[情報] 24th June 2016 Daily & Love Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間8年前 (2016/06/24 11:00), 8年前編輯推噓9(900)
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本文於電腦版PTT上大概可利用PageDown配合排版進行閱讀,手機版可利用整頁模式 Date: 24th June 2016 , Fri Daily Horoscope You should find that the general mood of the day is favorable to your personality style, Scorpio. Take this opportunity to present more of your thoughts and ideas to the world. Let your voice be heard. Use it with strength and vigor. You have partners and friends who are eager to hear what's on your mind. Engage in verbal sparring. You'll find that you can learn a great deal about yourself and others. 你應該發現這一天的心情大致上符合你的個人風格,蠍子。 把握這個機會去將你的心情和想法帶給全世界吧。 讓你的聲音被聽見,以你的力量和魄力來使用它。 你有著渴望知道你在想甚麼的夥伴和朋友。 參與口頭上的爭論吧。 你會發現你可以了解很多關於你和其他人的事情。 ========================= Love Horoscope Today's astral configuration may help you to formulate a workable plan for the future, rather than finding yourself totally mesmerized by the thought of what is to come. If you are right at the start of a very promising relationship, then you will need to think carefully about where you want it to go. This in turn means an in-depth discussion with the one you love. 今天的星界的配置會幫你制訂一個可行的未來規則, 而不是覺得你自己完全被預感迷惑了。 如果你正在一段非常有前景的關係的開始的話, 那麼你會需要去仔細考慮一下你想走到哪個地步。 反過來這代表著一次與你所愛的人一次深入的討論。 ========================== 昨晚飛機延誤結果回到家就快3時了 結果還不小心睡著了,還好等下沒遲到... -- 窮途末路非末路 自作聰明亦聰明 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1466737230.A.CBA.html ※ 編輯: cloki (, 06/24/2016 11:00:43

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06/24 11:05, 1F

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06/24 12:21, 4F

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06/24 13:00, 5F

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06/24 16:17, 6F

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06/24 18:21, 7F

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06/24 19:34, 8F

06/24 21:57, , 9F
06/24 21:57, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1NRA9Eow (Scorpio)