[外電] Green pastures ahead for Sixer 

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Green pastures ahead for Sixer 小綠為七六人持續復健‧勇往直前 By TOM MOORE phillyBurbs.com http://www.phillyburbs.com/pb-dyn/news/100-05102006-654128.html For Willie Green, returning to the NBA seven months after tearing his anterior cruciate ligament was something of a statement. 小綠膝蓋的前十字韌帶在經歷過猛烈的撕裂傷後七個月就能重返 NBA的球場,這 簡直就是一個傳奇故事。 In effect, Green wanted to demonstrate that while he may have been as advanced, physically, as he expects to be by the start of training camp in October, he was far enough along to contribute at the NBA level barely half a year after major knee surgery. 其實小綠一直就想證明他有先發的能耐;而實際上,在他經過這麼大的膝蓋手術 後,還能在 NBA賽場上做出遠大於球迷們期待的貢獻,可以預料的是在十月的訓 練營中,他肯定會在先發名單中佔有一席之地。 “I think it was a combination of showing I can come back from this and mentally, growing my confidence,” Green said. “A lot of people wrote me off like I wasn't going to be able to come back this year. I showed that even though I wasn't 100 percent, I could get back and be productive. That was my whole thing.” 「我認為能從這麼大的運動傷害中重返球場,已顯示我的信心有莫大的成長,」 小綠如是說。「許多人都把我從費城今年的球員名單中剔除,認為我今年不可能 會回來;而我的表現告訴他們,即使我的狀況沒有恢復到百分之百,我仍舊可以 回到球場上並對球隊做出許多貢獻。這就是我成長的自信。」 The experience taught him a great deal about the importance of patience, resolve and faith. He also learned a practical lesson — 5-on-5 scrimmaging will be rare in 2006 after he hurt his knee playing summer league ball last July in his native Detroit, costing him a five-year, $17 million contract. 這次的傷痛經驗教會小綠「耐心、決心以及信念」的重要性;此外他也上了非常 實際的一門課 -- 在去年七月他參加家鄉(底特律)一個無關痛癢的夏季聯盟中 ,傷到了他的寶貴膝蓋後,在 2006 年還能親自上陣去參加五打五的激烈比賽的 機會是極其稀少的,而這同時讓他失去了一筆五年 1700 萬美元的合約。 “I don't think you really know what type of person you are and what you're capable of doing until you go through some kind of struggles,” Green said. “ Nobody wants to go through bad situations, but when you do, you know you can come out of it. I know I could get through it if I attack the situation. Don't get down on yourself. It happens for a reason.我認為唯有在經歷過許多人生中不可避免的競爭、拼鬥與掙扎,人們才能夠真 正清楚自己是哪一種人,以及自己的能力顛峰位於何處,」小綠說。「沒有人會 想經歷這些糟糕透頂的遭遇,但是當你身陷其中時,你要知道你得去面對它。我 知道只要我正視這些所謂的人生低潮,我就能從當中走出來。 千萬別讓自己太 過低落,事情的發生都一定有他的原因滴。」 “It was tough, but there's something in me that said, "I'm not going to quit.' I just kept going at it every day.” 「在復健的那段時間真的很艱苦很難熬,但是我的心裡一直有一句話盤旋迴繞著 :『我才不打算退縮!』我就這樣每天死守這個信念持續復健。」 Green averaged 7.0 points and 15.3 minutes in 10 games and provided offense off the bench for the Sixers. His scoring total was close to his career-best 7.7 points in 2004-05. 小綠在這個球季的最後十場比賽平均每場上場 15.3 分鐘,為費城七六人的板凳 挹注平均每場 7.0 分的攻擊火力。這個得分效率已經相當接近他在 2004-05 球 季所創造的生涯單季平均得分新高 - 7.7 分。 With a summer of accelerated rehabilitation and workouts, Green anticipates being more athletic and more explosive — and he said Tuesday he has already been cleared to ditch the bulky black knee brace he had to wear. 隨著這個夏天速度倍增的復原狀態和日漸激烈的訓練,小綠在球場上預期將會更 加活躍且饒富爆發力;而且在這個禮拜二他正式對外宣佈,他已經確定可以把他 那個龐大笨重的膝蓋護具丟掉了。 “It's going to be a huge jump,” said Green, a 6-foot-3 guard. “I'm just so motivated, man. I'm just going to continue what I was doing after surgery — getting better, getting my knee stronger and just concentrating on where I want to be, as far as my goals for next season.” 「這勢必會是一個重大的突破,」六呎三吋的後衛小綠信誓旦旦地這麼說。「我 現在可是處於亢奮狀態的,老兄。我現在只想繼續做那些我剛受傷時持續不斷的 復健療程,好讓我的膝蓋恢復過往的強壯,並且把我所有的注意力集中在我想做 的一切 -- 我的目標就是下個球季。 One of those goals is to return with the Sixers, who went 38-44 and missed qualifying for the playoffs by three games. 小綠的其中一個目標,就是幫助本季 38 勝 44 敗,因為三場比賽而錯失季後賽 資格的費城七六人,在下一個球季重返東區八強。 Green signed for the final month of the 2005-06 season at the pro-rated third-year minimum ($183,800), with a player option for next year at the fourth-year minimum of $771,300. 小綠在 2005-06這個球季的最後一個月重返戰場,他僅僅領取擁有三年資歷球員 的最低薪資 -- 十八萬多美金($183,800);而且他下個球季在七六人也只能拿 到四年資歷球員的最低年薪 -- 七十七萬多美金($771,300)。 Neither the Sixers nor Green expects him to play for that amount, but it allows the Sixers to retain the right to match any team's offer for Green. 即使七六人隊擁有跟隨其他隊伍報出的價碼就能留下小綠的權利,七六人和小綠 本身都不希望會為了錢而失去主雇關係。 Team president Billy King said Monday that he believes Green will return to the Sixers, which is fine with Green. 七六人隊的總管老王在禮拜一受訪時就曾說,他相信小綠一定會回到七六人,這 對他是再適合不過的一個決定。 “I definitely want to be back,” Green said. “I see the youth that we have and I think that this team is definitely going to grow. We've got guys that can come in and do a lot of damage out on the floor. 「我確認我很想回來這個球隊,」小綠說。「我看到隊伍中出現了許多有潛力的 年輕人,我們有許多能上場並且為球隊發揮作用的球員,因此我堅信這支隊伍會 持續的有所成長、進步。」 “I want to be a part of Philly and I want to win here.” 「我以身為費城的一份子為榮,而且,我想跟這個地方的所有人鬥陣贏球。」 ‧ Tom Moore can be reached at (215) 345-3070 or tmoore@phillyBurbs.com. -- "Squeeze an orange, and you get orange juice. Put anything under pressure, and you get what's inside." ~ said Pat Riley. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: changyiyao 來自: (05/14 17:51)

05/14 18:19, , 1F
狂推小綠 張義耀大您回來啦 11
05/14 18:19, 1F

05/14 18:37, , 2F
05/14 18:37, 2F

05/14 20:42, , 3F
05/14 20:42, 3F

05/14 22:03, , 4F
05/14 22:03, 4F

05/14 22:04, , 5F
05/14 22:04, 5F

05/14 22:49, , 6F
推翻譯跟小綠 小綠要加油喔!!!!!!
05/14 22:49, 6F

05/15 00:03, , 7F
推小綠 一年300萬你以後一定拿的到的
05/15 00:03, 7F

05/15 18:50, , 8F
推一個 希望小綠同時可以帶來後場防守
05/15 18:50, 8F
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