Excluding AI D-grading (舊文)

看板Sixers作者 (紗之器)時間18年前 (2006/03/09 20:42), 編輯推噓10(1004)
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這是稍早專欄作家針對小艾未進入初選名單的分析,大家不妨一看。 -- Posted on Thu, Mar. 02, 2006 John Smallwood | Excluding AI D-grading 失去「艾」,美國隊保「守」 http://www.macon.com/mld/philly/sports/basketball/13996499.htm Let's get the gripe out of the way first. 先把我們的不滿說在前頭。 USA Basketball should have included Allen Iverson on its preliminary roster for 2006 World Championships and 2008 Olympic teams. 美國男籃代表隊應該在2006世界錦標賽和2008奧運代表隊的初選名單上加入Allen Iverson這個名字。 Since the list of 22 players that ESPN.com said it confirmed through NBA sources is not the final roster, Iverson, the United States' best representative in 2004, deserved the courtesy of being invited to try out. ESPN透過NBA消息來源所蒐集的22名球員名單,既然並不是最後名單,那麼2004年 最突出的美國球員Iverson,就理應受到邀請參加測試。 But if you think about what USA Basketball said it wanted to do after finishing with a disappointing bronze in Athens, Greece, and if you look at the list of invitees, you understand that Iverson really was just spared a waste of time. 不過,如果仔細想想,在希臘奧運僅以銅牌作收的美國隊曾經表達過什麼樣的未 來方針,再看看受邀的球員名單,就不難瞭解,為什麼Iverson就算參加也是浪費 時間。 Despite his talent, popularity and willingness to compete, The Answer would have little chance of making the final roster of 12. 雖然「答案」的天分、人氣和企圖心兼具,他想進入最後12人名單可說是難上加 難。 His strengths don't necessarily match what Team USA wants to do, and his weaknesses are near the top of things it wants to avoid. 他的優勢並不一定符合美國隊的需求,而他的弱勢卻正是美國隊所急於避免的。 The Olympic bronze and the failure to medal at the 2002 World Championships in Indianapolis convinced USA Basketball that a collection of stars is not the way to go. 2004奧運僅僅獲銅、2002世錦賽甚至掉出前三,在在讓美國隊瞭解到:集合一群 明星球員並非明智之舉。 The United States will now assemble the correct blend of stars, reserves and role players. 美國現在將會依照正確的配方來組隊--包括明星、板凳和功能性球員。 And with Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski slated to guide the team, it's not hard to figure which team will be the blueprint. 再加上肩負指揮任務的是杜克名教頭Coach K,不難想像代表隊的藍圖為何。 Unselfish team play and commitment to defense are the constants that have made Coach K's program the most successful one in college over the last two decades. 無私的團隊合作以及紮實的防守,一向是K教練的子弟兵在過去二十餘年中,成 為大學籃賽乘勝軍的主因。 Since neither is Iverson's strongest trait, USA Basketball feels as if it doesn't need Iverson, and, as crazy as it sounds, it might be right. 既然兩者都不是Iverson的強項,美國隊便不將他視為候選人之一,而且--雖然 這麼說可能十分荒唐--這個選擇也許是對的。 With seven of the NBA's top eight scorers invited, Team USA will be overloaded with the one thing Iverson does best - score. NBA名列得分榜的前八名中有七人受邀,因此美國隊在Iverson的最大武器--得分 能力上,已經呈現超載。 Los Angeles Laker Kobe Bryant, Cleveland's LeBron James, and Miami's Dwyane Wade, however, are more efficient and versatile scorers than Iverson. All three are taller than Iverson and none present the defensive liabilities he does. 洛杉磯湖人的Kobe Bryant、克里夫蘭的LeBron James和邁阿密的Dwayne Wade等 ,卻在得分效率和手段上超過Iverson。三人都比Iverson高、也都不會成為防守 上的弱點。 They will be the trio of stars around which this team will orbit. 這三位明星球員將成為這支隊伍的運作核心。 Milwaukee's Michael Redd, Seattle's Luke Ridnour and Duke senior J.J. Redick, who is expected to be invited to the training camp, would give the United States the consistent outside shooting it devastatingly lacked in Athens. 密爾瓦基的Michael Redd、西雅圖的Luke Ridnour和預期將受邀的杜克大四生J.J. Redick,將會賦予美國隊在雅典嚴重缺乏的穩定外線火力。 Nobody at the Olympics bothered guarding the USA beyond the three-point arc, but Redd - and Redick, yes Redick - will have to be paid attention to. 