[外電] D-Wright將證明自己不只是個射手。

看板Sixers作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間11年前 (2012/09/26 14:58), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Wright out to prove he's more than a shooter Wright希望證明他不只是個純射手,將盡全力貢獻球隊 Dei Lynam / CSNPhilly.com September 25, 2012, 7:10 pm http://tinyurl.com/9u43v8g  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ The Sixers acquired Dorell Wright via a trade this summer because he is a very good three-point shooter and the team was lacking in that department. But on Tuesday afternoon after working out with a number of his new teammates, Wright reminded everyone that his role when he entered the NBA with the Miami Heat in 2004 was to rebound and defend. 雖然很顯然七六人從勇士那邊帶回Dorell Wright是看上他成熟的射程, 以及他多產的三分球;但是在星期二他結束了跟他大多數的新隊友的練 習後,Wright試圖提醒那些來採訪他的媒體:他剛被油頭以油頭有史以 來選擇的唯一高中生的身份選入聯盟時,他的工作是保護籃板以及鞏固 防守端。 “That is another key, me coming in here and playing defense,” Wright said. “That is something I was known for in Miami. That’s definitely something I want to get back to, those ways of being. I won’t say a lock-down defender because guys are so talented in this league, so any guy can get hot and score, but being a guy who goes out there and bothers guys’ shots.” Dorell Wright: 所以從另外一個方面來說,他們希望我帶來防守能量,而這是我在邁阿 密就已經會的老本行,也是我心中所希望能夠回歸的角色。我不會自稱 自己是個能夠靠防守扼死對手的超強力防守悍將,因為在當下的聯盟中 側翼的天份越來越豐富,所以當一個人火起來的時候,不管前面是誰他 都有機會能夠拿下分數;但即便如此,我仍然希望能當那個嘗試阻止他 們的那個人,影響他們進攻的節奏。 Wright knows all about getting hot. He once made nine three-pointers in one game, three shy of the NBA record. He also knows the Eastern Conference has some very talented small forwards, including LeBron James, Paul Pierce and Carmelo Anthony. He will do his part to slow down such talents, but ultimately how good the Sixers are defensively this year will depend on executing their scheme. 不過顯然他本人在進攻端也曾經如此的「火紅」過。他曾經在一場比賽 當中射進九個三分,離聯盟紀錄只差三個。不過他更清楚的是:東區有 很多像是LeBron/Pierce/Melo一樣充滿天份的搖擺人。他將必須扛起這 方面的吃重任務,但是今年七六人能否在防守端延續去年的成功,關鍵 不在一個人的表現,而在如何確實執行作戰計畫並融入系統。 “It is all about a system,” Wright said. “It is not just one guy. I know you said they are missing their best [defensive] player from last year, but there is going to be a system. If the other four guys behind me are where they need to be and I try to make shots as tough as possible, I think we will be a great defensive team.” Wright: 最重要的還是仰賴系統。這不是一個人的工作。我知道你們在座的各位 都會想念那個人曾經帶來的堅強防守,但是重點還是在我們必須信賴這 個系統的堅韌與創造力。只要後方的四名隊友都能給予我堅實的且可靠 的幫助,那我會嘗試在這個任務上盡我最大的努力。我認為我們依然會 成為一個堅強的防守球隊。 Wright is entering his ninth NBA season but won’t turn 27 years old until December. He has not been told if he will be a starter or reserve, but Wright has been asked to use his experience and be a team leader. 這是Wright在聯盟當中打滾的第九年,但是因為他是前高中棄學生的關 係,他到十二月才會滿27歲。到目前為止Doug仍然沒有表示他會讓哪個 人成為第二個先發搖擺人,跟Turner一同上陣,但是Wright已經被Doug 請求借助他豐厚的經驗,並且填補球隊領導力量的空缺。 “He definitely wants me to be a leader, me being a little bit older and having years,” Wright said of what Doug Collins has asked of him. “He wants me to come in and help on the offensive end as far as making shots. Also, being a playmaker, something that is very underrated about my game. A lot of people don’t see me making plays, putting the ball on the floor, getting guys open shots and also creating shots for myself.” Wright: Doug希望我成為一個領袖,因為我稍微年長且擁有比較豐富的經驗;他 希望在進攻端借助我的跳投能力,並且能夠傳出好球並執行set play 我自認為我的視野與執行力一直被低估)。很多人並沒有注意到我能夠 作一些playmaker,持球並尋找空檔,甚至不相信我能夠自行創造進攻 機會。 Two teammates Wright definitely will be looking to get the ball to are Evan Turner and Jrue Holiday. Wright has been impressed with their skills as well as their desire to win. Wright希望能夠順利幫助他的新隊友拉開他們的執行空間,尤其是Jrue 跟Turner。Wright對這兩個學弟純熟的技巧以及對勝利的渴望印象非常 深刻。 “I can tell they are hungry and want to win and take their game to the next level,” Wright said. “You can see it in the weight room, getting extra shots. You can tell when someone is serious about his job, who’s a pro and who’s not. Those guys really take it serious and understand that coach is putting a lot on them, and that’s how you grow up and get your respect around this league. I think they are going to be up for the challenge.” Wright: 我可以跟你保證他們現在對成功的果實非常飢渴,並且非常積極的提昇 自己的能力與球賽內容;你可以看到他們日復一日的在作大量的重量訓 練、跳投練習等等。你可以說看到一個人如何認真對待他的工作,就能 看出一個人是否具備職業級的自我要求。他們總是對他們的工作兢兢業 業,並且瞭解教練團對他們具有高度的期待與要求,這一切都是成長為 一個真正的職業球員,並受到普遍尊敬的必經之路。我相信他們已經準 備好面對這些強大的挑戰。 For the past two years, Wright was playing for the Golden State Warriors. During his time in northern California, the Warriors won 26 games in 2009-10, 36 in ’10-11 and 23 last season. Joining a team that has been in the postseason the last two years and has since added an All-Star center in Andrew Bynum has Wright excited to get the season underway. Like many, Wright is high on Bynum’s skills. 在過去的兩年當中Wright都在勇士效力。在北加州,勇士在過去的三個 球季加起來總共只贏了85場球。而在他轉換跑道,到了一個過去兩個球 季都打進季後賽,且在暑假迎來了全明星中鋒Andrew Bynum的七六人時, 心中的悸動想必不言可喻,理所當然的對新的球季充滿著期待。 而就跟大多數人的想法一樣,Wright對Bynum的能力有著高度的評價。 “He is going to need two defenders to try and stop him,” Wright said. “I would say he is the best big man in the NBA right now, hands down. He’s a guy that can score with his back to the basket, a guy that makes free throws at seven-feet tall. You have to respect the fact that you have to double him and we have guys on the perimeter that can knock down open shots. I am really looking forward to playing with him.” Wright: 每當他要到位置準備進行進攻動作的時候,對手總是需要至少兩個人才 能夠阻止他,所以毫無疑問我會說他是當下聯盟的第一中鋒。他總是可 以靠他的背框技巧拿下分數,甚至還具備在罰球線上維持穩定的能力, 對一個七呎中鋒來說,你找不到苛責他的可能。當這個人在大部分時間 都迫使對手必須使用包夾伺候,並且總能幫助外圍的隊友取得運作空間 的球員,你理所當然必須對他的能力表示尊敬。我非常期待能夠跟Drew 正式展開合作。 The league’s best big man, with a hungry backcourt and a seasoned shooter who led the league in three-pointers made in 2010-11, sounds like the beginning of a roster with tremendous potential. 一個聯盟最好的長人,與一群飢渴並急於證明自己的後場球員,再加上 一個在前年身居聯盟三分球投射數量的領銜者,對於七六人來說,是新 的球季施展抱負的好兆頭。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 防守我不擔心。 但是....處理球?替隊友創造進攻? 這好像不是你的業務範圍....還是讓專業得來吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/26 15:08, , 1F
27年長?oh my goodness.....
09/26 15:08, 1F
※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (09/26 15:11)
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