[外電] Trade Iverson? A nutty notion

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David Aldridge|Trade Iverson? A nutty notion 交易Iverson?這是個不智的想法。 By David Aldridge Inquirer Staff Writer Posted on Sat, Feb. 11, 2006 The 76ers' problems lie elsewhere, not with the superstar 七六人的問題在於別的部份,而不是這位超級巨星。 I have listened and read with the greatest of interest in the last few weeks as folks in these pages and on the airwaves have introduced the idea into the local zeitgeist that the Sixers should consider trading Allen Iverson. 近幾個禮拜以來,我和優秀的同行朋友,聽到、讀到各位在網路或廣播上, 把討論七六人應該考慮交易Allen Iverson的想法,介紹到當地球迷思維裡。 The hypothesis, if I have listened and read carefully, goes like this: The team isn't going anywhere, and Iverson has lost his ability to draw fans to the Wachovia Center, so why not package him for a bunch of players and build the team in a different way? 假設在我有仔細聆聽與詳讀的前提之下,這些談論大概是這樣:這支隊伍沒有 競爭能力,Iverson失去了吸引觀眾到Wachovia Center看球的力量,為什麼不 把他送到別隊換來一些球員,以不同方式重建七六人? It is a notion that can draw only one response, and it didn't originate with me . It is a colloquialism long favored by a former colleague, and current play-by -play man for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Charley Steiner: 這個想法只能得到一種回應,而且這不是我原創的。這是我前同事,現任洛杉磯 道奇隊播報員Charley Steiner以前所說的一句口語; "What are you, nuts?" 「你是什麼東西阿?白痴﹗」 Trading Iverson would be - how should I put it? - dumb. 那交易Iverson的想法,我該怎麼形容呢?—笨蛋。 Not just dumb. 不只是笨蛋。 New Coke Dumb. 是像新口味可口可樂一樣的笨蛋。 Ted Kennedy Challenging The Incumbent President Of His Own Party Dumb. 是像Ted Kennedy挑戰自黨現任黨主席一樣的笨蛋。 Sanford Arms Dumb. (This refers to the decision of NBC suits in the late 1970s to continue the hit show Sanford and Son, but without Sanford (Redd Foxx) and Son (Demond Wilson). It had everything else - much of the same supporting cast, same plots - just no Sanford. Or Son. It, um, didn't last.) 是像Sanford Arms事件一樣的笨蛋。(1970年代末期,NBC相中當紅節目Sanford and Son,想讓它繼續播出,但是卻少了Sanford <Redd Foxx>和Son <Demond Wilson>的演出。所有陣容都一樣—大部分的演員,同樣的情節— 只是沒有Sanford和Son。這個節目,嗯,沒多久就停播了。) Here's hoping that Billy King, who's Duke-smart, doesn't act on that whim. 在這裡希望,我們聰明的老王,不會對這個想法有所行動。 Forget for a minute that, entering play last night, Iverson was averaging 33.3 points per game, second in the league to Kobe Bryant. Forget that he was first in the league in free-throw attempts (11.3 average) - which has the added bonus of getting opposing players in foul trouble. Forget that he was eighth in the league in assists. Forget that he still keeps opposing coaches up nights trying to figure out a way to slow him down. 先不提Iverson在昨晚比賽前,每場球平均攻下33.3分,在全聯盟僅落後Kobe Bryant, 排名第二。不提他是聯盟中,最會站上罰球線的球員,平均每場11.3次—這項可以讓 對方球員陷入犯規麻煩的優勢。不提他在助攻排行榜排名第八。不提他的能力仍然會 ss讓對方教練每晚持續嘗試著找出阻擋他的方法。 Forget all that. 這些都先不要提。 You never get true value for a superstar. It doesn't matter what sport. 你從來沒搞懂一位超級巨星的價值,不管哪種運動。 Pop quiz: Whom did the Edmonton Oilers get for Wayne Gretzky? And how did they do afterward? 即興問答:艾蒙頓油人隊送走Wayne Gretzk〈*註一〉,換來哪幾位球員? 他們後來做了什麼貢獻? Whom did the Toronto Blue Jays get for Roger Clemens? How'd that work out? 多倫多藍鳥隊把Roger Clemens交易後,有什麼好的結果? Whom did the Milwaukee Bucks get for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? And how many titles did that bring them? 密爾瓦基公鹿隊交易Kareem Abdul-Jabbar得到哪幾位球員?這項交易又讓他們 得到幾次NBA冠軍? For that matter, whom did the Sixers get for Charles Barkley? 關於這點,費城七六人把Charles Barkley交易出去之後,換來哪幾位球員? It was Tim Perry, Jeff Hornacek and Andrew Lang. And the Sixers' record the next season, without Barkley and with all that new depth, was a sparkling 26-56 . Which was followed by sterling marks of 25-57, 24-58 and - wait for it - 18- 64. 他們是Tim Perry、Jeff Hornacek和Andrew Lang,結果七六人隊在那次交易後隔年, 在沒有Barkley並加入新血之後,結果戰績是難以抹滅的26勝56敗、25勝57敗、24勝 58敗,還有18勝64敗。 The last of which was so bad that the Sixers got the first pick in the 1996 draft. Which they used to select... Allen Iverson. 