[外電] Maybe it's time for the Sixers to st …

看板Sixers作者 (Go go Sixers!)時間18年前 (2006/04/27 10:34), 編輯推噓16(1600)
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Posted on Sun, Apr. 23, 2006 Maybe it's time for the Sixers to start over 讓我們重新開始吧! "We're going to do whatever it takes," vowed Billy King. "我們將開始進行我們該做的事。" King 鄭重地宣告。 Will he trade Allen Iverson, Chris Webber, both - or neither? 他會把 Allen Iverson,Chris Webber 都交易出去嗎?或者都不會? By Joe Juliano Inquirer Staff Writer http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/sports/basketball/14405752.htm When discussing his off-season plans for the 76ers last week, team president and general manager Billy King used the word build and added, "If it takes rebuilding, we will." 當上個禮拜被問到他在季後為球隊所計畫的一切,球隊總管 Billy King 提到了 "重建"與"補強"的字眼。"如果我們得重建,我們就會那麼做。" Well, after a 38-44 regular season and no postseason for the second time in three years, the Sixers need to do some major rebuilding, or maybe even blow up the roster and start from scratch. Of the 30 teams in the NBA, the Sixers were easily among the biggest, if not the biggest, underachievers in the league. 好吧,在這季38勝44敗的戰績以及三年內第二次錯過季後賽之後,七六人的確需要 一些重大的重建工作,甚至砍掉重練,重新擘畫未來。NBA三十隊之中,七六人絕對 是最令人失望,就算不是最令人失望,也絕對是令人失望的隊伍之一。 This was a team that was absolutely horrendous on defense, finishing 22d or worse in three key categories - scoring defense, field-goal percentage defense and rebounding margin, a deficiency that kept them from closing out games they should have won. 這支隊伍防守糟糕的程度令人昨舌,在三項關鍵項目上-- 對手得分、對手命中率、 與對手的籃板差,都在聯盟第22名之後,這是為什麼他們總輸掉他們應該贏的球賽。 To make matters worse, the Sixers showed an alarming lack of cohesiveness and chemistry throughout the season, particularly after their crushing March 5 defeat at home by Indiana launched a 4-13 slide that knocked them out of playoff contention. 更糟的是,七六人球隊裡的化學作用似乎亮起紅燈,特別是在三月五號在家裡被 溜馬擊敗之後,4勝13敗的低潮讓他們被甩出季後賽之列。 Clearly, King did not give first-year coach Maurice Cheeks enough pieces to succeed with, and he lost valuable veteran leadership when he unloaded Aaron McKie and Marc Jackson. 很明顯地, King 沒有給第一年執教的 Maurice Cheeks 夠好的陣容,而且他丟了 有價值的老將,包括 Aaron McKie 和 Marc Jackson。 So big changes have to be made. King told reporters that his team will "revamp our approach... and become more defensive oriented." He said he won't be afraid to make tough decisions, and the toughest he faces this summer is what to do with Allen Iverson and Chris Webber. 因此大改變是必須的。 King 告訴記者他的球隊會"改頭換面...並且變成更注重 防守面向的球隊。" 他說他不怕做艱難的決定,而他這個暑假所要面對最艱難的 問題,就是到底要如何處置 Allen Iverson 和 Chris Webber。 Does he trade one, or both, or neither? 他會交易其中一個,兩個都交易,或是都不會? Webber, 33, has a contract that is virtually untradable. He is expected to pick up his player option for next season at $20.7 million, and he'll make $22.3 million the following season, the final year of his contract. 33歲的 Webber,基本上他的合約是沒辦法交易的。他預期將執行他的球員選擇權 --下個球季,價值 20.7M,而他將會在後年,也就是合約的最後一年,拿到 22.3M。 Iverson, who turns 31 in June, has three years and more than $60 million left on his deal, including a salary of nearly $18.3 million for next season. That's a big number for any general manager to want to bring in, as with Webber. 在六月要滿31歲的 Iverson,合約還有三年超過 60M,包括下季約 18.3M的合約。 這對任何想要交易的總管來說都是很大一筆數字,Webber的也是。 King, however, said he won't be limited by the salary cap even if the Sixers will be over it next season. He said that since there are "three, maybe four" teams under the cap, teams that are over will be looking for creative ways to unload players. 然而,King 表示他不會為薪資上限所限,即使七六人會在下一季超過它。他說 因為只有"三或四支球隊會在薪資上限之下,超過薪資上限的球隊都會想盡辦法來 擺脫(一些大合約的)球員。" He suggested that no one was untouchable if the right deal was out there. That includes Iverson and Webber as well as the young nucleus of Samuel Dalembert, Kyle Korver and Andre Iguodala, all of whom provided their share of disappointing play during the season. 他暗示當有個好的交易提案出現,沒有誰是不能交易的。那個"誰"包括 Iverson 和 Webber 以及年輕的主力 Samuel Dalembert、Kyle Korver、和 Andre Iguodala -- 這些都是在球季中有過令人失望表現的球員。 "We're going to do whatever it takes to get us back on track," King said. "To sit here right now and to have a clear path of exactly how we're going to do it, it's hard to say." "現在坐在這的我,很難明確說出我們未來將要做的是這些或哪些," King 表示。 "但是我們將不計代價地讓球隊重新上軌道。" For starters, unrestricted free agents Michael Bradley and Matt Barnes probably won't be back. If John Salmons, who, like forward Shavlik Randolph, is a restricted free agent, gets a good offer from another team, the Sixers won't likely match it. 相較於先發球員,未受限制的自由球員 Michael Bradley 和 Matt Barnes 可能 不會再回來。就算是受限制的自由球員,包括 John Salmons,或者是前鋒 Shavlik Randolph,有其他隊伍提出好的價碼,七六人可能也不會去競價。 Unless the Sixers get lucky in the lottery, they will have the 13th pick of a relatively weak draft. The NBA's free-agent class, headed by Atlanta's Al Harrington and Indiana's Peja Stojakovic, is not a strong one, and King would have to work a sign-and-trade deal to get either of them. 除非七六人在樂透籤上有很好的運氣 (事實上他們的狀元籤機率只有6/1000,以 目前的順位來看,七六人應該是第一輪第十三位。第二輪是42或43順位,端看騎士隊 要那個順位。) ,但是第十三順位真的是個相對弱的順位。本季的自由市場,由 老鷹的 Al Harrington 和 溜馬的 Peja Stojakovic 所代表的,也實在不是個 好市場,而除非 King 要用先簽後換的方式得到他們。 The Sixers have a midlevel exception of $5 million to work with in the off-season as well as a $4.45 million trade exception they got in the Jackson deal to New Jersey. 七六人有個中產等級的 exception 大約 5M 可以運用,另外還有得自於 Jackson 交易 案 4.45M 的 Trade Player Exception。 King said he has targeted "40 or 50 guys" in whom he may have interest for next season. He said if his staff feels that one or more than one of those players can help, they'll offer their team a deal, and "then we'll evaluate if that's good for this organization to make that decision." King 說他已經瞄準了 "40 到 50 個球員" (喵地,組小聯盟嗎?) 他下一季 有興趣的球員。他說如果他的手下認為其中有誰能夠對球隊提供幫助,他們就 會向該隊提出交易案,並且他們也會衡量做這個決定是不是對這個組織是好事。 Amid the frustration and disappointment of a lost season, one that ended with the fiasco of Iverson and Webber showing up late on Fan Appreciation Night, King must make enough positive change to impress the team's dwindling fan base. 這個被挫折以及失望包圍的球季,結尾於丟臉的主將缺席事件--Iverson 和 Webber 同在 "球迷回饋日" 比賽遲到, King 必須對此做出正面的改變來 讓球隊漸漸流失的球迷留下好的印象。 The Sixers' attendance this season dropped 7.6 percent from the previous year, to an average of 16,519. The total is 19.7 percent less than the record average of 20,560 that turned out in the 2001-02 season. 七六人本季的入場球迷比起去年下降了7.6%,平均只有16519人。總數比起01-02球季 的20560人少了19.7%。 Change has to mean that an effective defense has been put in place. The Sixers cannot spend another season watching players blow by them for layups or stand open on the perimeter drilling jumpers if they want fans to come out, and if they want to avoid an early end to their season once again. 改變必須意味著有效率的防守出現在球隊裡。七六人不能再花另一個球季看著 別的球員用上籃或著站在周圍暴露出的大空檔跳投來摧毀他們,如果他們還希望 球迷進場看球,如果他們還希望不要再提早放暑假。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact staff writer Joe Juliano at 215-854-4494 or jjuliano@phillynews.com. -- ”I want to win a ring. I want to have the opportunity to get back to the Finals. All that matters is us getting into the playoffs, because then, anything can happen.” ~ Allen Iverson -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/27 11:42, , 1F
看完說服自己要相信老王的一推 辛苦了:P
04/27 11:42, 1F

