[外電] Thad增重以儲備競爭先發的資本

看板Sixers作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間11年前 (2012/10/04 21:03), 編輯推噓2(201)
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Young brings muscle to fight for starting job Thad:武裝肌肉、厚殖噸位;先發之路,不由分說。 John Finger / CSNPhilly.com October 3, 2012, 8:00 pm http://tinyurl.com/9ftjalu  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ It was a busy offseason for Thaddeus Young. First, he built a new home in Memphis complete with an outdoor basketball court perfect for workouts and pick-up games. Then, Young and his longtime sweetheart, Shekinah, got married in August. 這個暑假,對Thad而言,無疑是忙碌的。 第一,在曼菲斯老家的喬遷之喜,他終於有了自己的房子,當然也包括 了一個標準的室外籃球場,他要自主訓練與揪人同樂都很方便;再者, 他終於跟他的小甜心Shekinah Young完婚了,恭喜他。 Of course the most noticeable part about Young’s summer was that he gained weight. His shoulders seem broader and he looked more solid during the first scrimmage of training camp at St. Joe’s Hagan Arena on Tuesday afternoon. 但是最令人注目的是:他增重了。他變得更結實有型的肩膀,無疑在訓 練營第一日當中最吸引場邊媒體朋友目光的標的物。 Better yet, Young gained that weight without losing his quickness and athleticism. He even increased some of the range on his shot, too, according to head coach Doug Collins. After improving his midrange shooting game significantly last season, Young has been dropping in three-pointers with regularity during scrimmages. 而且看起來更令人興奮的是,他增重看起來完全沒有影響到他引以為傲 的速度與體能條件;而根據Doug所表示,他另外還苦練了中長距離的跳 投,讓他的打法更完整。在上個球季他已經能夠常態在一些基本的戰術 空檔中穩定且自信出手的基礎上,他在今年的熱身賽已經可以時常從三 分線外開火,滋潤七六人的進攻端。 In fact, Young took time after practice on Tuesday to fire up some extra threes as he looks to add that facet of the game to his repertoire. 事實上,Thad在星期二練習完後,他還留下來加強他的三分線,看起來 他是認真的希望把遠射的水平提昇,以豐富他的打法與風格。 “He’s looking to be able to add perimeter shooting to his game,” Collins said. “If Thad can play a little three for us and a little four, we’re going to be much better. Thad wants to be great. It’s up to me to figure out how he best fits into our team.” Doug: 他看起來確實已經能夠控制他的跳投,讓這個技能確實的加入自己的技 能當中;如果Thad能夠在比賽當中可以同時支援兩個位置,我們的陣容 將會更加堅強。Thad希望自己能夠變成一個更好的球員,而我將會仔細 思考現在的Thad在球隊當中最適合的角色是什麼。 Bigger, faster, stronger … it sounds like Young is on the right path. 更大、更快、更厚實,看起來Thad的發展走在一個正確的方向上面。 Actually, Young believes he was headed in the right direction last season until he got a respiratory infection that led to the infamous weight loss as well as a waning of his strength. Collins said Young ended last season weighing just 215 pounds. But now that he’s healthy with a full summer of workouts behind him, Young checked into camp weighing 234 pounds of muscle packed onto his 6-foot-8 frame. 事實上,Thad相信在上個球季在他感染呼吸道疾病後,突然瘦下來影響 到他日常表現與碰撞能力之前,他一直都是走在正確的方向上面。Doug 表示去年Thad在球季結束時只剩下215磅,但是他整個夏天的勤奮努力 讓他的增加了將近20磅的肌肉,成功增重到234磅,正式成為一個配得 上他六呎八吋身高的壯漢。 “It hasn’t impacted my game,” Young said. “I can still get up and down the court and I can do all the same things I’ve been doing. It’s just a matter of progressing.” Thad: 增重完全沒有影響到我的打法,我依然可以跳上跳下,並且確實能夠作 到我在增重之前能作出的所有動作。增重事實上就純粹只是武裝自己的 一部分。 It’s a matter of getting older, too, relatively speaking. At age 24 and headed into his sixth NBA season, Young is the elder statesman with the Sixers. No one has been in the Sixers ’ uniform longer, which, coupled with the five-year, $43 million deal he signed before last season, makes Young an undisputed leader on the team. And that’s a role he covets. 這還有關於他變得更成熟了。雖然他不過才剛剛邁入24歲,但是正要邁 入生涯第六個球季的他,目前是留隊球員當中最為資深的一位,陣中沒 有人在身著七六人球衣的時間上比他更有份量。另外,身為陣中目前除 了剛剛簽下一輪約的Arnett Moultrie外有約狀況年限最長的球員,這 讓Thad毫無疑問成為一個領袖。 而這也是他日夜盼望的絕佳角色。 “It puts me in position where I have to assume the leadership role,” Young said. “It’s a position I love to be in and I want to be in because I think the guys respect me well enough that they know I’m not going to tell them anything wrong, and I’m going to do what’s best for the team.” Thad: 要怎麼收穫先怎麼栽,成為領導者的巨大責任,成為我自我鞭策的驅動 力量;因為我非常樂意成為一個領頭人物,而且我希望能夠作到,因為 我認為我在這些傢伙當中備受尊重,而且身為出家人,我不對隊友打誑 語(誤),我總是在替球隊著想,為了讓球隊更好而打拼。 Now the question with Young is finding a place for him to fit in. Though he was second in the NBA’s sixth-man voting two seasons ago, Young has never hidden the fact that he would prefer to start. However, last season Young and Lou Williams came off the bench to combine for nearly 28 points per game, with Young the team’s third-highest scorer with 12.8 points per game. 現在在眼前的議題是:找到一個最適合Thad的位置讓他發揮。在一年前 在最佳第六人的獎項上拿到第二高票(上上季)之後,Thad希望能夠成 為先發的野心還真是路人皆知。但是無論如何,上個球季Thad跟Lou為 七六人建立了無堅不摧的板凳優勢,兩個人平均一個晚上能拿28分,而 其中有12.8分來自Thad,這是球隊第三高分。 Perhaps as a result of that, Collins said in August that he preferred to continue to use Young off the bench. Regardless, Young sees a friendly battle brewing amongst the forwards in attempt to snag one of those starting spots. 考量這樣的數字,在八月份的時候Doug曾經說過他依然比較希望讓Thad 從板凳出發繼續為球隊貢獻第二陣容的優勢。但是無論如何,Thad希望 透過良性的競爭的催化之下,他能夠在兩個前鋒位置當中搶下其中一個 先發位置。 “There’s at least six of us competing for a starting spot,” Young said. “It’s going to be a tough training camp and it’ s going to be hard, but at the end of the day we have to find the right group that’s going to mesh well.” Thad: 在三號(搖擺人)與四號兩個位置上,大概有至少六個球員正在追逐先 發的資格,這個訓練營對於我們而言都是巨大的挑戰,我們都面臨著非 常艱困的戰鬥,但是最終我們必須找到一個對整個團隊最有幫助的分工 方式,以讓球隊的整合順利進行。 Nevertheless, with the improved outside shooting, ball handling and strength, Young is incredibly versatile. Most of last season he found himself coming into games to play the four-spot where his quickness was unparalleled. A few times he even found himself playing center in certain lineups. 然而,在加強了外圍投射、持球技術、對抗性後的Thad,將成為一個不 可思議的多功能球員。上個球季,他的角色大部分都是打四號位置,因 為他的速度與機動力在大前鋒的群落當中是如此的無與倫比;甚至有些 狀況下,因應對手當下的陣容,他還曾經打到中鋒位置。 However, Young spent the summer preparing to play the three-spot and with his improved midrange game as well as his new three-point range, he just might have the outside game to make it work. But with center Andrew Bynum out for the first three weeks of camp to recover from a bone bruise, Young likely will be getting more looks at the power forward spot. Either way, it’s fine with him. 但是,Thad整個夏天的準備與充實都是為了讓他在三號位置有同樣的競 爭力;在鞏固他的中距離並開發三分遠射的能力後,他將會擁有在外圍 自主作戰的能力。但是在Drew必須被關機三個禮拜的當下,他在訓練營 當中還是必須打更多的四號。 但換言之,無論打什麼位置,對他來說都是正面的。 “It doesn’t make a difference where,” Young said. “I can still create opportunities for myself and others, I can still play the same way out of both positions. I can go in and rebound well from the three spot. I can stand under the basket and bang with the big guys.” Thad: 打哪個位置對我來說差別不大,我依然可以自行製造機會,甚至為隊友 製造機會;而且不管打小前鋒或者大前鋒,我的打法都不會有太大的改 變。即便打小前鋒,我仍然可以殺進籃下,並且抓下籃板,因為我將有 資本在藍底下對抗大個子球員,不會因為我打的是小前鋒,而有著任何 的不一樣。 Certainly, Young will be plenty busy finding places to flourish. It could come while stepping into a three-pointer or fighting for position in the paint. He’s ready for whatever comes his way. 沒有錯,Thad在找到真正可以讓他綻放光彩的位置之前,這陣子的確夠 他忙碌的,不管是在外圍扔三分球,還是在內線攪和卡位。總之他對於 可能的選項,都已經做好了萬全準備。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 24歲的資深球員 φ(._. )> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (10/04 21:07)

10/04 21:27, , 1F
10/04 21:27, 1F

10/04 21:27, , 2F
10/04 21:27, 2F

10/05 23:58, , 3F
luv this guy!
10/05 23:58, 3F
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