[轉錄] 01/02/2018 Daily Horoscope

看板Scorpio作者 (貝)時間6年前 (2018/01/02 16:52), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
01/02/2018 整體運勢 You really don't need to prove anything to anyone, Scorpio. You may be feeling under a bit of pressure to get a lot of work done. But some projects, especially those that require creativity, simply can't be rushed. You will find that if you take your time and allow your muse to work its magic, you will produce something of real merit in the end. If, however, you try to rush, your time will likely be spent in vain. 你真的不需要證明任何事情給任何人看,天蠍。要完成很多工作事項的時候,你可能 會覺得有點壓力。但是有些專案,尤其是那些需要創意的,完全急不得。如果你慢慢 來,讓你的靈感自由發揮它的神奇之處,最終你會發現你完成了相當有價值的事情。 然而,如果你試著倉促地去做,你的時間很可能就會被浪費掉了。 愛情運勢 The planetary energy may cause you to wonder about the whole notion of love and love affairs. Sometimes it seems easier to just play out the whole relationship in your mind than to have to actually live through the reality of it all. But don't allow today's events to jaundice your view permanently. Things will improve shortly, and you will wonder why you ever doubted a loved one in the first place. 今天行星的能量可能會讓你好奇整個關於愛與情感關係的概念,有時候,在心裡結束 一段情感關係似乎比活在現實世界中還要輕鬆簡單,但是不要讓今天的事件讓你從此 產生偏見,事情很快就會出現轉機的,而你將會好奇為什麼一開始你曾經質疑過你愛 的人。 工作運勢 Someone has a rather over-inflated idea of themselves and unfortunately, this is blocking the way for new ideas to come through within your workplace. You are caught in a difficult position since you can't move forward until this issue is resolved. 某人有個關於自己的相當誇張的想法,不幸的是這將會阻擋新的想法來到你的工作場 合,除非這件事被解決掉,否則你會被困住,無法往前邁進。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) Looking at your house of significant relationships, all is well on that front, but it wouldn't hurt to go over shared finances to make sure you're both on the same page with saving and debt repayments. Meanwhile, your communication sector is begging the question, how can you use your communication skills to bring in more money? Writing, in particular, is lucrative. 看看你與一段意義重大的情感關係所共築的家,一切看起來都很好,但是無傷大雅的 是查看共有的財務狀況,以確保你們關於存錢和債務的還款有達成共識。同時,你掌 管溝通的部位正在懇求問題,你可以如何運用溝通技巧來賺更多錢呢?尤其是寫作, 會讓你賺大錢的。 健康運勢 If you followed yesterday's advice, you will perhaps feel the benefit of maintaining your personal energy within yourself - not giving it out to other people or situations. Building further on this, try staying focused on your breath today. Exercise, and eat your meals slowly and deliberately so that your breath remains the priority in all that you do. The rhythm of your breathing is the guiding pulse to maintaining positive energy. Doing what's right for yourself is not always easy. Stay focused. 如果你聽從昨天的建議,你將會感受到把能量儲存在自己體內的好處,而不是把能量 給了別人或情境。除此之外,今天試著專注於呼吸,運動、慢慢吃、謹慎地吃,這樣 一來,你的呼吸就會是首要之務,你呼吸的節奏就是協助領導維持正面能量的節奏。 作對自己有利的事情不是總是那麼輕鬆簡單的,集中注意力吧。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1514883131.A.B94.html

01/02 17:27, 6年前 , 1F
01/02 17:27, 1F

01/02 18:42, 6年前 , 2F
01/02 18:42, 2F

01/02 18:49, 6年前 , 3F
的確在心裡結束一段關係 但一點都不輕鬆簡單
01/02 18:49, 3F

01/02 20:41, 6年前 , 4F
真的 想結束了
01/02 20:41, 4F

01/02 22:35, 6年前 , 5F
01/02 22:35, 5F

01/02 23:30, 6年前 , 6F
01/02 23:30, 6F

01/03 02:43, 6年前 , 7F
01/03 02:43, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1QIqWxkK (Scorpio)