[外電] Bynum來了,費城HIGH了

看板Sixers作者 (紗之器)時間12年前 (2012/08/15 21:09), 編輯推噓16(16019)
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文長,我重點式光速翻。 這篇深入淺出,迅速點出整起交易的優缺點,等於是懶人包~ http://www.phillyburbs.com/sports/sixers/bynum-energizes-fan-base/article_bc5cff3f-aea9-5a18-a296-2bea9332c689.html http://0rz.tw/l664a Bynum Energizes Fan Base 拜能震撼費城 Posted: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:00 am | Tom Moore The Andrew Bynum trade was a little different for the 76ers in one respect. Unlike in deals going back to the Moses Malone disaster in 1986, and including Charles Barkley and Allen Iverson, the Sixers never ended up with the best player coming or going in a trade. They were always the team trading a star and getting multiple, lesser guys in return. Losing seasons invariably followed close behind. 史上每次大交易,費城都不會拿到最好的球員,通常是送走明星換一堆零錢,但這回 不同。 While Andre Iguodala and Bynum were first-time all-stars last season, Bynum — literally and figuratively — has a much bigger upside and is more of an impact player than Iguodala on the court. For that reason alone, Friday’s blockbuster in which the Sixers acquired Bynum and shooter Jason Richardson for Iguodala, rookie Moe Harkless, second-year big man Nikola Vucevic and a protected future first-round pick was a success. AI跟拜能相比,後者硬是多了點成長潛力,在場上影響力也更大,這交易真是好! Bynum, who — along with Richardson — will be introduced to the Philadelphia media Wednesday afternoon at the National Constitution Center, will give the Sixers low-post scoring and interior defense that they desperately need. His offensive presence should force opponents to double team him and result in more open jumpers for the Sixers. That should make outside shooters Richardson, Nick Young, Jrue Holiday and Dorell Wright more effective. The kid is talented, athletic and huge (7 feet, 285 pounds). 拜能的優點: - 補上七六人最缺的內線進攻和防守 - 間接給外線射手更大空間 - 天生練武奇才 Still, there are some concerns with Bynum. While he is only 24, he’s had surgeries on both knees that were the main reason he missed an average of 31 games in the four seasons from 2007-11. Bynum’s immaturity produced some incidents during his seven-year stint with the Lakers. For one, he was suspended multiple times for hard fouls. Bynum also raised a few eyebrows when, while he was sidelined by a sprained MCL in 2009, he had his picture taken at a pajama party at the Playboy Mansion with a Playmate sitting on his shoulders. 但他不是完美的代名詞: - 過去四年平均因傷缺賽31場 - 中二惡意犯規好幾次 - 09年MCL扭到本來該休息卻到花花公子豪宅跑趴,還拍照證明肩膀上坐了隻兔女郎 The big question about Bynum is if he’ll be a one-year rental or a long-term Sixer after earning $16.5 million in the final year of his contract. Bynum will be the Sixers’ best player and they’ll run the offense through him. He’s also from Central Jersey, having been born and raised in Plainsboro. He played high school ball at St. Joseph of Metuchen. Those factors should help the Sixers’ chances to re-sign Bynum. 進入合約年的拜能,會跟七六人續約,還是打完工就跑?留下來的好處是: - 他當LaoDa,成為進攻中心 - 老家紐澤西很近 The Sixers’ fan base, which hadn’t been thrilled by the previous offseason moves, seems energized by finally having a player of Bynum’s caliber. They’ ve waited six years since Iverson’s departure. Iguodala is a terrific defender and fine all-around player, but not a legitimate scorer or star. And his on-court sulking and dispassionate responses had become quite tiresome. AI走後,費城球迷相隔六年才盼來這樣的巨星。 那小AI呢? - 防守極佳、全方位奇才 - 但沒有得分爆發力和星味 - 場上太過淡定的態度逐漸令人不耐 Next summer, the Sixers can give Bynum a five-year deal worth more than $100 million, which is one year and $20-plus million more than anybody else. If he plays up to his potential and continues to mature, Bynum would be worth every penny. Should it not work out that way, the Sixers could trade Bynum at the February deadline or wait to deal him until after the season in a sign-and-trade scenario. They could also create quite a bit of salary-cap space to use on a free-agent class that’s expected to be strong by allowing him, along with Wright and Young, to leave next summer. 明年夏天,七六人可以給拜能一張總值上億美金的五年合約,硬是比別人多兩千萬。 如果拜能持續成長,他絕對值得。如果沒有,也可以立刻換成巨大的薪資空間,甚至 連Wright和小羊都出清掉,去簽其他的明星自由球員。 In short, the Sixers made the right move by trading for Bynum. 總之,這筆交易,真是好啊真是好。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/15 21:15, , 1F
08/15 21:15, 1F

