[徵才] CAVE Taiwan誠徵軟體工程師

看板Soft_Job作者 (卉卉)時間3年前 (2020/10/28 11:27), 3年前編輯推噓8(806)
留言14則, 12人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
公司名稱: CAVE Taiwan(暫定) 公司介紹: CAVE Taiwan為日本上市公司株式会社ケイブ( https://www.cave.co.jp/ ) 台灣子公司 ,將會以台灣為中心進軍世界,誠摯邀請各路英雄加入,一起打造席捲地表 的全新手機娛樂體驗。 團隊將採取完整Scrum開發流程,為目標用戶提供優質的社交媒體及行動裝置App服務。我 們期許軟體工程師洞悉產品設計,能夠構思並開發出集高品質、高效率、高可靠性與高彈 性於一體,最適合公司產品的軟體系統。 公司地址:CAVE台灣籌備處(台北) 職缺: Mobile App Engineer Backend Engineer Senior Mobile App Engineer Senior Backend Engineer 各職缺能力經歷要求,分別如下: Engineer Role Description Working with a team adopted with a full scrum process to deliver high quality social media service / mobile app to our target users. As a software engineer, you need to digest and understand the product design, and then design and develop the most suitable software system with high quality, high performance, high reliability, and high flexibility. Mobile App Engineer Requirements and Qualifications - Bachelor’s in computer engineering, computer science, or related field. - Master’s degree or PhD degree is preferred - 2+ years experience as an mobile app engineer - 3+ years experience as a software development - Experience of client-server architecture system - Experience of agile scrum development process is a plus - Experience of designing and developing networking system is a plus - Extensive knowledge in iOS native app development (Swift), design patterns, an - Strong skills of asynchronous programming and event-driven programming - Familiarity with multi-thread programming, image processing, dependency injection, software engineering, WebSocket, reactive programming is a plus - Enjoys complex problem-solving and collaboration with scrum process - Successful app titles launching on the app stores - Highly organized and detail-oriented - Adept and effective communicator - Thrives in a fast-paced work environment Backend Engineer Requirements and Qualifications - Bachelor’s in computer engineering, computer science, or related field. - Master’s degree or PhD degree is preferred - 3+ years of software server development experience - Experience of designing and developing distributed system, backend tools and writing unit test - Experience of using In-Memory Data Grid system, designing and developing network engine, distributed system with functional programming, live streaming platform is a plus - Extensive knowledge in design patterns, concurrency programming, relational database, and NoSQL database (at least one) - Strong skills of Java / Go programming language, asynchronous programming, event-driven programming, REST API development - Familiarity with multi-thread programming, software engineering, WebSocket, - AWS Lambda/DynamoDB/API Gateway/IVS, MongoDB, Docker, security system design and development, socket programming is a plus - Enjoys complex problem-solving and collaboration with scrum process - Successful records of software launching in the market - Highly organized and detail-oriented - Adept and effective communicator - Thrives in a fast-paced work environment Senior Mobile App Engineer Requirements and Qualifications - Bachelor’s in computer engineering, computer science, or related field. - Master’s degree or PhD degree is preferred - 5+ years experience as an app engineer - 10+ years experience as a software development - Experience of client-server architecture system - Extensive knowledge in iOS native app development (Swift), design patterns, an - Strong skills of, multi-thread programming, asynchronous programming, event-driven programming, reactive programming, and software engineering - Familiarity with image processing, dependency injection, WebSocket is a plus - Enjoys complex problem-solving and collaboration with scrum process - Successful app titles launching on the app stores - Highly organized and detail-oriented - Adept and effective communicator - Thrives in a fast-paced work environment Senior Backend Engineer Requirements and Qualifications - Bachelor’s in computer engineering, computer science, or related field. - Master’s degree or PhD degree is preferred - 10+ years of software server development experience - Experience of designing and developing distributed system, backend tools and writing unit test - Experience of using In-Memory Data Grid system, designing and developing network engine, distributed system with functional programming, live streaming platform is a plus - Extensive knowledge in design patterns, relational database, NoSQL database (at least one), multi-thread programming, concurrency programming, software engineering - Strong skills of Java / Go programming language, asynchronous programming, event-driven programming, REST API development, Familiarity with WebSocket, AWS Lambda/DynamoDB/API Gateway/IVS, MongoDB, Docker, security system design and development, socket programming is a plus - Enjoys complex problem-solving and collaboration with scrum process - Successful records of software launching in the market - Highly organized and detail-oriented - Adept and effective communicator - Thrives in a fast-paced work environment 員工是否需自備工具? :否,公司會準備MacBook Pro,並再配備一台外接螢幕 待遇: (依能力敘薪,可談,以下列出大致範圍) 軟體工程師年薪範圍100-120萬台幣 資深軟體工程師年薪範圍 150-180萬台幣 工時 每日工作時間: 10:00AM~7:00PM 可彈性早上10:30前到,補齊時數,工作滿八小時即可下班(中午休息一小時) 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 加班費制度:加班費比照勞基法 工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹: 結合日商原本的強項之外,公司體制上將採取矽谷扁平化管理,歡迎並希望大家踴躍提出 自己的想法,勇於挑戰人生。我們的團隊成員學經歷豐富多元多國籍,在這裡,除了接觸 到台日最前端的技術之外,也能夠與不同領域的人才互相切磋成長。 目前已加入團隊成員之前工作背景: 美國甲骨文、德國及中國Adjust、日本國家儀器、韓國三星、台灣17直播、遊戲橘子、雷 亞遊戲等 目前已加入團隊成員畢業學校: 台灣大學(電機、資管、政治、外文、圖資)、 劍橋大學、MIT、南加大、早稻田、韓國 成均館大學、北京大學、北京清華大學等 工作福利: 舒適的工作環境:乾淨明亮的辦公室、MacBook Pro,並配備一台外接螢幕。 各式聚餐與團隊凝聚活動:一起吃飯,感情不會散。 帝王感生日假:當月壽星可獲得特休一天。 公司分紅獎金與股票: 可依據工作內容詳談股票與分紅獎金模式。 人資或徵才聯絡方式: 請附上您的英文履歷,寄至以下的信箱,與周小姐聯絡 chou.l@cave.co.jp (@前面l為小寫L) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1603855669.A.2D5.html

