新加坡 CQE 顧客品質工程師(vcsel)已刪文

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Customer Quality - VCSEL Staff / Engineer 新加坡顧客質量工程師 (工作內容描述在 最下方) MNC 新加坡大型跨國企業擴大徵-VCSEL 人才- 2019 Q2 Urgent MNC company Q2 Hiiring in Singapore: 新加坡職位五月報到 Customer Quality - VCSEL Staff / Engineer 顧客質量工程師 請有相關經驗的專業人士與我聯繫: 要求: 1,至少兩年以上研究所經驗或者一年以上實際工作經驗 Study or hands-on of Optical VCSEL Product and LED/Diode laser 2,碩士以上學歷 Master / PhD Engineering in Electronic Engineering, Physics or Material Scienc es 3,基本英語溝通能力 Willing to work in international teams 4,良好的工作效率和態度 High self-organizing skills, self-driven, able to succeed in a fast paced envi ronment 5,嚮往合理工時的高效人才 Work-life balance in Austria Multinational Corporation company 簡歷要求: 主旨請寫: [護照中英文姓名_申請職位名稱] 陳可明 Chen Ke-Ming_Product Engineer 只接受"英文"履歷至少2頁 不收取任何費用,不回答跟工作以外的其他問題、其他生活篇歡迎來信跟我索取 PDF 檔 案(二月中會整理好),LinkedIn 私訊或者來信 [面試] 通常是SKYPE Video call/ 或者電話面試 約 30~90 分鐘 多数会有2-3次面試,或者2-3 位考官一同面試 [工作環境跟未來發展] 如果你嚮往國外的工作機會,並且希望到外商公司或者更好的工作環境,請與我聯繫。 [薪水行情]高底薪,加薪快,低稅率(2-5%),好存錢,抬高下個工作底薪 [前景]前進美/歐外資.大陸跳板,享受更靈活的工時 [消費]与台北市/新竹市物價、房租稍高,但是絕對比台灣好存錢 (以我獵頭的薪資比工程師低都能存錢為例) [氣候]新加坡常年溫度25-33度常常午後雷陣雨,雨後體感氣溫很舒爽,到處都是超強冷 氣 [面試通知] 收到簡歷後一個月內 會以媒合最適合工作為推薦標準,沒有收任何費用、只提供求職建議、和薪資預估,錄取 最終取決個人表現 主徵:Customer Quality - VCSEL Staff / Engineer 顧客質量工程師 Job Responsibilities: ‧ Customer Complaint Handling for optical products – focus VCSEL based produ cts ‧ Performs failure analysis on non-conforming material and does 8D-reporting ‧ Responsible for quality and reliability assessment for suspect material ‧ Primary quality and reliability representative to external customers Education/Qualifications/Skills: ‧ Master / PhD Engineering in Electronic Engineering, Physics or Material Sci ences ‧ At least 1year’s experience in Semiconductor Industry (Product- / Process- Reliability and Failure Analysis), experience in VCSEL technology is strongly beneficial ‧ Excellent problem solving and communication skills ‧ Familiar with FMEA's, RMA-processing and 8D-reporting ‧ ISO TS16949 and QS9000 Quality Standards ‧ Willing to work in international teams ‧ High self-organizing skills, self-driven, able to succeed in a fast paced e nvironment ‧ Strong customer interface skills Interested kindly email updated CV to Or Linkedin Msg for the further discussion. MOM Licence No: 00C3011EA Personnel: R1980765 #reliability #linkedin #CQE #VCSEL 歡迎台灣工程師加我的LinkedIn 有12000人左右,你也可以透過我的連結去看看/加入其 他獵頭或者公司 VP的profile 另在新加坡工作的獵頭,必須是政府考試合格並領有執照執業。 公司證照號碼 MOM Licence No: 00C3011,我個人的執業號碼 EA Personnel: R1980765 有任何問題也可以在我的站內信詢問,但因站內信眾多,只挑重點回覆,請恕我直言,以 節省彼此時間。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:
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