[外電] Curry將持續受到Doug Collins倚重

看板Sixers作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間11年前 (2012/09/19 17:03), 編輯推噓2(200)
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Curry remains influential member of Collins' staff Michael Curry將持續在Collins的教練團中擔綱大任 BY BOB COONEY / Daily News Staff Writer Posted: Wed, Sep. 19, 2012, 1:15 AM http://tinyurl.com/9h9eleh  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ THE MOVES made by the 76ers this offseason have the basketball faithful in this town drooling. The acquisition of gigantic center Andrew Bynum has catapulted the Sixers into the upper echelon of the Eastern Conference, and shooters Jason Richardson, Dorell Wright and Nick Young present weapons the organization hasn't had in a long time, allowing coach Doug Collins to fiddle with the best talent he's had in his three seasons here. 七六人在暑假中完成的作業讓很多七六人的忠實球迷對即將到來的開季 望穿秋水。Drew像是巨人一般的降臨兄弟友愛之城提供七六人一個比起 上個球季而言跳得更高的機會;而J-Rich/W-Wright/Nick等射手群們的 來到則讓這個自從Kyle Korver離隊之後走在三分沙漠之中的可憐球隊 終於來到了一個綠洲,也確保Doug Collins不用再度面臨天份與工具乾 涸的窘境。 While those players' arrivals and the departures of Andre Iguodala, Lou Williams and Elton Brand have garnered most of the headlines, another personnel situation will be instrumental to the team's success - at least in the coach's eye. 在教練團的眼中,雖然說這樣的人事震盪程度可以用七級地震來形容, 不過他們認為在新的一年這個團隊將會大有可為。 In early July, the Orlando Magic brought in Michael Curry, the Sixers' associate head coach, to interview for their head-coaching spot, left vacant by fired Stan Van Gundy. Curry's interviews coincided with the Orlando Summer League, during which time Collins was getting a look at his young players and burning the phone lines in an effort to line up potential free agents. All the while, the thought of losing Curry weighed on him more than any possible free-agent acquisition or poor performance by his team. 在七月初時,七六人首席助理教練接受奧蘭多的邀請,面試SVG解職後 所空下的總教練一職,同一時間Doug也在奧蘭多,一面看著他手下的 年輕球員的狀況(七六人有參加奧蘭多夏季聯賽,不過擔任SL總教練的 則是教練團另一重臣Aaron McKie),但是另一手卻拿著熱線電話掌握 自由市場的消息。不過在那個當下,無論是FA市場上的斬獲,或是SL 遠征軍的疲軟,都比不上可能失去Michael Curry這件事情更令他感到 憂心。 When the summer league broke and Collins met with the media after the team had acquired Wright, Young and Kwame Brown, he talked about all the positives the organization had accomplished in acquiring those players and how the team was ready to move onward and upward. Then, with Curry among the two finalists for the Magic job, he was asked about how Curry's leaving would affect him. 當夏季聯盟的慘淡結束之後沒有多久,Doug接受媒體採訪有關他們在 自由市場與交易上收穫D-Wright/Nick/Kwame。他對媒體聊完所有有 關於球隊的收穫、以及對於下個球季的所有正面期待後,記著們問了 一個非常有深度的小問題:目前在魔術總教練選拔中僅有兩位的最終 名單上出現的Michael Curry如果離開了七六人,對於他的工作甚至 整個球隊的影響將會多巨大呢? Suddenly, the coach's voice turned into almost a whisper and continuously cracked as he talked about the possibility of losing a person he coached in Detroit many years ago. 突然之間,這話題讓Doug不再像是談論他的球隊一樣容光煥發,反而更 像個憂心忡忡的老人一樣低語,呢喃著有關可能失去他在底特律曾教導 過的乖巧學生的憂心與感傷。 "He is everything you could ever want in a coach," Collins said. "I have given him carte blanche to do what he wants on the floor. He has an amazing voice, is a tremendous leader and is as quality a human being as you will ever find." Doug: 他有著作為一個教練應該有的一切特質,我對他委以全權去大展鴻圖, 以實踐他的抱負。他有著令人驚豔的溝通能力,具有驚人的領導特質, 而且擁有最高尚完美的人格特質。 So when Orlando hired Jacque Vaughn, Collins felt bad for Curry but was elated he would be back on his staff. 所以當奧蘭多方面最終選擇了Jacque Vaughn,Doug雖然為了他的學生 感到遺憾,不過當然也慶幸他歸隊了。 "There's no disappointment," said Curry, 44. "I was a late entry and I made it to the final two. Through the entire time, I think they had someone targeted. For me, it was more going through the process. It was all positive, and when you get in the process, you have to look at it that way. I enjoyed that part of it. I always concentrate on this year, like when I was playing. When I was a young head coach [with Detroit], I didn't appreciate the process of all this as much. But I wasn't disappointed at all. I have a great situation here." Michael Curry (44): 我沒有這麼失望。我其實起步有點晚,但是最終結果是我成為這個工作 的Runner-up。我想他們有他們的目標人選,但是對我來說,過程讓我 學習到很多,並且一切都是正面的;而且如果你希望能夠在教練這個領 域有所作為,將一切都正面看待非常重要,而我非常享受這個過程。我 一直都很關注於為了下一個球季做好準備,就如同我當年身為一個球員 是一樣的。當年我在底特律的時候過於年輕,並且在心態上沒有做好準 備去迎接與正面看待整個過程,但是對於結果我並不難過,我認為我在 此找到了絕佳的工作。 