[情報] BF3近距離1 Shot Kill狙擊槍可能重返

看板Shooter-game作者 (無能之鍊金術師)時間12年前 (2011/12/10 10:10), 編輯推噓19(19018)
留言37則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
遊戲名稱:BF3(必填,未填者依板規處理) ============================================================================== http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654624783579995/ 這是官方PO出的未來可能更動清單,不過會先給出這份清單是要吸收玩家的意見 所以未來不一定會這樣更動 其中在最前面的,是打算讓手動槍機狙擊步槍如果在近距離擊中上胸腔,可以一擊必殺 這樣做的目的,是讓Recon可以變得比較主動,而不是選擇待在後方 他有提到幾個理由 (1)BFBC2中玩家可以使用magnum ammo,可以增加一擊必殺的距離,BF3中則沒有這問題 此外,一擊必殺並不是一定可以達到的:目標很小,而且中間有可能被對手的手臂擋住 (2)Shotgun的Slug所有的kits都可以使用 在近距離只要射中軀幹,就可以一擊殺死對手 其中,就算是870 MCS也比用手動槍機步槍在近距離還強上許多 (當然,在遠距離時就比不上狙擊槍了) (3)最後,在遊戲中Recon不是大家愛好的kit,尤其在近戰地圖中 不過,有人放了一個影片,擔心這樣的recon會重返: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFMIE4Mg4mg&hd=1
真的很噁心XDD 底下是可能會更動的清單 再次強調這份清單是要讓玩家可以對平衡問題提供回饋,未來並不一定真的會這樣更動 這份清單只著重於平衡問題,一些新的特點或bug修正沒寫在裡面 Slightly increased the AEK971 recoil. 稍微增加AEK971的後座力 Slightly increased the ASVAL recoil. 稍微增加ASVAL的後座力 Added Extended Mags to the ASVAL. ASVAL可以使用擴充彈匣 Slightly increased the recoil on the M249. 稍微增加M249的後座力 Reduced the recoil of the SKS rifle. 減低SKS的後座力 Fixed aimed firing max accuracy on the Pecheneg to be consistent with other LMGs. 修正PKP的遠距離準確度,讓它和其他輕機槍一樣 Slightly reduced the recoil of the F2000 and restored it to the previous base accuracy. 稍微減低F2000的後座力,並回復到之前的準確度 Semiautomatic and automatic shotguns firing FRAG rounds now do slightly less splash damage. 半自動和全自動散彈槍的破片彈爆炸傷害減小 Increased the damage of the G3, M60, and M240 at close range. 增強M240,G3,M60在近距離的傷害 Claymores can now detonate from vehicles and can be used to disable jeeps or kill the passengers in light jeeps. Claymores will not do any damage to heavy vehicles. 闊刀地雷可以被載具引爆,可以癱瘓載具,或是殺死吉普上的乘客 不過對重型載具不會造成任何傷害 Reduced the spot times on C4 and Claymore projectiles from 30 to 15 sec. C4和闊刀地雷被發現的時間從30減到15秒 The Radio Beacon, Mortar, Mav, EOD bot, T-UGS, and SOFLAM should now be much easier to deploy. 上面的這一些東西可以更加容易部設 C4 will no longer be detonatable after a player respawns, if the player is revived within 5 seconds he can still detonate his C4. 玩家重生後不能再引爆之前設置的C4 不過如果玩家在5秒內被救起,他還是可以引爆之前設置的C4 The player may now have a maximum number of mines which will persist after the player's death. Deploying more than the maximum of 6 mines will remove a previous mine from the world. 現在玩家設置的地雷數目會有上限,在地圖中最高只能布設6枚地雷 設置更多地雷會移除之前的地雷,不過玩家死後地雷依然會留著 Claymores now also persist through death, the player can have 2 claymores planted. 闊刀地雷在玩家死後依然會留在地圖上,玩家最多同時可以布設兩枚闊刀地雷 9x39mm rounds no longer benefit from the Sniper headshot bonus. 用9x39彈藥暴頭不會再給玩家Marksman bonus(神射手獎勵) Increased the damage of the 9x39mm rounds. 增加9x39彈藥的傷害 Fixed the AKS74u damage at max range, it was incorrectly higher than other carbines. 修正AKS74u在最遠距離的傷害,他之前不正確的高於其他的卡賓槍 Increased the damage of the .357 and .44 magnum rounds at max range. 增加.357和.44 magnum最大距離的傷害 All semiautomatic and bolt weapons, including all shotgun slugs, now have their maximum damage out to 15m. 所有的半自動和栓式武器,包含散彈槍的slug,最小距離調整到15m Semiautomatic sniper rifles, Assault Rifles, LMGs, and shotgun slugs now have more consistent damage over long range. 半自動狙擊槍,突擊步槍,輕機槍,和散彈槍slug,在遠距離時的傷害會比較貼近 Tweaked IRNV to be more consistent across all levels. 讓IRNV在各種水平高度上的畫面會比較一致 Fixed a rendering issue with IRNV view when taking damage. 修正再使用IRNV時受到傷害的畫面 Tweaked the IRNV zoom times and scope visible areas to be the same across all weapons (some were faster than others). 所有武器的IRNV瞄準時間和可視範圍會調整為一樣(之前有一些會比較快) Fixed the QBU-88 sniper and the L96 IRNV scopes to use the proper aiming reticule. 修正QBU-88和L96 IRNV使用正確的瞄準十字線 The spread for Flechette rounds has been reduced slightly on all shotguns. 所有散彈槍上的鋼矛彈(標彈)的擴散略為減小 The spread for buckshot has been reduced on the M1014, DAO-12, and S12k. 鹿彈(我忘記遊戲中翻成什麼,總之就是最剛開始可以用的那種彈藥)在M1014,DAO-12和 Saiga 12K的擴散減小 These weapons have an accuracy advantage over the USAS12 but are not as accurate as the 870. 