[-PT-] Fultz: What's up, Philly

看板Sixers作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間7年前 (2017/06/24 01:50), 編輯推噓15(1504)
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https://www.theplayerstribune.com/markelle-fultz-sixers-nba-draft/ Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! What’s up, Philly? You good? I’m pretty good. Today is a good day. Today we take The Process to another level. But hold up. First, just let me have a second. 唷~~~~~~~~ 費城的搭家,泥們好嘛~~~~ 今天好爽,我們讓「過程」邁入下一個階段, 但先給我喘口氣,我還沒鬼吼鬼叫完唷。 Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Mom, we did it! You’re my hero. Shauntese, we did it! You’re the best sister in the world. Keith, here we are. You helped train me. We did it! We all did it. We did it together as a family. Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! 唷~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 媽媽你看到了嘛,我做到了,你是我的英雄。(Fultz單親) 妹妹我們辦到了,你是我世界上最好的妹妹!(難道還有別個?) Keith教練,我們終於到站了(X),你對於我的磨練惠我良多,我們辦到了!(啟蒙教練 我們都辦到了,我們一起辦到這一切,像是一家人一般完成了這個夢想。 唷~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(到底要叫多久) Alright, I’m done. Just had to get that out of my system. 好了我發瘋發夠了,該讓這些遠離我的腦子了,避免被充昏頭。 People sometimes tell me I don’t show a lot of emotion or whatever. The truth is, my mom raised me to never celebrate too much when things are good, and to never get too down when things aren’t. Life throws a lot at you, she’ s always told me, so you have to stay on your toes and have faith. But today, man … this is one of those days when I know she’d be cool with me celebrating a little bit. 人們總是跟我說人生在世要避免過度的表現自己的情緒。 事實上,媽媽總是跟我說級便是慶祝一件美好的事情,也不該過度放肆, 但當低潮來襲的時候,我們也不該過度妄自菲薄。 人生就像是浪頭一樣,後浪推著前浪一樣一波接著一波, 媽媽總是說,要讓自己腳踏實地並自信的迎接。 It’s funny though — as excited as I am, Joel Embiid is 10 times more turnt right now. He’s probably popping off on Twitter or IG as we speak. Since I visited, I swear Joel’s texted me 75 times since then. I’m not mad, I’m just concerned about his data plan. Sorry, did I say Joel Embiid? I meant Mayor Embiid. Philly’s No. 1 spokesperson. He would be a great mayor. 事實上很有趣,即便我今天已經很興奮了,Jojo依然比我十倍的瘋。 他在Twitter跟Instagram上面實在熱情到燒起來。 自從我造訪過七六人隊後,我對天發誓Jojo至少傳了75則以上的訊息。 我不覺得煩,也沒有要發好人卡給他的意思, 我只是害怕他的吃不飽網路方案會不會炸裂。 喔,我是說Joel Embiid?他其實是Jojo市長,費城第一公關長, 就算現在去當市長他也可以當一個一流的市長。 It’s crazy to finally know for sure where I’m going to be playing next year. I just feel so relieved. It’s relief and excitement mixed together. Because you might think that I knew all along where I was gonna go. You might think that I was just sitting back knowing what would happen. Not even. When everyone was saying Boston was going to take me No. 1 for sure, even my trainer Keith didn’t have any guarantees. I remember there was one report that said I had refused to work out for the Sixers. 終於知道我到底要去哪打球,讓我感到被救贖了。 一種聖人模式一般的狂喜降臨在我的身上。 你大概以為我老早舊知道我會去哪,早就看過劇本劇透之類的。 你錯惹。 當所有人都在討論我絕對會被波士頓用狀元籤選中的時候, 就連Keith都沒有收到任何的保證。 我記得我還看過一篇報導說我拒絕去七六人試訓。 In my head I was like, Where’d they get that info? Not from my family. But even more than that, I was like, They must not really know the real me. Yeah, I always wanted to go No. 1, but who wouldn’t? The truth is, I just want to play ball. 看到這種報導我實在百萬個Nick Young問號,他們哪來的消息? 我的家人絕對不會說出這種話。 但除此之外我覺得這些記者並不熟悉真正的我。 對,我的確想被第一個喊出名字,但誰不想? 我真正的內心話是:教練,我想打籃球。 A lot happened last week. It’s crazy that it’s only been seven days since I got invited to Philly. I found out last Friday morning. I woke up and thought I was going to Boston for another workout with the Celtics. Then Keith hit me up and said, “New plan. Philly.” I was just waking up. So I was like, “O.K., cool. Do they have Chick-fil-A there?” 上個禮拜實在咪咪冒冒發生很多事情。 在選秀前七天接到有關費城的消息讓我覺得小腦袋瓜快要爆炸了。 我直到上個禮拜五才搞清楚這件事情。 我起來洗牙刷臉的時候我還以為我要去Boston再一次試訓, 然後Keith就跟我說:「計畫有變,咱們要去費城」 我唯一的想法是。「OK,沒有問題,所以他們那邊有Chick-fil-A嘛?」 (一家扁平麵包夾雞肉漢堡速食餐廳,特色是虔誠的教徒開的,所以主日公休) A crispy chicken sandwich for breakfast. It’s kind of like my good luck charm. Keith never got back to me about that important question. So I found out for myself. I googled it immediately. Philly does have Chick-fil-A. It has six, actually. Seven if you count the one at the airport. Boston has zero Chick-fil-As, for what it’s worth. 對我來說如果我需要一些幸運物,那一份辣雞扁麵包漢堡早餐是最佳選擇。 Keith沒有回答我這個十分重要的問題,所以我只好自己動手動腳找材料。 於是我掏出手機問狗狗。 費城真的有這家店喔。而且有六家。 如果你把機場裡面那家算進去,那就有七家惹! 順便跟你說:波士頓一家都沒有,森七七! Before we hit the road from home, no one could find my mom. She was late. My mom is never late to anything, but that morning she was getting her hair done. I was a little anxious, but then I calmed down because you know what? Mom gets to do whatever she wants if she’s doing something for herself. After all the sacrifices she made for me and my sister, Mom gets to be late whenever she wants to. New rule. Anyway, guess what happened when I showed up to the Sixers training facility? They’d ordered Chick-fil-A. It was there waiting for me on a table. For real. A bunch of sandwiches. I don’t know how they knew, but they knew. And I know it’s not a big deal, but a little part of me was thinking, Respect. They did their research. 在我們準備上路之前我們找不到媽咪,他遲到惹。 母上大人從不遲到,但那天他在找丫鬟做頭髮~ 我有點躁動,但隨即我就冷靜下來。 我媽媽可以為他自己做任何事情,因為他為我與我妹妹犧牲良多, 所以當他需要「你~等~會」的時候,隨時都行!(筆記) 好重點是,你猜猜我到了七六人訓練中心發生什麼事情? 他們訂了一份Chick-fil-A。就在桌上等我。 我沒臭蓋,一~大堆的漢堡。 我不知道他們哪裡打聽來的,但他們就是這麼週到。 即便我知道這是枝節末微的小事情,但這的確是我心中一個小小的部份。 必須尊敬這些人,他們的包打聽是多麼的可靠。 After I got my physical, we drove to the gym for my workout. Apparently there was a concert in Philly that day and traffic was crazy, so we got a police escort to the gym. Sirens and all that. When we pulled up, there were already people waiting at the gate. But nobody outside the car could see through our tinted windows. Some of them were like, “Yo, who is it?” And I saw other people telling them that it was me. That was wild. The workout was pretty normal, but the really cool thing about it was that Joel, Rob Covington and Ben Simmons were all watching from the sidelines. That made a big impact on me that they wanted to be there. I really appreciated that. 體測之後,他們帶我到體育館進行練球。 那天費城有一場大型的演唱會,交通超級混亂, 所以我們從醫院到訓練中心的時候,條子背背有來幫我們開道。 當我們車子終於停下來的時候,門口已經有各種鄉民。 雖然我們的車窗有處理過,沒有人可以看到裡面是誰, 但是外面四下已經開始有人交頭接耳「這哪位?」「聽說是Fultz!」 一切都很瘋狂。 練球本身就如同例行公事一樣。 但很酷的是Jojo, RoCo, Ben都在場邊看我。 他們堅持陪伴我對我來說很重要,我很感謝。 Joel came up after I had finished and of course the first thing he said was, “Trust the process.” All the guys took a picture with me and Joel was cracking everyone up. Now I get why he’s so good on Twitter. He’s the same guy in real life. (I’m serious: 75 texts in the last week.) Obviously, Joel wiles out and he’s funny, but I can see that he really has love for this team. Being the mayor, he just wants the best for everybody. I remember seeing a video on Twitter of him working out next to Justin Anderson. Justin was doing sled push-ups and Joel was right beside him motivating him. It wasn’t jokes. It was real. That really stuck with me. I want to be a part of that kind of team. 當一切結束的時候,Jojo迎向前來對著我說的第一句話就是Trust the Process. 在場所有工作人員都跟我合影,但Jojo每一張都來亂入。 現在我終於知道為什麼他是真正的推特一哥,因為他現實生活中就一樣浮誇嘛。 (再度聲明:一週至少七十五則訊息) 很明顯的Jojo醒著的時候就是處於興奮狀態,而且非常有趣。 但我可以看見他是真心愛著這個球隊。 作為「市長」,他希望大家都過得好。 我記得我在twitter上面看到他跟Simba一起訓練。 Simba再做臥推的時候Joel在旁邊為他打氣。這不是開玩笑的,是認真的。 這樣的影像常在我心中。我很希望能夠加入這樣一隻球隊。 But now that I’ve paid Joel a few compliments, I’m afraid I have to blow up his spot. Because if you ask me, I’m the one who really invented “Trust the Process.” What I mean is: If you look at my journey through high school, there were some similarities to the journey that the Sixers have been on the past few years. 但我必須嚴正聲明,我可能要取代他的位置。 因為你如果問我,我會跟你說我是第一個發明TTP的人!(蛤) 我的意思是,如果你看我高中時候的求學過程, 你會發現我高中球隊狀況就跟七六人這幾年一樣。 