Harvey: Smart at the end, Spurs' next step is to try for earlier http://0rz.tw/213Bd Web Posted: 02/09/2008 12:31 AM CST San Antonio Express-News NEW YORK — They say Gregg Popovich remained calm at halftime. And after the game, after the Spurs had avoided a loss that would have caused them to pull out their Rodeo Road Trip beards, Manu Ginobili did not. 紐約-他們說Gregg Popovich在半場的時候心情是很平靜的,但是在這場差一點就輸掉面 子的比賽後,Manu Ginobili無法保持同樣的心情。 With the locker room still closed to outsiders, Ginobili was angry with himself. He was angry because of his half-dozen turnovers, and he was angry because his team needed to make a play at the end of regulation. 在球員休息室裡,Ginobili對自己的表現非常不滿意。他對自己的那些失誤感到羞愧,也 對馬刺必須在終場結束前試圖得分感到不爽。 No wonder, while everyone else marveled about how smart the Spurs were on that last play, Ginobili acted as if the Spurs should have been smarter. 當大家都在對馬刺最後的那記追平分球感到驚奇時,Ginobili卻認為馬刺應該表現的更好 才對。 "Was it about experience?" Ginobili said, repeating what a reporter had said. "Or luck?" 「那球會進是因為經驗嗎?」Ginobili重複一位記者的話,「還是只是運氣罷了?」 The Spurs head to Boston today not caring about the answer. They are relieved. They have lost three times this season to teams with losing records, including a recent one in Seattle, and a fourth wouldn't have played well in the revamped Western Conference. 即將對上賽爾提克的馬刺並不在乎真正的答案,他們總算鬆了一口氣。他們在這個賽季中 已經輸給了三支弱隊,包括最近在西雅圖的那一場比賽,而第四場將會在最近的西區中產 生一些影響。 Losing games to teams such as the Knicks is the difference between being a second seed or a seventh. So when the Spurs came out flat, falling behind by as many as 18 points, how smart were they? Do they need to be reminded of the standings every day? 輸給像尼克這種隊伍就像是第二種子跟第七種子之間的差別。所以當馬刺落後這種隊伍18 分的時候,他們的表現又是如何呢?難道他們需要個人每天提醒他們現在西區的戰績表嗎? Someone asked Popovich afterward what he had said to the Spurs at halftime to inspire them, and Popovich offered some sarcasm. "I asked them to play better," he said, and then he rolled his eyes. 有人在賽後問Popovich他到底在中場休息時說了些什麼來讓馬刺重拾信心?而Popovich帶有 諷刺的回答:「我叫他們表現好一點。」然後他轉動他的眼睛。 Curiously, those in his locker room say that was precisely the tone. Popovich told the Spurs to stick with the plan and to, well, play better. 令人感到好奇的,球員們的回答跟Popovich的回答完全吻合。Popovich叫他們繼續照著戰 術打,並且表現好一點。 What followed realigned the order of things, as well as the direction of Robert Horry's shooting stroke. When his 3-pointer swished at the end of the third quarter and he opened with yet another to start the fourth, the game was tied. 接下來的事情恢復了正常,包括傳奇的三分球。當他以三分球結束第三節,並且以另一顆 三分展開第四節時,兩隊終於平手了。 Ginobili, essentially playing point guard, made both passes to Horry on his way to nine assists. But when he committed another turnover and Popovich subbed him out, he went to the bench yelling at himself. 在這場中打控衛的Ginobili所獲得的9個助攻中,有兩個是給傳奇的。但是在他又再次失誤 時,Popovich把他換了下來,而他對自己的表現非常不滿。 It summed up a night of frustration for him. And when Jamal Crawford, the Knicks guard, began throwing in threes, there was more. The Spurs fell behind by nine points with less than five minutes left. 這場比賽對他而言就是挫折的代名詞。當尼克的後衛Jamal Crawford展開三分雨時,事情 比想像中的更糟,馬刺在比賽剩不到5分鐘的時後,落後了9分。 That's when Popovich made the switch of the evening. He played a lineup without either Jacque Vaughn or Damon Stoudamire, choosing to go bigger, and that meant one thing. Bruce Bowen would bead in on Crawford. 這時候Popovich完成了一個經典的調度,他放棄了打小球的陣容,把Jacque Vaughn跟 Damon Stoudamire都換下去,讓Bruce Bowen去守Crawford。 From there the Knicks' offense melted. Still, the Spurs trailed by three points in the final seconds, and, after a timeout, Popovich called a familiar play. He sent Ginobili driving to the baseline where he would look for a shooter in the corner, this time Michael Finley. 接下來的事情大家都很清楚,尼克的攻勢被瓦解了,但是在最後幾秒時,馬刺還是落後三 分,然後在暫停過後,Popovich使用了一個常見的戰術,他讓Ginobili傳球給在底線的射 手,而這次在底線的人是Michael Finley。 The Knicks could have fouled Ginobili along the way, and they didn't. They also could have stayed with Finley in the corner, and they didn't. 尼克當時可以對Ginobili犯規,但他們沒有。 尼克可以緊守住在底線的Finley,但他們沒有。 Renaldo Balkman, an athletic defender, instead left Finley. And when he did, Tim Duncan was there with a backpick and a clever push away from Finley. Renaldo Balkman讓Finley留在角落,而當他這麼做時,Finley命中了底線的三分球。 "They knew how to win the basketball game," Isiah Thomas said. "I said to the team, the thing I admire about San Antonio is that they play every second, they play every play. They play it all the way to the end. They don't hang their heads." 「他們知道要如何去贏得一場球賽,」笑笑湯說,「我對尼克的球員說,我最佩服馬刺的 一點,就是他們永遠都認真地去運用每一秒,認真地去運用每一個球權,他們從頭到尾都 是這樣的,他們從來不會放棄。」 All of it is true. Their core has been together so long that end-of-game moments don't bother them. When Ginobili drove, and Duncan set the pick, and Finley stepped up — it took intelligence and composure. 這些全部都是真的,馬刺的核心球員已經在一起打球非常久了,一個終場三分對他們來說 並不會讓他們困擾。Ginobili運球,Duncan傳球,Finley投球-這需要智慧和鎮定。 Ginobili recognized all of it. "But (Finley) is what, about a 45-percent shooter from 3-point range?" he asked. 而Ginobili承認他們兩者兼備。「但是Finley的三分球命中率不是,我想想,百分之45嗎 ?」他問。 This season Finley is closer to 38, but this further makes Ginobili's point. "That means the chances of missing are higher," he said. "And we put ourselves in that position." 這一季Finley的命中率比較接近38%,但是這更證實了Ginobili的論點。「這表示投失的機 率比較高,」他說道,「但是我們還是這麼做了。」 Ginobili was calm now, too. But he didn't want to talk about this being a great win, just as he isn't as impressed with a four-game winning streak when the Spurs haven't played well in all four. Ginobili現在也平靜下來了,但是他並不認為這場是一場極佳的勝利,就像他覺得現在的 四連勝並不算什麼,因為馬刺並不是四場都表現很好。 Smart? 聰明? Smart wouldn't have required the last play of regulation. 如果他們聰明的話他們就不需要那個追平一擊了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/10 21:22, , 1F
02/10 21:22, 1F

