[外電] Korver traded to Utah

看板Sixers作者 (Let go Sixers!)時間16年前 (2007/12/30 12:16), 編輯推噓11(1105)
留言16則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Korver traded to Utah By Jon Burkett | December 29th, 2007 http://0rz.tw/323uL The Sixers traded Kyle Korver to the Utah Jazz today in exchange for Gordon Giricek and a first round draft pick. It was the first trade in the Eddie Stefanski era and one that rocked Sixers nation. Korver was a crowd favorite and figured to be relatively stable since signing his contract in the summer of 2005. 七六人今天將 Kyle Korver 交易到猶他爵士,換來 Gordon Giricek 跟第一輪選秀權。這是 Eddie Stefanski 時代的第一樁交易,也是 驚動七六人球迷的交易。 Korver 是個擁有廣大球迷,且在 05 年簽下 合約之後,被認為地位相當穩固的球員。 This deal makes little sense to me other than the cap flexibility that Stefanski acquired in the deal. Everyone in the league knew that Gordon Giricek played his last game in Utah when he had an altercation with coach Jerry Sloan during a timeout in the December 19th game against the Bobcats. The fact that the Jazz traded him was no surprise. However, getting back Kyle Korver’s contract and giving up a first round pick in the process wasn’t exactly on my radar. 這個合約對我來說除了創造薪資結構空間以外,我不認為 Stefanski 在這個合約裡得到什麼。大家都知道 Giricek 在 12/19 那場比賽中 ,暫停時跟教皇 Jerry Sloan 大小聲之後,就再也沒有機會上場了。 而爵士交易他一點也不令人意外。但是,爵士還在交易中附帶一枚 第一輪選秀權以及負擔 KK 的合約卻是我始料未及的。 For the Jazz, Korver would either be forced to play minutes at shooting guard where his defensive defencies would be further exploited, or take minutes away from Andrei Kirilenko and former Sixer Matt Harpring at the small forward position. With a young Ronnie Brewer asserting himself this season and Morris Almond waiting in the wings and scorching up the D-League, I’m leaning toward the later. Harpring and Kirilenko are on notice. 對爵士而言,Korver 不是被迫打得分後衛這個會暴露出他防守短處 的位置,就是從 AK47 和前七六人球員 Matt Harpring 手上搶下小 前鋒的上場時間。由於年輕的 Ronnie Brewer 已經在這個球季裡, 穩固了他的先發地位,而且旁邊還有在發展聯盟殺翻天的 Morris Almond 虎視眈眈,我想 KK 比較有機會成為後者。 Harpring 和 AK47 得 小心了。 For the Sixers, Giricek doesn’t appear to fit. That first round pick does, however. Girilek will be the poor man’s Korver, and he stands an inch or two shorter and is not as good a shooter as Kyle. For a team pushing to make the playoffs, we just took a step back on paper this season. 對七六人而言,Giricek 顯得格格不入。那枚第一輪還比較有意義, 當然,Giricek 還算是窮人版的 KK,他的射程比 KK 一點點,也不 是那麼好的射手。對一支要搶進季後賽的球隊而言,我們這個球季 有點退回紙上談兵的意味。 Giricek only was playing about 12 minutes a game for Utah. Korver was playing closer to 30 for the Sixers. It figures that Korver will play less for the Jazz and Giricek will play more for the Sixers, although don’t expect both to swap minutes. This moves gives Mo the flexibility and impetus to play Thaddeus Young more in Korver’s wake. Giricek is a shooting guard and not a forward. Thankfully, Young is a forward. Giricek 本季平均只上場 12 分鐘,而 KK 幾乎上場了 30 分鐘。很 明顯的 KK 上場時間會減少而 Giricek 的會變多。不過不要期待兩 個人能夠互換上場時間。這個交易讓 Mo 能夠多用 Thaddeus Young。 Giricek 是個得分後衛而不是前鋒,所幸,Young 是個前鋒阿! This also makes more minutes available for Rodney Carney, like it or not. Of course, the Sixers had a chance to draft Ronnie Brewer at 13, but ended up taking Sefolosha and swapping picks with the Bulls instead. I would have been much happier if the player going to Utah was Carney instead, but with Brewer and Almond, that would make even less sense for them. 這也代表了 Rodney Carney 可能會有更多的時間。當然,七六人曾經 有機會在第一輪第十三順位選 Ronnie Brewer,但是卻挑了 Sefolosha 並且往下跟公牛交換。我寧可看到現在去爵士的是 Carney,不過由於 他們已經有了 Brewer 跟 Almond,所以對他們來說 Carney 幫助不大。 For Stefanski’s first move, this leaves us Sixers fans severely wanting. Korver was part of the identity of this team. For a team that has been finding itself, this move takes the wind out of their sails. You have to figure that there are other moves in the works, with the majority of the roster up for change. According to Phil Jasner, [2] Stefanski hasn’t made up his mind whether or not to trade Miller. He has made up his mind though on Korver. 對 Stefanski 的第一次交易而言,這讓七六人迷更加迫切的希望 Stefanski 還得做些什麼。因為 KK 顯然是這支球隊的代表人物之 一 (吉祥物嗎?XD just kidding, no offense.),對一支正在尋找 方向的球隊,此舉無疑是扯了後腿。你得了解到還有更多的交易 在努力著,這支球隊的陣容仍然有可能繼續變化。根據 Phil Jasner 的報導(就是我上一篇的內容),Stefanski還沒下決心要交易掉 Andre Miller,但是他先下決心交易掉 KK 了。 Kyle will be missed and we wish him the best. We just hope he spares us next Wednesday when the Jazz host the Sixers. The Blazers are up next on Sunday. KK 將會被我們想念,我們也期待他有個美好的未來。我們只希望他 在下星期三對我們的比賽裡手下留情。星期天我們將對上拓荒者。 (這會是 Giricek 首次有機會披掛七六人球衣上陣的機會。) 我的解讀:其實如果有看過 Jon Burke Blog 的人不難理解 Jon 對 KK 的支持,我和 Jon 的看法一致,我們認為 KK 之所以沒辦法在這支球隊 發揮得更好是因為 Cheeks 常常要他打 PF。那不是 KK 該有的位置。當然 Jon 在後面的留言裡表示他認為總地來說還是個好交易啦,不過他還是很喜歡 KK 帶給這支球隊的 (我同意,因為 KK 可以上十大,還有帥臉,Giricek 那老頭 沒有,XD),但是他也補充如果此舉可以讓 L-Will 跟 Young 多發揮,在短期 內未嘗不是好事,畢竟目前主打的陣容仍然太矮小,讓 Young 多上場磨練也是 必要的。 BTW,留言第一個的 Mike44 講得也很有道理,把 KK 拿出去換來一個合約今年到期 的球員表示 Stefanski 的目標不僅僅是吊車尾進季後賽而已 (或許意味著更 有野心的拼圖)。的確是這樣,KK 的薪資拿來當第六人不是不合理,但是或許 這支球隊在 SG 這個位置上太擁擠了。 薪資結構的部份我想留到交易截止日塵埃落定以後再來談,可以確定的是今年 絕對不是 Stefanski 期待的一年,可以打進季後賽很好,但是他的目光應該 在更長遠的未來。 p.s 留言裡頭有個 LA Steve 對 KK 很感冒,所以他覺得 Stefanski 此舉無異於 第一次上場就打了一支全壘打。他之前就有幾次對 KK 的各項能力很不屑。所以如 果有板友點進去被 Steve 氣到,那只是代表你很愛 KK,請別在意,XD。 -- ”I want to win a ring. I want to have the opportunity to get back to the Finals. All that matters is us getting into the playoffs, because then, anything can happen.” ~ Allen Iverson -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jimcal 來自: (12/30 12:27)