上面這些武器在準確度上會比USAS12好,但遜於870 Semiautomatic weapons will no longer "jam" if the player presses fire faster than the weapon is capable of shooting. Some semi automatic weapons have had their rates of fire adjusted to fit this change. 當玩家按下開火的速度高於半自動武器的標準射速時,不會再"卡彈" 部分半自動武器的射速因此做了調整 Slightly reduced the effective blast radius of the RPG, SMAW, and 40mm grenade projectiles against infantry. 稍微減低RPG,SMAW和40mm榴彈對步兵的傷害擴散範圍 Reduced the total number of RPG and SMAW missiles carried from 5 to 4. 減少RPG和SMAW的攜帶數量,從5減到4 Tank rounds will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters. 坦克砲現在可以對噴射機和直升機可以一擊必殺 Fixed a problem when locking on to two nearby targets, the locking should no longer jump rapidly between multiple targets. 當鎖定兩個相鄰目標時,不會在這幾個目標間跳來跳去 Significantly increased the damage of the Javelin and Air to Ground missiles against laser designated targets. 大幅增加標槍飛彈和地對空飛彈使用雷射指定時的傷害 Javelin missiles fired without laser targeting now do more damage to the side and rear of MBTs. 標槍飛彈在沒有使用雷射指定時,對MBT的側邊和後方傷害增加 Slightly reduced the locking time of all weapons vs Laser Designated targets. 當有雷射指定時,所有武器的鎖定時間會略為減少 Increased the locking distance for Jets when locking on laser designated targets. 增加噴射機對於被雷射指定目標的鎖定距離 Slightly reduced the repair speed of the repair tool. 稍微減低修復工具的修復速度 Increased the damage the MBT's primary weapon does to other main battle tanks. 增加MBT主砲對其他MBT的傷害 AA Missiles should no longer kill the pilot instead of the vehicle. 所有的AA飛彈不會再把駕駛員幹掉 Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets. 減少AA飛彈對噴射機的傷害 Stinger and IGLA missiles now do 50% damage to Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters. 刺針和IGLA擊中空中所有載具會對他們造成50%的傷害 Slightly reduced the damage of Jet cannons. 稍微減低噴射機機砲的傷害 Increased RPG and SMAW damage against aircraft. 增加RPG和SMAW對空中載具的傷害 Guided Rockets will now only track ground targets, as originally intended. 坦克的導引火箭只能攻擊地上目標 Reduced the direct damage done by helicopter gunners vs armor. 減低直升機砲手對載具的直接傷害 Helicopter guns should now suppress correctly. 直升機機砲現在可以正確的壓制 Improved the accuracy of the Mi28 gun to match the AH1 gun. 增加Mi28機砲的準確度,讓它可以符合AH-1的機砲 Increased the direct hit damage of the APFSDS rounds for the IFVs. 增加IFV使用APFSDS的直擊傷害 Miniguns and Helicopter Gunners now more quickly destroy parked cars. minigun和直升機的炮手現在可以更快擊毀停泊中的車輛 Increased the power of explosions from cars and other explosive static objects. 增加所有載具,以及地圖上會爆炸的靜態物體(像油罐車)爆炸時的威力 Dying from the explosion of a car or other explosive static object should now correctly credit the player who caused the explosion. 當被上述這些東西的爆炸幹掉時,可以正確的讓引發爆炸的玩家得到分數 Adjusted the F35's Center of Mass and Lift Engine for more stable, level flight. 修正F35的質心和上升引擎,讓它可以進行更穩定的水平飛行 Updated the F35 weapon systems to be consistent with the other air craft. 調整F35的武器系統,讓它和其他飛行載具一致 Changed the Kornets to TOW launchers on Wake Island and moved the spawn position of the AAV to a more level position. 威克島上的Kornet發射器調整為拖式飛彈,並且移動AAV的重生點到比較平坦的位置 Fixed several bugs with air vehicles colliding with objects at high speeds and taking no damage. 修正當飛行載具高速撞擊物體時不會造成傷害的bug Players will no longer receive suicides or team kills if they crash their vehicle (dying is punishment enough). 當玩家撞車,或操作失控墜機時,不會再因此被判定為自殺或小隊集殺 You can now spot with the EODbot. 現在可以用EOD通報敵人 Increased the spawn protection time from 1sec to 2sec. The protection will still be immediately canceled as soon as the player moves or shoots. 將重生保護的時間從1秒提高到2秒,當玩家開始移動或射擊時重生保護就會被取消 Spawn protection will no longer be canceled by the player looking around. 當玩家觀察四周時不會取消重生保護 Slightly increased the speed at which a player can shoot again after sprinting. 稍微增加當玩家奔跑後再次進行射擊的速度 Fixed some situations that would unintentionally make a player unrevivable. 修正部分讓玩家無法被復甦的情形 Reduced the black screen fade in time on spawn. 減少玩家重生時的黑螢幕時間 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: GroundWalker 來自: (12/10 10:13)

