[徵才] 美商A10 Networks 誠徵 Staff SW Engr

看板Soft_Job作者時間7年前 (2017/01/25 13:00), 7年前編輯推噓5(506)
留言11則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
大家好,再次謝謝大家的支持與愛護,讓我們在【Soft Job】板找到優秀的人才。為因應 產品研發需求及業務增長,我們今(2017)年初在台北研發部又爭取到了數名headcount。 先post這個偏backend及Linux C 的職缺(1-2名額)希望高手加入我們持續成長的大家庭, 謝謝。 【公司名稱,統編】: 美商睿科網路科技有限公司 25139142 【公司地址】: 台北南港軟體園區三期 捷運南港展覽館站附近 台北市南港區三重路66號6樓 https://goo.gl/maps/NNL5AqULSL12 【職缺】: Staff Software Engineer 【職缺能力經歷要求】: We are building a high performance, responsive A10 network management software in ACOS and security areas. You will have the opportunity to work on the GUI, middle layer, reporting as well as backend. Our product is used by top customers around the globe including Microsoft, Twitter, Yahoo Japan. We are looking for the candidate who pays attention to details and has the passion and commitment to build a top notch high quality solution. Responsibilities / Skills: ‧ Extensive experience with design and coding skills in C ‧ Solid understanding of PKI, OpenSSL, cipher suites, TLS1.2+. ‧ Extensive experience with Linux system, such as Shell programing, file operation, script debug ‧ Extensive experience with AAA protocols such as RADIUS, TACACS+ and LDAP ‧ Experience with Apache web server setup, configuration and troubleshooting ‧ Experience with reporting and SQL database in design, performance tuning, and maintenance ‧ Interest in working on web GUI technology such as Python, JavaScript, CSS, Angular and Apache ‧ Ability to effectively articulate technical challenges and solutions ‧ Adept at handling ambiguous or undefined challenges through abstract thinking ‧ Proficient English written and reading skills. ‧ Minimum 5+ year experience Education: ‧ BS or MS CS/CE or equivalent 員工是否需自備工具? : 否 【薪資(月薪)】: NT$ 90,000 - 面談 (依照經驗與能力) 【薪資】: 13 個月 【工時】: 每日工作時間: (09:00~10:30AM) ~ (06:00~7:30PM) (彈性工時8小時) 中午休息: 彈性,1小時 每周工作時間: 8*5=40 【加班費制度】: 比照勞基法,視情況加班 【工作環境與該職缺團隊介紹】: 彈性工時,視情況可work from home 與美國同事合作不用擔心時差問題,不需要晚上上班,除非你搞壞了什麼 多元的Team Building 活動 公司提供自選晚餐與滿櫃的飲料零食,皆可盡情享用 不需自備電腦 國定假日只放不補 【工作福利】: 彈性上班制 提供優於勞基法之休假制度(第一年即有15天年假,逐年增加) 提供勞健保、意外險、醫療險、團保...等保險制度 提供員工旅遊、員工活動及聚餐 提供水果、美式咖啡、零食、飲料與晚餐 每年依公司營運及個人績效調薪 其他比照勞基法及兩性平等法 【公司分紅與獎金】: 保13個月,另有奬金,配股及交通津貼 【人資或徵才聯絡方式】: 請至104人力銀行搜尋「美商睿科網路科技有限公司」 投遞履歷 Staff Software Engineer 或是投遞履歷至 pchuang@a10networks.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1485320449.A.716.html

01/25 15:18, , 1F
好公司 想進
01/25 15:18, 1F

01/25 16:47, , 2F
優秀夥伴 敝單位更渴求
01/25 16:47, 2F

01/26 00:34, , 3F
請問一下對C的要求很深入嗎? 比較熟C++
01/26 00:34, 3F

01/26 01:03, , 4F
01/26 01:03, 4F

01/26 13:35, , 5F
01/26 13:35, 5F

01/28 15:09, , 6F
汐止( ゚д゚)?
01/28 15:09, 6F

01/28 15:11, , 7F
01/28 15:11, 7F

02/02 17:17, , 8F
HTConeplus: 須深入C
02/02 17:17, 8F

02/02 17:25, , 9F
sean2449: 應已優於行情 請多指教
02/02 17:25, 9F

02/02 17:27, , 10F
Sex5F: 我們在南軟三期 Yahoo樓下
02/02 17:27, 10F

02/02 17:30, , 11F
franreaac: 抱歉 須本國
02/02 17:30, 11F
※ 編輯: rbaddict (, 02/14/2017 09:06:27
文章代碼(AID): #1OY341SM (Soft_Job)