[新聞] A dream come true for Verdasco

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http://www.daviscup.com/news/newsarticle.asp?articleid=15481 A dream come true for Verdasco 23 Nov 2008 - Estadio Islas Malvinas, Mar del Plata - David Bookman Ever since Fernando Verdasco was a young boy, when he could barely see over the top of the net, he had dreamed about winning the Davis Cup for Spain. And the 25-year-old Madrileno realised that dream at the Estadio Islas Malvinas today, beating Argentina's Jose Acasuso in five sets to give Spain the point they needed to complete their first Davis Cup triumph away from home. This was "the most beautiful day" of Verdasco's life, and that is coming from a man who now has Ana Ivanovic, the delightful French Open champion, on his arm. 當Verdasco還是個小朋友,小到不足以看到網帶上端的時候,他就夢想要為西班牙贏一座 台維斯盃。今天,這位25歲的馬德里人在Estadio Islas Malvinas實現了他的夢想,在五 盤戰中打敗了阿根廷的Acasuso,並為西班牙拿下首次在客場奪冠的冠軍點。這是Verdasco "生命中最美好的一天",(這個結果)來自於一個把正妹法網冠軍Ana Ivanovic擁在懷裡的 男人。 Ivanovic wasn't in Mar del Plata to see Verdasco win the trophy for Spain. And the other absentee, of course, was Rafael Nadal, who missed the final because of an injury to his right knee, and instead spent the weekend following events from his hotel in Mauritius. Most neutrals had suggested that, without Nadal, Spain would be beaten by Argentina. But if Spain didn't have their most famous left-handed player, they had a couple of other lefties who did a fine job for them. Ana沒有到阿根廷看Verdasco為西班牙贏得獎盃。另一個缺席者,當然,就是我們因為 右膝傷錯過決賽的豆豆,他在模里西斯度過週末,並且在飯店裡觀看比賽。大多數中立的 觀眾事前都認為,沒有豆豆的西班牙會被阿根廷擊敗。雖然西班牙少了他們最有名的左手 球員,但他們還有其他兩位表現很棒的左手球員。 It was Feliciano Loez who got Spain's challenge going when he defeated Juan Martin del Potro, Argentina's leading singles player, during Friday's singles. And Lopez and Verdasco then combined in the Saturday doubles to beat David Nalbandian and Agustin Calleri, before Verdasco came from two sets to one down for his victory over Acasuso. And so Spain won the Davis Cup for the third time, and for the third time in an Olympic year too, with their previous wins coming in 2000 and 2004. This has been Spain's year in the men's game, after Nadal's individual success on the clay of Roland Garros, the grass of the All England Club and the cement of the Beijing Olympics. 這就是Feliciano Lopez,他在週五的單打中打敗了阿根廷的頭號選手Del Potro, 並且開啟了西班牙(對阿根廷)的挑戰。Feli跟Verdasco在週六的雙打中,贏了 Nalbandian/Calleri的組合,接著隔天Verdasco又以兩盤之差贏了Acasuso。這為西班牙 贏得了第三次的Davis Cup冠軍,也是第三次在奧運年贏得冠軍,前兩次分別在2000和 2004。在豆豆拿下紅土法網、全英草地俱樂部的溫網和奧運金牌之後,這真的是屬於 西班牙男子選手的一年。 The team spirit shown by the Spaniards - they mobbed Verdasco at the end, creating a red-shirted heap of bodies on court - contrasted with some of the stories that came out of Argentina's locker-room. It appears as though Nalbandian didn't exactly endear himself to his team-mates during the tie, with reports suggesting that he upset both Del Potro and Calleri. 團隊精神在這群西班牙人身上展露無遺 ── 整群推倒Verdasco在場上形成紅衣人堆 ── 對比阿根廷休息室裡的幾個小插曲。納班在賽事中好像不是很受隊友喜歡,有報導 暗示納班跟Del Potro和Calleri吵過架。 (譯:這是DC官網報導...(默)) So Spain were without Nadal, and Argentina were without team discipline, and it was Argentina who were left wanting. Argentina were unable to celebrate winning the competition for the first time. It was Verdasco, a man who has previously received a fraction of the attention that has gone Nadal's way, who took centre stage by the Atlantic. What a year for him - dating Ivanovic and now winning the Davis Cup for his country. 西班牙沒有豆豆,阿根廷沒有團隊紀律,最後阿根廷輸了。阿根廷還是沒有辦法 慶祝首冠。而Verdasco,這個原本只受到一滴滴注意的男人,循著豆豆走過的路,在 大西洋建立了(自己的)舞台。(譯註:04年決賽對手是美國,08阿根廷與西班牙皆隔著大 西洋) 對他來說真是棒呆了的一年啊 ── 把走正妹又為自己國家贏得Davis Cup冠軍。 ------ 西班牙的孩子好棒!! -- ╭──────╥────────────────╥────────────╮ │██████║ ┌╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭╮ ╭ ╭╮ ╮ ╭ ╮ ╭ │ │█Ψ████║ ╞╯ ╭┤ ┼ ╭┤ ├╯ │ Ψ ││ ╭┤ ╭┤ ╭┤ │ │ │██████║ ╰ ╰└ ╰└ ╰┘ ┘┘ ╰└ ╰└ ╰└ └────────────────────────────────────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/24 19:57, , 1F
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正所謂事業愛情兩得意啊 ~
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老話一句 球員包廂勝率快點破蛋啦...(茶) 不然Ana迷哭哭Q.Q
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文章代碼(AID): #19AfLCat (Spain_PL)