02/10 21:23, , 2F
推 打C's好好加油吧
02/10 21:23, 2F

02/10 21:24, , 3F
02/10 21:24, 3F

02/10 21:25, , 4F
以老波的個性KG沒上老大也不會上太多時間 初次對壘有很多東西
02/10 21:25, 4F

02/10 21:25, , 5F
摸索一下 我也不認為我們一定會贏 只是看起來獲勝機率大點
02/10 21:25, 5F

02/10 21:26, , 6F
02/10 21:26, 6F

02/10 21:26, , 7F
C's有太多三巨頭之外的東西可以看 我想這應該才是這場球我們
02/10 21:26, 7F

02/10 21:27, , 8F
要觀察的 當然能贏是最好啦XD
02/10 21:27, 8F

02/10 21:33, , 9F
刺刺們目前手感還是不穩定 勝敗難料 全力以赴就是了
02/10 21:33, 9F

02/10 21:33, , 10F
02/10 21:33, 10F

02/10 21:34, , 11F
該怎麼調度就怎麼調度吧 :)
02/10 21:34, 11F

02/10 22:22, , 12F
02/10 22:22, 12F

02/10 22:36, , 13F
02/10 22:36, 13F

02/10 22:37, , 14F
02/10 22:37, 14F

02/10 22:40, , 15F
呃 其實不用太拘泥於練兵這兩個字 練兵並非輕敵也非放棄
02/10 22:40, 15F

02/10 22:41, , 16F
比賽 球員盡全力求勝 教練照步調指揮調度 這樣就對了
02/10 22:41, 16F

02/10 22:46, , 17F
為了贏球而過度使用特定球員 稍嫌短視
02/10 22:46, 17F

02/10 22:47, , 18F
為了調整而刻意壓縮主力時間 也只有季末幾場才會出現
02/10 22:47, 18F

02/10 23:35, , 19F
02/10 23:35, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #17hlaCfH (Spurs)