[閒聊] Timer

看板SportStack作者 (tommy)時間12年前 (2011/07/22 19:31), 編輯推噓5(507)
留言12則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The 3rd Generation StackMat has finally been announced officially. What do you guys think it'll be like? I'm hoping they're gonna make it more YouTube friendly. I'm sure there's still gonna be a detachable timer, because that's important. Then new designs, obviously. But I'm wondering what else they could add... maybe it's more accurate (doesn't skip .49, .99, etc)? Lawrence Maceren在FB波的 什麼意思?? 計時器要出三代了嗎?? -- 呦兔:http://www.youtube.com/user/tommy150103 無名:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tommy308 即時:tommy308 臉書:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002282785189 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/22 20:57, , 1F
會不會把10分鐘自動關機的功能拿掉 XDD 這樣方塊計時就方
07/22 20:57, 1F

07/22 20:58, , 2F
變多了 XDDD不然多顆盲解 還是高階盲解之類的~很麻煩 哈
07/22 20:58, 2F

07/22 21:03, , 3F
07/22 21:03, 3F

07/22 21:25, , 4F
07/22 21:25, 4F

07/22 21:25, , 5F
07/22 21:25, 5F

07/22 21:25, , 6F
07/22 21:25, 6F

07/22 21:32, , 7F
所以不是用雙手測, 連形狀都改了!!?
07/22 21:32, 7F

07/22 22:29, , 8F
不要再瞎猜了XD 只有第一句事實 其他都是他自己的"想法"
07/22 22:29, 8F

07/23 09:41, , 9F
07/23 09:41, 9F

07/23 17:35, , 10F
07/23 17:35, 10F

07/24 15:24, , 11F
第二段一開始就說I'm hoping啊...QQ
07/24 15:24, 11F

07/24 15:56, , 12F
07/24 15:56, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1EAL-JrZ (SportStack)