12/30 12:28, , 1F
12/30 12:28, 1F

12/30 12:38, , 2F
冷靜下來想確實滿合理的 只是畢竟KK呆了這麼久阿 哭哭
12/30 12:38, 2F

12/30 12:39, , 3F
12/30 12:39, 3F

12/30 12:57, , 4F
12/30 12:57, 4F

12/30 13:07, , 5F
12/30 13:07, 5F

12/30 13:30, , 6F
12/30 13:30, 6F

12/30 15:12, , 7F
12/30 15:12, 7F

12/30 15:13, , 8F
12/30 15:13, 8F

12/30 20:23, , 9F
這就是人參阿 哭哭
12/30 20:23, 9F

12/31 01:12, , 10F
12/31 01:12, 10F

12/31 03:12, , 11F
前幾天才去主場看了場 費城球迷很喜歡KK的說...
12/31 03:12, 11F

12/31 10:40, , 12F
樓上有閃到 XD
12/31 10:40, 12F

12/31 10:58, , 13F
樓上有閃到 XD
12/31 10:58, 13F

12/31 15:51, , 14F
天下無不散的筵席 老大-me-? Iggy你保重 orz
12/31 15:51, 14F

01/02 12:25, , 15F
01/02 12:25, 15F

01/02 12:25, , 16F
01/02 12:25, 16F
gratitude:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ 01/02 12:26
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