04/27 11:52, , 2F
04/27 11:52, 2F

04/27 12:12, , 3F
04/27 12:12, 3F

04/27 12:16, , 4F
04/27 12:16, 4F

04/27 12:35, , 5F
04/27 12:35, 5F

04/27 13:15, , 6F
感想是: 老王一樣的白癡
04/27 13:15, 6F

04/27 13:28, , 7F
把小AI跟AI交易走 就真的腦殘了...
04/27 13:28, 7F

04/27 13:29, , 8F
換換換 把那個死腦殘換掉啦...
04/27 13:29, 8F

04/27 14:45, , 9F
大推 我真的覺得唯一該換的就是老王
04/27 14:45, 9F
※ 編輯: jimcal 來自: (04/27 15:56)

04/27 16:40, , 10F
04/27 16:40, 10F

04/27 19:55, , 11F
04/27 19:55, 11F

04/27 21:20, , 12F
拜託別把AI換走 其他不管...(這樣會被小ai揍嗎T__T)
04/27 21:20, 12F

04/27 23:38, , 13F
04/27 23:38, 13F

04/28 03:11, , 14F
04/28 03:11, 14F

04/28 10:51, , 15F
翻得很順. 真是感謝.. 連"砍掉重練"用得也蠻達意的...
04/28 10:51, 15F

05/01 21:48, , 16F
05/01 21:48, 16F
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