[轉錄] 12/20/2017 Daily Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間6年前 (2017/12/20 08:29), 編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
12/20/2017 整體運勢 The day may barely get started unless you center yourself and ground your powerful emotions. Your usual detachment may help you deal with issues on a cerebral level, but today you need to be more emotionally receptive. Do what you can to bring more stability to your life. Take an aggressive stance toward completing any practical matters that are clamoring to get done. 除非你集中精神,並且把自己奠基於強而有力的情緒,否則這一天不會開始。你一貫 的公正無私可能會有助於理智地處理事情,但是今天你在情緒上必須更加樂於接納。 盡你所能地讓自己的生活穩定下來,採取積極進取的態度去完成任何早就該做好的實 際作為。 愛情運勢 Although you are a naturally sunny person, even you could find today trying. The planetary energy will not encourage others to reach out, or to radiate joy and optimism. You may find your partner (current or perspective) and close friends just can't seem to explain how they feel, and have little energy to try to do so anyway. Don't let this get you down as well - soon the sun will be out again! 雖然你天生就是樂觀開朗的人,今天你還是會覺得不好受。星象的能量不會鼓勵別人 伸出援手,也不會散播歡樂與樂觀的思想。你可能會發現你的伴侶(不管是現在的或 未來的)跟親密的友人似乎就是沒辦法解釋他們的感受,也沒辦法去試著解釋。不要 讓這股能量也讓你感到沮喪,太陽很快就會出來的! 工作運勢 Your patience has paid off and finally you are reaping the rewards of the hard work you have been doing. Don't stop now! Today is a good day to plant the seeds for future success, but don't forget to stop and reward yourself for how far you've come. 你的耐心有所回報了,過去不斷地努力工作,現在你終於得到獎勵了。不要停下來! 今天是個適合為未來的成功播種的日子,但是不要忘記暫停一下,為了自己已經走得 這麼遠而犒賞自己。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) It's a tense week for you. Consider learning something new by attending a formal course of education or using travel as a form of schooling. Putting some thought into what you're curious about allows your mind to move in a decidedly positive direction. It's important to see how you're rooted. Putting your trust in staid financial institutions isn't necessarily a bad thing. 對你來說,這是緊張的一週。仔細考慮去上一門正式課程來學習新事物,或是用旅行 當做學習的一種形式。想想你所好奇的事物,這會讓你的心邁向明確而積極的方向。 看看自己如何立足是很重要的。信任嚴肅的財務機構不盡然是壞事。 健康運勢 Powers of common sense triumph when you facilitate the release of your energies through exercise. All those surface emotions that occur when one is surprised, angered or confused need a regulat outlet. Find the spot where your stress level appears in your body and manage it naturally. If you suffer from migraines, you can use a wonderful herb called feverfew and brew a tea from it. If you have low tolerance for stress, increase the iron in your bolood by consuming lentils. 當你藉由運動,促進自己釋放能量,那麼常識的力量便因此而取得了勝利。當一個人 被嚇到、激怒或是困惑的時候就會產生那些表面的情緒,此時他便需要控制自己宣洩 的方式。找出那個出現在你身體裡的壓力層級,然後自然地處理掉它。如果你正苦於 偏頭痛,你可以用一種美妙的藥草叫做小白菊,加入茶葉裡煮來喝。如果你不太能忍 受壓力,吃扁豆可以增加血液裡的鐵質。 -- 相遇要在對的時間,重逢也是。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1513729790.A.BB5.html

12/20 08:37, , 1F
12/20 08:37, 1F

12/20 09:22, , 2F
12/20 09:22, 2F

12/20 12:54, , 3F
12/20 12:54, 3F

12/20 15:27, , 4F
工作推 今天得到很多人的幫助 proposal 也很順利
12/20 15:27, 4F

12/20 22:26, , 5F
12/20 22:26, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1QEQx-kr (Scorpio)