12/10 12:27, , 1F
推 另外影片背景音樂 我很愛這首XD
12/10 12:27, 1F

12/10 12:29, , 2F
靠 超扯洨的= =
12/10 12:29, 2F

12/10 13:55, , 3F
12/10 13:55, 3F

12/10 13:55, , 4F

12/10 15:05, , 5F
12/10 15:05, 5F

12/10 15:43, , 6F
12/10 15:43, 6F

12/10 15:45, , 7F
F2000是怎樣= ="改來改去
12/10 15:45, 7F

12/10 15:47, , 8F
12/10 15:47, 8F

12/10 17:05, , 9F
12/10 17:05, 9F

12/10 17:12, , 10F
12/10 17:12, 10F

12/10 17:18, , 11F
我注意到這個玩家這種打法 我認為關鍵是RUSH模式 這個模式
12/10 17:18, 11F

12/10 17:19, , 12F
敵我雙方的行動 都被M-COM牽引住 想法被看透 就會露出破綻
12/10 17:19, 12F

12/10 17:20, , 13F
這個RUSH模式 似乎常被拿來做影片 我認為主要應該是因為這
12/10 17:20, 13F

12/10 17:21, , 14F
個模式的玩家 輸贏不在死活 而是炸掉M-COM 所以硬著頭皮衝
12/10 17:21, 14F

12/10 17:23, , 15F
不然對面不需要練到近戰這麼準 只要埋伏等待就這種打法的
12/10 17:23, 15F

12/10 17:23, , 16F
12/10 17:23, 16F

12/10 17:24, , 17F
12/10 17:24, 17F

12/10 17:37, , 18F
F2000又沒差了 卡肯有新槍 現在AN94又比F2000還低能
12/10 17:37, 18F

12/10 18:18, , 19F
12/10 18:18, 19F

12/10 19:29, , 20F
12/10 19:29, 20F

12/11 03:44, , 21F
12/11 03:44, 21F

12/11 04:08, , 22F
12/11 04:08, 22F

12/11 04:21, , 23F
樓上 卡肯 非PS3要下禮拜2 (12/13)
12/11 04:21, 23F

12/11 04:22, , 24F
12/11 04:22, 24F

12/11 18:15, , 25F
影片未看先猜Sgt.Enigma (關鍵字:扯,超強Recon) XD
12/11 18:15, 25F

12/12 11:14, , 26F
12/12 11:14, 26F

12/12 14:54, , 27F
12/12 14:54, 27F

12/12 14:55, , 28F
12/12 14:55, 28F

12/12 17:11, , 29F
MAV不小台 被撞會死我沒話說 但是它撞不壞我就很肚爛了..
12/12 17:11, 29F

12/12 17:12, , 30F
我被撞死不是被偷撞 而是我想打下他 結果我輸了...
12/12 17:12, 30F

12/12 17:13, , 31F
12/12 17:13, 31F

12/12 17:13, , 32F
12/12 17:13, 32F

12/12 17:15, , 33F
說實話 MAV要撞人很難不被發現 多看小地圖跟蚊子聲就好
12/12 17:15, 33F

12/12 18:12, , 34F
12/12 18:12, 34F

12/26 00:46, , 35F
12/26 00:46, 35F

12/26 00:46, , 36F
12/26 00:46, 36F

12/26 00:47, , 37F
12/26 00:47, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1Euh-e-g (Shooter-game)