08/15 21:20, , 2F
08/15 21:20, 2F

08/15 21:22, , 3F
的確在Moses之後七六人第一次換到top talent
08/15 21:22, 3F

08/15 21:23, , 4F
就是這次 Iguodala-Bynum 的案例 (幹過去二十年老闆跟制服
08/15 21:23, 4F

08/15 21:23, , 5F
08/15 21:23, 5F

08/15 21:36, , 6F
08/15 21:36, 6F

08/15 22:06, , 7F
用骨折的瑞特里夫換到木桶柏 算不算有點小搶??
08/15 22:06, 7F

08/15 22:14, , 8F
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08/15 22:15, , 10F
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08/15 22:15, , 11F
08/15 22:15, 11F

08/15 22:16, , 12F
我一直在想,如果當年 Ratliff 不受傷,也許七六人可以強
08/15 22:16, 12F

08/15 22:16, , 13F
08/15 22:16, 13F

08/15 22:21, , 14F
但這個垂垂老矣的球星不但拿了DOP 還讓AI踏上了冠軍戰的殿
08/15 22:21, 14F

08/15 22:21, , 15F
堂 我還是很懷念他的殭屍天鉤跟肉身擋歐肥的勇氣
08/15 22:21, 15F

08/15 22:29, , 16F
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08/15 22:29, , 17F
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08/15 22:41, , 18F
恩 看來費城媒體跟球迷都很nice低 !!
08/15 22:41, 18F

08/15 22:43, , 19F
應該不至於休賽期間 去個賭城玩完 也被橋說不去養傷或訓
08/15 22:43, 19F

08/15 22:43, , 20F
練之類 ....
08/15 22:43, 20F

08/15 22:44, , 21F
08/15 22:44, 21F

08/15 22:46, , 22F
08/15 22:46, 22F

08/15 22:48, , 23F
但其實bynum個性很合球團胃口~季外訓練足 他比較關注自己
08/15 22:48, 23F

08/15 22:49, , 24F
的傷 打不打奧運無所謂XDD
08/15 22:49, 24F

08/15 22:50, , 25F
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08/15 22:53, , 27F
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08/15 22:54, , 28F
高中就開始生涯也去過大城市 回家後也許會不一樣感覺
08/15 22:54, 28F

08/15 22:55, , 29F
08/15 22:55, 29F

08/15 22:55, , 30F
且我想Turner或是Holiday的球迷 應該不會再他們守的人
08/15 22:55, 30F

08/15 22:55, , 31F
08/15 22:55, 31F

08/15 22:56, , 32F
切進來時 說bynum的問題 或是守擋拆時 指著她說補房慢
08/15 22:56, 32F

08/15 22:57, , 33F
當然不會說....回防慢 是他ㄊㄉ有問題XDD
08/15 22:57, 33F

08/15 23:00, , 34F
08/15 23:00, 34F

08/15 23:49, , 35F
08/15 23:49, 35F
文章代碼(AID): #1GAv-Vfk (Sixers)