[情報] 13th September2016Daily&Love Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間8年前 (2016/09/13 05:57), 編輯推噓2(201)
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本文於電腦版PTT上大概可利用PageDown配合排版進行閱讀,手機版可利用整頁模式 Date: 13th September 2016 , Tue Daily Horoscope Some unexpected changes that have been kept under wraps at the workplace could come out soon. They may involve reorganization or a change of ownership. This is going profoundly affect your attitude toward your job. It could cause you to consider making a change of your own. This isn't the time to make a decision. Take a few days to consider your options before making up your mind. 一些在工作場所中保密已久但又意想不到的變化可能會顯露出來。 這可能會涉及整頓或者所有權的變更。 是這會深深影響到你的工作態度。 這可能使你考慮改變你自己。 不過此刻並不是作出決定的時機。 在下定決心之前用幾天時間考慮一下你面前的選項吧。 ========================= Love Horoscope You may have to resort to some in-depth conversation today to capture the one whom you secretly adore. They have some very interesting beliefs that they would like to share with another. But you would need to convince them that you too are passionately interested in the same thing. Whatever the situation, talking it through will cover a multitude of sins. 今天你可能要採取一些深入交流的方式來捕獲那位你暗中傾慕的人。 他們有一些有趣的信念希望與其他人分享。 但你可能需要說服他們你對那件事同樣是有著強烈的興趣的。 不論情況如何,討論這些事將會掩蓋了很多實情。 ========================== 人際關係果然很麻煩啊... -- 自從一見桃花後 直到如今更不疑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1473717451.A.F62.html

09/13 05:58, , 1F
09/13 05:58, 1F

09/13 09:05, , 2F
09/13 09:05, 2F

09/13 13:53, , 3F
09/13 13:53, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1NroJBzY (Scorpio)