[情報] Don’t Sleep on the Spurs

看板Spurs作者 (wanderer)時間17年前 (2007/03/02 23:29), 編輯推噓34(3400)
留言34則, 33人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Don’t Sleep on the Spurs By Jeff Dengate http://0rz.tw/d82r2 SECAUCUS, N.J., Feb. 26, 2007 – It seems a foregone conclusion that the NBA Finals will be Dallas or Phoenix and some poor, unfortunate Eastern Conference team, right?  這一切似乎那麼的昭然若揭,這一季的NBA總冠軍戰將會是由東區的一 支可憐、不幸的球隊碰上達拉斯小牛亦或鳳凰城太陽。但,真是如此嗎? Not so fast. Didn’t you ever hear the cautionary warning about counting your chickens while sitting at the table? Maybe I’ve mixed messages, but let me make this one clear: Don’t sleep on the San Antonio Spurs. 別那麼著急,難道你不曾聽過當你坐在桌子上數雞時的警告聲嗎?或許我 混合了些訊息,但讓我再說個清楚:別將聖安東尼奧馬刺隊擱在一旁。 How can that be, you ask? Surely I can’t be serious? Haven’t I been watching hoops at all this season? And haven’t I seen the Mavs and Suns so clearly dominate the West through the first two-thirds of the season.    "那怎麼可能?"你問到。難道我並不當真?難道我沒看過本季所有的Hoops 雜誌?還有難道我瞎了眼沒清楚地看到小牛和太陽在目前為止的三分之二球季宰制了整個 西區? Yes, in all seriousness, I’ve witnessed the Spurs struggles, but I’ve also seen them in this position before. San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich is well known for not being overly concerned with his team’s regular season record, but rather using it as an 82-game tune-up for when the real action gets underway. As long as his team continues to improve, well, it seems just fine by Pop if his team isn’t leading in the win-loss column when the calendar still reads February. 是的,我很認真,我看到了馬刺正在困境中掙扎,不過我在以前曾經看過 馬刺有這樣的情形。Popovich教練很了解不需要太關住他的球隊在季中的成績,反而是將 這82場比賽當作是為了真正挑戰所做的調整。只要他的球隊一點一滴的調適、進步,對Pop 來說在季賽中的勝敗場次沒領先別隊不是那麼重要,更何況現在日曆也才讀到二月而已。 And who am I to second guess one of the game’s top decision makers, seeing as how he’s led his team to the Larry O’Brien trophy by kicking in the front door as well as slipping in the back. 我會去批判的是比賽中的決策者,看它是如何將球隊帶往總冠軍獎盃的頒獎台 亦或只能夾著尾巴從後門偷溜出去。 "I think what is important is a group of men understanding that the real job is to get better as the season moves along and to be at your best at the end,”Popovich told USA Today’s David Dupree earlier this month. “Houston did it from behind, L.A. has done it both ways, we've done it both ways.” "什麼事比較重要 ? 我認為一群大男孩要知道真正的工作是隨著時間的走過, 大夥要在季賽中要越打越好,並在正規球季結束時調整自身的狀況達到巔峰。" Popovich 在本月初對"今日美國"的記者提道。"休士頓以前是這麼做,洛杉磯雙管齊下,我們現在也是 雙管齊下。" During the 2002-03 season, the Spurs were a mere 38-17 before going on a late tear to finish the season with an NBA-best 60-22 record. They then marched through the field of 16, beating the Suns, Lakers, Mavericks and Nets, all in six games apiece, to win their second championship in the Tim Duncan era. 在02-03球季中,馬刺在大爆發前僅只有38勝17負的成績,最終卻以聯盟最佳 的60勝22負結算。然後他們在球場上贏了16場比賽,打敗了太陽、湖人、小牛和籃網,全 都在6場比賽內解決對手,贏得了他們在 Duncan 紀元中的第二座冠軍杯。 Two seasons later, the Spurs found themselves staring up at the Suns in the standings after Steve Nash and Amare Stoudemire led a remarkable 33-game turnaround to finish with a league-high 62 wins. The teams met in the Conference Finals and, weathering an impressive 37 points and nearly 10 rebounds per game from Stoudemire, the Spurs cruised to a 4-1 series win before being stretched to a seventh game by the Pistons in the Finals. 兩個球季後,馬刺發現他們自己碰上了擁有Steve Nash 和 Amare Stoudemire 的太陽隊,一個比前季恐怖地多出了33勝的隊伍和有著傲視聯盟的62勝成績,這兩支隊伍 在區冠軍賽上碰頭,在這幾場比賽中Stoudemire有著摧枯拉朽般的平均每場37分10籃板 的可怕成績,但馬刺依舊以四勝一負寫意的進軍總冠軍戰,和活塞惡戰了七場。 If this year’s Spurs (38-18) are to hope for more hardware this year, they may have to do so in the role of underdog. It seems unlikely the team is going to finish the season 22-4 to hit the 60-win mark as in 2003, but, even if it did, that might not be enough as the Mavs could notch 70 Ws with the Suns tight on their heels. 若馬刺(38-18)今年想要更多補強,他們便須以失敗的一方作收。以現在的狀 況來看,全隊的確不太像03年一般能在下半季已22-4的成績攻上60勝的里程碑,就算真能 如此,60勝也難望可能攻下70勝以上之小牛隊的項背,太陽也可能只緊跟在小牛之後而已。 A 10-game gap between the West’s best and the Spurs would hardly be considered as wide as, say, the 10-games that currently separate the Pistons and New Jersey Nets in the East. If paired in a seven-game series, nobody residing outside of the Garden State is likely to pick the Nets to upset Detroit. In the West, however, most would believe the Mavs to be the better team but couldn’t say with certainty they’d win a best-of-seven. 