[轉錄][外電] 爵士球迷給予KK愛的擁抱

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※ [本文轉錄自 UTAH-JAZZ 看板] 作者: maxtail (廢客東尼) 看板: UTAH-JAZZ 標題: [外電] 爵士球迷給予KK愛的擁抱 時間: Wed Jan 2 15:37:27 2008 Jazz fans give ex-Sixer Korver warm welcome to Utah 爵士球迷給予Kover愛的擁抱 By Linda Hamilton Deseret Morning News When she was in high school — in Iowa, girls hoops are huge — Kyle Korver's mother scored 63 points against a conference opponent. The next time her team played that team, she scored 74. 當Korver的老母還是愛荷華州的熱血高校生時, 曾經在一場比賽中攻下63分,而當她下一次遭遇同樣對手時, 她又以一己之力拿下74分。 "I asked her," said the newest Utah Jazzman, "'What were those girls thinking the second time?' She was like, 'They were scared.' 「我問她,第二次又把人家打爆的時候對手有什麼感覺?」 剛報到的爵士新好男孩說:「她說他們好像被嚇壞了...」 "She's a very humble person; it was really funny when she said that," Korver said. 「我老媽一向是個客氣的人,所以她會這麼說我覺得還挺妙的,哈。」 He was born in Los Angeles and lived there until sixth grade, and he "cried for like a week" when his family moved to Pella, Iowa, where his mom grew up and his parents went to college. Korver seems to have a lot of the same quiet Midwestern way about him that he sees in his mother, Laine. K.Korver在洛杉磯出生,並且在那兒念到六年級, 當他爸媽決意搬回愛荷華州的老家時,「我大概整整哭了一個星期。」 由於久居美國中西部,這個地區特有的文靜與安定的氣息, 也反映在這對母子身上。 Growing up in a Christian family filled with pastors from the Reformed Church of America — his grandfather, father and two uncles are pastors — Korver seems a combination of those religious leaders and his quiet but deadly shooting mother. 在祖父、父親與兩個叔叔都是牧師的基督教家庭中長大, Korver給人的感覺就像是牧師與他那位沈默的王牌殺手老母的合體。 Heck, she doesn't even tease Kyle, one of four Korver sons (brothers Kaleb, Klayton, Kirk), about the scoring for which he's known in the NBA, though his career high is only 31 points last February against New York. Korver在去年二月對紐約尼克隊的比賽中拿下生涯新高的31分 — 唔,顯然比不上他老媽的輝煌歷史,不過他老媽倒是沒拿得分這檔事兒開他玩笑過。 註:Kyle是Korver家四兄弟之一, 其他三位分別是Kaleb、Klayton、Kirk。(全家都是KK?!) "No, she doesn't," he said, bringing up the way Iowa girls ball was played for many years, six-on-six, with three as designated offensive players, three designated as defenders and no one allowed to cross the center line. He said his mother averaged 43 points a game. 「嗯,她的確不曾這樣做過。」新好男孩如是說。 這位愛荷華女子籃球的奇女子,生涯平均得分是43分。 "It was a different game. She didn't ever have to play any defense," he said. 「話不能這樣說嘛,她又不用防守。」新好男孩提出抗辯。 註:愛荷華女子籃球的比賽規則是六對六, 其中三個專職進攻球員為一組,另外三個專職防守球員為一組, 彼此都不能跨越中線。(變相三打三?!) While so many in his family are pastors — his parents moved back to Iowa so his father, Kevin, could have his own church — Kyle is content with what he's doing. After all, the whole family plays basketball. His father and four uncles played collegiately, and Mom was the big star. 雖然家族裡有這麼多人從事神職工作, 不過Korver還是很滿意自己最後選擇打職籃。 Korver整個家族打籃球的歷史相較於前者可是不遑多讓, 包括他的父親Kevin(各位觀眾...五個K!)跟四個叔叔伯伯都打過大學籃球, 他老媽剛剛我們也提過了,甚至是個大明星呢! "I do not have the desire to be a pastor, but it's still definitely a big part of my life. I feel like I can spread what I believe without being a pastor," said Korver, known for his charity work in Philadelphia, where he spent his entire five-year NBA career until Saturday, when he was traded to the Jazz for Gordan Giricek and a conditional draft choice. 「我並不想當個全職牧師,不過信仰仍然是我人生中很重要的一部份, 我相信即使我不是牧師,我還是可以散播歡樂散播愛。」 自其職籃生涯伊始,Korver便以熱心從事公益活動而在費城當地著稱, 五年來不曾間歇,直到上個週末他在一筆交易中被換到了猶他爵士隊。 Korver hopes to start some similar charity work in Salt Lake City and keep up with what he's been doing in Philadelphia because it makes him feel good to help others. "I'm not real preachy with my faith, but I try to show it, and hopefully people take notice," he said. Korver希望能在鹽湖城繼續從事他的慈善事業, 同時原本他在費城所做的也不會因此而中止,因為他覺得"助人為快樂之本"。 「我並不是個愛講道的人,我只是把我的愛表現出來, 並希望其他人也能受到啟發。」頭上有著光環的Korver如是說。 He certainly got a good feeling helping out his new teammates Monday night as the Jazz rolled into the new year by stopping the Portland Trail Blazers' 13-game win streak with a 111-101 victory helped in no small part by the 6-foot-7 Korver's 11 points, two blocked shots, two steals, an assist and a rebound, even if he didn't shoot normally (3-for-7). He did make all four of his free throws — he came into the game shooting .912 from the line. He played the entire fourth quarter. 顯然地,Korver明白"為善最樂"的道理在籃球場上一樣行得通, 在禮拜一晚上對拓荒者的比賽中,首度登場的Korver不僅打滿整個第四節, 更以11分、2阻攻、2抄截外加1助攻1籃板的好表現, 幫助他的新隊友拿下勝利,同時也終止拓荒者的13連勝。 Korver got a standing ovation before he even got into the game, with 5:46 left in the first half. In the last 35 seconds, fans began chanting, "Korver, Korver," following it with the familiar clap-clap-clap. Korver在上半場結束前五分多鐘第一次獲得上場機會, 猶他現場觀眾紛紛起立鼓掌歡迎這位新成員的到來。 而最後的35秒,「Korver、Korver」的叫喊與愛的鼓勵更是響徹雲霄。 But then, this guy was even popular in Philadelphia, where he missed his first career shot, and where fans are known to be hard on their own. "I missed it, but I still got a standing ovation because they didn't have anyone that shot threes in a long time, and they were real excited. 不過,這小子當年在費城的初登場,所受到的歡迎可不會比今晚少。 「我生涯第一次出手並沒投進,不過觀眾們還是起立為我鼓掌, 因為當時的七六人已經很久沒有人願意投三分了,所以球迷們都非常興奮。」 "I've been fortunate," he said, noting that when he played collegiately at Creighton in Omaha the fans there were passionate about their team just like Jazz fans. 「我是無敵幸運星。」Korver說。 打他Creighton大學時代開始,球迷們就像今晚的主場觀眾一樣對他寄予厚愛。 The Ashton Kutcher lookalike was once goaded into signing autographs for people who thought he was Demi Moore's young husband at the 2004 NBA All-Star Game in Los Angeles when he participated in the 3-point contest as a rookie. He is passionate about his basketball. 這位長相與電影明星艾希頓庫奇神似的球員, 曾經在2004年洛杉磯明星賽的時候,被誤認是黛咪摩爾的年輕丈夫而被要求簽名。 不過,那時候的他只是個菜鳥,而且他還是去參加三分球大賽的! "Absolutely. I love watching film. I love shooting hoops," he said. 「當然啦,我是愛看電影,不過籃球也是我的最愛!」 In grade school, he had to shoot 3s with both hands. Told by an uncle to use one hand, he selected his left because it was stronger, but two years later, the same uncle saw him doing that and switched him to using his right. In high school, he spun the ball "helicopter-style," and an uncle made him work on backspin instead. 小學的時候,Korver只會用雙手的力氣擲三分, 後來一位叔叔教會他用單手出球,他決定用自己較為有力的左手來練習。 兩年後,同一位叔叔又讓他改用右手練習三分出手。 高中的時候,另一位叔叔則教會他讓球行進時呈後旋轉以避免左右漂浮的方法。 Now he's pumped to have a nice practice facility like the Zions Bank Basketball Center. "The place in Philly was horrible. I could stay in that thing (ZBBC) all day. I don't know anyone else here, so it's not like I've got something else to go do, anywhere else to be, so I'll be there all day." 現在他則把時間跟精力都花在設備超讚的爵士隊練習中心裡。 「我可以整天都待在那兒,因為在鹽湖城我還沒什麼熟人, 所以既沒有非做不可的事情,也沒有非去不可的地方, 所以我會在練習中心裡待個一整天。」我們的天使少年如此說道。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: maxtail 來自: (01/02 16:09)