18勝64敗的戰績,足以讓七六人得到1996年狀元籤。他們選擇了…Allen Iverson。 You don't win in the NBA with role players. You win with superstars. Which is where Iverson comes in. With Iverson, you have a chance to win every night. Not some nights. Every night. That doesn't mean you win every night; you need contributions from a number of players. But you start with a chance. 在NBA,你不能只用跑龍套球員就獲得勝利。你靠的是超級巨星。這就是Iverson 存在的原因。有了Iverson在陣中,你每場比賽都有贏球的機會。不是有些比賽, 是每場比賽。這不表示你每場比賽都會贏球,你必須要有其他球員做出貢獻。但 至少你一開始有贏球的機會。 Has everyone around here forgotten what it was like to have no chance to win? To be at the bottom of the NBA food chain? To be unimportant, unlamented, not in the opening rip of highlights on SportsCenter? 難道你們大家都忘了,沒有機會贏球會是怎樣的情況嗎?在NBA食物鏈的最底端。 沒有人感到婉惜,也不會出現在世界體育中心開場的精采好球片段裡。 The Sixers are, indeed, what they are: a defensively challenged team that will likely last one round in the postseason. That is not the championship level of play this town craves, to be sure. But it is a doggone sight better than being in the draft lottery the next three or four years. 七六人現在的確是一支這樣的隊伍:一支面臨防守問題,而可能在季後賽第一輪 就落敗的球隊。他們還達不到這座城市渴望冠軍的層級,無庸置疑。但是現在 荒腔走板的表現也要比淪為接下來三四年的樂透選秀權還好 Next year's draft does not appear to have the kind of impact players who can turn a franchise around, and after that, the young guys who can make a difference - such as Greg Oden, the Ohio high school phenom - will have to do at least a year in college before making themselves eligible for the pros. 明年的選秀不會有可以扭轉整個球團窘境,這樣有影響力的球員。年輕有潛力的 球員—像是俄亥俄高中傑出人物Greg Oden—必須至少在大學待個一年,得以讓他 有能力成為一位職業球員。 And even if there is a team willing to discuss trading its superstar - a pool including, but not limited to, talents such as Paul Pierce and Steve Francis - ask yourself this: How much better would the Sixers be with those guys than with Iverson? They'd still stink on defense, and they'd still be fodder for the Pistons and Heat of the East. 即使有球隊有意願討論隊上超級巨星交易案—包括球隊中心人物,但不限制交易 內容—像是Paul Pierce與Steve Francis這樣具有天份的球員—問問你自己:這些 球員來到七六人,會比Iverson帶來多大的貢獻?七六人可能仍然防守形同虛設, 在東區也不是活塞隊與熱火隊的對手。 Without Iverson, what exactly do the Sixers have to build around? They have Andre Iguodala and maybe Samuel Dalembert. You can't build around Chris Webber. His remaining career will not be measured by the half-decade, but by the year. 沒有了Iverson,七六人要以哪位球員做為重建中心?Andre Iguodala是個人選, 也許是Samuel Dalembert。但是你不能以Chris Webber做為核心人物,他接下來 的職業生涯不是以五年來計算,而是一年一年。 The frustration level is understandable. The Sixers do appear to be stuck in mud, going nowhere fast. But to lay that at Iverson's feet makes no sense. It's the kind of knee-jerk reaction that fans had in Baltimore when Cal Ripken had a couple of .240 seasons, or that they had in Denver when John Elway struggled to lead the Broncos to a championship for a decade. 感到挫折是可以理解的。現在七六人確實深陷泥沼,沒有特別的優勢。但是怪罪 Iverson一點都不合情理。這是一種球迷的直覺反應,像是巴爾的摩金鶯球迷對於 Cal Ripken有幾季打擊率只有二成四感到失望;或是John Elway過了十年,才帶領 丹佛野馬拿下超級杯盃冠軍,感到不耐煩。 Just a few years later, each finished his career where he started, as a hero. And Iverson deserves the same consideration. 幾年過後,他們在職業生涯起點退休,成了當地球迷的英雄。Iverson也應受到 這種肯定。 It remains King's job to find the pieces that make the most sense around Iverson. Whether or not he's doing that is a fair question. To me, it makes no sense to have anything but defensive-oriented players around him. But that's not Iverson's responsibility. 要在Iverson身旁發掘綠葉球員,讓球隊進步,仍是老王的工作。無論他是否會去 想辦法,這的確是個大問題。對我來說,Iverson身旁除了防守型球員以外,任何 作為都不是適當的選擇,但這不是Iverson該負的責任。 And he shouldn't be sent packing because others aren't handling their business. 他也不該被交易,因為其他人沒有做好他們的分內的工作。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 註一:Wayne Gretzky是NHL職業冰球偉大球員,一共保持61項HNL紀錄, 被喻為冰球之神。80年代帶領油人四次在史坦利盃奪冠,之後被 交易至洛杉磯國王隊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/12 21:16, , 1F
02/12 21:16, 1F