10/28 11:55, 3年前 , 1F
10/28 11:55, 1F

10/28 12:12, 3年前 , 2F
10/28 12:12, 2F

10/28 12:29, 3年前 , 3F
10/28 12:29, 3F

10/28 12:40, 3年前 , 4F
10/28 12:40, 4F

10/28 12:53, 3年前 , 5F
10/28 12:53, 5F

10/28 12:54, 3年前 , 6F
10/28 12:54, 6F
※ 編輯: lynnahui ( 臺灣), 10/28/2020 13:11:57 感謝一二樓大大,小女子手殘已更正QQ 公司籌備中,已知會版主 以 籌備處名義發文。母公司位於: 〒153-0051 東京都目黒区上目黒2丁目1番1号 中目黒G Tタワー ※ 編輯: lynnahui ( 臺灣), 10/28/2020 13:16:52

10/28 13:43, 3年前 , 7F
10/28 13:43, 7F

10/28 13:50, 3年前 , 8F
10/28 13:50, 8F

10/28 13:53, 3年前 , 9F
10/28 13:53, 9F
※ 編輯: lynnahui ( 臺灣), 10/28/2020 13:54:22 中文真的不太好,請各位大大鞭小力點,任何問題請不吝來信,感恩! ※ 編輯: lynnahui ( 臺灣), 10/28/2020 13:56:17

10/28 14:09, 3年前 , 10F
10/28 14:09, 10F
團隊據點在台北,目前加入的工程師都是台灣人,不用會講日文哦!當然如果對日本有興 趣、會講日文,我們也非常歡迎。 ※ 編輯: lynnahui ( 臺灣), 10/28/2020 14:35:49

10/28 19:35, 3年前 , 11F
10/28 19:35, 11F
※ 編輯: lynnahui ( 臺灣), 10/28/2020 19:43:28

10/28 20:33, 3年前 , 12F
嗯...這個 JD, 然後號稱扁平式管理...我不信XD
10/28 20:33, 12F

10/28 21:04, 3年前 , 13F
請問NANAMEUE是甚麼? 我看目標寫了好多 google看不懂XD
10/28 21:04, 13F

10/28 21:12, 3年前 , 14F
mobile 只找iOS嗎?
10/28 21:12, 14F
發文前剛好Android都招滿了,所以目前只找iOS哦~! ※ 編輯: lynnahui ( 臺灣), 10/29/2020 15:12:04
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