[轉錄] 12/11 ~ 12/17/2017 Weekly Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間6年前 (2017/12/11 23:53), 6年前編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
12/11 ~ 12/17/2017 整體運勢 The focus on your personal financial zone continues. The sun here combines with chatty retrograde Mercury and encourages you to take stock of your situation and see what you can do to improve it. Mercury continues to spin backward until December 22, so go easy when purchasing big-ticket items. If you have no option but to buy them, keep receipts and paperwork. The good news is that with upbeat Jupiter continuing in your sign, some spectacular opportunities could come your way. 本週繼續關注你的財務議題,這次太陽結合了愛聊天的水星逆行,鼓勵你清點自己的 狀況,然後看看能怎麼改善。水星繼續逆行到22日,別把心思花費在購買大型物品, 如果你不得不買的話,把收據和書面資料保存好。好消息是樂觀的木星持續在你的星 座,有一些絕佳的機會即將來臨。 愛情運勢—單身 You've got it bad, huh?! Things are starting to heat up between you and someone you've been flirting with, but your feelings of jealousy could also be on the rise. Play it cool until you can officially call him or her "yours." Your relaxed nature may catch some people off guard over the weekend, but you're dedicated to going with the flow. Casual dating isn't usually your style, but you're just enjoying yourself. 蛤!?你在熱戀中嗎?你和打情罵俏的對象的感情正在升溫,但是你的嫉妒心也在作 祟,冷靜下來,直到你可以正式宣稱他或她是「你的」。週末的時候,你那悠閒隨意 的天性可能會讓某些人卸下心防,但是你很想順其自然。隨性的約會不是你的作風, 但是你會好好享受的。 愛情運勢—有伴 Try not to take such a hard-line stance on relationship issues in the first part of the week. It doesn't always have to be your way or the highway. You're a natural leader, but you feel like following your partner's lead at the end of the week. They might be surprised by your open-mindedness at first, but the result is sure to be beneficial for both of you at some point. 本週一開始,試著不要用強硬的姿態來討論情感議題,這往往不是你會選的方法或捷 徑。你是天生的領導人,但是本週快結束的時候,你會想要跟隨伴侶的腳步。一開始, 他們可能會很訝異你的心胸是如此寬闊,不過結果肯定對你們在某種程度來說有所幫 助。 工作運勢 This is a powerful week for making slow and steady progress. Your reliability and practical advice make you an important part of any ambitious team effort. The energy also supports entrepreneurial efforts, especially if you're looking for new clients or partners. Financial details and completing necessary paperwork should take top priority midweek. Midweek to Friday is especially lucky for applying for work, signing contracts, or setting specific goals. Personal interviews are best because competence and charm. 本週對於處理緩慢且穩定的程序相當有利,你的建議值得依靠也很實際,這會讓你成 為有企圖心的團隊中的重要人士。行星的能量也支持你創業,尤其是如果你在尋找新 客戶或新夥伴。本週三、四,財務細節和完成必要的書面資料是首要之務。週三到週 五特別幸運,你可以應徵工作、簽合約、或是設定一些特定的目標。個人面試會是最 有利於你的,因為你有能力又迷人~ 金錢運勢 You may find that your communication skills need some work this week. While you feel your points are clear, others may need clarification. Don't take it personally. They (or you) may be acting out of subconscious rather than actual needs. As aspects transform the area governing past lives, dreams, and karmic situations, it's always best to err on the side of politeness, particularly where money is concerned. 本週你可能會發現自己的溝通技巧有待改進,當你覺得自己的觀點已經很明確了,別 人可能需要進一步的說明。不要為此而針對別人,他們(或是你)或許只是一時不察, 因而沒有注意到真正的問題點。星象改變了掌管前世、夢想和業力的領域,關於禮貌, 尤其是錢財相關事務,總是寧可過於謹慎,也不要冒險。 健康運勢 You're in a daredevil mood and ready for anything. Due to the power of the newest planetary transits, you may find that certain emotions rise to the surface and encourage you to take action and more risks than usual. Don't do anything dangerous, especially if you're angry or overreacting to events. Be especially careful on Friday. You may suffer a minor accident if you aren't careful. 你正處於鋌而走險的心境,並且準備好迎接任何事。由於最近的星象的力量,你可能 會發現某種情緒浮上心頭,鼓勵你比平時還要多加行動、勇於冒險。不要做任何危險 的事,尤其是你在生氣或是對某些事過度反應的時候。週五要多加注意,如果你不小 心的話,可能會發生小小的意外。 ---------------------------------------------- 點播 Jason Mraz - I'm Yours 祝大家都能找到屬於自己的那個人 ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mCCMhuKEYw
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1513007620.A.1C7.html ※ 編輯: kl25082 (, 12/11/2017 23:54:42

12/12 00:40, , 1F
12/12 00:40, 1F

12/12 00:51, , 2F
推點播 我的愛歌之一
12/12 00:51, 2F

12/12 12:32, , 3F
12/12 12:32, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1QBge477 (Scorpio)