[外電] Depressed Fan: Jrue's Opportunity

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Jrue's Opportunity 一次大展鴻圖的機會:Jrue Holiday的爆發開關 Brian Ward / DepressedFan.com AUG 15, 2012 10:25 AM http://www.depressedfan.com/basketball/sixers/jrues-opportunity.php The first three years of Jrue Holiday's career have been equal parts tease, promise and growth. Unbiased observers could say he's been a disappointment, an overachiever or a burgeoning star without being totally off base. Year four, however, is when the ambiguity needs to end. 如果你要把Jrue的生涯前三年分成三等份,那三成份元素就是哄他長大 、給他機會並看他成長。公正的觀察家們都沒有辦法統一對Jrue的評價 :有的可能會說他令人失望,卻有的人可能會說他超出預期,甚至有人 會說七六人得到了一個迅速成長的明星,而且他們沒有搞錯養成的方向 (看看可憐的Rodney Stuckey..)。總之第四年,這些意義不明的定論必 須要被破除。 If you look at Jrue's career arc on the offensive end statistically, it's not a great picture. There was a jump in his second season, followed by a dip last year. He did make great strides in reducing his turnovers, but that can at least partially be credited to spending less time initiating the offense. I'd be much less hopeful about Jrue's potential if not for the stellar playoff performance (his second chance in the post season, and the second time he out-performed his regular season numbers.) 如果你看了Jrue在進攻端的成長曲線,他絕對不會是一個平順的圖形。 第二年他有了一個爆炸性的持長,但是隨後卻又一根黑K打下來。他的 確在限縮自己的失誤方面有著很不錯的進步,但是也有可能只是因為他 的組織機會被抽離了(按:不要忘記過去三年七六人最好的playmaker叫 做Andre Iguodala)。要不是他在季後賽當了七六人毫無疑問的主角之 一,有著爆炸的表現,我可能就認為他到此為止。(一年的季後賽好, 有可能只是僥倖,就如同Jerome James一樣;連續兩年他在季後賽的成 績都超出了季賽,這顯然就不是巧合。) His scoring regression on the offensive side of the ball can be summed up pretty easily. He took too many long twos (4.2/40 minutes vs. 3.3/40 minutes the previous season) and he didn't get to the free throw line nearly enough. One probably had something to do with the other. 而在得分上的回檔症頭也很明確。他投了太多長中距離(而非三分),二 年級的時候他一場才丟3.3個長中距離,而三年級他丟了四個;另外他 太過遠離罰球線,製造犯規的積極度不夠。而這兩個症頭似乎可以一起 看,他稍微對自己的手感過度自信,而放棄了自己切入的能力與機會。 One thing Jrue proved last season, however, was that his defense is no mirage. He made the leap in a big way and became an elite perimeter defender, both on-the-ball and off-the-ball. Add the defense to his solid three-point shooting and you've got a player whose floor is a viable starter on a contender. The question, and it's a question which should be answered definitively this season, is whether he can be more than that. Whether he can be a pure point guard responsible for running an offense for 30+ minutes/game and possibly score efficiently enough to be a team's #2 scoring option. Whether he can earn something close to the max contract he was rumored to be seeking earlier this summer. 不過上個球季的季賽不代表Jrue一事無成,至少他證明了他的防守能力 絕對不是曇花一現。他朝著成為一個強悍的外圍防守者的目標邁開大步 前進,無論是第一線對上持球者,還是穿越掩體追逐正在cutting的對 手。但是在未來的一年,一個決定性的問題是,他能不能做得比現在還 要更好?當然他可以選擇當一個進攻端至上的控球後衛,搭上他很不錯 甚至可以當第二得分點的得分能力,而不需要擁有拔尖等級的防守;但 是如果他希望能拿到封頂的合約,並且成為球隊不可或缺的支柱,防守 的再進步顯然就是那個長約跟頂級合約的決定性差距。 On the positive side of the ledger, you've got several extended streaks of inspired play throughout his first three seasons, and more excuses than you can shake a stick at. In his rookie season, he was stuck behind Lou Williams at the point for half the year, playing for an imbecile coach in a horrific system. He played for his second coach in as many years as a sophomore, and still put up solid numbers. In his third season, the team had a draconian aversion to turnovers, no training camp and a helter-skelter schedule. Add to that Jrue's age in each of the seasons: 19, 20 and 21. And, of course, for the entirety of his career he's played with a helpless group of bigs. A group who, for the most part, could neither catch nor finish an interior pass to save their lives. On the perimeter, he was surrounded with playmakers, guys his coaches trusted more to initiate the offense (and not turn the ball over). This season, he's got Andrew Bynum to alleviate the first problem, and the team is bereft of alternate options to initiate the offense. 總的來說,有非常多的理由你可以正面看待他明年將可以打得比他前面 三個球季還要好。在他的菜鳥球季他待在Lou的後面,在一個鳥蛋教練 麾下的糟糕系統打得還不錯,也沒有養成任何壞習慣。第二年,他換了 第二個教練,而且他仍然繳出了很漂亮的成績。在他的第三年,球隊像 是全隊感染某種對失誤偏執潔癖,甚至這個數字是在沒有經過訓練營, 並且面對魔鬼賽程所作到的。