02/12 21:17, , 2F
大推文章和翻譯 <(_ _)>
02/12 21:17, 2F

02/12 21:35, , 3F
老王換杜馬斯 就解決了阿
02/12 21:35, 3F

02/12 21:38, , 4F
每次輸球就只想交易...腦殘老王 ==
02/12 21:38, 4F

02/12 21:53, , 5F
02/12 21:53, 5F

02/12 21:55, , 6F
大大推 ~ *^^*
02/12 21:55, 6F

02/12 21:58, , 7F
02/12 21:58, 7F

02/12 22:03, , 8F
02/12 22:03, 8F

02/12 22:19, , 9F
02/12 22:19, 9F

02/12 22:49, , 10F
AI加油>口< 話說61項紀錄保持人還真屌XD
02/12 22:49, 10F

02/12 22:50, , 11F
推啦 挺AI 逐老王 救費城
02/12 22:50, 11F

02/12 22:52, , 12F
推 交易掉不只重建球隊 我看票房也要重建了
02/12 22:52, 12F

02/12 23:10, , 13F
02/12 23:10, 13F

02/12 23:13, , 14F
挺AI 逐老王 救費城
02/12 23:13, 14F

02/12 23:18, , 15F
唉 乾脆百爛一年看能不能拼個狀元像duncan那樣
02/12 23:18, 15F

02/12 23:43, , 16F
duncan那年我們不是第二順位選來Van Horn嗎..落差真大
02/12 23:43, 16F

02/13 00:42, , 17F
挺AI 逐老王 救費城
02/13 00:42, 17F

02/13 00:49, , 18F
DUNCAN這種十年難得一見的奇才 可遇不可求啊
02/13 00:49, 18F

02/13 00:51, , 19F
推好翻譯 還有Van Horn應該是籃網選的吧 = =a
02/13 00:51, 19F

02/13 01:48, , 20F
樓上的 那一年腦殘王把第一輪的榜眼簽那去交易給籃網了但
02/13 01:48, 20F

02/13 01:50, , 21F
但泛紅的確是費城選的 那年費城從籃網那拿到第八順位的T될
02/13 01:50, 21F

02/13 01:53, , 22F
02/13 01:53, 22F

02/13 06:20, , 23F
02/13 06:20, 23F

02/13 07:32, , 24F
02/13 07:32, 24F

02/13 08:44, , 25F
回樓上 這一季比起往年算是差的 有一陣子座位很空
02/13 08:44, 25F

02/13 09:00, , 26F
是像新口味可口可樂一樣的笨蛋。 XD
02/13 09:00, 26F

02/13 12:00, , 27F
02/13 12:00, 27F

02/13 12:13, , 28F
02/13 12:13, 28F
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