His situation here is one filled with a heavy workload. He oversees the defense for Collins, and does it very well. Last season, the team allowed 89.39 points a game (third-best in the NBA), 42.7 percent shooting (third), 33.4 percent from three-point range (sixth) and led the league in turnover differential (plus-2.73). He often runs practices and shootarounds and is always a sounding board for Collins. During the season, the two are practically inseparable, sharing rides to shootarounds during the mornings of home games and almost always walking for exercise together when the team is on the road. All the while, strategy is discussed, tension is relieved and any current topic around the world is up for debate. 他在費城的工作相當吃重。他協助Doug Collins監督七六人在防守上的 績效與系統調校;而且不得不說,他做的相當出色。上個球季,七六人 的場均失分是89.39(3rd)、對手命中率42.7%(3rd)、三分命中率33.4% (6th),且在對手失誤與己方失誤的差距,是驚人的2.73(聯盟第一)。 除此之外,賽前練投與戰術板的決策上都是由他領銜,而非Doug本人一 手獨攬。在過去的這個球季,Doug與Curry是形影不離如膠似漆的(官配?!) 在每次主場比賽日前往球場的時候甚至每次都共乘(!!!!!!!!)。在這個 甜蜜(?)的過程當中,他們能夠進行戰略上的意見交換,舒緩彼此緊張 的情緒(!!!!),甚至在這過程當中還穿插著這個世界上發生的大 小事情,並且他們兩個還會就這些富有哲理或者思考的問題進行腦力激 盪與辯論。 "A lot of times when we're riding to shootaround, we stop and get coffee and, depending on traffic, it could take 30 minutes to an hour," Curry said. "During that time, a lot of game planning is done, but we may talk about basketball or something else, or I just let him vent, so once he's in front of the guys, he's not angry or upset or anything. I'll ask him if he's OK and now that we got that out, what's next? There's a lot of pressure on being a head coach, so venting is very important. Mike: 很多次在我們前往球場的路上,我們會在路邊買杯咖啡,並且依據當天 的交通狀況,我們的談話將會進行半個小時到半個時辰不等;在那些互 相討論與腦力激盪的過程中,很多比賽的臨場計畫都是在這個場合中產 生的,有時候我們會討論籃球或者其他的事情,甚至有時候我就是聽他 一次講完,好讓老人家發洩(>////<)他的情緒,因此當他面對大夥兒的 時候總是神清氣爽不帶任何負面情緒。反正當他講完了我就會問他"那 我們是不是可以換個話題?"總之身為一個總教練,他背負的壓力與情 緒是超乎一般人的想像,因此適度的宣洩(羞)是很重要的。 "At the same time, we know we have to get things done and we are both very tuned in to not missing anything. He felt comfortable turning the defense over to me and I know what he likes, what he wants to get done. I always bring [something] in to coach and say, 'Here's the tentative plan,' and find out what he wants to do. But we cover everything, so we're not blindsided by anything. Mike: 在同樣的場合,我們知道彼此必須去作到一些事情,而且我們會互相監 督以確保沒有任何事情被漏掉。他對於能將防守端的重責大任全權交給 我來處理非常的放心;而我非常熟悉以他的想法,他會希望如何處理才 是妥當的。像是我總是會在執行我的任務之前,先行把草案讓他過目, 以確保他老人家所在意的重點不會被漏掉,而在這個過程當中,我就能 夠摸索Doug對於這些事情的看法與哲學所在,並且藉此學習。不過最重 要的是在這個過程當中,我們可以確保我們的計畫毫無疏漏。 "We're going over everything, so when we get into a game, there's nothing we haven't gone over in depth. Some days, he doesn't want to do some of those things, and some days we have to get that done and I have to tell him we have to get it done. I think it's very unique in what my role is when it comes to working for coach but also being able to work with him. There's certain things I have to make sure that we do. It's fun. I'm always learning from him, and that's what he's about." Mike: 當我們在一起工作的時候,我們能夠克服一切的困難;在我們要進行比 賽之前,這樣的合作模式確保所有的小細節都經過重複的確認。有些時 候,身為老人家也是會想偷懶的,但是有些事情是必須被處理的,因此 我就會提醒他:"老爺子,這些事情不能疏忽阿~"。我認為我的角色非 常的與眾不同,不像一般的助理教練是由上對下接收總教練所交辦下來 的事項,我還有更多的空間去協助並一起處理總教練的工作。有一些很 重要的工作我必須確保我們能辦到,而這個過程非常的有趣;而在這個 過程當中我從老爺子身上學習到很多,並且更瞭解老爺子是個什麼樣子 的教練。 按: 你根本是告白了吧? The two formed their relationship when Curry played for Collins in Detroit. Collins loved Curry's leadership style, but was even more impressed with him as a person. That holds true today. 這兩個人的師生關係是在MoTown建立的,Curry曾經是Collins的得意門 生之一。Doug非常讚場Mike的領導風格;但是更重要的是,Mike不同尋 常的人格特質讓他印象深刻,而過了十五年,這樣的關係至今未變。 "He's like my son," Collins said. A son whom he is happy did not leave the nest. "Mike 就像是我的兒子一樣" - Doug Collins Doug非常開心這個小兒子從來沒有離開過他。 (不忘本的意思)  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 所以 Doug Collins 跟 Michael Curry 是老少配? Aaron McKie: o(><;)o o -- Definitely one of the all-time under-rated sixers. Glad to see him finally getting some league wide recognition the last few years (All-star, All-NBA defense, Team USA). As much as he's been bashed on these boards over the years I'm sure he'll be missed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV0ubjT6eDk
76ers' ACE of Spades in the past Decade, Andre Iguodala #9 forever. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (09/19 17:08)

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