[轉錄] 01/27/2018 Daily Horoscope

看板Scorpio作者 (貝)時間6年前 (2018/01/27 06:10), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 4人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
01/27/2018 整體運勢 This is a good time for you to subscribe to some sort of magazine or newsletter that will keep you abreast of current events and developments in a field or hobby that interests you, Scorpio. The operative word of the day is "new." Keep your mind fresh with news that sparks your interest and gives you the inspiration you need to keep striving for the goals you have set for yourself. 現在對你來說是個好時機去訂閱一些雜誌或報紙,讓自己跟時事、某個領域的發展和 你的興趣接軌,天蠍。今天的關鍵字是「新」,用引起你的興趣和給你靈感的新聞讓 自己的心靈保持在良好狀態,並且讓自己對自己設下的目標繼續奮鬥下去。 愛情運勢 Talking is one way that you could finally get the attention of someone who has haunted you with their charm and style for a long while now. The planets are creating the opportunity for you to finally get within chatting distance, and once you do start to converse, you will both be amazed at how you managed to stay out of each other's lives for so long. 現在就去和他說說話吧,這是你終於可以得到他的注意力的一種方法,而那個人用他 的魅力和風度使你魂牽夢縈許久。行星正在為你創造一種機會,你終於可以拉近距離, 和他聊天,一旦你開始談話,你們都會驚訝於你們如何努力地在彼此的生命中缺席這 麼久。 工作運勢 You have an important piece of information that you need to move through the system today. Unfortunately, however, a strong force is blocking your way. It seems that someone is automatically opposing all new ideas. Don't give up hope at this time. 今天你有一個你所需要的重要資訊,使你推動整個工作體系,然而,不幸的是,有一 股強大的力量正在阻礙你,似乎是有個人下意識地反對所有新的想法,這個時候,千 萬不要放棄。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) You may be whirling like a dervish, calling credit card companies, paying off balances, and cutting up old cards. Nice work! This same burst of energy will help you set a new financial course at this time in your life. But your workplace may need some adjusting. It's too early to leave, though. Try to make the best of it. 你可能像個苦行僧一樣感到頭昏眼花,忙著打給信用卡公司、還清欠款、並且剪掉以 前的舊卡。做得好!同樣的能量爆發,將會幫助你在這個時候開啟新的財務規劃。但 是你的工作場所可能需要一些調整,現在離職還太早了,試著做到最好吧。 健康運勢 On the one hand, you see many of your strengths and feel pretty good about yourself. On the other hand, you feel the one nagging thing you haven't been able to quite work out dragging you down. If you continue to compare yourself to others, you will create a real problem for yourself. If you use the positive to confront the negative within yourself, you stand a chance of a real breakthrough. Try to keep yourself centered through some aerobic exercise to keep the fresh blood flowing. 你看見了自己強大的力量,並且覺得自己現在這樣很好,另一方面,你發現有一件讓 你心煩的事,你一直沒辦法克服,進而感到沮喪。如果你繼續拿自己跟別人比較,你 將會給自己帶來真正的問題。如果你用正命積極的態度來面對內在那個負面的自己, 你就有希望做出真正的突破。透過有氧運動來讓自己有信心,並且保持血液循環順暢。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1517004659.A.E82.html

01/27 06:34, 6年前 , 1F
01/27 06:34, 1F

01/27 06:34, 6年前 , 2F
01/27 06:34, 2F

01/27 11:40, 6年前 , 3F
01/27 11:40, 3F

01/27 17:33, 6年前 , 4F
01/27 17:33, 4F

01/27 22:18, 6年前 , 5F
01/27 22:18, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1QQwTpw2 (Scorpio)