那次的奧運中根本沒有人針對美國隊在三分線以外進行防守,但是Redd--還有 Redick,尤其是Redick--絕對需要加以看管。 And while there isn't a traditional point guard among the invitees, Detroit's Chauncey Billups, Washington's Gilbert Arenas and New Orleans/Oklahoma City rookie Chris Paul are three of the top decision-makers in the NBA. 在受邀名單上,雖然沒有任何傳統控衛,但底特律的Chauncey Billups、華盛頓 的Gilbert Arenas和新奧爾良/奧克拉荷馬市的新人Chris Paul可說是NBA中三個 相當出色的指揮官。 Since Wade can also play point and James is a natural ballhandler and passer, Billups might be the only official point guard on the roster. 況且,在Wade也可以控球、James也有控球和傳球天分的情況下,整個名單上掛 名控球後衛的,可能只有Billups一人。 Basically, Team USA doesn't need Iverson as a scoring guard and has better choices as point guards. 基本上,美國隊不需要Iverson打得分後衛,在控球後衛上也有更好的人選。 Sure, the United States would love to have Tim Duncan and/or Shaquille O'Neal, but in the absence of America's most dominant big man, the frontcourt will go with youth, quickness and athleticism. 當然,如果Tim Duncan和Shaquille O'Neal的其中之一或兩者同時能夠加入,美 國隊將非常歡迎,不過在全美最具主宰力的大個子缺席的條件下,前場球員將以 年輕、速度和體能應戰。 Don't be surprised to see the youngsters Dwight Howard, of Orlando, Chris Bosh, of Toronto, and Amare Stoudamire, of Phoenix, as the linchpins of the U.S. frontcourt. 因此,當你看到奧蘭多的Dwight Howard、多倫多的Chris Bosh和鳳凰城的Amare Stoudamire等年輕球員成為美國隊的前場支柱時,不需感到驚訝。 If Krzyzewski decides he lacks bulk up front, Sacramento center Brad Miller is a wide body who doesn't command the ball on offense, but will rebound and play physical defense. 如果K教練認為鋒線的身材不夠高壯,那麼沙加緬度的中鋒Brad Miller在進攻時 不會貪球,防守時又能鞏固籃板和提供強度。 If Denver's Carmelo Anthony and Boston's Paul Pierce can accept coming off the bench, they might be able to beat out Los Angeles Clipper Elton Brand, who has the advantage of being Coach K's disciple at Duke. 假設丹佛的Carmelo Anthony和波士頓的Paul Pierce能夠接受板凳球員的身份, 那麼雖然洛杉磯快艇的Elton Brand曾經在K教練手下,他們也能夠取代他進入最 後名單。 Two of the most interesting names on the preliminary roster are Memphis' Shane Battier and San Antonio's Bruce Bowen. One of these defensive stalwarts might find his way on the team for the expressed purpose of stopping someone like Argentina's Manu Ginobli from going off against the United States as he did in both the Worlds and Olympics. 初選名單上最有意思的兩個名字是曼菲斯的Shane Battier和聖安東尼奧的Bruce Bowen。這兩位防守專家,可能會因為美國隊需要防堵類似阿根廷的Manu Ginobli 這種球員,而榜上有名,畢竟在世錦賽和奧運兩賽事中他都讓美國隊吃了不少苦 頭。 Since putting together an All-Star team no longer works for the United States, USA Basketball will see how putting together a real one does. 看來,既然一支全明星隊伍並不能為美國男籃帶來勝利,那麼他們將會組一支真正 的籃球隊,來看看這次能走多遠。 Send e-mail to smallwj@phillynews.com. For recent columns, go to http://go.philly.com/smallwood.' -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hanway 來自: (03/09 22:26)

03/09 22:51, , 1F
03/09 22:51, 1F

03/10 00:06, , 2F
推翻譯 只是AI總是用那聯盟排前幾名小的體型一直挑戰不可能
03/10 00:06, 2F

03/10 00:10, , 3F
03/10 00:10, 3F

03/10 00:14, , 4F
03/10 00:14, 4F

03/10 00:15, , 5F
03/10 00:15, 5F

03/10 00:17, , 6F
美國就是愛面子 不過 我們也只是愛看AI有好表現XD
03/10 00:17, 6F

03/10 00:28, , 7F
我是支持AI的...但說真的 AI防守不算好吧@@
03/10 00:28, 7F

03/10 00:28, , 8F
然後最主要還是身材的劣勢吧 且AI以賭博性防守居多(抄截)
03/10 00:28, 8F

03/10 00:36, , 9F
03/10 00:36, 9F

03/10 10:28, , 10F
03/10 10:28, 10F

03/10 15:44, , 11F
03/10 15:44, 11F

03/10 15:46, , 12F
03/10 15:46, 12F

03/10 20:11, , 13F
03/10 20:11, 13F

03/10 21:09, , 14F
身材劣勢 該GM正以最身材劣勢的隊形大殺四方 XD
03/10 21:09, 14F
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