01/02 15:41,
01/02 15:41

01/02 15:44,
01/02 15:44

01/02 15:46,
有些上色失敗 @@ 推
01/02 15:46

01/02 15:48,
01/02 15:48

01/02 15:51,
修改ANSI色碼中,不好意思 @@
01/02 15:51

01/02 16:04,
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01/02 16:06,
01/02 16:06

01/02 16:23,
01/02 16:23

01/02 16:24,
01/02 16:24

01/02 16:25,
恩..... 很爵士版的外電翻譯 XDDDDDD 全家都是KKKKKKKKKKK
01/02 16:25

01/02 16:38,
01/02 16:38

01/02 17:22,
剛才看到別的文章 連教他投籃逆旋轉的叔叔也是KK
01/02 17:22

01/02 17:39,
說好不提老木的 (誤??)
01/02 17:39

01/02 17:59,
01/02 17:59

01/02 18:13,
01/02 18:13

01/02 20:32,
01/02 20:32
-- ●─○──○─○─○─○──○──○─○-○─○─○-○-○─○────╮往鳳山 南 橋頭 橋頭 青 都會 後 楠梓 油廠 世 左 生態 巨 凹 後 高雄車站 岡 車站 糖廠 埔 公園 勁 加工區 國小 運 營 園區 蛋 子 驛 ←─◎─╯高雄捷運紅線 預定2007.12.31全線通車往西子灣 美麗島 ●────○────○───○───○──○───○────○╯ψKuaTsey 小港 高雄國際機場 草衙 前鎮高中 凱旋 獅甲 三多商圈 中央公園 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/03 06:09, , 1F
瘋子版的翻譯外電出現Kover XD
01/03 06:09, 1F

01/03 08:23, , 2F
01/03 08:23, 2F

01/03 11:07, , 3F
01/03 11:07, 3F

02/09 23:02, , 4F
我是原作 今天才發現標題少打一個r XD
02/09 23:02, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #17UuHoeO (Sixers)