First, my sophomore year of high school I tried out for the varsity team and I got cut. I was pissed at first. I was embarrassed. I felt that it wasn’t fair, and I felt I was better than a lot of the guys who made varsity. After that, a lot of people had advice for me. They told me that I should transfer schools. They told me that if I stayed I could hurt my chances at getting recruited and playing in the NBA. They basically told me that — if I didn’t quit and leave — my future could be at risk. It was scary. I talked a lot with my mom and we made a decision. We decided to fight. Not to quit. 首先,當我二年級的時候,我去應徵校隊,但我被刷下來了。 我一開始很難接受,那令人難為情。我認為這不公平, 但我發現他們大多數比我菜,所以我釋懷了(? 然後呢,很多人跟我建議我應該要轉學。 他們說如果我繼續在這間學校浪費時間,會影響我未來的發展, 甚至可能沒辦法進入聯盟。 簡單來說他們主張我如果不離開,我的未來將會滿佈荊棘,聽起來很可怕。 我跟媽咪討論了很久,而我們最後做出了決定。 我們起身戰鬥,不輕言放棄。 I got cut, so what? I’ll prove them all wrong when I try out again as a sophomore. I trusted the process. My family’s process. If you get knocked down, you stand back up again. Because that’s how my mom raised me. She taught me and my sister to work hard, be humble and respectful, trust in God … and that things will work out in the end. But you don’t quit. 我被刷了,所以呢?我會再度回來並且證明他們錯了。 同一年我又再試了一次,我「相信過程」,我跟家人一起奮鬥的那種過程。 如果你被幹倒了,那就挺起身子站直。 因為那就是我媽媽如何把我拉拔長大的方式。 他教導我跟我妹妹努力向上,為人必須謙遜並尊重他人,相信上帝, 最後一切都會變好的。 Three years later, I was on my way to UW. Four years later, I’m on my way to Philly. The way I see it, the Sixers’ process wasn’t too different. They’ve had their haters. They have been losing a bunch the last couple years. But now the energy is changing. You can feel it. That’s that trust. 三年後,我得到了華盛頓大學的獎學金資格。 四年後,我第一順位被費城挑中。 在我眼中,費城的「過程」,跟我過去所遭遇的沒有什麼不同。 他們有很多不看好他們的人,他們也曾經在過去幾年輸了很多比賽。 但現在我們的能量今非昔比,不然你自己試試看。 這就是那種「相信」(過程)。 Right after my workout, I met with Coach Brown. We had met once before, at the combine in March. I liked his style. At the combine, he asked me a question that no one else had ever really asked me. He gave me an end-of-the-game scenario and asked me to draw up several different plays. I had forgotten what I’d told him. But when we met again last Friday, he brought the question up. He reminded me what my first response had been: “ Are we home or away?” He said no rookie had ever had that exact response to the question. He said he liked how I thought about the game. And for me, I was happy that he was as interested in my mind as in my handle. 當我的試訓結束之後,我跟Brown教練面談。我們之前見過一次,在三月的集體測試。 我喜歡他的調調。他當時問我一個我從來沒有被問過的問題, 他模擬了一個球賽決勝期的狀態,然後要我畫出幾個可能的戰術。 我有點忘記我當時跟他說了什麼。 但這次我們再度見面,他再度拋出這個問題。 他跟我說我當時第一時間反問他:我們主場還是客場? 他說沒有任何一個新秀這樣回應他的問題, 而且他喜歡我對球賽的理解方式。 對於我而言,我也對他充滿好感,他跟我第一次面對面時一樣有趣。 We talked more about strategy and basketball philosophy and things like that. But the most important thing that came out of our meeting was that my mom liked Coach. The next day she told me that she had a good feeling about him because it seemed like he really cared about developing his players. He had told her that he really believes in his players. And my mom believed him. I know a lot of people have beat up on Philly because the team hasn’t been winning a lot. But Coach Brown seems like he believes in growth and development for his players. And when you have that from a coach, it makes the players wanna work that much harder I think. 我們討論了更多彼此的籃球哲學與策略的想法, 更重要的是我媽媽也喜歡Brown教練(?) 隔天他說他對教練有好感,因為他看起來真正在乎他帶領的每一個球員, 並且著重於對於他們的培養。 教練甚至對媽媽說他真心的相信他帶出來的每一個球員。 而我媽媽「信了」。 我知道很多人看不起七六人,因為他們輸了很多比賽。 但Brown教練看起來相信他對他球員的計畫與塑造。 當你有這樣的一個教練,我想所有球員都願意真心的努力向上。 I’m not going to make a ton of promises right now. I just want to tell you a little about what to expect from me. I’m coming to Philly to work. I’m coming to be part of the team. I’m coming to add more life to The Process. I’m going to have a rookie mentality — above no one, below no one. Basically, I’m coming to give everything I have of myself. I have trust that everything else will work out. 我不想在此膨風我可以保證很多事情。 但我想以可以在我身上期待一些小事情。 我會在費城好好努力,真心成為這個球隊的一部分。 我會為了「過程」貢獻我的心力。 並且在心態上把自己當作一個完全的菜鳥,跟大家在同一個起跑線上各自努力。 我會為了球隊貢獻我所有的一切,我相信任何可以讓事情便得更好的過程。 Right, Joel? 是吧,Jojo? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sixers/M.1498240227.A.D69.html