馬刺和小牛有著難以想像的10場勝差,恰巧是在東區活塞(1)和籃網(9)的距離 。若將他倆送作堆七戰四勝來分勝負,外頭沒人會發瘋賭花園州(紐澤西)有可能將活塞翻 掉。但到了西區,大家卻會只承認小牛是支較強的隊伍,但與其它隊伍(西區)以七戰四勝 分高下時卻未必能成功出線。(此段是在講東西區強度不可同日而語,西區是人人有機會各 各沒把握) “Dallas has 10 solid guys they can go to,” Duncan told USA Today. “It’s a luxury. They’re playing better basketball than we are, but we'll take the matchup.” "達拉斯有著十個能用的兇猛飢渴的傢伙," Duncan 對"今日美國"說道, "他們那樣是一種奢侈(指有10個超強的可用之兵)。"他們現在的確比我們打的好,但我們 將會贏得對戰。 While the teams had the top two records in the Western Conference a year ago, a wrinkle in the playoff seeding had them meeting in the Conference Semifinals because division winners were each guaranteed one of the top three seeds. That’s changed this year to only assure division winners one of the top four seeds, thus seeds 1 and 2 could go to teams from the same division. But, if the Spurs finish behind Utah – the Jazz is currently one game back of San Antonio – in the win column, the Texas rivals could again meet in the second round. 馬刺和小牛在去年有著西區前兩名的戰績,季後賽的種子排序窘境使他們 在西區準決賽中就王見王(因為分區領先者有著前三名的保證),今年更改了制度使分區 領先者只保證有著前四名的排序,所以戰績一二名的球隊有可能出自同一分區。但是, 若馬刺在結算時落後了爵士(目前只以一場勝差落後馬刺),那德州大戰不免的又要在今 年的第二輪上演。 Before they get to the playoffs, however, the Spurs need to close the 2006-07 campaign with the physical and mental health to know they can compete with whichever Western Conference power they may face. 然而在進入季後賽前,馬刺隊必須在06-07球季中保持身心的健康,以面對 西區的高強度競爭。 Last year, the Spurs took the Mavs the distance – and then some – despite the fact Duncan was hobbled by plantar fasciitis. Rallying back from a 3-1 deficit, San Antonio got 41 points, 15 boards and six assists from Duncan in Game 7, but it wasn’t enough as Dallas held on for the overtime victory at home. 在去年,馬刺硬是將小牛的系列賽勝利拖到了第七場,儘管 Duncan 在 飽受足底筋膜炎困擾致使腳步困頓,馬刺依舊在一勝三敗的絕境中爬出一線生機。 聖安東尼奧在第七戰中自 Duncan 那得到了41分15籃板6助攻的注挹,但小牛仍在延長賽 中奪走了馬刺的主場勝利。 This year, Duncan is healthy, but his team has never quite found its stride. That doesn’t seem to concern Detroit’s head coach Flip Saunders, who scoffed at the notion the Spurs are no longer a championship-caliber squad. 今年的 Duncan 是健康的,但他的隊伍卻不像以往般大步向前。這對底特律 總教練老桑(Flip Saunders)來說卻不是這麼一回事,他對馬刺已經失去衝擊總冠軍實力的 輿論嗤之以鼻。 You look at their last 20 to 25 games, they have a phenomenal record to gear up for the playoffs,” Saunders told Pistons.com. “That’s always been their trademark. They’re similar to us in that they know they can win on the road, so whether they’re the first seed, second seed, third seed or fourth seed, they feel they can go and beat anybody.” "你仔細看看他們前20至25場的比賽,他們有著傑出驚人的成績可以使他們 磨和好進入進後賽," 老桑在活塞官網提到。"這是他們的註冊商標,他們跟我們很像的地 方是:知道自己可以在客場贏球,所以無論他們是在第一種子,第二種子,第三種子或第四 種子,他們都深信可以打敗任何一支球隊晉級。" Gearing up for the playoffs is now under way. The Spurs are riding a five-game win streak – matching their longest of the season – heading into tonight’s match with the Toronto Raptors. As is their custom, the Spurs are getting it done on the defensive end, giving up an average of only 82.6 points per game during the current five-game winning streak, holding four of those five opponents to fewer than 85 points. 為季後賽磨合的工作早已開始進行,馬刺現在以經五連勝(平這季紀錄),將 在今晚面對多倫多暴龍。就如同往常一般,馬刺在防守方面重下心力,在最近的五連勝中 只使對手每場平均獲得82.6分,更使其中的四支隊伍得分不到85分。 So, while the Mavericks and Suns remain media darlings, their high- octane offenses as fun as ever to watch on a nightly basis, the Spurs continue to build for their annual postseason run, doing their tweaking in the shadows. 所以當小牛和太陽依舊為媒體寵兒,每晚演出高攻擊性令人愉悅比賽時,馬 刺正持續建構他們一年一度的季後工作,在陰暗處不斷的埋頭苦幹。 Come May, they may again prove that defense does indeed win championships. They, too, may prove wrong all of us who counted them out prematurely. 在將來到的五月中,他們應該將再度印證防守才能贏得冠軍的真理。也將證 明所有季中看衰他們的我們言之過早、錯之以極。 -- 非常累人的翻譯... 現在只剩一口氣能說話了 Go~~Spurs~~Go~~   -- Manu Ginobili Timo Boll Fernando Alonso Tiger Woods Chien-Ming Wang Roger Federer Zinedine Zidane -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: merrope 來自: (03/02 23:30)

