[轉錄] 11/18/2017 Daily Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間6年前 (2017/11/18 05:17), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
11/18/2017 整體運勢 If you aren't romantically involved, expect that status to change today. You could meet more than one attractive person! A new person could come into your life or an old friend could suddenly seem more appealing than you thought. If you're involved, expect the energy around your partner to change. He or she could seem happier, funnier, stronger, so much so that you fall in love all over again. 如果你今天不覺得浪漫,那就準備好改變吧。你可以遇到一個以上吸引你的人!一個 新的人將進入你的生命,或是有個老朋友會突然好像比你想像的還要有魅力。如果你 感到浪漫,準備好接受你的伴侶即將改變。他或她似乎會更開心、更有趣、更堅強等 等,你會覺得再次愛上對方了。 愛情運勢 Take a long hard look at your most personal relationships, and own up to your motives for setting each of them in motion. If, in your heart of hearts you know that you have not been true to your deeper self, then it is time for some real thought. You either redress the balance or make a decision to end the partnership. 仔細審視你最私密的情感關係,並且坦承你的目的是讓彼此開始運作。如果在你內心 深處,你知道你不是真正面對自己,那麼現在是時候面對真實的想法了。要嘛重新平 衡彼此,要嘛決定結束這段情感關係。 工作運勢 Exercise your creative talent in a way that has nothing to do with your work. Take some time to free your creative abilities through a drawing, painting, or song. Doing so will help you be more effective and it allows you to develop more creative ideas and solutions. 與工作無關,用你的方式發揮你的創意才能,花一些時間透過畫畫、油漆或是唱歌來 解放你的創意,這樣做會幫助你更有效率,而且也讓你發展出更有創意的點子和解決 方法。 金錢運勢(這部分的日運跟週運一樣,所以直接複製貼上囉) Your relationship sector makes it clearer than ever before the importance of positive unions with bosses, higher-ups, mentors, and clients. Never take these for granted or assume they'll work themselves out. Be very proactive about forming, maintaining, and advancing those that are most useful for your working and money lives. The focus is on bettering your education, traveling, and learning about foreign cultures and languages. All can advance your cause. 你的情感關係會更加明確地告訴你跟老闆、上司、導師和客戶合作良好的重要性,千 萬不要把這視為理所當然,或是假設事情會自動完成,要很積極主動的組織、維持和 提升那些對你個工作和金錢有利的事務。重點在於改善你的教育、旅行和學習外國文 化及語言,這些全都可以讓你的目標往前推進。 健康運勢 There are times when you, who are typically emotional and internalized, can be outgoing and glamorous, and with today's planetary alignment, you have the opportunity to shine! You may experience a day or two of feeling you want to entertain and share your bubbly mood with those you love. Why not spread good cheer with a bountiful feast made from organic produce that is grown locally? Prepare a meal with the intention to spread this feeling of well being throughout your intimate community. 你一向是容易動情且內向的人,不過有些時候,你可以外向、有魅力,而今天的星象 讓你有機會閃耀動人。你可能會體驗到一或兩天你想要娛樂你愛的人們,或是跟他們 分享你的粉紅色夢幻泡泡情緒。何不用當地生產的有機食品做一頓豐盛的大餐來散播 又好又鼓勵人心的情緒呢?帶著想要散播快樂的心,準備一頓飯給你的親密友人們。 今天是天蠍座新月,大家記得許願喔! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1510953423.A.B50.html

11/18 05:50, , 1F
11/18 05:50, 1F

11/18 21:04, , 2F
11/18 21:04, 2F

11/18 22:03, , 3F
11/18 22:03, 3F

11/18 22:43, , 4F
11/18 22:43, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1Q3r7FjG (Scorpio)