這些事情Jrue都參了很大的一角,而且不 要忘記這是他在幾歲的時候作到的:19歲、20歲、21歲。而且更不要提 起,他的生涯前面三年索取得的這些成績是在內線並沒有決定性的支援 之下所達成的,有些笨蛋不要說傳進去放不進籃框,甚至連接球都有問 題;另外他的身邊充滿著各式各樣的playmaker,而且其中有些人(按: 這邊指的是Lou跟AI9)是教練較為信任也比較願意授權指揮進攻的球員。 這個球季,他有了電車男孩幫他搞定第一個問題,而再也沒有人可以成 為擋住他第一指揮官的障礙了。 If you're a pessimist, there's certainly an alternative view of Jrue's first three years. Maybe there's a reason Jrue was told to stand in the corner while Iguodala and/or Lou Williams initiated the offense. His failure to get to the line might be more about a lack of explosion near the rim than settling for long twos, maybe settling for long twos is his game. Maybe he lacks the court vision to find guys for easy looks. How you feel about Jrue's potential now is probably directly related to what you thought of him as a prospect three seasons ago. He's shown just enough to stoke the flames of your hopes for him as a player if you were excited by the pick. He hasn't shown enough to change your mind about him if you were down on the pick. Either way, this season should tell us everything. 如果你是個悲觀者,你的確可以從反方向去挑Jrue這三年的骨頭。也許 他在切入與跳投的取捨讓他失去要犯規的能力,也是讓他的順位被排在 AI9跟Lou之後的原因。你也許可以認為他就是個跳投型的球員,你也許 會認為他找到easy basket的視野比不上另外兩個人。不過你現在怎麼 看待他,就跟你當年怎麼看待七六人選入他的態度是有直接的關聯的。 如果當初你對於選擇Jrue Holiday表示興奮,那你今天仍然會是;反之 如果你當初就覺得這個籤沒有辦法讓你滿意,那到現在他的確也還沒有 能夠拿出夠份量的表現去改變你的想法。不過無論你悲觀還是樂觀,這 個球季Jrue是龍是虎,很快就會揭曉。 Iguodala and Lou are gone. The only option for a backup PG is Evan Turner. The team has replaced those guys with catch-and-shoot options who can knock down open threes. Most importantly, he's now got an athletic big man in the middle. A safety valve who he can dump the ball to in the post, run the pick-and-roll with, and find for lobs if the defense collapses on him when he drives. Jrue has gone from a tough situation for a PG to thrive in to a perfect situation. The excuses are all gone now. Iguodala跟Lou都離開了,唯一的替補控球是由Evan Turner負責(按:即 便他是先發二號,但是他將會在輪替當中接手Jrue不控球時的大部分時 間)。球隊找了一批catch 'n shoot的專家,而且這批專家通通有一手 三分。最重要的,他現在有個有活力的內線球員幫助他。他把球扔進去 Andrew Bynum的位置,或者跟其他的內線球員打pnr,而且只要有人在 他切入撕裂防線並且強迫對手做出補防的時候,他能夠把球往上一扔做 出一個漂亮的lob。他將從一個對控球後衛來講最糟糕的陣型轉換到一 個對完全為控球後衛天造地設的陣型。換句話說:阻擋他的絆腳石統統 都不見了。 On the offensive end, expectations for Jrue have to be high this season. I liken his situation to Jameer Nelson's in Orlando. He should have 7 assists/game in his sleep, any worthwhile point guard should average 7 assists with this team. A cornerstone, a Robin to Bynum's Batman? That guy should be nearing double-digit assists, and his scoring numbers should improve as well with the new found floor spacing and focus of the opposing defense shifting to Bynum. 在進攻端,對Jrue的期待普遍都是非常高的。我認為他現在所處的環 境就跟Jameer Nelson過去幾年在奧蘭多所擁有的類似他也許躺在 場上睡覺都有七助攻甚至找Barkley的阿罵來幫忙控下個球季的七 六人,都應該要有七助攻。如果Bynum是杯麵(蝙蝠俠),那身為他的 羅賓,助攻要超過十個才夠看,而且他的得分,得利於對手對於電車 男的防守配置與因此空出來的空間,沒有理由,必須直線上升。 It was easy to find excuses in his first three seasons, now there are none. If Jrue is given the keys to this team and by the end of the year we see a trade for another PG who needs decent minutes, or Turner winds up playing point forward with the first unit for long stretches, well, that's on Jrue. He needs to realize this is a golden opportunity. An opportunity point guards dream of, and he needs to prove from day one he's on his way to becoming an elite PG on both ends of the floor. You don't get better opportunities than this, and I hate to put it bluntly, but if you think you're a max player, Jrue, go out there and prove it. 你很容易找到原因去幫Jrue辯護有關他前面三個球季不盡人意的部份, 但是這些阻礙都已經消失了。如果我們在交易截止日必須去找個控球後 衛吃下後衛的時間,甚至必須讓Turner去打以前Iguodala去打的那個控 球前鋒的時間,那就代表責任就在Jrue身上。他必須瞭解他現在擁有的 是一個真金等級而非K金等級的大好機會。一個所有控球後衛都羨慕的 陣容,而從開季的第一天,他就必須證明他能夠在攻守兩端都成為一個 頂尖的控球後衛。我不喜歡講得這麼白,不過如果你想當一個頂級的球 員(無論是薪水,還是受到頂級的尊敬),Jrue你就必須展現出捨我其誰 的決心,證明給所有的人看。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (09/04 14:25)

09/04 16:08, , 1F
熱火那隻說自己是聯盟前10PG 大家覺得我們這隻排第幾呢??
09/04 16:08, 1F

09/04 17:08, , 2F
09/04 17:08, 2F

09/04 18:24, , 3F
09/04 18:24, 3F

09/04 18:24, , 4F
不過要贏過Mario Chalmers沒有問題lol
09/04 18:24, 4F
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