03/02 23:36, , 1F
03/02 23:36, 1F

03/02 23:41, , 2F
03/02 23:41, 2F

03/02 23:41, , 3F
推~! 留點空格
03/02 23:41, 3F

03/02 23:53, , 4F
03/02 23:53, 4F

03/02 23:59, , 5F
大推 推~! 感謝翻譯
03/02 23:59, 5F

03/03 00:11, , 6F
推..辛苦了 Go~~Spurs~~Go~~
03/03 00:11, 6F

03/03 00:19, , 7F
03/03 00:19, 7F

03/03 00:28, , 8F
03/03 00:28, 8F

03/03 00:28, , 9F
推~ 亂入一下,你的簽名檔是各種球類的支持者嗎@@?
03/03 00:28, 9F

03/03 00:29, , 10F
是阿 沒錯
03/03 00:29, 10F

03/03 00:34, , 11F
03/03 00:34, 11F

03/03 00:46, , 12F
推Alonso :P
03/03 00:46, 12F

03/03 00:47, , 13F
03/03 00:47, 13F

03/03 00:47, , 14F
03/03 00:47, 14F

03/03 01:46, , 15F
03/03 01:46, 15F

03/03 01:52, , 16F
03/03 01:52, 16F

03/03 01:59, , 17F
03/03 01:59, 17F

03/03 02:01, , 18F
推 馬刺下半季要打出新氣象
03/03 02:01, 18F

03/03 02:54, , 19F
03/03 02:54, 19F

03/03 02:57, , 20F
03/03 02:57, 20F

03/03 06:41, , 21F
03/03 06:41, 21F

03/03 08:30, , 22F
可能是Horry的最後一年, 全隊加油帶回第四座冠軍盃吧!
03/03 08:30, 22F

03/03 09:26, , 23F
03/03 09:26, 23F

03/03 09:33, , 24F
馬刺繼續低調吧 等到總冠軍到手再高調就好
03/03 09:33, 24F

03/03 12:56, , 25F
大推阿~~~~~感動 寫的太好了
03/03 12:56, 25F

03/03 13:24, , 26F
03/03 13:24, 26F

03/03 13:37, , 27F
我的冠軍信心又回來了 , 謝謝
03/03 13:37, 27F

03/03 14:22, , 28F
03/03 14:22, 28F

03/03 18:33, , 29F
好文 Don't Sleep on the Spurs
03/03 18:33, 29F

03/03 21:52, , 30F
03/03 21:52, 30F

03/03 23:12, , 31F
推~Go Spurs Go!!!
03/03 23:12, 31F

03/04 08:25, , 32F
03/04 08:25, 32F

03/04 15:05, , 33F
03/04 15:05, 33F

06/16 03:22, , 34F
06/16 03:22, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #15w4BaKy (Spurs)