[外電] 小綠復出後的完整球季將肩負起更多重擔

看板Sixers作者 (成功嶺後備902旅)時間17年前 (2006/10/20 13:34), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Posted on Tue, Oct. 17, 2006 小綠復出後的完整球季將肩負起更多重擔 For Green, a lot is riding on solid preseason, return By Joe Juliano Inquirer Staff Writer http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/sports/basketball/15775806.htm While his 76ers teammates were going through training camp at this time a year ago, Willie Green was home in Detroit rehabbing his surgically repaired left knee, staying positive, and never doubting that one day he would return. 七六人隊友們去年在訓練營裡頭揮汗苦練時,小綠正在底特律的老家復健他的左膝蓋, 並且保持樂觀,對於自己終將重回七六人固定班底的事從不懷疑。 A little doubt, maybe? 或許有一點懷疑吧? "You can let it cross your mind, but you can't let it stay in your mind," Green said yesterday after practice and an exhausting shooting drill at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. 小綠在昨天於費城大學的骨科醫學院做完操課表上的投球訓練後表示:「你可以讓那個 念頭﹝懷疑自己回不到 Roster﹞閃過腦海,但你不能讓它長駐心頭。」 "When that type of situation happens, you've got to realize why it happened and learn from it. I always say that there is somebody going through worse things than I am. So if they can get through their situations, I can get through mine." 「當有某些狀況發生時,你必須去思考發生的原因並從解決問題中學習成長。我常常會 告訴自己天底下比我更慘的人多的是,如果他們都能度過他們所遭遇的難關、迎刃而解 的話,我當然也能夠解決我的。」 That's all in the past. The 6-foot-3 guard said his knee, which went under the knife in the 2005 off-season, is "definitely 100 percent." 「那全都是過去式了!」這個在 2005 球季外於左膝上動刀的六呎三吋後衛很堅定的說 ,他的膝蓋已經重拾過去的百分之百功力。 Even so, after missing all but the final 10 games of the 2005-06 season, Green knows how important this training camp is for him. He worked on his strength and basketball skills during the summer but did not play while continuing to make his knee sturdier. 即使如此,在上個球季﹝2005-06﹞幾乎錯失整季的小綠最終只打了十場球, 他很明白 今年的訓練營對他來說有多麼重要。所以他在這個夏天努力的勤作重量訓練和加強自己 的基本動作,但是也為了使他的膝蓋更健康﹝避免受傷﹞而暫時不踏上球場比賽。 So the preseason has a multiple purpose for him. 所以這個球季之前小綠下定了很大的決心和目標。 "My goal is just to get better and do the things that the coaches ask and implement them in a game," said Green, who signed a five-year, $17 million contract in July. "This training camp and preseason, my whole focus is not just to try to score but to really jell with my teammates, learn the offense and defense, and take it up another notch come game time. 在今年七月剛與七六人簽下一紙五年 1700 萬美元合約的小綠說:「我的目標就是不斷 進步,而且做好所有教練交代我、要求我在球場上實現的工作。 在今年的訓練營和季 前熱身賽,我的焦點不再只是拼了命去取分,而是去融入、配合我的隊友們,並學習著 更多的攻守技能,藉此來贏得更多上場的時間。」 "I didn't really get a chance to play all summer, so I'm using this month to get in game shape." 「我今年沒辦法整個夏天都上場實戰,因此我得利用這個月盡快找回球場上的感覺。」 Maurice Cheeks likes the fact that Green is staying aggressive at both ends of the court. The Sixers coach looks for him to play more of a combination-guard role this season. Cheeks很高興小綠能在攻守兩端都擁有高度的積極性,這讓這位七六人的總教練嘗試想 讓小綠在這個球季中多扮演雙能衛的角色。 "I talked to him about not necessarily pigeonholing himself into a point-guard position because he's not just a point guard," Cheeks said. "He's a guy who can score the ball, defend the ball, and run some offense. So he's not a guy that just settles in at one position." 「我告訴他別把自己僅僅定位在控球後衛的角色,因為他不只是一個控衛,」Cheeks說 「小綠他是一個能投射、能防守、能切入攻擊的球員,所以他不該把自己限定在某一個 定位上而綁手綁腳。」 Green has started alongside Allen Iverson in each of the Sixers' first four preseason games. Iverson seems to like that lineup, saying after Saturday's contest that he likes "the aggressive mentality that [Green] has. It just makes it that much easier for me, and it just gives us another option." 小綠在截至目前為止的四場季前熱身賽都與 AI 共同擔綱演出七六人的先發後場,小艾 似乎挺喜歡這樣的先發陣容,甚至在週六的比賽後:「我喜愛小綠【積極且有智慧的球 風】,他讓我在場上打球輕鬆許多,也提供球隊另一個攻擊的選擇。」 Green has struggled with his shot in the early going, hitting on less than 32 percent of his field-goal tries in just 17 minutes of action per game. But he thinks that will improve in time. 小綠努力的加強他在比賽中的得分侵略性,目前他每場平均 17 分鐘的先發上場時間內 嘗試自己出手的比率低於三成二。不過他認為在開季之前這個問題可以及時改善。 He is no longer wearing the big knee brace he had to wear last season. Playing more freely will enable him to drive to the basket as he did before the injury. 他也不用再穿上一季比賽時穿戴在左膝上個那個大護具,他將能夠更了無負擔地去做那 些他在受傷之前常做的精采動作。 "I was able to compete [last season], but I wasn't my full self," he said. "This year, I'm back to normal. I can do all the things I did before, and I'm not really thinking about it. I can just go out and play." 「上個球季我可以上場比賽,但是當時因傷所困的我並沒辦法發揮所有能力,」小綠說 「今年我已經完全恢復如往昔。我可以作出任何過去曾在球場上做出的事,而且真的不 會再擔心我的膝蓋;我已經蓄勢待發隨時準備好上場大開殺戒了。」 He appreciates that. 小綠很感激這段過程帶來的一切。 "It's a big difference," he said. "A year ago, I was at home rehabbing and not knowing what my future was going to be in the NBA. But I was always staying positive, staying humble about it. So my whole mind-set is, I'm thankful, but now it's time to pick it up and take it to another notch come Nov. 1." 「這真的有很大的不同,」小綠說:「一年前,我只能呆在底特律的老家復健,對自己 未來在 NBA的方向一無所知,但是我仍舊要自己保持自信以及謙虛的良好態度。所以我 現在內心是充滿感激的,現在該是我拋掉包袱、邁開步伐跨進十一月一日即將到來的球 季的時候了。」 Notes. Green made a significant donation to his alma mater, Detroit Mercy, for the renovation of what is now the Willie Green Men's Basketball Locker Room at the school... . Cheeks and his players will host 65 students from Overbrook Elementary School this morning at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine when the Sixers tip off their "Read to Achieve" initiative. 小綠捐款給他的母校 Detroit Mercy,資助他們整修目前命名為「the Willie Green Men's Basketball Locker Room」的球隊休息室。 在今天早上 NBA的社區「主動閱讀」活動中, Cheeks 帶著他的球員在費城大學的骨科 學院與來自 Overbrook 國小的 65 位學生見面。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact staff writer Joe Juliano at 215-854-4494 or jjuliano@phillynews.com. -- "Squeeze an orange, and you get orange juice. Put anything under pressure, and you get what's inside." ~ said Pat Riley. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: changyiyao 來自: (10/20 15:39)

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