[Sim5] Amusement Park

看板Simcity作者 (浩浩)時間11年前 (2013/05/24 22:06), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://tinyurl.com/nvxnrk4 5/28 當是會實裝在 origin 裡面內容物有 Signs - These can be placed by your park entrance to attract more tourists to your park. Main Attractions - These are the rides that tourists really come to your park for (roller coasters, Ferris wheel, go-karts, etc.). Secondary Attractions - These rides are cheaper than the main attractions and have a lower maintenance cost (drop tower, carousel, etc.) Concession Stands - These are the cheapest attractions available. Mini Train Stations - Your guests treat the mini train station much like a secondary attraction. Park Gates - These are additional entrances into your park. Benches - .... ------------------- 是 content set ... -- 偉大的科學家們死後都會進入天堂,無聊的時候他們就玩躲貓貓解悶! 當貓貓的人找到躲的要叫出對方的名字才算找到。 一天,牛頓和愛因斯坦等一起玩,輪到愛因斯坦當鬼。他數到100後開始找,卻發現牛 頓很囂張地站在一塊1m*1m的地磚上。 愛因斯坦當然不會客氣,叫:“牛頓,我找到你了,我贏了!” 可是牛頓說:“不,你沒有贏,我現在不是牛頓,我現在是帕斯卡。” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: taiautumn 來自: (05/24 22:06)

05/24 23:55, , 1F
05/24 23:55, 1F

05/25 14:02, , 2F
05/25 14:02, 2F

05/26 09:42, , 3F
蓋了一直有怪聲音 沒停過
05/26 09:42, 3F

05/29 01:59, , 4F
剛剛上市了 有三種主題樂園
05/29 01:59, 4F
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