06/24 01:52, , 1F
06/24 01:52, 1F

06/24 01:56, , 2F
06/24 01:56, 2F

06/24 02:02, , 3F
推推 本隊已有推特王和IG王,現在又有網誌王了
06/24 02:02, 3F

06/24 02:07, , 4F
06/24 02:07, 4F

06/24 02:11, , 5F
Fultz TT welcome to big Philly family!!!
06/24 02:11, 5F

06/24 02:14, , 6F
JOJO真的是球隊很棒的潤滑劑(? XDD
06/24 02:14, 6F

06/24 02:37, , 7F
06/24 02:37, 7F

06/24 02:37, , 8F
06/24 02:37, 8F

06/24 02:39, , 9F
06/24 02:39, 9F

06/24 03:41, , 10F
我愛JoJo 也愛Brown 莫名的今天覺得好感動啊!
06/24 03:41, 10F

06/24 06:53, , 11F
沒想到你翻了lol 這篇超棒
06/24 06:53, 11F

06/24 07:08, , 12F
這篇好有意思 Jojo感覺好煩XDDDD
06/24 07:08, 12F

06/24 07:09, , 13F
網誌王寫的很棒 翻的也很棒 XD
06/24 07:09, 13F

06/24 08:44, , 14F
06/24 08:44, 14F

06/24 09:53, , 15F

06/24 09:53, , 16F
Fultz: HEY "DAD", I did it without you. Lol
06/24 09:53, 16F

06/24 12:08, , 17F
06/24 12:08, 17F

06/24 22:33, , 18F
06/24 22:33, 18F

06/25 23:09, , 19F
06/25 23:09, 19F
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